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Bose and Clatworthy (1955) showed that the parameters of a two-class balanced incomplete block design with λ1=1,λ2=0 and satisfying r <k can be expressed in terms of just three parameters r,k,t. Later Bose (1963) showed that such a design is a partial geometry (r,k,t). Bose, Shrikhande and Singhi (1976) have defined partial geometric designs (r,k,t,c), which reduce to partial geometries when c=0. In this note we prove that any two class partially balanced (PBIB) design with r <k, is a partial geometric design for suitably chosen r,k,t,c and express the parameters of the PBIB design in terms of r,k,t,c and λ2. We also show that such PBIB designs belong to the class of special partially balanced designs (SPBIB) studied by Bridges and Shrikhande (1974).  相似文献   

Let q = mt + 1 be a prime power, and let v(m, t) be the (m + 1)-vector (b1, b2, …, bm + 1) of elements of GF(q) such that for each k, 1 ⩽ km + 1, the set {bibj:i∈{1,2,…m+1} − {m + 2 − k}, ji + k(mod m + 2) and 1⩽jm+1} forms a system of representatives for the cyclotomic classes of index m in GF(q). In this paper, we investigate the existence of such vectors. An upper bound on t for the existence of a v(m, t) is given for each fixed m unless both m and t are even, in which case there is no such a vector. Some special cases are also considered.  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions are derived for the determination of E-optimal designs in the class D(v,b1,b2,k1,k2) of incomplete block designs for v treatments in b1 blocks of size k1 each and b2 blocks of size k2 each. Some constructions for E-optimal designs that satisfy the sufficient conditions obtained here are given. In particular, it is shown that E-optimal designs in D(v,b1,b2,k1,k2) can be constructed by augmenting b2 blocks, with k2k1 extra plots each, of a BIBD(v,b = b1 + b2,k1,λ) and GDD(v,b = b1 + b2,k1,λ1,λ2). It is also shown that equireplicate E-optimal designs in D(v,b1,b2,k1,k2) can be constructed by combining disjoint blocks of BIBD(v,b,k1,λ) and GDD(v,b,k1,λ1,λ2) into larger blocks. As applications of the construction techniques, several infinite series of E-optimal designs with small block sizes differing by at most two are given. Lower bounds for the A-efficiency are derived and it is found that A-efficiency exceeds 99% for v ⩾ 10, and at least 97.5% for 5 ⩽v < 10.  相似文献   

The set of distinct blocks of a block design is known as its support. We construct complete designs with parameters v(?7), k=3, λ=v ? 2 which contain a block of maximal multiplicity and with support size b1 = (v3) ? 4(v ? 2). Any complete design which contains such a block, and has parameters v, k, λ as above, must be supported on at most (v3) ? 4(v ? 2) blocks. Attention is given to complete designs because of their direct relationship to simple random sampling.  相似文献   

Given any affine design with parameters v, b, r, k, λ and μ = k2/v and any design with parameters v′, b′, r′, k′, λ′ where r′ = tr for some natural number `t and k′?r, we construct a group divisible design with parameters v′' = vv′, m = v′, n = v, b′' = vb′, k′' = kk′, r′'= kr′, λ1 = tkλ and λ2 = μλ′. This is applied to some series of designs. As a lemma, we also show that any 0-1-matrix with row sums tr and column sums ?r may be written as the sum of r 0-1-matrices with row sums t and column sums ?1.  相似文献   

Let R be a family of k-element blocks of a v-element set V such that any two elements of V are contained in λ blocks of R and R=R1∪…∪Rv?1, RiRj=? (ij) and ?{BiRji=1,…,v?k}=V (Bi a block in Rj), i.e. R is a resolvable block design RB(v, k, λ). In this paper it will be shown that a sufficient condition for the existence of an RB(v, 8, 7) is that v≡0 (mod 8) and v is nondivisible by 3, 5, 7.  相似文献   

A nest with parameters (r,k,λ)→(r′,k′,λ′) is a BIBD on (b,v,r,k,λ) where each block has a distinguished sublock of cardinality k, the sublocks forming a (b,v,r,k,λ)-design.These designs are ‘nested’ in the sense of W.T. Federer (1972), who recommended the use of these designs for the sequential addition of periods in marketing experiments in order to retain Youden design properties as rows are added. Note that for a Youden design, the b columns and v treatments are in an SBIBD arrangement with parameters v=b, k=r, and λ.  相似文献   

Detailed necessary and sufficient conditions for a k-subset of AG(d, 3) to generate the block set of a block-transitive t-design with automorphism group AGL(d, 3) are derived for t = 3, 4, 5. Similar necessary conditions are found for the existence of a block-transitive design with automorphism group AGL(d, p) when p is an arbitrary odd prime. A search was carried out to find feasible parameter sets satisfying the implied divisibility conditions. The only ‘small’ feasible parameter sets found with k or vk not exceeding 1000 were for t = 4 and (d, p) = (7, 3), (8, 3), and (3, 7). Examples of block-transitive 4-designs admitting AGL(7, 3) are found for each of the values k = 115, 116, 230, 437, and 552.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study some necessary conditions on the parameters of nontrivial regular (υ, κ, λ, μ)-partial difference sets in abelian groups. In particular, we settle some undecided cases in Ma's table [Designs, Codes Cryptography, 4 (1994)]. Also, the case when λ ⩽ 1 is studied. Nonexistence results are obtained when λ = 0 and a complete characterization is given when λ = 1. Finally, parameters of partial difference sets with an odd μ are determined.  相似文献   

Complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = sp, where g is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer have been constructed by Hedayat, Raghavarao, and Seiden (1975). Federer (1977) has constructed complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 4t, where t is a positive integer. We give a general procedure for constructing orthogonal F-squares of order n from an orthogonal array (n, k, s, 2) and an OL(s, t) set, where n is not necessarily a prime or prime power. In particular, we show how to construct sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 2sp, where s is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer. These sets are shown to be near complete and approach complete sets as s and/or p become large. We have also shown how to construct orthogonal arrays by these methods. In addition, the best upper bound on the number t of orthogonal F(n, λ1), F(n, λ2), …, F(n, λ1) squares is given.  相似文献   

The efficient design of experiments for comparing a control with v new treatments when the data are dependent is investigated. We concentrate on generalized least-squares estimation for a known covariance structure. We consider block sizes k equal to 3 or 4 and approximate designs. This method may lead to exact optimal designs for some v, b, k, but usually will only indicate the structure of an efficient design for any particular v, b, k, and yield an efficiency bound, usually unattainable. The bound and the structure can then be used to investigate efficient finite designs.  相似文献   

Given realizations of two possion processes with unknown intensities A(·) and F(·) observed over the interval (t1,t2), we suppose that it is desired to distinution between H0 Ξ(·)/λ(·) is constant on (t1,t2) versus H+:Ξ(·)/λ(·) increases on (t1,t2). We propose a decision rule which uses the percentage points of the Mann-Whitney U-distribution. We show that the decision rule is unbiased and that the set of alternatives in H+ can be weakly ordered, specifically: if Ξ(·)/λ(·), β(·)/λ(·) and Ξ(·)/β(·) are increasing on (t1, t2) then P{H0 is rejected |Ξ(·)}≧P{H0 is rejected|B(·)}≧P{H0 is rejected|H0}.  相似文献   

Consider an infinite sequence of independent random variables having common continuous c.d.f. F. For 1 ⩽ in, let Xi:n denote the ith order statistic of the first n random variables, and let {X(n), n ⩾ 1} be the sequence of upper record values. We examine the similarities and differences between the dependence structures of the Xi:n's and the X(n)'s, with an emphasis on the latter. We present an interesting situation involving a characterization of F using the moment sequence of records. We obtain characterizations based on the properties of certain regression functions associated with order statistics, record values, and the original observations. We discuss the resemblance between some known and some new characterizations based on order statistics, record values and those based on the properties of truncated F.  相似文献   

Covering arrays with mixed alphabet sizes, or mixed covering arrays, are useful generalizations of covering arrays that are motivated by software and network testing. Suppose that there are k factors, and that the ith factor takes values or levels from a set Gi of size gi. A run is an assignment of an admissible level to each factor. A mixed covering array, MCA(N;t,k,g1g2gk), is a collection of N runs such that for any t distinct factors, i1,i2,…,it, every t-tuple from Gi1×Gi2×?×Git occurs in factors i1,i2,…,it in at least one of the N runs. When g=g1=g2=?=gk, an MCA(N;t,k,g1g2gk) is a CA(N;t,k,g). The mixed covering array number, denoted by MCAN(t,k,g1g2gk), is the minimum N for which an MCA(N;t,k,g1g2gk) exists. In this paper, we focus on the constructions of mixed covering arrays of strength three. The numbers MCAN(3,k,g1g2gk) are determined for all cases with k∈{3,4} and for most cases with k∈{5,6}.  相似文献   

The problem of constructing A-optimal weighing and first order fractional factorial designs for n ≡ 3 mod 4 observations is considered. The non-existence of the weighing design matrices for n = 15 observations and k = 13, 14 factors, for which the corresponding information matrices have inverses with minimum trace, is proved. These designs are the first non-saturated cases (k < n) in which the unattainability of Sathe and Shenoy's (1989) lower bound on A-optimality is shown. Using an algorithm proposed in Farmakis (1991) we construct 15 × k (+1, −1)-matrices for k = 13, 14 and we prove their A-optimality using the improved (higher) lower bounds on A-optimality established by Chadjiconstantinidis and Kounias (1994). Also the A-optimal designs for n = 15, k ⩽ 12 are given.  相似文献   

The concept of the (k, n, L)-set (or threshold set) of a finite set A is presented in this paper, based on the requirement of solving cryptology problems. It is proved that for a (k′, n′)-threshold scheme of any special or given k′, n′, the general (k, n)-threshold scheme is constructed by the (k, n, L)-set (or threshold set) of set A. A k, n, L)-set (or threshold set) of set A is constructed from an uniform (k, n)-set for L = |A| or a nonuniform (k, n)-set for L = |A| - 1.  相似文献   

We prove that there exists a pair of orthogonal diagonal Latin squares of order v with missing subsquares of side n(ODLS(v, n)) if and only if v ⩾ 3n + 2 and vn even, in the cases n ⩽ 6.  相似文献   

We investigate multipliers of 2 - {v; q2, q2; λ} supplementary difference sets where cyclotomy has been used to construct D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

Let D(υ, k, λ) be a symmetric design containing a symmetric design D1(υ1, k1, λ1) (k1 < k) and let x = υ1(k ? k1)/(υ ? υ1). We show that k ≥(k1 ? x)2 + λ If equality holds, D1 is called a tight subdesign of D. In the special case, λ1 = λ, the inequality reduces to that of R.C. Bose and S.S. Shrikhande and tight subdesigns then correspond to their notion of Baer subdesigns. The possibilities for (7upsi;, k, λ) designs having Baer subdesigns are investigated.  相似文献   

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