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Panchapakesan's procedure is considered for the problem of selectinga subset containing the most probable multinomial event. We use the type-2 Dirichlet integral to express the probability of a correct selection and propose a much simpler proof for the worst configuration. We also show that the supremum of the expected subset size occurs at the equal configuration. 相似文献
In this article we study the effect of truncation on the performance of an open vector-at-a-time sequential sampling procedure (P* B) proposed by Bechhofer, Kiefer and Sobel , for selecting the multinomial event which has the largest probability. The performance of the truncated version (P* B T) is compared to that of the original basic procedure (P* B). The performance characteristics studied include the probability of a correct selection, the expected number of vector-observations (n) to terminate sampling, and the variance of n. Both procedures guarantee the specified probability of a correct selection. Exact results and Monte Carlo sampling results are obtained. It is shown that P* B Tis far superior to P* B in terms of E{n} and Var{n}, particularly when the event probabilities are equal.The performance of P* B T is also compared to that of a closed vector-at-a-time sequential sampling procedure proposed for the same problem by Ramey and Alam; this procedure has here to fore been claimed to be the best one for this problem. It is shown that p* B T is superior to the Ramey-Alam procedure for most of the specifications of practical interest. 相似文献
Pinyuen Chen 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(3):969-994
A class of closed inverse sampling procedures R(n,m) for selecting the multinomial cell with the largest probability is considered; here n is the maximum sample size that an experimenter can take and m is the maximum frequency that a multinomial cell can have. The proposed procedures R(n,m) achieve the same probability of a correct selection as do the corresponding fixed sample size procedures and the curtailed sequential procedures when m is at least n/2. A monotonicity property on the probability of a correct selection is proved and it is used to find the least favorable configurations and to tabulate the necessary probabilities of a correct selection and corresponding expected sample sizes 相似文献
In biomedical studies where the event of interest is recurrent (e.g., hospitalization), it is often the case that the recurrent event sequence is subject to being stopped by a terminating event (e.g., death). In comparing treatment options, the marginal recurrent event mean is frequently of interest. One major complication in the recurrent/terminal event setting is that censoring times are not known for subjects observed to die, which renders standard risk set based methods of estimation inapplicable. We propose two semiparametric methods for estimating the difference or ratio of treatment-specific marginal mean numbers of events. The first method involves imputing unobserved censoring times, while the second methods uses inverse probability of censoring weighting. In each case, imbalances in the treatment-specific covariate distributions are adjusted out through inverse probability of treatment weighting. After the imputation and/or weighting, the treatment-specific means (then their difference or ratio) are estimated nonparametrically. Large-sample properties are derived for each of the proposed estimators, with finite sample properties assessed through simulation. The proposed methods are applied to kidney transplant data. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(1-3):197-209
In this paper we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution. Both the method of moments and probability-weighted moments do not guarantee that their respective estimates will be consistent with the observed data. We present simple programs to predict the probability of obtaining such nonfeasible estimates. Our estimation techniques are based on results from intensive simulations and the successful modelling of the lower tail of the distribution of the upper bound of the support. More simulations are performed to validate the new procedure. 相似文献
Markov chain importance sampling with applications to rare event probability estimation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We present a versatile Monte Carlo method for estimating multidimensional integrals, with applications to rare-event probability estimation. The method fuses two distinct and popular Monte Carlo simulation methods—Markov chain Monte Carlo and importance sampling—into a single algorithm. We show that for some applied numerical examples the proposed Markov Chain importance sampling algorithm performs better than methods based solely on importance sampling or MCMC. 相似文献
In this paper we investigate the impact of model mis-specification, in terms of the dependence structure in the extremes of a spatial process, on the estimation of key quantities that are of interest to hydrologists and engineers. For example, it is often the case that severe flooding occurs as a result of the observation of rainfall extremes at several locations in a region simultaneously. Thus, practitioners might be interested in estimates of the joint exceedance probability of some high levels across these locations. It is likely that there will be spatial dependence present between the extremes, and this should be properly accounted for when estimating such probabilities. We compare the use of standard models from the geostatistics literature with max-stables models from extreme value theory. We find that, in some situations, using an incorrect spatial model for our extremes results in a significant under-estimation of these probabilities which – in flood defence terms – could lead to substantial under-protection. 相似文献
Michael G. Hudgens Ira. M. Longini Jr M. Elizabeth Halloran Kachit Choopanya Suphak Vanichseni Dwip Kitayaporn Timothy D. Mastro & Philip A. Mock 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》2001,50(1):1-14
We estimate the transmission probability for the human immunodeficiency virus from seroconversion data of a cohort of injecting drug users (IDUs) in Thailand. The transmission probability model developed accounts for interval censoring and incorporates each IDU's reported frequency of needle sharing and injecting acts. Using maximum likelihood methods, the per needle sharing act transmission probability estimate between infectious and susceptible IDUs is 0.008. The effects of covariates, disease dynamics, mismeasured exposure information and the uncertainty of the disease prevalence on the transmission probability estimate are considered. 相似文献
A clinical risk classification system is an important component of a treatment decision algorithm. A measure used to assess the strength of a risk classification system is discrimination, and when the outcome is survival time, the most commonly applied global measure of discrimination is the concordance probability. The concordance probability represents the pairwise probability of lower patient risk given longer survival time. The c-index and the concordance probability estimate have been used to estimate the concordance probability when patient-specific risk scores are continuous. In the current paper, the concordance probability estimate and an inverse probability censoring weighted c-index are modified to account for discrete risk scores. Simulations are generated to assess the finite sample properties of the concordance probability estimate and the weighted c-index. An application of these measures of discriminatory power to a metastatic prostate cancer risk classification system is examined. 相似文献
Regina Stegherr Claudia Schmoor Michael Lübbert Tim Friede Jan Beyersmann 《Pharmaceutical statistics》2021,20(6):1125-1146
Safety analyses of adverse events (AEs) are important in assessing benefit–risk of therapies but are often rather simplistic compared to efficacy analyses. AE probabilities are typically estimated by incidence proportions, sometimes incidence densities or Kaplan–Meier estimation are proposed. These analyses either do not account for censoring, rely on a too restrictive parametric model, or ignore competing events. With the non-parametric Aalen-Johansen estimator as the “gold standard”, that is, reference estimator, potential sources of bias are investigated in an example from oncology and in simulations, for both one-sample and two-sample scenarios. The Aalen-Johansen estimator serves as a reference, because it is the proper non-parametric generalization of the Kaplan–Meier estimator to multiple outcomes. Because of potential large variances at the end of follow-up, comparisons also consider further quantiles of the observed times. To date, consequences for safety comparisons have hardly been investigated, the impact of using different estimators for group comparisons being unclear. For example, the ratio of two both underestimating or overestimating estimators may not be comparable to the ratio of the reference, and our investigation also considers the ratio of AE probabilities. We find that ignoring competing events is more of a problem than falsely assuming constant hazards by the use of the incidence density and that the choice of the AE probability estimator is crucial for group comparisons. 相似文献
James Albert 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(16):1587-1611
In the simultaneous estimation of multinomial proportions, two estimators are developed which incorporate prior means and a prior parameter which reflects the accuracy of the prior means. These estimators possess substantially smaller risk than the standard estimator in a region of the parameter space and are much more robust than the conjugate Bayes estimator with respect to parameter values far from the prior mean. When vague prior information is available, these estimators and confidence regions derived from them appear to be attractive alternatives to the procedures based on the standard estimator. 相似文献
In this paper we face the problem of testing the equality of two or more parameters of a multinomial distribution. We develop a likelihood ratio test and we consider an asymptotically equivalent Pearson's statistic. Moreover we develop an exact and a randomized test. Relationships between these tests are then discussed. The behaviour of these tests is studied by simulations. Results from two known tests developed for less general situations are compared to ours. 相似文献
Roger L. Berger 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》1980,4(4):391-402
Let (X1,…,Xk) be a multinomial vector with unknown cell probabilities (p1,?,pk). A subset of the cells is to be selected in a way so that the cell associated with the smallest cell probability is included in the selected subset with a preassigned probability, P1. Suppose the loss is measured by the size of the selected subset, S. Using linear programming techniques, selection rules can be constructed which are minimax with respect to S in the class of rules which satisfy the P1-condition. In some situations, the rule constructed by this method is the rule proposed by Nagel (1970). Similar techniques also work for selection in terms of the largest cell probability. 相似文献
Halperin et al. (1988) suggested an approach which allows for k Type I errors while using Scheffe's method of multiple comparisons for linear combinations of p means. In this paper we apply the same type of error control to Tukey's method of multiple pairwise comparisons. In fact, the variant of the Tukey (1953) approach discussed here defines the error control objective as assuring with a specified probability that at most one out of the p(p-l)/2 comparisons between all pairs of the treatment means is significant in two-sided tests when an overall null hypothesis (all p means are equal) is true or, from a confidence interval point of view, that at most one of a set of simultaneous confidence intervals for all of the pairwise differences of the treatment means is incorrect. The formulae which yield the critical values needed to carry out this new procedure are derived and the critical values are tabulated. A Monte Carlo study was conducted and several tables are presented to demonstrate the experimentwise Type I error rates and the gains in power furnished by the proposed procedure 相似文献
Asymptotic stmdard errors in the multinomial log it model are derived for efficient estimates of (A) the probability of choosing an alternative , (B) the change in the probability of choosing an alternative given a change in an explanatory variable , (C) the expected response, and (D) the change in the expected response given a change in an explanatory variable. An empirical example illustrates the usefulness of the concepts developed here. 相似文献
Ramesh C. Gupta 《Journal of statistical planning and inference》1984,9(1):55-62
In a classical gambler's ruin problem, the distribution of the number of games lost till ruin is considered, which we call the lost game distribution (LGD). Some applications of LGD in the theory of queues, in the theory of epidemic and in certain clustering and branching models are mentioned. The maximum likelihood estimation of LGD in the framework of modified power series distribution (MPSD), introduced by the author (1974), is studied. The variance and bias of the MLE are given and the actual mean of the MLE is obtained by discussing the negative moments of the MPSD in general. The minimum variance unbiased estimator of θk (k≥1) is obtained employing the technique developed by the author (1977) for the class of MPSD. 相似文献
Rao (1961, 1963) introduced a measure of second order efficiency (s.o.e.) of a best asymptotically normal (BAN) estimator and obtained the s.o.e's of some well known estimators of the parameter of the multinomial family. Koorts (1985) dealt with a calss of BAN estimators and derived the s.o.e, of the estimator belonging to this class. In this paper we derive a general expressiion for the s.o.e. of a BAN estiimator based on its estimating equation. 相似文献
The problem of selecting the t-best cells in a multinomial distribution with t + k cells, k > 1, 2 <= t is considered under the fixed sample-size indifference zone approach. The least favourable configuration is derived for the usual procedure of selection, for large values of N (the sample size). The result settles Conjecture I (for large N) and Conjecture IV of Chen and Hwang (Commun. Statist. - Theory Meth. 13 (10), 1289-1298, 1984) in the affirmative. 相似文献
We propse methods for the detection of outliers in structured populations in the multinomial model under different working hypotheses. 相似文献