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Beginning with a brief introduction to the general theory the concept of Bayes invariant quadratic unbiased estimators (BAIQUEs) founded by Kleffe and Pingus(1974)is applied to combined samples with a common mean and different variances.Explicite formulas for Baique under these special assumptions are derived.Finally,some numerical comparisons of the variance function of Baiques under different prior distributions are given.  相似文献   

For a stationary ergodic self-exciting threshold autoregressive model with single threshold parameter, Chan (1993) obtained the consistency and limiting distribution of the least-squares estimator for the underlying true parameters. In this paper, we derive the similar results for the maximum likelihood estimators of the same model under some regularity conditions on the error density, not necessarily Gaussian.  相似文献   

We propose a new generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) model with tree-structured multiple thresholds for the estimation of volatility in financial time series. The approach relies on the idea of a binary tree where every terminal node parameterizes a (local) GARCH model for a partition cell of the predictor space. The fitting of such trees is constructed within the likelihood framework for non-Gaussian observations: it is very different from the well-known regression tree procedure which is based on residual sums of squares. Our strategy includes the classical GARCH model as a special case and allows us to increase model complexity in a systematic and flexible way. We derive a consistency result and conclude from simulation and real data analysis that the new method has better predictive potential than other approaches.  相似文献   

Estimation in conditional first order autoregression with discrete support   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider estimation in the class of first order conditional linear autoregressive models with discrete support that are routinely used to model time series of counts. Various groups of estimators proposed in the literature are discussed: moment-based estimators; regression-based estimators; and likelihood-based estimators. Some of these have been used previously and others not. In particular, we address the performance of new types of generalized method of moments estimators and propose an exact maximum likelihood procedure valid for a Poisson marginal model using backcasting. The small sample properties of all estimators are comprehensively analyzed using simulation. Three situations are considered using data generated with: a fixed autoregressive parameter and equidispersed Poisson innovations; negative binomial innovations; and, additionally, a random autoregressive coefficient. The first set of experiments indicates that bias correction methods, not hitherto used in this context to our knowledge, are some-times needed and that likelihood-based estimators, as might be expected, perform well. The second two scenarios are representative of overdispersion. Methods designed specifically for the Poisson context now perform uniformly badly, but simple, bias-corrected, Yule-Walker and least squares estimators perform well in all cases.  相似文献   

Modelling the persistence of conditional variances   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper will discuss the current research in building models of conditional variances using the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (ARCH) and Generalized ARCH (GARCH) formulations. The discussion will be motivated by a simple asset pricing theory which is particularly appropriate for examining futures contracts with risk averse agents. A new class of models defined to be integrated in variance is then introduced. This new class of models includes the variance analogue of a unit root in the mean as a special case. The models are argued to be both theoretically important for the asset pricing models and empirically relevant. The conditional density is then generalized from a normal to a Student-t with unknown degrees of freedom. By estimating the degrees of freedom, implications about the conditional kurtosis of these models and time aggregated models can be drawn. A further generalization allows the conditional variance to be a non-linear function of the squared innovations. Throughout empirical e imates of the logarithm of the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Swiss franc are presented to illustrate the models.  相似文献   

The authors give easy‐to‐check sufficient conditions for the geometric ergodicity and the finiteness of the moments of a random process xt = ?(xt‐1,…, xt‐p) + ?tσ(xt‐1,…, xt‐q) in which ?: Rp → R, σ Rq → R and (?t) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables. They deduce strong mixing properties for this class of nonlinear autoregressive models with changing conditional variances which includes, among others, the ARCH(p), the AR(p)‐ARCH(p), and the double‐threshold autoregressive models.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider unbalanced mixed models (Scheffe's model) under heteroscedastic variances. By using the harmonic mean approach, It is shown that the problems appear to be anologous to those problems from balanced mixed models under homoscedastic variance. Thus, by using harmonic mean approach, statistical inferences about fixed effects and variance components are derived by using those from balanced models under homoscedastic variance. Laguerre polynomial expansion is used Lo approximate sampling distributions of relevant statistics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the robustness of control schemes to data conditional heteroscedasticity. Overall, the results show that the control schemes which do not account for heteroscedasticity fail in providing reliable information on the status of the process. Consequently, incorrect conclusions will be drawn by applying these procedures in the presence of data conditional heteroscedasticity. Control charts with time-varying control limits are shown to be useful in that context.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study inference in a heteroscedastic measurement error model with known error variances. Instead of the normal distribution for the random components, we develop a model that assumes a skew-t distribution for the true covariate and a centred Student's t distribution for the error terms. The proposed model enables to accommodate skewness and heavy-tailedness in the data, while the degrees of freedom of the distributions can be different. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via an EM-type algorithm. The behaviour of the estimators is also assessed in a simulation study. Finally, the approach is illustrated with a real data set from a methods comparison study in Analytical Chemistry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the robustness of the Welch test, the James test as well as Tan's ANOVA test (to be referred as Fβ test) for testing parallelism in k straight lines under heteroscedasticity and nonnormality. Results of Monte Carlo studies demonstrate the robustness of all tests with respect to departure from normality. Further, there is hardly any difference between these methods with respect to both power and size of the test.  相似文献   

Asymmetric behaviour in both mean and variance is often observed in real time series. The approach we adopt is based on double threshold autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (DTARCH) model with normal innovations. This model allows threshold nonlinearity in mean and volatility to be modelled as a result of the impact of lagged changes in assets and squared shocks, respectively. A methodology for building DTARCH models is proposed based on genetic algorithms (GAs). The most important structural parameters, that is regimes and thresholds, are searched for by GAs, while the remaining structural parameters, that is the delay parameters and models orders, vary in some pre-specified intervals and are determined using exhaustive search and an Asymptotic Information Criterion (AIC) like criterion. For each structural parameters trial set, a DTARCH model is fitted that maximizes the (penalized) likelihood (AIC criterion). For this purpose the iteratively weighted least squares algorithm is used. Then the best model according to the AIC criterion is chosen. Extension to the double threshold generalized ARCH (DTGARCH) model is also considered. The proposed methodology is checked using both simulated and market index data. Our findings show that our GAs-based procedure yields results that comparable to that reported in the literature and concerned with real time series. As far as artificial time series are considered, the proposed procedure seems to be able to fit the data quite well. In particular, a comparison is performed between the present procedure and the method proposed by Tsay [Tsay, R.S., 1989, Testing and modeling threshold autoregressive processes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods, 84, 231–240.] for estimating the delay parameter. The former almost always yields better results than the latter. However, adopting Tsay's procedure as a preliminary stage for finding the appropriate delay parameter may save computational time specially if the delay parameter may vary in a large interval.  相似文献   

Summary: Commonly used standard statistical procedures for means and variances (such as the t–test for means or the F–test for variances and related confidence procedures) require observations from independent and identically normally distributed variables. These procedures are often routinely applied to financial data, such as asset or currency returns, which do not share these properties. Instead, they are nonnormal and show conditional heteroskedasticity, hence they are dependent. We investigate the effect of conditional heteroskedasticity (as modelled by GARCH(1,1)) on the level of these tests and the coverage probability of the related confidence procedures. It can be seen that conditional heteroskedasticity has no effect on procedures for means (at least in large samples). There is, however, a strong effect of conditional heteroskedasticity on procedures for variances. These procedures should therefore not be used if conditional heteroskedasticity is prevalent in the data.*We are grateful to the referees for their useful and constructive comments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ratio of the determinants of two independent central Wishart matrices. The ratio is represented as a product of independent beta type-2 random variables and then the exact density is evaluated for the general case. Different representations and particular cases are also discussed.  相似文献   

A test for assessing the equivalence of two variances of a bivariate normal vector is constructed. It is uniformly more powerful than the two one-sided tests procedure and the power improvement is substantial. Numerical studies show that it has a type I error close to the test level at most boundary points of the null hypothesis space. One can apply this test to paired difference experiments or 2×2 crossover designs to compare the variances of two populations with two correlated samples. The application of this test on bioequivalence in variability is presented. We point out that bioequivalence in intra-variability implies bioequivalence in variability, however, the latter has a larger power.  相似文献   

In this paper, the limit distribution of the least squares estimator for mildly explosive autoregressive models with strong mixing innovations is established, which is shown to be Cauchy as in the iid case. The result is applied to identify the onset and the end of an explosive period of an econometric time series. Simulations and data analysis are also conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of the result.  相似文献   


For a random sample from a population with a continuous density function over its bounded support, when the sample size turns to infinity, we explore the uniform integrability of normalized extreme order statistics, for which we obtain limit equivalent expressions of variances. Moreover, we prove that the covariance of the minimum and the maximum of the sample can be bounded by two expressions that are same order infinitesimals. Examples with simulated results are provided to demonstrate the application of our theorems.  相似文献   

Estimation of the population average by means of a conditional strategy has been considered e.g. in [2–6,9] and [10]. Let us assume that the sampling design depends on a function of an auxiliary variable called an auxiliary statistic like: the sample mean or the sample variance. Under the conditional versions of these designs several estimators of the population mean are considered: the Horvitz-Thompson statistic, ratio and regression type estimators. The unbiasedness and accuracy of the strategies are considered. The empirical example of the accuracy comparisons of strategies is developed. The conditional strategies could improve the accuracy of estimation and protect it against outliers observations.  相似文献   

In the regression analysis of time series of event counts, it is of interest to account for serial dependence that is likely to be present among such data as well as a nonlinear interaction between the expected event counts and predictors as a function of some underlying variables. We thus develop a Poisson autoregressive varying-coefficient model, which introduces autocorrelation through a latent process and allows regression coefficients to nonparametrically vary as a function of the underlying variables. The nonparametric functions for varying regression coefficients are estimated with data-driven basis selection, thereby avoiding overfitting and adapting to curvature variation. An efficient posterior sampling scheme is devised to analyse the proposed model. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulated data and daily homicide data in Cali, Colombia.  相似文献   

A class of non-proportional hazards regression models is considered to have hazard specifications consisting of a power form of cross-effects on the base-line hazard function. The primary goal of these models is to deal with settings in which heterogeneous distribution shapes of survival times may be present in populations characterized by some observable covariates. Although effects of such heterogeneity can be explicitly seen through crossing cumulative hazards phenomena in k -sample problems, they are barely visible in a one-sample regression setting. Hence, heterogeneity of this kind may not be noticed and, more importantly, may result in severely misleading inference. This is because the partial likelihood approach cannot eliminate the unknown cumulative base-line hazard functions in this setting. For coherent statistical inferences, a system of martingale processes is taken as a basis with which, together with the method of sieves, an overidentified estimating equation approach is proposed. A Pearson's χ2 type of goodness-of-fit testing statistic is derived as a by-product. An example with data on gastric cancer patients' survival times is analysed.  相似文献   

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