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There is a large body of research that shows children from non-intact homes show higher rates of juvenile delinquency than children from intact homes, partially due to weaker parental control and supervision in non-intact homes. What has not been adequately addressed in the research is the influence of changes in family structure among individual adolescents over time on delinquent offending. Using the first and third waves of the National Youth Study, we assess the effect of family structure changes on changes in delinquent offending between waves through the intermediate process of changes in family time and parental attachment. Although prior research has documented adolescents in broken homes are more delinquent than youth in intact homes, the process of family dissolution is not associated with concurrent increases in offending. In contrast, family formation through marriage or cohabitation is associated with simultaneous increases in offending. Changes in family time and parental attachment account for a portion of the family formation effect on delinquency, and prior parental attachment and juvenile offending significantly condition the effect of family formation on offending.  相似文献   

In reviewing recent trends in delinquency theorizing and research, it is noted that track position, independent of status origins, is highly associated with such behavioral outcomes as youth rebellion and official delinquency. This observation, given its provocative theoretical and policy implications, is subjected to fresh empirical scrutiny through use of self-report delinquency data obtained from 173 seniors (both males and females) attending two high schools in western New York State. Analyses, through use of Yule's Q and first-order partials, indicate that these data are strongly supportive of the recent trends noted. Track position, relative to both sex and status origins, emerges as the strongest predictor of self-report delinquent involvement. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assesses the moderating effects of importance placed on strained domains (i.e., centrality of strain) on the relationship between strain and delinquent participation among Chinese adolescents. Regression analyses of data on 1,735 middle school students from Fuzhou City, China, yield results quite comparable with expectations. Adolescents who report high levels of strain and simultaneously consider these strained domains (i.e., status achievement, interpersonal relations, and personal appearance) as important engage in higher levels of delinquency than those who encounter strain but deem it as less important. The effects of strain and centrality of strain are most salient concerning status achievement. These findings are interpreted in light of China’s cultural setting and policy implications.  相似文献   

This article assesses the differences in educational deficiencies between a statewide sample of delinquent students and a matched sample of nondelinquent students. Employing a research design that controls for a series of relevant individual and school variables, the study's findings document that delinquent students are characterized by a series of disproportionate educational deficiencies as compared to their nondelinquent student counterparts. Delinquent students were found to attain lower grade point averages, have poorer school attendance records, be retained more often in the same grade, and receive more school disciplinary actions. The article concludes that these documented educational deficiencies may play an integral role in the process of delinquency and, therefore, pose a number of public policy implications in relation to the prevention and treatment of delinquency.  相似文献   

This study explores the association between student factors and delinquency by comparing two groups of adjudicated youth in six Midwestern residential facilities: 331 young men committed for a sexual offense, and 171 committed for a nonsexual offense. Statistically significant findings include juvenile sexual offenders exhibiting a greater number of delinquent behaviors and greater academic and social difficulties compared with their counterparts adjudicated for a nonsexual offense. Additionally, path analysis revealed that school experience was negatively associated with delinquency for both groups. For juvenile sexual offenders, academic difficulties were associated with delinquency through their school experience. Among general delinquents, delinquency was directly associated with social difficulties and school experience. Implications for interventions and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational attainment and school bonding are established predictors of delinquent behavior. In spite of an abundance of research on the relationship between education and delinquency, there is little research that examines the impact of education on stability and change in criminal offending over the life course. This dearth of research is surprising given the increasing significance of post-secondary education in contemporary society and the prominence of the life course approach in the study of crime. The current study uses seven waves of data from the National Youth Survey to examine the impact of higher education on criminal offending over the life course. Findings indicate that college attendance and investment in higher education are negatively associated with criminal offending in adulthood. In addition, the protective effect of higher education is stronger for individuals who were more delinquent during adolescence. Study limitations and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Increased juvenile delinquency can be seen as an indicator for a deteriorating social fabric under conditions of rapid social change. Criminological theories suggest, however, that such conditions do not per se produce delinquency: They force youth into prodelinquent leisure activities with peers, leading to an endorsement of delinquent behavior and offering the infrastructure for it. Resources acquired in family and public life, however, may prevent youth from drifting into such prodelinquent leisure activities and indirectly from delinquent behavior. Empirical tests of these hypotheses have to employ simultaneous analyses of societal-level and individual-level data. On the basis of an international youth study, the paper undertakes such an analysis: In the years 1992–95, data from 42 independent samples of seventh graders from East and West Germany, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czechia, and Greece were surveyed. Data on deviant school behavior, delinquent drift, nurturant parenting, and subjective feelings of justice in public were obtained from 7282 thirteen- to fourteen-year-olds. Processes of rapid social change were incorporated as data on changes in GNP in the years proceeding the surveys. Analyses show that delinquent drift is a valid predictor of deviant school behavior only on the individual level. The extent to which adolescents engage in prodelinquent peer activities depends more on the cultural context in which adolescents live than on their personal experience in the family and in public. Nurturant parenting does, however, covary negatively with deviant school behavior irrespective of level of analysis.  相似文献   

Relying on historical research, a longitudinal data set, and multivariate analyses, the drug-violence relationship is scrutinized. A proposed model is tested and supported, indicating that attitudes toward violence, gender, neighborhood problems, minor delinquency, and victimization were persistent correlates that must be considered within the drug-violence relationship. Parental attachment and importance, exposure to delinquent peers, and drug dealing were also important. Both licit and illicit drug use were significant within the models, although the relationship changed from year to year. In year 1, youth who used drugs reported more violence. In year 2, youth who were not using drugs reported more violence. Association with delinquent peers and initial involvement in drug dealing were likely explanations for this transition. Findings offer support for prevention efforts that disrupt drug markets and target male youth who are involved in crime and drugs, repeatedly victimized, associating with delinquent peers, and developing attitudes favorable toward the use of violence.  相似文献   

This article examines racial differences in self-reported delinquency, school trouble, antisocial attitudes, and toughness and in teacher-rated aggressive and inattentive behaviors among fifth grade black, white, and Asian American subjects. Also examined are the relationships of these variables to substance initiation within each racial group. Controlling for socio-economic status, racial groups differed from one another in self-reported delinquency, school trouble and toughness, and in teacher-rated aggressiveness and inattention. Antisocial behavior and attitudes were stronger predictors of substance initiation for Asian American than for black and white children. For white children both self-reported and teacher-rated behavior were significantly related to substance initiation. For black children, only self-reported antisocial behavior, and for Asian American children only self-reported delinquent behavior and attitudes predicted substance initiation. Implications for prevention and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Building on the Durkheimian legacy's emphasis on social integration as a determinant of suicidal behavior, many macrolevel studies have observed an association between aggregate rates of geographical mobility and suicide, but little research has explored this connection at the individual level. We use data from 9,594 respondents who participated in two waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine the effect of recent residential mobility on attempted suicide one year later and to explore the mechanisms that potentially transmit this effect. We find that among adolescent girls, recent movers are about 60 percent more likely than nonmovers to report having attempted suicide during the following year and that this difference cannot be readily explained by mover versus nonmover differences in preexisting demographic and family background characteristics. Some of the apparent effect of residential mobility on females' risk of attempting suicide operates through higher rates of victimization and delinquency, lower levels of school attachment, higher rates of social isolation, and a tendency for movers to associate with peers who exhibit delinquent behaviors and who themselves have attempted suicide. In contrast, we find no evidence that mobile female adolescents' deficit of parental social capital or lower levels of school engagement can account for the difference in attempted suicide risk between movers and nonmovers. We also find that residential mobility is not significantly associated with suicide attempts among adolescent males.  相似文献   

Juvenile delinquency and high risk behaviors have been linked to disturbances in attachment. The present study examined parent and peer attachment in 67 African American males and 97 Latinos (ages 12–17, M = 14.7 ± 1.3) attending an alternative school. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment was used to identify 3 attachment style groups: “Isolated,” “Disconnected,” and “Connected.” Controlling for age, attachment group membership predicted differences in delinquent behaviors, as did ethnicity. Further, on the Youth Self-Report of the Child Behavior Checklist, attachment group membership predicted differences in both the Internalizing and Externalizing Scales. Implications for interventions with each identified attachment group are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between social class and delinquency to determine if the discrepancy between findings with official versus selfreport data can he resolved. Methodological suggestions which numerous researchers have suggested might explicate the discrepancy were incorporated. These include the use of a disproportionatc stratified sample to facilitate focus on relativcly serious self-reported delinquent behavior, separate analyses of subscales representing different domains of delinquency, and operationalization of social class by multiple indicators, including some consistent with the concept of an underclass. It was found that only offenses against persons consistently correlate negatively with measures of social class. However, analysis of self-reported contacts with police and courts suggests the presence of social class biases in the juvenile justice process and raises questions concerning the appropriateness of using disproportionate stratified samples in this context.  相似文献   

Gifted and talented youths—defined as youths who show achievement or potential ability in regard to general intelligence, a specific academic area, creative or productive thinking, leadership, visual or performing arts, or psychomotor activities—constitute one of the nation's most vital resources. Some portion of these youths come in contact with the juvenile court. This article reviews the research on gifted delinquents with particular attention to four longitudinal studies, three British and one American. The research is examined in order to ascertain whether it lends support to the thesis that bright youths are more vulnerable to delinquency because they are more sensitive to an unfavorable environment, or to the thesis that they are protected against delinquency because of their greater ability to understand and cope with environmental conditions. The findings indicate that bright youths are less likely to appear in delinquent populations than others and more likely to come from disrupted and unstable homes. To some extent they support the thesis that bright children are protected from delinquency by their intelligence except in extreme family circumstances. School performance for most bright delinquents is far below capacity, although there is evidence that some youths become disruptive outside of school before their school performance deteriorates.  相似文献   


This study examines the implications of identity for the adaptation of immigrant children in the European context. Using the migrant sample from the Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU), this study examines how identity is related to the outcomes of well-being and delinquency of high school students. Results from multilevel models lend partial support to the theorized role of acculturation identity. Integrated students had higher well-being compared with assimilated students, challenging the notion that sole national affiliation is the most advantageous strategy for adaptation and thereby supporting a selective acculturation perspective. In addition, separate analyses of European and non-European immigrant students produced divergent results. While the ethnic identity of students with non-European backgrounds was negatively associated with delinquent behavior, separated students of European background reported higher delinquency compared with their assimilated counterparts, suggesting that acculturated identity works in different ways between immigrant groups and that the protective effect of ethnic identity against delinquency is only present for migrants students of non-European backgrounds.  相似文献   

A recent interest in juvenile delinquency is the effect of parental attachment on delinquency for males and females. This study contributes to this research by demonstrating that the effect of gender on the relationship between parental attachment and delinquency depends on age. The inverse effect of virtual supervision on delinquency is significantly greater for males at age 15 than at age 11, and significantly greater for males than for females at age 15. The inverse effect of intimacy of communication on delinquency is significantly greater for males at age 11 than at age 18, and significantly greater for females than for males at age 18. The implications of these results for Hirschi's theory and future research comparing male and female delinquency are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates short‐term and long‐term associations between parenting in early adolescence and delinquency throughout adolescence using data from the National Longitudinal Surveys. Multilevel longitudinal Poisson regressions show that behavioral control, psychological control, and decision‐making autonomy in early adolescence (ages 10–11) are associated with delinquency trajectories throughout adolescence (ages 10–17). Path analyses reveal support for three mediation hypotheses. Parental monitoring (behavioral control) is negatively associated with delinquency in the short term and operates partly through changes in self‐control. Parental pressure (psychological control) shows immediate and long‐lasting associations with delinquency through changes in self‐control and delinquent peer pressures. Decision‐making autonomy is negatively associated with delinquency in the long term, yet may exacerbate delinquency in early adolescence by increasing exposure to delinquent peers.  相似文献   

We apply criminological theories of social control to explore the relationships among adolescent pregnancy, pregnancy resolution, and juvenile delinquency. While most ever-pregnant girls have especially high rates of delinquent behavior, adolescent mothers exhibit delinquency levels no higher than those of their never-pregnant peers. Unlike adolescent females who end their pregnancies through abortion, those who keep their babies experience a dramatic reduction in both smoking and marijuana use. Our results suggest that among adolescent girls, the birth of a child has a strong trajectory-modifying effect. It serves as a mechanisms of social control and substantially reduces the likelihood of delinquent behavior.  相似文献   

The correlation between class and delinquency often observed in areal studies and assumed in prominent sociological theories is elusive in studies of individuals commonly used to test these theories. A restricted conceptualization of class in terms of parental origins and the concentration of self-report survey designs on adolescents in school have removed from this area of research street youth who were once central to classic studies of delinquency. We argue that street youth experience current class conditions that cause serious delinquency, and that life on the street is an important intervening variable that transmits indirect effects of control and strain theory variables, including parental class origins. Data gathered from nearly 1000 Toronto school and street youth are analyzed with important implications for the conceptualization of class and delinquency, testing and integrating sociological theories of delinquency, the measurement of delinquency, and the use of cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs. Our findings especially encourage incorporation of street-based samples into research on class-based aspects of theories of delinquency.  相似文献   

A multivariate analysis of social bonding theory of delinquency is presented which includes a comparison by rural-urban location. Findings indicate the bonding scales to be a stronger explanation of delinquency among rural youth, although lack of social bonding is also strongly implicated in delinquency committed by urban youth. Also, attachment to peers is positively associated with delinquency, while the conventionality of peers is inversely related to delinquent behavior. However, a strong racial influence on the connection between delinquency and the social bond was also observed. This racial influence appeared to operate independently of type of community, but a definitive conclusion could not be reached, given the characteristics of the sample and scale scores.  相似文献   

Hypothesized gender-specific relationships between parent–youth conflict and youth's school delinquency and cigarette use, and the moderating effect of associations with achievement-oriented peers are estimated using information provided by a national sample of high school students (National Education Longitudinal Study [NELS] 1988–1990, N =13,348). Multiple regression analyses yielded results as follows: Conflict with fathers is more related to adolescent sons' school delinquency and cigarette use than adolescent daughters' while conflict with mothers is only predictive of daughters' school delinquency and cigarette use. Further, associations with highly achievement-oriented peers tend to mitigate adverse effect of conflict with the same-sex parent on school delinquency and cigarette use. These results are observed while controlling for putative common antecedent variables.  相似文献   

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