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The last decade has been characterized by a slowdown in globalization, referred to by some as "slowbalisation" and “deglobalization”. The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced this impression. To overcome the deadlock in the Doha round negotiations at WTO the major players in world trade are negotiating or have already implemented several free trade agreements (FTAs) as a second-best solution. We analyze within a common framework nine mega FTAs, some of them are already in effect, others will be enacted soon. Overall, not the big players in world trade, the EU and the United States win by a simultaneous implementation of the nine FTAs. Japan would be the winner because it participates in four combinations (overlaps) of FTAs: EU-Japan, USA-Japan, CPTPP and RCEP. The United States hardly gain from further globalization. Similarly, the EU27 cannot profit much from further globalization.  相似文献   

薛绍斌 《学术交流》2003,1(1):52-55
经济全球化是当代世界经济发展的客观趋势 ,其主要表现是生产活动全球化、国际贸易扩大、对外直接投资增加、世界金融市场急剧膨胀等方面。经济全球化对世界经济发展有双重作用 ,利弊同在。世界各国应加强经济技术的交流与合作 ,逐步改变不公正不合理的国际经济秩序 ,使经济全球化达到共赢和共存的目的。  相似文献   

目前,全球化的浪潮已经席卷世界各个角落,各国都在不同程度地实行对外开放.商品经济、对外贸易和世界市场的形成与发展是经济全球化形成的根本原因,经济全球化的特点体现在市场经济模式的发展过程、科技活动的全球管理和跨国公司的主宰作用三个方面.加入世界贸易组织,参与激烈的国际竞争,为我国高技术产业的发展带来了难得的机遇.高技术企业面对入世的挑战,应当认清整个形势,看到自身差距,承认适应期的存在,探索出一条适度保护、强强联合、练好内功的具有中国特色的发展道路.  相似文献   

Most studies on the redistributive effects of international commodity agreements neglect the existence of free riders. This article shows, however, that incentives for a free rider behavior may exist under various systems of commodity control. The International Coffee Agreement includes an export quota scheme that is faced with free riders on the import side. The factors that determine the impacts of such a scheme on prices, trade, earnings, and expenditures on the world market and on welfare of importing nonmember countries are elaborated theoretically. An econometric model of the world coffee market is then used to measure the effects of coffee export quotas on different variables of the world market. By use of estimated national import demand functions for coffee, the national welfare gains of importing nonmember countries due to the quota policy of the International Coffee Agreement are also computed.  相似文献   

US trade policy in the Trump administration is protectionist, raising tariffs outside of WTO rules, threatening trade wars, withdrawing from existing trade agreements, and negotiating new bilateral trade deals rather than free trade agreements. The reaction of the rest of the world has been to support the WTO rules-based trading system and to pursue new and expanded regional trade agreements that do not include the US. The result may be US disengagement from the world trading system, with countries diverting trade around the US. We use a global computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze changes in trade and production patterns for a variety of scenarios, including US trade wars. We find that adjustment to US disengagement is feasible—the changes in trade shares as countries divert trade are modest and achievable, with very little impact on the volume of global trade. If the US engages in trade wars with major partners, the best response for other trade partners is to sit out the trade war, accept higher US tariffs, and gain markets from global trade diversion around the US. Finally, because of indirect effects, widespread tariffs fail to benefit the protected sectors—a fallacy of composition in a protectionist trade policy.  相似文献   

Two different reactions to globalization (either supporting or opposing globalization) are observed throughout the world. Focusing on the effects on the labor market, we examine whether foreign direct investment benefits workers employed by local establishments in a host developing country. The analysis shows that they received wages above the market-based wage that would otherwise prevail in the absence of foreign establishments. Although concerns exist that growing multinational business might have negative impacts on local workers, this paper suggests that those fears might be unwarranted.  相似文献   

胡建梅 《创新》2010,4(1):76-78
与国际贸易有关的环境问题越来越受到重视,理论界对自由贸易与环境保护之间的争议已久,产生了各种说法与解释;严格的环境保护标准必将影响一国产业的国际竞争力,进而影响对外贸易。合适的政策措施有利于解决全球范围内的贸易与环境之间的问题。  相似文献   

通过对康德哲学的不同批判,叔本华和黑格尔分别走向个体美学与世界历史。叔本华认为个人在充满意志冲突的世界上生活是痛苦的,只有依靠美学和艺术才能使人获得暂时的解脱。黑格尔则认为世界历史是一个具有必然性的合理的进程。个人只有置身于这一进程中才能找到其存在的价值。这两种实践观之间的张力对现代社会产生了深刘的影响,并对我们今天如何应对现代化和全球化的问题有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

丁志刚  赵春生 《创新》2007,1(5):11-15
当今世界,经济全球化的浪潮席卷全球,全球化带来资本、货物、服务、人员在国际范围内的频繁流动,也带来了思想意识、价值观念、行为方式的相互冲突与碰撞。在这一过程中,文化发展呈现出了融合和冲突两种截然相反的发展取向,西方文化借助其在全球化中的优势借以广泛传播,处于全球化劣势中的后发展国家在吸收借鉴西方文化中有益成分的同时,又面临着抵制腐朽文化的侵蚀,保持自己民族文化的纯洁性和独立性的任务。  相似文献   

In the present phase of internationalisation, processes of social construction of product markets are under stress. On one hand, the internationalisation of production processes gives more room for manoeuvre to the producers. On the other hand, the development of scientific technologies, embedded with new risks and uncertainties, makes it difficult to control the quality of products and production processes. The drive for competitiveness in a world where only free trade arguments seem to be heard limits the willingness of individual countries to take action. International institutions have been unable to launch the international co-ordination that could have helped countries to get out of this deadlock, though they need to fight climate change and pollution as well as the pressing new environmental hazards, which are illustrated with the case of the agro-food product markets in Europe. They should foster international processes of social construction of product markets to learn how to strike a better balance between free trade and safe trade principles before it is too late.  相似文献   

马克思主义世界历史观为“全球化”这一术语不被滥用提供了学理依据。“全球化”这一很不规范的普遍流行的术语所涵盖的许多事实,都是对“历史向世界历史的转变”的一种认定,但它并不能引导人们去认识这一转变过程中所出现的世界历史的结构性变化。在“历史向世界历史的转变”过程中,相继形成了“国际社会”和“全球社会”,从而构成了世界历史的“双重结构”。这两者在其主体结构、利益结构、发展目标和原则、发展特点、格局结构等方面是有所不同的,但又是互相联系、相互渗透的。基于对“全球化”的“世界历史”批判,以及对当代世界历史发展的状态和趋势的科学分析,由此提出的世界历史“双重结构”理论,既是把马克思主义世界历史观全面地运用于全球化及其发展研究的重要切入点,也是马克思主义世界历史观在当代发展的重要切入点,同时也将会为我们正确探索当代社会主义中国在全球中的发展路径提供重要的方法论支撑。  相似文献   

Covid-19 has exposed and deepened global inequalities: rich countries spent aggressively to sustain their economies and secured early vaccine access while most of the developing world continues to endure a growing disease burden. It also underlined the extent of inter-dependence and weaknesses in some of our international institutions and rules, many of which were established in the now discredited era of neo-liberalism. There is a rich, complex, and difficult agenda going forward for international cooperation. This includes aiding developing countries in restructuring their debt obligations, and guaranteeing that multi-national corporations pay their fair share with a robust international tax regime, better trade and intellectual property regimes, and better global regulatory frameworks for competition and social media. The failures of the past rules have led to political opposition to globalization. The only sustainable and inclusive path out of this pandemic is through cooperation and a re-imagining of globalization.  相似文献   

We analyse around four decades of annual time-series data revisiting the long-run relationship between globalization and income inequality for 24 OECD member countries across different geographical regions, applying the Yamamoto-Kurozumi multivariate vector autoregression (VAR) framework. We observe that rapid globalization is not the key cause of rising long-run intra country inequality. This result is obtained by controlling for growth, terms of trade, minimum wage legislation, and unionization and found robust by further controlling education. Most of the countries in our study with a long-run relationship reveal the robust reverse causal impact of rising globalization on reducing inequality. Our impulse response breakdown across various sub-components of globalization suggests that economic globalization is not a primary contributor to long-run inequality for developed industrialized countries. Our framework guides future research to concentrate more on country-specific relationships, with policy guidance tailored for each country based on their level of economic development and institutional quality.  相似文献   

全球化时代印度的工会发生了多层面的转变。传统工会衰落,新型工会出现,但传统工会仍然占主导地位;工会总体数目继续增长,但大多数工会的规模不如从前;众多无组织的下层群体特别是女工开始更多地组织和参加工会;工会的领导人由以前严重的外部化转为内部化;工会的职能由相对单一化转向多元化。1980年以来印度工会的效能一直低下,工会运转中存在严重的团队管理问题。统一的团结合作仍然是印度工会面临的最艰巨挑战。  相似文献   

熊晓琳 《创新》2008,2(1):50-53
发达经济体是加工贸易活动的开创者和三次加工产业国际转移的推动者,经济与外贸发展战略决定了加工装配活动的成效,出口导向战略是开展加工装配活动的必要条件,出于经济与政治的考虑,发展中经济体都选择了通过参与加工贸易活动而融入到经济全球化浪潮中来。但是,参与加工贸易活动仍需要遵循比较优势原则,偏离这一原则的任何做法都不足取。  相似文献   

朱玉龙 《唐都学刊》2013,29(3):107-112
马克思的世界历史理论预言资本主义及其全球化具有不可克服的内在矛盾,其最终前途只能是社会主义和共产主义。在马克思的预言迟迟没有实现的情况下,西方意识形态的教父们认为马克思主义已经被证伪。对此,应从历史唯物主义的角度驳斥新自由主义意识形态"市场神话"的虚伪,明确"市场"自始至终一直处于民族国家的监视和保护之下。民族国家曾经挽救了市场经济,但在全球化的时代,民族国家的构架遭到了削弱,全球市场与全球政治不能平衡,必然导致市场的最终失控。因而,马克思世界历史理论的预言依然有效。  相似文献   

明朝张居正时代应对欧力东渐之得失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张居正时代是明代中欧关系的重要转折时期.面对不断东来的欧洲势力,张居正当局在外贸制度、欧侨管理、沿海防务等方面都进行了一定调整,初步呈现创新制度、增加税收、增进了解、促进发展之效果,迈出了前近代早期中国融入世界新秩序的可贵一步.但这些应对举措大多集中在经贸层面,生发于漳州、澳门、广州等局部地区,缺乏系统而长远的规划,以维护专制统治为终极目的,对中国社会之转型推动作用有限.明朝专制政体的内在缺陷,明人对欧势力的忽略轻视,乃是导致这一时期应对不足的根本原因.  相似文献   

Globalization and its related social, cultural, and economic changes have significant mental health outcomes for young people. However, mental health disorders among youth are seldom included in the range of problems linked to globalization. It is imperative that these multifaceted associations are considered in light of the substantial and increasing burden of disease caused by mental illness, particularly in Asian countries, which are comparatively young and in next few decades will be the major sources of the growth of world’s young population. The evidence reviewed in this study makes an argument that globalization has increased [relative] poverty and deprivation, social and income inequality, migration, occupational stress, educational competition, and educated unemployment in India and China. Simultaneously there is evidence which shows that these variables are causally linked with mental health of young people. Altogether, these phenomena are accompanied by higher rates of suicide among lower class, migrant, and student youth. This substantiates the proposition that globalization has significant consequences for the mental health of young people. Some interventions for debate and discussion are considered.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the global–local dialectic in respectof the convergence and divergence of culture and democracy,and the consequences of neo-liberal capitalism. The argumentis that while the globalization of people has produced somegains, the globalization of capital has created a world of unbridledconsumerism, individualism and greed with the maintenance ofa capitalist ideological hegemony that precludes our searchfor alternatives and, indeed, limits our very ability to thinkoutside the system. The paper concludes with a call for thedevelopment of a counter-hegemonic consciousness to neo-liberalcapitalism and a commitment to redistributive justice as weenvision another world order.  相似文献   

论全球化时代价值冲突的统合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对全球化价值冲突进行统合的渠道和机制可概括为四个方面因特网、知识经济、全球市场和全球组织.因特网文化是全球价值冲突的文化统一场;知识经济是后发现代化国家价值选择的路径依赖;全球市场是构建价值统合的经济平台;全球组织则是全球价值冲突的中心协调机制.  相似文献   

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