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高校学生宿舍成为引发人际冲突频发的特殊"场域",探讨宿舍人际冲突影响因素对于规避宿舍恶性事件具有重要意义。对50名本科生深入访谈发现,大学生宿舍人际冲突深受来自"场域"的外在因素的影响,也受到个体差异性、价值认知差异等主观因素影响,生活习惯、人际沟通等成员在宿舍"场域"中生成的交互因素也对冲突产生影响。  相似文献   

杜景丽 《现代交际》2010,(6):175-176
大学生群体中的人际冲突现象对学生成长成才以及高校的学生培养和管理工作形成了严峻挑战。性别、城乡背景、学科、独生与否的差异是影响人际冲突的重要因素,正确把握这些大学生之间的人际冲突在这些方面的不同,有利于针对不同特点的大学生采取不同措施加以引导,有效化解冲突,实现高校人才培养的目标。  相似文献   

宿舍是最贴近大学生的人际交往场所,大学生宿舍人际关系亦是其最重要的人际交往组成部分。近年来越来越多以宿舍人际关系矛盾为导火索的宿舍伤人、投毒案件引起社会的广泛关注。如何促进、改善大学生宿舍人际交往,使心理健康进入宿舍,意义重大。本文基于社会互动理论,结合实际工作情况,围绕"促进宿舍和谐,共建心理之家"的主题进行了一系列以改善大学生宿舍人际互动的干预措施,以期探索出改善大学生宿舍人际关系的有效途径。  相似文献   

以探讨宿舍人际关系与自杀态度的关系为目的,为大学生自杀预防工作提供理论依据。采用自杀态度问卷、大学生宿舍人际关系质量调查问卷的方法,对78名大学生进行调查分析。结果表明,在对安乐死的态度上,经济水平富裕的家庭显著高于生活费学费不愁、生活费和学费发愁的家庭;男生对自杀行为性质的认识显著高于女生对自杀行为性质的认识(t=0.987,P=0.004);大学生对自杀行为的认识与宿舍人际区域差异(r=-0.233,P=0.40)成显著负相关;对自杀者的态度与宿舍人际情感融洽(r=0.231,P=0.42)成显著正相关。从中得出结论:家庭经济水平高的学生对自杀更持有否定态度,男生与女生相比对自杀行为更持有否定态度,大学生的宿舍人际区域差异越重,对自杀行为的认识越肯定;宿舍人际情感越融洽,对自杀者的态度越否定。  相似文献   

宿舍人际关系是大学生一个无法回避的问题,宿舍作为大学生活的基本单元,不仅是大学生住宿的场所,也是学习、娱乐、交流交往的重要场所。由于成员相对固定,朝夕相处,舍友之间产生不愉快甚至冲突是在所难免的,如果这些小矛盾不能及时化解,长此以往就会导致舍友间的误会和不和睦,直至爆发"战争",严重的还会诱发心理疾病。本文分析了大学生寝室关系存在问题的主要表现方面,并有针对性的提出了建立寝室和谐人际关系的途径与方法。  相似文献   

大学生宿舍是大学生休息、娱乐、学习的重要场所。宿舍关系的好坏直接影响着大学生的日常学习、生活与交流。近年来,部分大学生宿舍人际关系紧张是一个不容忽视的事实,大学生宿舍成员在生活琐事、人际竞争、小团体方面存在一些不和谐的现象,这些问题与现象主要是由城乡大学生对待事物的态度、消费结构和消费心理以及集体意识强弱的不同而造成的。因此为了改变这种现状,学校要加强对大学生宿舍的管理和对大学生的教育,大学生要加强自身的修养,朋友与家长也要对他们进行适时适度的开导,经过各方面的共同努力,大学生一定能构建和谐的宿舍人际关系。  相似文献   

杜景丽 《现代交际》2010,(5):197-198
大学生群体中的人际冲突现象对学生成长成才以及高校的学生培养和管理工作形成了严峻的挑战。只有正确把握大学生之间的人际冲突现象,才能有效引导学生,实现高校人才培养的目标。研究显示,大学生之间的人际冲突现象有如下特点:绝大部分冲突表现为冷暴力行为;冲突经常发生,且多产生于共同生活领域;性格、行为习惯、价值取向的差异是冲突的主要起因;大多试图通过坚持自我意志或回避解决冲突,而不注重理解和宽容;冲突的破坏性和建设性影响并存,建设性影响更大。  相似文献   

龚蕾 《公关世界》2022,(4):35-36
宿舍是大学生除了课堂以外占据绝大部分时间的场地,也是容易产生矛盾的场所,因此需要辅导员加以关注和引导,在确保调解宿舍人际矛盾的同时也需要关注学生的心理健康成长.  相似文献   

人际关系在和谐社会非常重要,对于大学生来说,在这样开放的社会里,人际交往中会遇到一些不和谐的因素,会产生一定的人际关系冲突,从而带来一些消极的情绪.本文就大学生产生人际冲突之后,对心理和生活的影响进行分析,总结了大学生人际冲突的应对方式,供一些大学生在人际关系交往中进行参考.  相似文献   

一个新生命的诞生意味着一个新家庭关系的确立,亲子关系是众多人际关系中最早建立起来的,对于儿童的成长和人性的塑造有着至关重要的作用,然而亲子冲突又是儿童成长中不可避免的产物。有效地化解亲子冲突,形成良好的家庭关系,提高人际适应能力,对儿童的心理、社会和认知的发展都是十分必要的。本文从社会工作者角度分析亲子关系冲突产生的原因及其解决的策略,总结了亲子关系冲突有效化解的可行途径。  相似文献   

How does gender shape the experience and imaginaries of self-realisation? This article explores practices of self-improvement among young women in China, namely workshops for interpersonal skills. These practices direct participants to express themselves as autonomous persons, disembedded from social hierarchies and familial responsibilities. Unmarried women who attend workshops conceive of marriage as an unavoidable impediment to their self-realisation. This is due to a prevailing gender inequality in marriage, as well as the ongoing expansion of an ideal of individual autonomy in China through economic reforms. In this article, I do not centre my analysis on a cultural clash between this ideal and local cultural practices. Instead, it is the possibility of this ideal, which is always shaped and restricted by socio-economic imperatives, that induces women’s frustration with their local culture. The fact that this ideal promises universal attainment highlights for women the gender roles that limit their autonomy.  相似文献   

Culture clash, or intracommunity tensions related to rapid in‐migration, between permanent and newcomer residents has been well studied in relation to environmental conservation in natural amenity communities; however, less is known about culture clash within communities characterized by high rates of second home ownership. We examine the causes of perceived culture clash in communities of the U.S. Northern Forest using mail survey data from four case studies within New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. In contrast to past culture clash research, we consider multiple dimensions of cultural capital that are independent of second home owners' rural or urban origins, and how key aspects of culture compare to economic standing and social interaction as drivers of perceived culture clash. Permanent residents perceive greater levels of culture clash than second home owners, net other measures, indicating that seasonal migration in and of itself encourages notions of otherness between residents. More frequent social interaction between resident groups helps to ameliorate intracommunity tensions. Cultural capital and social interaction measures were equally effective in explaining variation in perceived culture clash. Our findings indicate that the culture clash concept extends beyond scenarios of environmental conflict and applies to more general forms of intergroup tensions.  相似文献   

For this roundtable discussion of Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild's anthology, Global Woman, the editors of SGS asked five psychoanalytic thinkers to comment on the collection. That highly important volume has as its theme the global transfer from the Third World to the First World of female labor forces that work in the sex trade or become mail-order brides, maids, nannies, and other kinds of caretakers. Ehrenreich and Hochschild then respond to the psychoanalytic essays. The introduction discusses some of the themes raised both in the book and in the responses. It highlights some of the places where a psychoanalytic and a sociological view complement each other and places where they might clash. The roundtable raises two important questions: what can psychoanalysis contribute to understanding the intrapsychic and interpersonal dislocations wrought by globalization; and what is globalization's effect on the practice of psychoanalysis?  相似文献   

"卧谈会"作为大学生宿舍文化的重要组成部分,对大学生的身心健康和成长发展有很大很积极的促进作用。从对"60后"到"90后"的"卧谈会"现象进行简单梳理,可以发现:曾经风靡大学校园的"卧谈会"在"90后"大学生宿舍里已经不那么普遍了,对此我们进行了解读和原因探究,并期盼"卧谈会"在新生代大学生宿舍里不要流失。  相似文献   

Projective identification is discussed as an interpersonal mechanism involved in distortions of perceptions and communications. Several case illustrations are presented to show how this mechanism manifests itself in relatively healthy, though neurotic, couples. A treatment approach based on correction of the perceptual distortions is suggested as a model for short-term counseling with such couples.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of satisfying three basic interpersonal needs on intergroup attitudes and behaviors within ethnically mixed groups. 726 students from 20 seventh-grade classes in three ethnically mixed junior high schools participated in an intervention program designed to satisfy interpersonal needs according to the ‘three dimensional theory of interpersonal behavior’. Pupils' attitudes and behaviors were assessed using a sociometric questionnaire. Results demonstrate the positive outcomes of the intervention program in the experimental groups, compared with the negative outcomes in the control group, as well as the differential effects of the three interpersonal needs on pupils' attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

Interpersonal coordination, the extent to which social partners coordinate each other’s postures and mannerisms, acts as a “social glue” that serves both individual and social goals, such as producing prosocial behaviors and facilitating harmonious interactions. Research in this area has become prominent in a variety of domains both within and outside of psychology, forming a sizeable literature dedicated to investigating the causes and consequences of interpersonal coordination. We conducted a series of meta-analyses on studies that treated interpersonal coordination as an independent variable, in order to measure its effect on several intrapersonal (e.g., mood, need to belong) and interpersonal (e.g., prosocial behavior) outcomes, as well as several potential moderators (e.g., percentage of female participants) that may affect the strength of the effect. Overall, the results demonstrated that the positive effects of interpersonal coordination are robust, with a few exceptions specific to intrapersonal outcomes. These findings provide a much-needed quantitative summary of the literature on interpersonal coordination, and highlight areas that merit future research.  相似文献   

We examine the institutions that comprise the U.S. health system and their relationship to a surging immigrant population. The clash between the system and this human flow originates in the large number of immigrants who are unauthorized, poor, and uninsured and, hence, unable to access a system largely based on ability to pay. Basic concepts from sociological theory are brought to bear on the analysis of this clash and its consequences. Data from a recently completed study of health institutions in three areas of the United States are used as an empirical basis to illustrate various aspects of this complex relation. Implications of our results for theory and future health policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relations of self-rated personality characteristics to transvestite behavior and attitudes. sixty-four transvestites completed questionnaires containing perceived control, self esteem, self-monitoring, and five behavioral and attitudinal measures. As expected, the frequency and variety of public behavior showed strong correlations with interpersonal control and social confidence, and confiding of cross-dressing behavior significantly correlated with interpersonal control. Perceived skill in cross-dressing suggested a multi-faceted construct, given significant correlations with interpersonal control, self-monitoring. and three self esteem measures. Contrary to expectation, knowledge of crossdressing did not correlate with self regard, though it did correlate with interpersonal control and social confidence. Acceptance of cross-dressing did not correlate with any personality characteristics. These findings are interpreted as offering support to using dispositional approaches to the study of transvestism. It is argued that future research devote a greater effort to the identification of the individual differences, as well as a greater concern toward verifying these behavioral differences through external observers.  相似文献   

The capacity to form and develop healthy interpersonal relationships with others is fundamental for human development. In the realm of practice, the theory of social exchange is among the most prominent conceptual frameworks for examining and understanding human behaviors and relationship dynamics. While interpersonal bonds may take several forms across the family life cycle, this article addresses how healthy social exchange can provide a basis for establishing a mutually fulfilling alliance by examining three different types of interpersonal relationships: dating relationships, marital relationships, and parent–child co-residential relationships. Interventions aimed at marriage and family therapists as well as social work practitioners working with couples and families facing relationship troubles are discussed.  相似文献   

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