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More than 230 Million Yuan, 279 Primary Schools Beijing Evening News recently reported the Beijing Contribution Center of Project Hope (an initiative to attract support to help children of poor families receive schooling) had, by 2006, received more than 230 million yuan (US$29.49 million) in donations from both home and abroad. During the same period, the center provided aid for the construction of 279 primary schools. The center was established 13 years ago.  相似文献   

400 Million Yuan (US $52.63 Million) During the State scholarships award ceremony, held in Beijing in January 2008,China awarded 400 million yuan to 50,000 university students from poverty-stricken families.The students had posted outstanding academic achievements.Each student received 8,000 yuan (US $1,052.63),an amount nearly double that of last year,due to increased government investment.  相似文献   

US$16 Million The 2008 Olympic Games will bring lucrative profits to China,"Li Jinhua,a researcher at the Institute of Quantative and Technical Economics under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS),told a recent academic seminar in Beijing."After deducting all the costs,it is expected that China will see a total profit of US$16 million from the games."  相似文献   

Nearly 40 Percent A recent survey on the Chinese website www.163.com shows that Chinese women netizens greatly value independence,individualism and wisdom.The results indicate that 39.5 percent of the 3,042 respondents believe it is important to be economically independent, and 10.7 percent want to enjoy their spare time on their  相似文献   

More than One-third Women make up more than one-third of China's scientists, according to the international seminar on"Women in Science"recently held in Beijing.The event was sponsored  相似文献   

The children of today will run our human family in the 21st century. Their survival, protection and development decide, for the most part, the quality of a people and lay the foundation of human progress as a whole. There-  相似文献   

Six Million 600万: Since the Chinese Association for the Handicapped was founded 14 years ago, more than 6 million handicapped people have been helped to improve their abilities in movement and communication etc. The number accounts to one tenth of disabled people in the country and a further 2.5 million have received some technical training.  相似文献   

Five Times More A recent survey by www.zhaopin.com,one of the most professional HR(human resources)service providers in China,indicated that the number of women who prefer  相似文献   

Effect of SARS on People's Daily Habits“非典”对公众日常生活习惯和心理的影响 43.5 percent of respondents say SARS has greatly affected their lives; 100 percent of respondents clean their homes more often;74,8 percent of respondents said they wear surgical-style masks when in crowded  相似文献   

Beijing Olympics Facts Sports Events and Gold Medals The Beijing Olympics,which will be held from August 8-24, will consist of 28 sports,302 events and 303 gold medals. (Source:www.beijing2008.cn)  相似文献   

1.3 Million Chinese Xinhua News Agency,China's national news-wire organization,has reported that nearly 1.3 million Chinese have benefited from the Project of Water Cellar for Mothers during the past seven years.The project,which launched by the All-China Women's Federation and the China Women Development Fund in 2000,is aimed at providing safe water to 300 million people in drought- stricken rural areas of the country.The Chinese Government is committed to achieving the goal by 2020. More than 100,000 water cellars and 1,200 water supply facilities have been built in 23 provinces,municipalities and regions-including West China's Shaanxi and Gansu provinces,the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

About 67 Percent of Respondents: Feelings Crucial When Selecting Spouse约67%的被访者择偶跟着“感觉”走According to the "Survey on Chinese People's Love and Marital Status in 2006," which was a recently published blue paper on Chinese women's lives, about 67 percent of the respondents said they regarded "feelings"-personal impressions of someone based on major factors, such as  相似文献   

What Women Are Thinking:女性们如何看待这些:Percentage: The proportion of women who agreeInvestigation Scope: 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalitiesNumber of Investigation Samples: 11,094  相似文献   

50.1 Percent The Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission recently conducted a survey of 4,800 adults aged 20-30,who were single children.Some 50.1 percent of the respondents said they hoped to have a second child.  相似文献   

11.79 Percent The Institute of Population and Labor Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently issued the Studies on the Changes to the Beijing-born Population. The report indicated Beijing's childbirth rate has been low for many years.The percentage of women above  相似文献   

More Than 120,000 Signatures By March 8,which was International Women's Day, more than 120,000 people in China had signed on to the Internet-based advocacy campaignSay No to Violence against Women.  相似文献   

236 Million Yuan The Ministry of Culture announced,in a recent report, that China has invested,over the past five years,236 million yuan (US $31.05 million) to protect its intangible cultural heritage.China has increased spending on such initiatives since 2003.  相似文献   

253 Million Internet Users vs 46.4 Percent of Women Netizens China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC) recently issued its 22nd Statistical Survey Report on Internet Development in China. The report indicated China had 253 million Internet users by the end of June 2008, up 56.2 percent over the previous year.For the first time in China's history,the Internet  相似文献   

73 Years Old The Ministry of Public Health recently issued the Brief Report on China's Development of Public Health from 2003 to 2007.According to the report,Chinese people's average life expectancy rose from 71.4 years in 2000 to 73  相似文献   

Beijing's Children Have More Pocket Money北京孩子零花钱最多A recent survey on Chinese children's pocket money conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu indicates Beijing's children have more pocket money.  相似文献   

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