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金融化是经济社会学近年研究的热点之一,也是一个层次复杂、意涵宽泛,容易混淆和滥用的概念。本文首先梳理了英文文献中金融化概念的操作化方式,并概括出从“市场结构转型”和“行动逻辑演变”入手的两种金融化研究进路;随后讨论了马克思主义和历史制度主义两种传统下对金融化(特别是20世纪70年代以来美国的金融化)的不同解释,厘清了将金融化作为历史必然阶段和政策意外后果的两种不同传统及其关系。在此基础上,本文结合近年来国内学界关于金融化的研究成果和相关数据,检视了我国金融化在各个层面的经验表现,并对未来金融化研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国自改革开放以来所出现的金融风险除了支付性风险,贷款风险、市场风险和收益风险之外,还存在着管理与内控风险,就是由于金融机构内部管理与风险控制出现重大的漏洞而导致重大资金损失的风险。在这种风险中,金融犯罪风险是一个极为重要的内容。各国的金融运作实践表明,不从根本上解除金融安全的体制性障碍,不健全完善的金融运作法律、法规和科学的金融犯罪防  相似文献   

陆益龙  李光达 《社会学研究》2023,(5):23-44+226-227
在金融市场上,券商分析师角色特殊,他们收集、整理和分析上市公司信息,研判证券市场走势,制作研究报告,为投资者提供专业化投资建议和服务。由于研报使用价值减弱,分析师“做研报”演变为符号生产,“卖研报”嵌入券商与机构投资者、分析师和基金经理的社会关系网络。研报生产经营行动映射出金融与社会关系的结构变迁,表明金融化社会在悄悄兴起,金融嵌入与脱嵌问题再现了金融化社会形成的轨迹,也预示着金融化潜在风险及其根源。  相似文献   

中国首期融资借贷维度互联网化指数为108.5,已经超过100,这一数字说明网络贷款对需要融资贷款的人产生了一定的推动作用,已经初步体现出金融互联网化的成效。互联网金融的进步,带动了我国资本市场的发展和经济的进步。本文对金融互联网化的成效做简单探讨。  相似文献   

大多数人对非洲的印象,除了丰富的矿产和茂盛的植被,就是那里常年出现的贫穷与疾病.而因为有了中国医疗队在当地的救死扶伤,非洲居民的痛苦大大减轻.1963年,我国向非洲北部的阿尔及利亚派出第一批援外医疗队伍,在当地民众间进行医疗救助,无条件的中国医疗援外工行动就此展开.  相似文献   

夏芳 《城市观察》2012,(1):143-149
城市化进程中产生了巨大的投资需求,而我国地方政府财政很难满足,因此解决金融支持问题显得急迫且重要。本文首先分析了我国金融支持城市化存在的问题,然后借鉴发达市场经济国家经验,并提供了我国金融支持城市化发展的路径和建议。  相似文献   

目前,我国金融控股公司的发展在数量与规模上都有了极大的发展,然而对金融控股公司的监管却不能与金融控股公司的发展相适应,存在着监管法律缺失,监管结构的不足等问题。文中分析了金融控股公司发展现状及目前监管制度的不足,并在此基础上提出了对我国金融控股公司监管的完善建议。  相似文献   

马坚波 《职业》2011,(34):64-65
近年来,随着经济全球化进程的加快,我国金融业面临的竞争日益激烈。国与国之间金融竞争的核心是高层次金融人才的竞争。笔者在此就我国金融业人才队伍面临的形势与存在问题加以分析,并提出加快我国高层次金融业人才队伍建设的若干建议。  相似文献   

住房金融的根本性作用在于能够提高住房的有效需求,从而加速人民居住水平的提高。我国住房金融是改革的产物,目前住房金融具有鲜明的经济转型过渡期的特色,它包括政策性和商业性两部分。这两个部分由资金来源的不同而划分开,各自独立又相互配合而运作,但囿于资金利益和认识及市场的局限,尚未形成有效地服务于住房建设与消费的资金运行系统,亟待改进与完善。  相似文献   

开罗国际会议中心,位于尼罗河东岸的纳赛尔城,是80年代我国最大的经济援外项目。这座雄伟壮观的白色建筑由上海民用设计院设计,中国建筑工程总公司上海分公司承建。总建筑面积58,000平方米,占地  相似文献   

Once known as a silent and even a model minority, hardworking and keeping a low profile, the Chinese community in Paris, one of the largest Chinese diasporic population in Europe, has organized several massive demonstrations since 2010 to demand police protection amid mounting security concerns. Based on qualitative methods combining ethnographic research, media analysis, observation of the collective actions, and interviews of key actors involved, this article analyses the evolution of these mobilizations and their aftermath, on a span of eight years from June 2010 to July 2018, aiming to comprehend the role of China’s influence diplomacy in regard to the actions of overseas Chinese for security. There hasn’t been any study on the role that overseas Chinese might play in China’s foreign policy towards Europe.  相似文献   

Facing dramatic growth in its elderly population, Shanghai, China’s economic center, has strategically exercised decentralized policy-making power to develop community-based service centers for the elderly. A growing number of elders have been using such services, particular dining services, since 2007. We discuss the evolution in community-based eldercare services in Shanghai, using dining services as an example. We also compare these service centers in Shanghai to multipurpose senior centers in the United States to offer policy recommendations for Shanghai and China’s growing eldercare industry. Tailored policy recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

伊拉克战争为公众参与中国中东外交政策制定提供了机会,参与群体前所未有地扩大,参与途径全面拓展,不同意见的表达开始涌现,公众主动对外交建言献策,开始有意施加民意压力。更为重要的是,公众意见开始成为外交部门对外传播国家主张的背景支撑和参考因素。公众因素开始成为中国制定中东外交决策时需要考虑的重要参数之一,但其影响力有限,更多是参考和制约作用,其影响正处于发展之中。  相似文献   

中阿关系是中国重要对外关系之一,是中国外交工作的一个重点。早在伊斯兰教创立及大阿拉伯帝国形成前,中国就同该地区有友好往来。20世纪五十年代起,中国同阿拉伯国家陆续建立正式外交关系后,双方关系在广度和深度上均有所发展。始终贯穿中阿关系的关键词是:友好、合作;贯穿中阿关系的精神是:相互尊重、相互支持。  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s, Chinese metropolises have been emerging as hubs for the national and global economy. They attract increasing numbers of foreigners with diverse socio‐economic and educational backgrounds who tend to immigrate independently of the Chinese initiatives focused on “foreign talents”. Our analysis contributes to the understanding of these migrants’ integration into the labour market. Through a Bourdieusian capital lens, this article unpacks the access to the labour market and occupational positions of Swiss and Swedish migrant professionals in mainland China. Differentiated by how they can capitalize upon their educational, occupational, social and cultural resources in this specific context, the article distinguishes between three categories: corporarate expatriates, local hires and entrepreneurs and concludes with policy recommendations to stabilize their residence conditions.  相似文献   

Studies on ethnic minorities for the Republican period (1912–1949) highlight the political agency these groups displayed in their negotiations with the modern Chinese state. Most of this work has focused on those non-Han groups officially recognized as part of the Five-Race Republic (wuzu gonghe). Little is known, however, about those excluded from the early Republic’s flag such as the Yi inhabiting southwest China. This article discusses the role played by a group of Yi leaders who engaged with Sun Yat-sen’s ideology of nationalism, racial equality, and anti-imperialism in their attempts to obtain both recognition and aid from the Chinese nation–state. Rather than rejecting the commonly used term to identify China’s non-Han population of ‘weak and small races’ present in Sun Yat-sen’s ideology, Yi elites appropriated this term to their advantage seeking aid from the Guomindang but at the same time placing boundaries to what they perceived to be a Han-centered state.  相似文献   

This study illustrates the Two Sessions and proposes the concept of public diplomacy network to investigate the effect of China’s public diplomacy communication on Twitter. Twitter data comprising 14,874 tweets and 7773 users was collected during March 5 to March 20 in 2018, the combination of social network analysis and content analysis were employed from a holistic, relational and networked approach. The results present public diplomacy networks’ structural characteristics, key participants’ networking patterns, communication strategies, issue participation, and homophily effect that participants who take the same attitude towards China (negative & neutral or positive) are clustered in each group. In conclusion, although China’s state-owed media takes the lead in public diplomacy communication, foreign practitioners dominate the NGOs, researchers, correspondents, and generally take negative attitude towards China. China’s media outlets underperform in allying closely, and China is entrenched in traditional one-way monologue. The theoretical, methodological and practical implications are addressed.  相似文献   

Much of the stress and coping literature is shaped by Hill’s ABC-X model, however, parents who are learning to cope with various aspects of their child’s health may experience stressors that can be better explained by expanding the ABC-X model to incorporate specific needs of the family. To aid this expansion, the authors examine the specific context of children with chronic illnesses via a systematic review and propose a new theoretical model: the Model of Parental Coping with Child Health. The proposed model explores the integration of the biopsychosocial-spiritual model and ecological systems theory utilizing the scaffolding of the ABC-X model for the organization. Future research, implications, and recommendations are also discussed.  相似文献   

盛夏 《职业时空》2012,(4):143-145
随着全球化的深入和中国经济的发展,中国的对外旅游业也快速发展,为进一步推动旅游业并吸引更多外宾入境旅游,旅游外宣资料发挥了越来越大的作用,其用语的准确性和文化传递的贴切性也受到了更多关注。但因为中英语言和文化的不同,许多旅游宣传资料还存在一些问题,文章主要分析了中英语言的差异,提出了一些翻译旅游外宣资料的改进方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates how Xinwen Lianbo, a prestigious TV news program and a key propaganda tool of the Chinese Communist Party, framed a bloc of Western countries in its foreign news coverage in the period 2010-2015. The results of the content analysis performed in this study revealed that mixed and diverse images of the West were portrayed by the program. Interestingly, significantly more negative frames of these countries were identified after Xi Jinping took office in late 2012, which signaled a pivotal event in terms of China’s foreign policy. However, Xi’s speech to Chinese media workers on 19 August 2013 did not have additional effects on the program’s framing of the West.  相似文献   

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