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恋爱就像吃辣椒,不吃的时候它总是奇香无比,但真正吃的时候却辣得你痛不欲生,后悔莫及,发誓永不再吃,然而辣劲刚过,你又对它朝思暮想。越辣越香,越香越辣,你永远在思念与后悔之间游离。——恋爱的逻辑  相似文献   

梅林 《现代妇女》2008,(9):50-50
让MM们心情郁闷的并不是遇见了很瘦的美女,而是美女不仅瘦,还大吃炸鸡薯条却可以保持让人艳羡的身材。为什么有的人怎么大吃特吃都不发胖.有的人喝凉水都长肉呢?根据最新的研究发现.原来是我们的血型在作怪呢。  相似文献   

正之前,一组"唐朝胖仕女吃汤圆"的照片火爆社交网络。照片中的美女戴着考究的发髻,身着襦裙,妆容精致,对汤圆欲拒还迎的各种萌态,让网友纷纷点赞。谁能想到,这位体重180斤的辣妈曾为太胖而苦恼,开汉服店一年亏掉60万,然而正当走投无路时,一个无意之举竟然彻底改变了她的人生。  相似文献   

从早晨起就大雨滂沱,寺庙外面的路边几个卖小吃的小贩 一直无生意。 快到中午,卖烤饼的大概是饿了,就吃一块自己烤的饼。 他已烤好一大叠,反正也卖不出去。卖西瓜的坐着无聊,也就 敲开一个西瓜来吃,卖辣香千的开始吃辣香干。卖杨梅的也只 好吃杨梅了。 雨一直下着,四个小贩一直这样吃着。 卖杨梅的吃得酸死了,卖辣番干的吃得辣死了,卖烤饼的  相似文献   

不少人喜欢吃辣,总是喜欢往饭莱里加很多辣椒,而且还认为吃辣可以开胃,并有益于肠胃。其实,过度食辣能够破坏神经末梢的感觉,久而久之就会让胃受到伤害,引发强烈的反胃呕吐。  相似文献   

吃了辣的东西,感觉就要被辣死了,往嘴里放上少许盐,含一下,吐掉,漱下口,就不辣了。  相似文献   

正时下,吃辣似乎成为一种风尚,很多人吃饭时都觉得"无辣不欢"。但辣椒吃多了,上火、咽痛、便秘等不适都可能找上门来。那么,怎么吃辣才能既过瘾又不上火呢?专家说,辣椒性热,这是导致人们上火的原因。如果搭配一些凉性食物,就能起到"中和"作用,清热去火。如鸭肉、鱼虾、苦瓜、丝瓜、黄瓜、百合、绿叶菜等,可清热生津、滋阴降燥、泻火解毒,尤其适合胃热的人吃。"烹调前先把辣椒在醋里泡一会儿,或在烹调辣  相似文献   

无论你承不承认,中国人的口味正在越来越重,吃辣的嗜好正在扩张版图,并在2000年前后,成为中国人的第一口味。今天我们就来聊聊辣椒。  相似文献   

把握好辣度 当辣度明显超出身体的承受能力时,身体会通过腹泻、呕吐的方式把辣椒素尽快排出,并且一旦过辣,吃辣的快乐可能少于痛感.因此,吃辣要量力而行. 选对食材搭配 可以选择鲜辣椒,营养更丰富,并且经过高温烹炒,辣味会有所减轻.搭配玉米或红薯等粗粮,膳食纤维含量丰富,可预防由肠胃燥热引起的便秘;多喝水或汤,以免咽干唇裂;吃些酸味水果,如苹果、梨、石榴、香蕉、山楂、葡萄等,其中的鞣酸、膳食纤维等,能刺激消化液分泌,加速肠胃蠕动.  相似文献   

无辣不欢。这是我美好的时光。饭桌上,对方问,你想吃什么?总是选最辣的那款点。喜欢朝天椒们挤在一起营造的水深火热感。拨开红得发亮的那一层,底下却是青葱绿、鱼片白或者醉虾红,有一种分明的美感。大快朵颐时,红汤汁沿着下巴,马上要滴到白衬衫上时,总有一双手及时伸过来,阻止汤汁在衣服上洇色。他说,我喜欢你沉醉在食物中的样子,美食家也是生活家,热爱辣就是热爱生活。我闭上眼睛,有一种被纵容的幸福。即使隔天清晨,脸上冒出红色小点,心底依然是甜蜜的,辣如鸦片,在口味中竟是戒不掉了。仔细想想,这真是我美好的时光。婚后第一年,他说,老婆…  相似文献   

藕粉、番茄粉、绿茶粉、红豆粉……细心留意许多女性的厨柜里、办公桌上,你会发现各式各样的粉剂食品。方便携带,冲泡简单,吃"粉"正成为女性们减肥、美容的新妙方,一股新热潮!  相似文献   

遇到工作繁忙,身体疲惫或情绪不佳的时候,女性朋友喜欢找点零食来"混混嘴巴",缓解压力。我们特地做了一次美眉零嘴小调查,总结出既不容易吃胖又解馋虫的零食"红宝书"与读者分享。  相似文献   

Scholars have increasingly examined the sphere of consumption in alternative food networks (AFNs). However, research has largely overlooked women's experiences as food provisioners. This is problematic, as AFNs prescribe practices that could be expanding women's food provisioning labor. This article addresses this gap in the literature by examining how the physical labor of food provisioning varies for women engaged in AFNs relative to those not engaged in AFNs, and how diverse AFNs as well as socioeconomic status (SES) influence the labor of food provisioning for women engaged in AFNs. Using data from the 2012 Ohio Survey of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Issues, I demonstrate that women engaged in AFNs, relative to women not engaged in AFNs, exert more physical labor in food provisioning, that prioritizing local food systems involves more physical labor than prioritizing organic foods, and that women with lower household incomes who prioritize organic foods exert greater physical labor in food provisioning than women with higher incomes who prioritize organic foods. I conclude by arguing that women who prioritize local food systems are engaging in a third shift and that greater attention should be paid to the role of SES in shaping women's experiences as food provisioners in AFNs.  相似文献   

‘Christmas, because it is rather a sentimental time you tend to look for the familiar and go back into what you remember in your childhood.’ In the process of preparing family favourites or trying exciting new foods at Christmas, older New Zealand women construct self and family identities. This paper presents the New Zealand findings from an interpretive, multi‐site research project exploring older women's experiences of food occupations at Christmas in Auckland, New Zealand, and Kentucky, USA and Songkran (the tradition Thai New Year) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Narrative data were collected through focus group interviews with 16 New Zealand women, aged 65 years or over. Talk about recipes and kitchen things used, and how the foods are prepared and served revealed layers of identity work. While recipes from, and stories about, mothers’ and grandmothers’ homemade cooking are kept alive through doing the food work at Christmas, being a women in contemporary New Zealand allowed new identities to emerge. Identity as a family unit is formed and reformed over time by blending cultural and family traditions and remaking new ones through Christmas foods and family rituals. Significantly, the women's skilled preparation and customising of recipes for Christmas foods creates a rich opportunity for self‐affirmation and public recognition. For these older women, the gift of Christmas food was like giving something of themselves.  相似文献   

中国的医学、药学源远流长,久负盛名。而根据阴阳五行之术,集中医、中药学原理和中国膳食为一体的中国药膳,更堪称一绝。由于药膳可以通过精细的烹调制成,这种特殊的美味可口的良药深受百姓,特别是女性的喜爱。现代营养学的研究大大推进了药膳的发展,药膳正走上中西医结合的良好发展之路,它将为世界人民的健康做出贡献。  相似文献   

夏日里太阳几乎天天都火辣辣,这是女孩子"秀"的季节,我们的身材当然要比天气更热辣!夏季瘦身,美食有道,减肥有招。本期我们为您推荐一些利于减肥的天然食物,让您越吃越苗条,越吃越美丽。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in women. Functional food consumption can play an important role in the prevention and treatment of CVD. The purpose of this review is to establish recommendations for the intake of functional food ingredients in a healthy diet, such as soy proteins and isoflavone, omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) from fish oils (FOs) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docoshexaenoic acid (DHA) and plant sterols-(PS) enriched foods - for prevention and treatment of CVD in postmenopausal women. First, controversial results exist on CVD risk factors after intake of soy protein and isoflavone that indicates that further clinical studies need to be done to better understand their role in maintaining and improving cholesterol levels. However, since soy contains polyunsaturated fats, replacing some higher fat meat protein sources with soy products may contribute to cardiovascular health. Secondly, FOs, including EPA and DHA, have shown promising effects for lowering triglyceride levels. In addition, emerging research appears to show that omega-3 FAs may have additional health effects with improved arterial health and a reduction in oxidative stress in postmenopausal women. Thirdly, foods and beverages supplemented with PS may reduce cholesterol; therefore, are a worthy addition to interventions aimed at lowering heart disease risk in women. Overall, incorporating functional foods into a healthy diet may be beneficial in helping to reduce lipids levels and thus the risk of CVD.  相似文献   

A comparative study conducted in the Sudan illustrated both the potential of a nutrition education program for pregnant women and the many obstacles to creating more optimal maternal nutrition. Included in the study were 1200 women 18-34 years of age attending the Khartoum Province Model Clinic for a minimum of 5 prenatal visits. 83.3% were Muslims and 48.2% were illiterate. The 60 women who comprised the experimental group were exposed to individual nutrition counseling and home visits. Overall, 70% of subjects were anemic, 27% had malaria, and 18% were hookworm. The average weight gain during pregnancy was 4.5 kgs; 25.0% of controls and 20.0% of those in the experimental group gained 3.5-4.0 kgs, 18.3% of controls and 33.3% of experimental subjects gained 4.5-5.0 kgs, and 23.3% of controls and 30.0% of those in the experimental groups gained 5.5 kgs or more. 53.0% of controls and 61.7% of women exposed to nutrition education breastfed for at least 6 months, and 70% of women in the former group and 95% of those in the latter had enrolled their infants in an immunization program. A baseline nutrition questionnaire revealed widespread misinformation, especially a belief that pregnant women should reduce their food intake from 3 to 1-2 meals per day to prevent the fetus from growing too large and making labor difficult. Foods such as fermented sorghum products, fresh fish, and water melon were regarded as abortifacients and avoided, while hot pepper, sour milk, and cola sodas were considered nutritious. Consumption was self-reported to be poor for milk products by 25% of mothers, for meat by 16%, and for fruits and vegetables by 40% Although the educational intervention increased women's knowledge of basic nutrition, it had only a minimal effect on actual practice. This finding is assumed to reflect the widespread belief that men and their guests should be given preference in food allocation, poverty, and avoidance, on the basis of tradition, of many healthy foods. Since 72% of women reported ownership of a television, use if this medium is recommended for nutrition education.  相似文献   

This article examines the approach to the study of women and politics in the People's Republic of China and assesses the impact of gender studies (or lack of it) on women and the larger part of society in China. The author argues that most materials for studying women and politics in China emanate from the office of the All-China Women's Federation, an appendage of the Chinese Communist Party, and not from political science textbooks. This approach, however, falls short of addressing major political and economic problems facing women of China.  相似文献   

2011年3月8日.我们共同迎来了”三八¨国际劳动妇女节101周年。为纪念这大节日,为记住中国妇女运动波澜壮阔的百年历史,由全国妇联编辑的《中国妇女运动百年》大型画册与读者见面了!它为中国妇女运动留下了—份宝贵的历史记录,也为世界人民了解中国妇女打开了一扇风光无限的窗口。  相似文献   

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