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Existing measures in the literature that are specifically concerned with testing and measuring independence between two continuous variables are all based on examining the definition of independence, i.e., FXY(x, y) = FX(x)FY(y). A new measure is constructed uniquely in this paper that uses the absolute value of first difference on adjacent ranks of one variable with respect to the other. This measure captures the degree of functional dependence attributable to the amount of randomness and the complexity of the underlying bivariate dependence structure in a commensurate way that existing coefficients are incapable of. As a test statistic of independence, this measure is shown to have comparable or better power than existing statistics against a wide range of alternative hypotheses that consist of functional and multivalued relational dependence with additive noise.  相似文献   

In the literature, assuming independence of random variables X and Y, statistical estimation of the stress–strength parameter R = P(X > Y) is intensively investigated. However, in some real applications, the strength variable X could be highly dependent on the stress variable Y. In this paper, unlike the common practice in the literature, we discuss on estimation of the parameter R where more realistically X and Y are dependent random variables distributed as bivariate Rayleigh model. We derive the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the parameters using suitable priors on the parameters. Because there are not closed forms for the Bayes estimates, we will use an approximation based on Laplace method and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to obtain the Bayes estimate of R and unknown parameters. Finally, simulation studies are conducted in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators and analysis of two data sets are provided.  相似文献   

In this work, we define a new method of ranked set sampling (RSS) which is suitable when the characteristic (variable) Y of primary interest on the units is jointly distributed with an auxiliary characteristic X on which one can take its measurement on any number of units, so that units having record values on X alone are ranked and retained for making measurement on Y. We name this RSS as concomitant record ranked set sampling (CRRSS). We propose estimators of the parameters associated with the variable Y of primary interest based on observations of the proposed CRRSS which are applicable to a very large class of distributions viz. Morgenstern family of distributions. We illustrate the application of CRRSS and our estimation technique of parameters, when the basic distribution is Morgenstern-type bivariate logistic distribution. A primary data collected by CRRSS method is demonstrated and the obtained data used to illustrate the results developed in this work.  相似文献   

In transplant studies, the patients must survive long enough to receive a transplant, which induces left-truncation. The assumption of independence between failure and truncation times may not hold since a longer transplant waiting time can be associated with a worse survivorship. To take dependence into consideration, we utilize a semiparametric transformation model, where the truncation time is both a truncated variable and a predictor of the time to failure. Using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach, we propose an IPW estimator of the marginal distribution of waiting time. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate finite sample performance of the proposed estimator. We also apply our methods to bone marrow and heart transplant data.  相似文献   


The class of bivariate copulas that are invariant under truncation with respect to one variable is considered. A simulation algorithm for the members of the class and a novel construction method are presented. Moreover, inspired by a stochastic interpretation of the members of such a class, a procedure is suggested to check whether the dependence structure of a given data set is truncation invariant. The overall performance of the procedure has been illustrated on both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Several observational studies give rise to randomly left truncated data. In a nonparametric model for such data X denotes a variable of interest, T denotes the truncation variable and the distributions of both X and T are left unspecified. For this model, the product-limit estimator, which is also the maximum likelihood estimator of the survival curve, has been widely discussed. In this article, a nonparametric Bayes estimator of the survival function based on randomly left truncated data and Dirichlet process prior is presented. Some new results on the mixtures of Dirichlet processes in the context of truncated data are obtained. These results are then used to derive the Bayes estimator of the survival function under squared error loss. The weak convergence of the Bayes estimator is studied. An example using transfusion related AIDS data quoted in Kalbfleisch and Lawless (1989) is considered.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector with joint distribution function FX, Y(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)), where C is a copula and F and G are marginal distributions of X and Y, respectively. Suppose that (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2, …, n is a random sample from (X, Y) but we are able to observe only the data consisting of those pairs (Xi, Yi) for which Xi ? Yi. We denote such pairs as (X*i, Yi*), i = 1, 2, …, ν, where ν is a random variable. The main problem of interest is to express the distribution function FX, Y(x, y) and marginal distributions F and G with the distribution function of observed random variables X* and Y*. It is shown that if X and Y are exchangeable with marginal distribution function F, then F can be uniquely determined by the distributions of X* and Y*. It is also shown that if X and Y are independent and absolutely continuous, then F and G can be expressed through the distribution functions of X* and Y* and the stress–strength reliability P{X ? Y}. This allows also to estimate P{X ? Y} with the truncated observations (X*i, Yi*). The copula of bivariate random vector (X*, Y*) is also derived.  相似文献   

Fitting a linear regression for a response variable by minimising the sum of absolute deviations, L1 regression, may be viewed as a maximum likelihood procedure applied to the Laplace distribution. An interesting bivariate case is where the conditional distribution of the response X2 given X1 and the marginal distribution of the explanatory variable X1 are both Laplace. In this context we show there is information to distinguish the direction of dependence between X1 and X2 from observations. That is we may distinguish the model in which X1 is dependent on X2 from that in which X2 is dependent on X1 This is not true for L2 regression based on the Normal distribution.  相似文献   


In this article we suggest some improved version of estimators of scale parameter of Morgenstern-type bivariate uniform distribution (MTBUD) based on the observations made on the units of the ranked set sampling regarding the study variable Y which is correlated with the auxiliary variable X, when (X, Y) follows a MTBUD. We also suggest some linear shrinkage estimators of scale parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate uniform distribution (MTBUD). Efficiency comparisons are also made in this work.  相似文献   

Serfling and Xiao [A contribution to multivariate L-moments, L-comoment matrices. J Multivariate Anal. 2007;98:1765–1781] extended the L-moment theory to the multivariate setting. In the present paper, we focus on the two-dimensional random vectors to establish a link between the bivariate L-moments (BLM) and the underlying bivariate copula functions. This connection provides a new estimate of dependence parameters of bivariate statistical data. Extensive simulation study is carried out to compare estimators based on the BLM, the maximum likelihood, the minimum distance and a rank approximate Z-estimation. The obtained results show that, when the sample size increases, BLM-based estimation performs better as far as the bias and computation time are concerned. Moreover, the root-mean-squared error is quite reasonable and less sensitive in general to outliers than those of the above cited methods. Further, the proposed BLM method is an easy-to-use tool for the estimation of multiparameter copula models. A generalization of the BLM estimation method to the multivariate case is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with studying the dependence structure between two random variables Y1 and Y2 in the presence of a covariate X, which affects both marginal distributions but not the dependence structure. This is reflected in the property that the conditional copula of Y1 and Y2 given X, does not depend on the value of X. This latter independence often appears as a simplifying assumption in pair‐copula constructions. We introduce a general estimator for the copula in this specific setting and establish its consistency. Moreover, we consider some special cases, such as parametric or nonparametric location‐scale models for the effect of the covariate X on the marginals of Y1 and Y2 and show that in these cases, weak convergence of the estimator, at ‐rate, holds. The theoretical results are illustrated by simulations and a real data example.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector whose distribution function H(x, y) belongs to the class of bivariate extreme-value distributions. If F1 and F2 are the marginals of X and Y, then H(x, y) = C{F1(x),F2(y)}, where C is a bivariate extreme-value dependence function. This paper gives the joint distribution of the random variables Z = {log F1(X)}/{log F1(X)F2(Y)} and W = C{F1{(X),F2(Y)}. Using this distribution, an algorithm to generate random variables having bivariate extreme-value distribution is présentés. Furthermore, it is shown that for any bivariate extreme-value dependence function C, the distribution of the random variable W = C{F1(X),F2(Y)} belongs to a monoparametric family of distributions. This property is used to derive goodness-of-fit statistics to determine whether a copula belongs to an extreme-value family.  相似文献   

In this note, we consider estimating the bivariate survival function when both survival times are subject to random left truncation and one of the survival times is subject to random right censoring. Motivated by Satten and Datta [2001. The Kaplan–Meier estimator as an inverse-probability-of-censoring weighted average. Amer. Statist. 55, 207–210], we propose an inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) estimator. It involves simultaneous estimation of the bivariate survival function of the truncation variables and that of the censoring variable and the truncation variable of the uncensored components. We prove that (i) when there is no censoring, the IPW estimator reduces to NPMLE of van der Laan [1996a. Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate survival function with truncated data. J. Multivariate Anal. 58, 107–131] and (ii) when there is random left truncation and right censoring on only one of the components and the other component is always observed, the IPW estimator reduces to the estimator of Gijbels and Gürler [1998. Covariance function of a bivariate distribution function estimator for left truncated and right censored data. Statist. Sin. 1219–1232]. Based on Theorem 3.1 of van der Laan [1996a. Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate survival function with truncated data. J. Multivariate Anal. 58, 107–131, 1996b. Efficient estimation of the bivariate censoring model and repairing NPMLE. Ann. Statist. 24, 596–627], we prove that the IPW estimator is consistent under certain conditions. Finally, we examine the finite sample performance of the IPW estimator in some simulation studies. For the special case that censoring time is independent of truncation time, a simulation study is conducted to compare the performances of the IPW estimator against that of the estimator proposed by van der Laan [1996a. Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate survival function with truncated data. J. Multivariate Anal. 58, 107–131, 1996b. Efficient estimation of the bivariate censoring model and repairing NPMLE. Ann. Statist. 24, 596–627]. For the special case (i), a simulation study is conducted to compare the performances of the IPW estimator against that of the estimator proposed by Huang et al. (2001. Nonnparametric estimation of marginal distributions under bivariate truncation with application to testing for age-of-onset application. Statist. Sin. 11, 1047–1068).  相似文献   

This article derives the likelihood ratio statistic to test the independence between (X 1,…,X r ) and (X r+1,…,X k ) under the assumption that (X 1,…,X k ) has a multivariate normal distribution and that a sample of size n is available, where for N observation vectors all components are available, while for M = (n + N) observation vectors, the data on the last q components, (Xk-q+1,…,X k ) are missing (k+q≥r).  相似文献   

Income and wealth data are typically modelled by some variant of the classical Pareto distribution. Often, in practice, the observed data are truncated with respect to some unobserved covariate. In this paper, a hidden truncation formulation of this scenario is proposed and analysed. For this purpose, a bivariate Pareto (IV) distribution is assumed for the variable of interest and the unobserved covariate. Some important distributional properties of the resulting model as well as associated inferential methods are studied. An example is used finally to illustrate the results developed here. In this case, it is noted that hidden truncation on the left does not result in any new model, but the hidden truncation on the right does. The properties and fit of such a model pose a challenging problem and that is what is focused here in this work.  相似文献   

Let (X 1, X 2) be a bivariate L p -norm generalized symmetrized Dirichlet (LpGSD) random vector with parameters α12. If p12=2, then (X 1, X 2) is a spherical random vector. The estimation of the conditional distribution of Z u *:=X 2 | X 1>u for u large is of some interest in statistical applications. When (X 1, X 2) is a spherical random vector with associated random radius in the Gumbel max-domain of attraction, the distribution of Z u * can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution. Surprisingly, the same Gaussian approximation holds also for Z u :=X 2| X 1=u. In this paper, we are interested in conditional limit results in terms of convergence of the density functions considering a d-dimensional LpGSD random vector. Stating our results for the bivariate setup, we show that the density function of Z u * and Z u can be approximated by the density function of a Kotz type I LpGSD distribution, provided that the associated random radius has distribution function in the Gumbel max-domain of attraction. Further, we present two applications concerning the asymptotic behaviour of concomitants of order statistics of bivariate Dirichlet samples and the estimation of the conditional quantile function.  相似文献   


Parameter estimation based on truncated data is dealt with; the data are assumed to obey truncated exponential distributions with a variety of truncation time—a 1 data are obtained by truncation time b 1, a 2 data are obtained by truncation time b 2 and so on, whereas the underlying distribution is the same exponential one. The purpose of the present paper is to give existence conditions of the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) and to show some properties of the MLEs in two cases: 1) the grouped and truncated data are given (that is, the data each express the number of the data value falling in a corresponding subinterval), 2) the continuous and truncated data are given.  相似文献   


In this paper, m-dimensional distribution functions with truncation invariant dependence structure are studied. Some of the properties of generalized Archimedean class of copulas under this dependence structure are presented including some results on the conditions of compatibility. It has been shown that Archimedean copula generalized as it is described by Jouini and Clemen[1] Jouini, M.N. and Clemen, R.T. 1996. Copula Models for Aggregating Expert Opinions. Operations Research, 44(3): 444457.  [Google Scholar] which has the truncation invariant dependence structure has to have the form of independence or Cook-Johnson copula. We also consider a multi-parameter class of copulas derived from one-parameter Archimedean copulas. It has been shown that this class has a probabilistic meaning as a connecting copula of the truncated random pair with a right truncation region on the third variable. Multi-parameter copulas generated in this paper stays in the Archimedean class. We provide formulas to compute Kendall's tau and explore the dependence behavior of this multi-parameter class through examples.  相似文献   

The Pareto distribution is a simple model for non negative data with a power law probability tail. Income and wealth data are typically modeled using some variant of the classical Pareto distribution. In practice, it is frequently likely that the observed data have been truncated with respect to some unobserved covariable. In this paper, a hidden truncation formulation of this scenario is proposed and analyzed. A bivariate Pareto (II) distribution is assumed for the variable of interest and the unobserved covariable. Distributional properties of the resulting model are investigated. A variety of parameter estimation strategies (under the classical set up) are investigated.  相似文献   

This paper investigates tail behavior of the randomly weighted sum ∑nk = 1θkXk and reaches an asymptotic formula, where Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are real-valued linearly wide quadrant-dependent (LWQD) random variables with a common heavy-tailed distribution, and θk, 1 ? k ? n, independent of Xk, 1 ? k ? n, are n non-negative random variables without any dependence assumptions. The LWQD structure includes the linearly negative quadrant-dependent structure, the negatively associated structure, and hence the independence structure. On the other hand, it also includes some positively dependent random variables and some other random variables. The obtained result coincides with the existing ones.  相似文献   

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