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The probability distribution of an extremal process in Rd with independent max-increments is completely determined by its distribution function. The df of an extremal process is similar to the cdf of a random vector. It is a monotone function on (0, ∞) × Rd with values in the interval [0,1]. On the other hand the probability distribution of an extremal process is a probability measure on the space of sample functions. That is the space of all increasing right continuous functions y: (0, ∞) → Rd with the topology of weak convergence. A sequence of extremal processes converges in law if the probability distributions converge weakly. This is shown to be equivalent to weak convergence of the df's.

An extremal process Y: [0, ∞) → Rd is generated by a point process on the space [0, ∞) × [-∞, ∞)d and has a decomposition Y = X v Z as the maximum of two independent extremal processes with the same lower curve as the original process. The process X is the continuous part and Z contains the fixed discontinuities of the process Y. For a real valued extremal process the decomposition is unique: for a multivariate extremal process uniqueness breaks down due to blotting.  相似文献   

We prove three results on the weak or strong representations for quantile processes of samples drawn randomly with or without replacement from a finite population. As an application of the strong-approximation result (Theorem 2), we give an approach for determining the order of B, the number of Monte Carlo simulations required for the accuracy of resampling inference. In typical situations the order of B is between nbn and n2+δ, where n is the original sample size, δ > 0, and (log log n)/bn → 0.  相似文献   

A two-stage procedure is studied for estimating changes in the parameters of the multi-parameter exponential family, given a sample X 1,…,X n. The first step is a likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis Hoof no change. Upon rejection of this hypothesis, the change point index and pre- and post-change parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. The asymptotic (n → ∞) distribution of the log-likelihood ratio statistic is obtained under both Hoand local alternatives. The m.l.e.fs o of the pre- and post-change parameters are shown to be asymptotically jointly normal. The distribution of the change point estimate is obtained under local alternatives. Performance of the procedure for moderate samples is studied by Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

The Galton–Watson process is a Markov chain modeling the population size of independently reproducing particles giving birth to k offspring with probability pk, k ? 0. In this paper, we consider defective Galton–Watson processes having defective reproduction laws, so that ∑k ? 0pk = 1 ? ? for some ? ∈ (0, 1). In this setting, each particle may send the process to a graveyard state Δ with probability ?. Such a Markov chain, having an enhanced state space {0, 1, …}∪{Δ}, gets eventually absorbed either at 0 or at Δ. Assuming that the process has avoided absorption until the observation time t, we are interested in its trajectories as t → ∞ and ? → 0.  相似文献   

Hilmar Drygas 《Statistics》2013,47(2):211-231
This paper deals with the existence of best quadratic unbiased estimators in variance covariance component models. It extends and unifies results previously obtained by Seely, Zyskind, Klonecki, Zmy?lony, Gnot, Kleffe and Pincus. The author considers a quasinormally distributed random vector y such that Ey = , Cov yL, where L is a linear space of symmetric square matrices. Conditions for the existence of a BLUE of Ey and a BQUE of Cov y (Eyy′) are investigated. A BLUE exists iff symmetry conditions for certain matrices are met while a BQUE exists iff some modified quadratic subspace conditions are met. At the end of the paper three examples are studied in which all these conditions are met: The Random Coefficient Regression Model, the multivariate linear model and the Behrens-Fisher model. The proofs of the theorems are obtained by considering linear model in y and yy′, respectively.  相似文献   

Let γ(t) be the residual life at time t of the renewal process {A(t), t > 0}, which has F as the common distribution function of the inter-arrival times. In this article we prove that if Var(γ(t)) is constant, then F will be exponentially or geometrically distributed under the assumption F is continuous or discrete respectively. An application and a related example also are given.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2013,32(2):175-194

Under a sample selection or non-response problem, where a response variable y is observed only when a condition δ = 1 is met, the identified mean E(y|δ = 1) is not equal to the desired mean E(y). But the monotonicity condition E(y|δ = 1) ≤ E(y|δ = 0) yields an informative bound E(y|δ = 1) ≤ E(y), which is enough for certain inferences. For example, in a majority voting with δ being the vote-turnout, it is enough to know if E(y) > 0.5 or not, for which E(y|δ = 1) > 0.5 is sufficient under the monotonicity. The main question is then whether the monotonicity condition is testable, and if not, when it is plausible. Answering to these queries, when there is a ‘proxy’ variable z related to y but fully observed, we provide a test for the monotonicity; when z is not available, we provide primitive conditions and plausible models for the monotonicity. Going further, when both y and z are binary, bivariate monotonicities of the type P(y, z|δ = 1) ≤ P(y, z|δ = 0) are considered, which can lead to sharper bounds for P(y). As an empirical example, a data set on the 1996 U.S. presidential election is analyzed to see if the Republican candidate could have won had everybody voted, i.e., to see if P(y) > 0.5, where y = 1 is voting for the Republican candidate.  相似文献   

A characterization for the nullity of the cosine angle between two subspaces of a Hilbert space is established. Given a time series x, we use this characterization in order to investigate the relationship between the notions of predictor space and distance between the information contained in the past and in the future of x. In particular, we prove that the predictor space of x coincides with the zero vector space {0} if and only if this distance achieves its maximum value.  相似文献   

In a linear regression model of the type y= θ X+e, it is often assumed that the random error eis normally distributed. In numerous situations, e.g., when ymeasures life times or reaction times, etypically has a skew distribution. We consider two important families of skew distributions, (a) Weibull with support IR: (0, ∞) on the real line, and (b) generalised logistic with support IR: (?∞, ∞). Since the maximum likelihood estimators are intractable in these situations, we derive modified likelihood estimators which have explicit algebraic forms and are, therefore, easy to compute. We show that these estimators are remarkably efficient, and robust. We develop hypothesis testing procedures and give a real life example. Symmetric families of distributions, both long and short tailed, will be considered in a future paper.  相似文献   

We consider the case 1 interval censorship model in which the survival time has an arbitrary distribution function F0 and the inspection time has a discrete distribution function G. In such a model one is only able to observe the inspection time and whether the value of the survival time lies before or after the inspection time. We prove the strong consistency of the generalized maximum-likelihood estimate (GMLE) of the distribution function F0 at the support points of G and its asymptotic normality and efficiency at what we call regular points. We also present a consistent estimate of the asymptotic variance at these points. The first result implies uniform strong consistency on [0, ∞) if F0 is continuous and the support of G is dense in [0, ∞). For arbitrary F0 and G, Peto (1973) and Tumbull (1976) conjectured that the convergence for the GMLE is at the usual parametric rate n½ Our asymptotic normality result supports their conjecture under our assumptions. But their conjecture was disproved by Groeneboom and Wellner (1992), who obtained the nonparametric rate ni under smoothness assumptions on the F0 and G.  相似文献   

Given a collection of n curves that are independent realizations of a functional variable, we are interested in finding patterns in the curve data by exploring low-dimensional approximations to the curves. It is assumed that the data curves are noisy samples from the vector space span <texlscub>f 1, …, f m </texlscub>, where f 1, …, f m are unknown functions on the real interval (0, T) with square-integrable derivatives of all orders m or less, and m<n. Ramsay [Principal differential analysis: Data reduction by differential operators, J. R. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 58 (1996), pp. 495–508] first proposed the method of regularized principal differential analysis (PDA) as an alternative to principal component analysis for finding low-dimensional approximations to curves. PDA is based on the following theorem: there exists an annihilating linear differential operator (LDO) ? of order m such that ?f i =0, i=1, …, m [E.A. Coddington and N. Levinson, Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955, Theorem 6.2]. PDA specifies m, then uses the data to estimate an annihilating LDO. Smooth estimates of the coefficients of the LDO are obtained by minimizing a penalized sum of the squared norm of the residuals. In this context, the residual is that part of the data curve that is not annihilated by the LDO. PDA obtains the smooth low dimensional approximation to the data curves by projecting onto the null space of the estimated annihilating LDO; PDA is thus useful for obtaining low-dimensional approximations to the data curves whether or not the interpretation of the annihilating LDO is intuitive or obvious from the context of the data. This paper extends PDA to allow for the coefficients in the LDO to smoothly depend upon a single continuous covariate. The estimating equations for the coefficients allowing for a continuous covariate are derived; the penalty of Eilers and Marx [Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties, Statist. Sci. 11(2) (1996), pp. 89–121] is used to impose smoothness. The results of a small computer simulation study investigating the bias and variance properties of the estimator are reported.  相似文献   


Sample size calculation is an important component in designing an experiment or a survey. In a wide variety of fields—including management science, insurance, and biological and medical science—truncated normal distributions are encountered in many applications. However, the sample size required for the left-truncated normal distribution has not been investigated, because the distribution of the sample mean from the left-truncated normal distribution is complex and difficult to obtain. This paper compares an ad hoc approach to two newly proposed methods based on the Central Limit Theorem and on a high degree saddlepoint approximation for calculating the required sample size with the prespecified power. As shown by use of simulations and an example of health insurance cost in China, the ad hoc approach underestimates the sample size required to achieve prespecified power. The method based on the high degree saddlepoint approximation provides valid sample size and power calculations, and it performs better than the Central Limit Theorem. When the sample size is not too small, the Central Limit Theorem also provides a valid, but relatively simple tool to approximate that sample size.  相似文献   

In this article, we present large deviation results for a model {ξ1 + … + ξ n : n ≥ 1} which is close to a random walk. More precisely, we consider independent random variables {ξ n : n ≥ 1} such that {ξ n : n ≥ 2} are i.i.d. and a different distribution for ξ1 is allowed. We prove large deviation estimates for P(N x  ≤ xT) and P(N x < ∞) as x → ∞, where N x : = inf {n ≥ 1: ξ1 + … + ξ n  ≥ x}. Moreover, we provide an asymptotically efficient simulation law for the estimation of P(N x  ≤ xT) and P(N x < ∞) by Monte Carlo simulation based on the importance sampling technique. These results will be adapted to wave governed random motions driven by semi-Markov processes and we present some simulations. Finally, we study the convergence of some large deviation rates for standard wave governed random motions based on a scaling presented in the literature (see Kac, 1974 Kac , M. ( 1974 ). A stochastic model related to the telegrapher's equation . Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 : 497509 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Orsingher, 1990 Orsingher , E. ( 1990 ). Probability law, flow function, maximum distribution of wave governed random motions and their connections with Kirchoff's laws . Stochastic Processes and their Applications 34 ( 1 ): 4966 . [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

The following life-testing situation is considered. At some time in the distant past, n objects, from a population with life distribution F, were put in use; whenever an object failed, it was promptly replaced. At some time τ, long after the start of the process, a statistician starts observing the n objects in use at that time; he knows the age of each of those n objects, and observes each of them for a fixed length of time? ∞, or until failure, whichever occurs first. In the case where T is finite, some of the observations may be censored; in the case where T =∞, there is no censoring. The total life of an object in use at time ∞ is a length-biased observation from F. A nonparametric estimator of the (cumulative) hazard function is proposed, and is used to construct an estimator of F which is of the product-limit type. Strong uniform consistency results (for n → ∞) are obtained. An “Aalen-Johansen” identity, satisfied by any pair of life distributions and their (cumulative) hazard functions, is used in obtaining rate-of-convergence results.  相似文献   

Consider an ergodic Markov chain X(t) in continuous time with an infinitesimal matrix Q = (qij) defined on a finite state space {0, 1,…, N}. In this note, we prove that if X(t) is skip-free positive (negative, respectively), i.e., qij, = 0 for j > i+ 1 (i > j+ 1), then the transition probability pij(t) = Pr[X(t)=j | X(0) =i] can be represented as a linear combination of p0N(t) (p(m)(N0)(t)), 0 ≤ m ≤N, where f(m)(t) denotes the mth derivative of a function f(t) with f(0)(t) =f(t). If X(t) is a birth-death process, then pij(t) is represented as a linear combination of p0N(m)(t), 0 ≤mN - |i-j|.  相似文献   

Admissibility of linear estimators is characterized in linear models E(Y)=Xβ, D(Y)=V, with an unknown multidimensional parameter (β, V) varying in the Cartesian product C × ν, where C is a subset of space and ν is a given set of non negative definite symmetric matrices. The relation between admissibility of inhomogeneous and homogeneous linear estimators is discussed, and some sufficient and necessary conditions for admissibility of an inhomogeneous linear estimator are given.  相似文献   

Of the two most widely estimated univariate asymmetric conditional volatility models, the exponential GARCH (or EGARCH) specification is said to be able to capture asymmetry, which refers to the different effects on conditional volatility of positive and negative effects of equal magnitude, and leverage, which refers to the negative correlation between the returns shocks and subsequent shocks to volatility. However, the statistical properties of the (quasi-)maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE) of the EGARCH(p, q) parameters are not available under general conditions, but only for special cases under highly restrictive and unverifiable sufficient conditions, such as EGARCH(1,0) or EGARCH(1,1), and possibly only under simulation. A limitation in the development of asymptotic properties of the QMLE for the EGARCH(p, q) model is the lack of an invertibility condition for the returns shocks underlying the model. It is shown in this article that the EGARCH(p, q) model can be derived from a stochastic process, for which sufficient invertibility conditions can be stated simply and explicitly when the parameters respect a simple condition.11Using the notation introduced in part 2, this refers to the cases where α ≥ |γ| or α ≤ ? |γ|. The first inequality is generally assumed in the literature related to the invertibility of EGARCH. This article provides (in the Appendix) an argument for the possible lack of invertibility when these conditions are not met. This will be useful in reinterpreting the existing properties of the QMLE of the EGARCH(p, q) parameters.  相似文献   

Let {S n : n ≥ 0} be a random walk with light-tailed increments and negative drift, and let τ(x) be the first time when the random walk crosses a given level x ≥ 0. Tang (2007 Tang , Q. ( 2007 ). The overshoot of a random walk with negative drift . Statist. Probab. Lett. 77 : 158165 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) obtained the asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, which is uniform for y ≥ f(x) for any positive function f(x) → ∞ as x → ∞. In this article, the uniform asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, for 0 ≤ y ≤ N for any positive number N will be given. Using the above two results, the uniform asymptotics of P(S τ(x) ? x > y, τ(x) < ∞) as x → ∞, for y ≥ 0, is presented.  相似文献   

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