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择优而嫁这一当代女性婚姻选择现象的产生,具有现实的社会基础,是财富积累和排他性、传统的父母威权与女性自由思想的解放、择偶梯度和失衡的性别比以及当代女性对都市爱情的向往和追求等诸多因素共同作用的结果。然而,当代女性择优而嫁的婚姻选择现象也存在着一些隐性的社会风险,长期发展必将导致女性社会地位的"贬值"、具备买卖性质的婚姻更加突出以及传统家庭教养方式的复兴等问题。作为当代中国女性在择优而嫁的同时,也应该树立一种正向的、健康的婚姻价值观,避免对这一现象的错误解读和过度利用。  相似文献   

李盼 《现代妇女》2014,(12):I0097-I0097
为了了解体育院校大学生择偶偏好特点,及其与父母婚姻质量之间的关系。采用《80、90后择偶偏好的问卷》和《儿童知觉父母婚姻冲突问卷》对400名某体育院校在校大学生进行了测试。父母婚姻质量影响子女的择偶偏好。  相似文献   

教育公平问题一直是受学术界和社会大众广泛关注的社会热点问题.以往学术界对这一问题的研究多是在"城市"和"乡村"二元格局的宏观层面进行考察,鲜有从"县域社会"这一层面进行探讨.深度访谈发现,在家庭教育方面,县城儿童和村庄儿童具有异质性的家庭文化资本,具体体现在父母的文化教育程度、父母对子女的教育投资态度和动机、父母的教育期望、父母自身的阅读习惯和兴趣爱好、父母对子女的教育投入(时间和金钱)、父母与子女的代际互动以及父母与学校教育的互动等方面;在"影子教育"方面,县城儿童是"圈养"和"规训"的童年,而村庄儿童是"散养"和"游戏"的童年,体现的是区隔的课余生活世界.县城儿童和村庄儿童不平等的"双重"文化再生产机制阻碍了县域社会内良性、有序的阶层流动,使得县域内的社会阶层趋于固化.  相似文献   

她是怎样向不婚男女"逼婚"的呢?帮人"副婚"真能赚这么多钱吗?"奉子逼婚"成功后,她发现了一条发财之路现年27岁的张菊芝是江苏省苏州市超群纺织公司的一名文案策划,其男友是同公司的质检员汪涛。两人走过5年,爱情的浓度已经变淡,而汪涛却始终不给张菊芝婚姻。  相似文献   

父母离异的学龄少儿的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们常以少年犯的父母离婚比例较高等社会现象来推断离婚给子女留下创伤的必然性,或者从个别离婚父母不尽责任的典型事例演绎出离婚给子女带来痛苦的结论。然而,父母离异究竟给子女带来多少消极影响,子女的创伤是父母离婚造成的还是与其他因素也有相关联  相似文献   

婚姻与爱情是人类社会生活中的一种特殊社会关系、社会行为和社会现象。  相似文献   

代际间婚姻观的差异与干涉是在中国社会转型期产生的一种现象。它不仅受到个人道德观念的影响,还受到文化、经济和价值观层面的影响。解决它,除了公共政策的支持,更多地是需要父母与子女两代人共同的努力。  相似文献   

中国式的婚姻观重视家庭与亲属关系,个体对婚姻的满意程度往往脱离不了家庭系统而独立存在。对当代青年婚姻满意度的影响因素调查显示,无论个体对婚姻满意程度高低.同配偶同住以及发生矛盾冲突时,配偶所采取的态度是影响婚姻主观评价的重要因素之一.而同时配偶之外的家人互动和社区互动关系也对婚姻满意度具有重要的影响作用,并且在纳入家庭因素后,模型的解释力更强。这说明"婚姻满意度"作为一种主观判断,不仅要靠其与配偶之间的关系衡量,还需要将它放在整个社会文化结构下才能真正了解婚姻的社会定位。  相似文献   

过去,中国的父母曾经干涉、甚至包办子女的婚姻。现在,做子女的一代人争得了婚姻自主的权利;然而,反过来现在却出现了儿女干涉、阻止父母再婚的现象。  相似文献   

我国西南边界线绵长,与多个国家毗邻。随着我国对外开放程度的加深,尤其是中国一东盟自贸区的成立,与西南边境诸国的交流也日益加深拓宽,但是与之相伴的边民非法婚姻问题也日趋严重。外国籍女子通过非法越境等手段进入我国并嫁与我国边民已经仅仅是最基本的表现形式,更主要的是作为事实存在的边民非法婚姻成就后所带来的后续问题。如夫妻子女的户籍问题、社会福利、子女入学等,这些后续问题不仅给我国的出入境管理,社会治安和计划生育等方面带来不良的影响,更对于我国构建社会主义社会和谐社会带来了极大的隐患。文中在对边民非法婚姻原因的分析基础上力求寻找其根源性的实质,希望所提出的对策能够积极的应对边民婚姻中的困境。  相似文献   

大都市单身青年“婚恋焦虑”现象调查及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代青年出生和成长于社会改革发展时代,社会物质的极大丰富对青年一代的精神生活产生了极大冲击,种种压力和诱惑导致很多年轻人的价值观产生变化,从而衍生出多元化的婚恋观,单身青年在适婚青年中的比例日益上升。在北京、上海等现代化大都市,单身青年普遍存在着"婚恋焦虑"现象,并且呈现出低龄化趋势。总的来看,"婚恋焦虑"现象的出现背后存在着人口结构、经济条件、社会观念、交际方式、家庭压力等多重因素影响。在新的时代背景下,青年人要学会辨别是非,以一颗真诚的心来面对婚恋问题。  相似文献   

当前农村青年婚姻市场上,以"家庭地理位置"和"家庭经济条件"为分层标准,农村男青年被划分为不同的层级。不同层级的男青年在婚姻市场上有着不同的处境:较高层级的男青年拥有较大的择偶主动权,中层的男青年也基本能够进入婚姻,较低层级的男青年择偶困难,成为大龄未婚男青年的风险较大。因此,形成不同层级的原因是性别比失衡使得农民经济上的分化在婚姻市场上凸显出来,市场经济冲击下的农民择偶观念理性化,打工潮加剧了农村婚龄人口性别比的失衡。  相似文献   

Tourism marriage in Egypt is considered a part of the child marriage phenomenon, as parents following false interpretations of Islamic teachings offer up their daughters for short-term sexual relationships in return for money from tourists. This exploratory study used qualitative methods to interview 42 parents who reside in the city of Darasa, Giza, Egypt, whose daughters were persuaded to engage in tourism marriage. Eight social work students utilized an interview guide that contained 10 questions exploring how parents strike deals with tourists and avoid all legal and traditional procedures of marriage in Egypt. The findings of this study were summarized in six distinct themes, which show evidence of family exploitation of young women. This experience likely increases the child’s vulnerability to psychological, social, and physical consequences.  相似文献   

We present a model of courtship in which the timing of marriage is affected by the cognitive dissonance between perceived norms and personal aims. We argue that as long as the family has been the main provider of social protection, marriage has been favoured by strongly felt social norms, and thus people accepted less-than-ideal partners early on in their search in order to minimise the dissonance caused by the non-adherence to the custom. Once the Welfare state has replaced the family, these norms have lost their strength, so that agents can afford the luxury of searching their preferred partners at length without feeling at odds with their social duties. The model yields predictions in line with relevant stylised facts: the raising age of marriage, the prevalence of assortative mating and the common occurrence of divorce in the early years of marriage. We finally discuss the impact of late marriages on fertility, and argue that there need not be negative consequences if the declining role of the family becomes socially accepted, and alternative arrangements are made possible and indeed encouraged by means of an appropriate family policy.  相似文献   

当前,“80后”正值婚恋高峰期。在改革开放和多元时代下成长起来的“80后”在恋爱观、择偶观、性观念和婚姻观上有着自己独特鲜明的看法。他们直白朴素的恋爱观、多元务实的择偶观、热情与保守相交织的性观念以及“个人主义”的婚姻观,不仅直接影响着个体对未来婚姻、家庭的责任和义务的承担,而且还间接影响着整个社会的主流婚恋价值观趋势。对“80后”婚恋观现状及其原因的探讨,有利于“80后”树立起正确的婚恋观,实现婚姻家庭幸福;有利于社会稳定及和谐社会的构建:更有利于实现中华民族的伟大复兴。  相似文献   

通过运用对数线性模型,对离婚、独身等婚姻观念受教育程度、代际更迭的影响分析发现:教育获得对传统婚姻观念构成巨大的冲击,随着教育程度的提高,人们会越来越淡漠传统的婚姻观念。而代际更替的效应分析表明,随着代际的推进,年轻一代比年长一代倾向于反对传统观念,喜欢接受新观念,从而使得新的婚姻观念多样化、常态化和普遍化。  相似文献   

Research on contemporary union-formation in a Bangkok slum reveals how the meanings of heterosexual matrimony are changing. Dominant popular discourses promote a costly wedding as the socially normative way to marry. This new definition of marriage contrasts with perspectives within the slum, where pre-existing constructs of union-formation take multiple forms. The discursive shift reflects new notions of marriage as a vehicle of upward mobility and modernity. These shifts occur at a time when the Thai state has discursively moralised marriages, facilitating the delegitimisation of cohabitation and other pathways to marriage. The co-existence of ‘traditional’ marriage forms with dominant official ones within the slum highlights the local multiplicity of marital forms. However, as new lifestyle associations between marriage, modernity and civic belonging become increasingly influential, financial constraints and social context mean that these remain hard to access for certain urban migrant sub-populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assist the understanding of social workers in Europe of marriage and family dynamics among women from Middle East and North African countries who have moved to Europe. The focus of this article is on husband selection processes and family dynamics after marriage in Egypt, which is used as a case study reflecting culture and norms surrounding marriage in this region. This article reports on the findings of doctoral studies which examined marriage patterns and family dynamics in North Africa and in particular in Egypt where more in-depth data were available. The authors reflect issues surrounding values and process of marriage not only in terms of the implications for practice with social work clients or service users, but also in relation to the potential of women from this region who may join the social care workforce.  相似文献   

由于计算机网络等通讯媒体的广泛使用以及经济的全球化,人们的社会交往模式发生了革命性的变化,即突破国家的界限,形成了以个体为核心的全球性的社会交往模式。“微全球化”研究是一种基于微观视野的全球化研究.其一般模式和共同特点是把个人层面上涉及跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系等方面的变化作为其研究的切入点,并进而把握某种跨国界和跨文化的行为、交往、关系。“微全球化”现象泛见于与青年群体相关的各种活动和事件中,对青年的发展具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

There has been a steep rise in the proportion of children born to and living with unmarried parents. Unmarried parents are increasingly likely to cohabitate, especially low-income couples, placing their children at elevated psychosocial risk. This life history study of poor, White single mothers suggests that the current focus on differences between married and cohabiting poor women may overstate underlying similarities in factors associated with their partner formation and dissolution and that poor women's decisions about marriage and cohabitation must be understood in a developmental context that reflects the stacking, over time, of multiple forms of vulnerability to unstable partnerships, single motherhood, and continuing poverty into adulthood.  相似文献   

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