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岳宝 《现代交际》2012,(12):100-101
选调生作为党政领导干部的后备力量,在初任工作时难免会遇到各种各样的问题.对选调生初任工作遇到的问题进行分析总结,并提出具有针对性的解决对策,从而把选调生工作不断推向前进.  相似文献   

牛秋月 《现代交际》2010,(9):120-121
选调生制度是我国一项重要的干部人事制度,是国家、省级组织人事部门从高等学校挑选品学兼优的应届大学生毕业生到党政基层工作,在实践中接受培养和锻炼,逐步造就我党和国家事业接班人的一项重大举措。就目前我国选调生制度的现状,本文将在思想教育、薪酬待遇、个人发展、人际关系和心理健康五个方面进行对策建议。  相似文献   

张九坡 《安家》2006,(6):86-87
对于房价和地产政策走势,老百姓也有自己的想法. 4月28日,<安家>杂志和新浪网联合主办了"北京房价将向何处去"的网上调查.此次调查从房价和可能出台的房价调控政策等方面进行了精心的议题设置,以了解社会各界朋友对房地产行业的看法为出发点,认真聆听了每个网友对当前房价和国家政策的看法.截至5月10日,已有11532名网民积极参与了此次网上调查,其结果值得深思.  相似文献   

我国的农村土地流转政策目前正在实施,本文以淄博市农村土地流转政策的实施为例,通过实际调查与走访,详细了解了淄博市农村土地流转政策实施的现状,针对如何做好土地流转工作提出几点建议,希望为土地流转政策在我国的实施提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

本文结合租购并举政策的宏观背景,基于房地产消费倾向大数据调查的结论,利用行为经济学原理,分析了房地产市场表现和市场行为(如乐购舍租、追涨、地王、惜租等)背后的潜意识动机,并对租购并举政策的落地实施提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

"九一八事变"之后,东北军民在中国共产党的领导之下,展开了轰轰烈烈的抗日斗争。日本殖民者对于中国共产党领导下的东北抗战进行了调查,调查主要集中于中共满洲省委、东北抗日联军抗日活动以及东北抗日游击根据地。日本殖民者的调查内容从一个侧面证明了中国共产党领导东北军民的英勇抗战的史实。这些调查内容的立足点是为日本殖民者制定侵略政策服务,体现了殖民性和侵略性,现在已经成为日本殖民者侵略中国的重要证据。  相似文献   

王俊亮 《职业》2015,(2):16
2013年,唐山劳动技师学院依托场地资源大、教职员工多、后勤保障强、周围环境好等有利条件,建成河北省首家标准化考试基地。2014年,学院积极承办国家、省、市各级各类社会化考试,先后承担2014年度全国职称外语考试,2014年度省、市县乡公务员录用、选调生选拔及大学生村官选聘考试,2014年度全国卫生专业技术资格考试、2014年国家职业资格统一鉴定考试,2014年度国家一级、二级建造师执业资格考试,唐山市2014年度机关事业单位工人技能等级考试,2014  相似文献   

"单独二孩"政策的放开,为我们重新认识城乡居民的生育意愿提供了机会。本文针对合肥市的育龄期夫妻群体进行二孩生育意愿的大样本调查,通过数据显示,被调查对象中以女性居多,企业职工是主要职业类型,家庭结构以核心家庭为主,符合"单独二孩"政策的育龄期夫妻占到了37%;在符合"单独二孩"政策的育龄期夫妻人数中,计划生育二孩的时间以三到五年内居多,同时二孩性别倾向减弱;本文通过对512名城乡育龄期夫妻进行问卷调查与入户访谈,为后续数据研究与分析提供基础。  相似文献   

采用市场调查的方法,设计调查问卷,分析问卷结果,得出影响大学生创业意向的因素分别为:环境、实践活动、家庭、高校创业服务体系、国家政策。就五个层面提出了相对应的建议。  相似文献   

审计署将组织对北京、山西等14省(市)各项养老保险基金筹集、管理和使用情况,相关政策制定和执行情况进行审计调查。审计署日前就这次审计调查对980多名审计干部进行了专门培训。  相似文献   

This article describes the findings and examines the issues arising from a small-scale investigation into the experience of higher education from the perspective of disabled students at a university in the United Kingdom, and makes recommendations for policy and practice. Methodology involved semi-structured interviews with participants to reveal individual experience and analysis of relevant documentation from the university to examine the rhetoric underlying their experience. Factors that create a positive experience for disabled students, and those which effect discriminatory practice and marginalisation are identified. The implications of the findings for policy and practice are discussed, and conclusions drawn including: the need for a central policy which supports the philosophy of an accessible learning environment for all students; central co-ordination to implement the policy with practical guidelines to departments; ongoing monitoring and evaluation procedures which involve disabled students; staff training and awareness; student advocacy.  相似文献   

Self-regulation, self-management, and coping skills are essential personal attributes for social work graduates who often work with clients with complex and traumatic histories. This study explored self-management skills in students applying for extensions of time to complete assignments. Participants were 117 students enrolled in a second-year undergraduate social work subject. Requests were analyzed in two ways: (1) did the request meet the university policy criteria for approval; and (2) thematic analysis of requests that did not meet criteria to identify the reasons students were providing to support their request. A quarter of students in the course applied for an extension. The overwhelming majority of requests did not meet the university’s policy criteria for approval, with only two having a valid reason and the required documentation. The primary reason for extension requests in this cohort was poor self-management skills, specifically time-management and coping. Despite not meeting university policy requirements, all requests were approved. The results from this study confirm that most students applying for extension requests are not eligible for an extension. The reasons provided demonstrate problems coping with course requirements because of self-management problems. Implications for supporting students and staff are discussed.  相似文献   


Preparing students to engage in family policy education and advocacy is a challenge and opportunity for departments that teach family studies and family policy courses. Students not only need to know theoretical implications of family policy and how research enhances the theory, but also understand the policy process and how research-based information about family can inform policymaking. These students also need to acquire advocacy skills in order to work effectively in different policy arenas. This article illustrates how university family policy educators can structure curricula to provide students with both knowledge and skills vital to effective participation in family policy formation, analysis and critique.  相似文献   

The case of Gustafson v. Regents of the University of California suggests that students with mobility impairments may face great peril when needing to evacuate multi-level university buildings, yet this problem is rarely considered in the research literature. To address this gap, the extent of this problem was assessed in a sample of 210 universities that house MSW programs. Documents representing university evacuation policy were obtained from university websites and analyzed with respect to three domains of disability rights. Results indicate that the failure to adequately respect these rights was widespread within the sample. To support the advocacy efforts of those seeking to change university policy, model language was extracted from university documents and presented as a goal.  相似文献   

Recent policy shifts in higher education impact on the diversity of student experiences, one such trend is an increase in the number of students staying in their parental home for the duration of their studies. This has implications for students’ experiences of university life, particularly non‐academic aspects. Drawing on Bourdieu's theory of practice and habitus, this papers explores how young people go about fitting in to ‘being a student’, and how predispositions to university life influence these practices. Residential status emerges as a key demarcating factor in how successfully students feel they adapt to being at university. Though related to class, this cannot be explained solely by the socio‐economic background of students living at home, but rather reflects both practical problems faced by these students as well as difficulties in incorporating a student habitus while living at home.  相似文献   

Research to consider the effectiveness of computer-assisted guidance systems (CACG) and credit career planning courses was conducted during the 1988 spring semester at Pennsylvania State University and the University of Virginia. The research methodology included use of a four-group pretest-posttest design at each university. Group treatment conditions using undecided university students were the following: (a) CACG use by students enrolled in a career planning course, (b) students enrolled only in a career planning course without CACG use, (c) CACG use by students enrolled in an introductory business or psychology course, and (d) students enrolled only in an introductory business or psychology course. Participants (N = 112) were in first through fifth semester standing and were assigned randomly to CACG use conditions.  相似文献   

In the fall of 2004, a midwestern public university changed its tailgating policy from one that did not allow alcohol consumption to one that did. OBJECTIVE, PARTICIPANTS, AND METHODS: The authors surveyed students before and after the policy change to measure consumption, problems, perceptions of peer consumption, and reported game attendance. RESULTS: Results showed no change in drinking quantities or prevalence of problems after the policy change; however, there was an increase in students' misperceptions, with students overestimating drinking quantities and the number of students who drank while tailgating. Last, students' predictions about their game attendance if alcohol was allowed were higher than their reported attendance after the policy change. CONCLUSIONS: Conclusions suggest that although drinking quantities may not be influenced by policies at tailgating events, misperceptions may be influenced. Administrators should note that the policy did not affect students' self-reported game attendance.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the efficacy of different methods (ie, in-class policy reading; in-class policy reading and discussion; no reading or discussion) to deliver campus sexual misconduct policy information to students on 7 campuses. Participants: A total of 1,195 participants at 7 colleges and universities participated in the study from August to October 2014. Participants were randomly assigned at the class level and completed pretest and posttest surveys assessing knowledge of campus policy and resources and confidence to seek help for sexual assault. Results: Students exposed to a larger dosage of material (in-class policy reading plus discussion) showed greater positive changes in attitudes and knowledge than students who did not receive information or were only read the policy. However, on some indices, students who were only read the policy showed positive outcomes compared with students receiving no intervention. Conclusion: Colleges and universities must use engaging methods to disseminate campus sexual misconduct policies to students.  相似文献   


Objective: To examine the effectiveness of individual versus group therapy for anxiety and depression among university students. Participants: Forty-one university students experiencing moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and/or depression participated during one of three academic semesters from 2015 to 2016. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to either 6-weeks of individual or group therapy and completed outcome measures at pre-and-post-treatment. Results: Significant reductions in both depression and anxiety scores were found across time, with no significant difference between group and individual therapy outcomes. Exploratory analysis of attitudes toward therapy found that while individual therapy was rated more favorably than group therapy overall, attitudes toward therapy became more favorable from pre to post-treatment for all participants. An interaction showed differences in attitudes toward individual and group therapy according to participants’ randomly assigned treatment. Conclusions: These findings support the increased usage of group therapy within university counseling centers, with implications for stepped care discussed.  相似文献   

解决目前大学生村官存在的问题特别是出路问题,不仅关系到政策的贯策落实,也关系到大学生村官本人的前途与发展,文章在探索当前大学生发展面临的困境基础上,提出解决对策.  相似文献   

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