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The provision of community e-gateways (community-based facilities providing public access to computers and the Internet) has been seen as a way to address the 'digital divide', particularly for people from deprived neighbourhoods. In the UK, policy and practitioner literature has stressed that for these centres to be successful they need to have strong social connections and be able to provide opportunities for interactive learning and content creation. Through a detailed analysis of one community e-gateway, which formed part of a wider study of public access provision, this article analyses the strengths and weaknesses of this advice drawing on broader sociological literature relating to social networks, network mapping and communities of practice. It concludes that greater attention needs to be paid to the significance of weak ties, two-way boundary spanning and the resource requirements of social networks for the policy objectives to be fully achieved.  相似文献   

Both social capital and social inclusion have emerged as significant concepts for human services in the last decade and yet their inter-relationship remains largely unexplored. This article argues that, whilst they are similar in their vision for a healthy society, they adopt sufficiently different perspectives to stimulate and challenge each other. This can be well illustrated by reference to services for people with a learning disability. Commissioners and providers of learning disability services are encouraged through this article to harness both concepts in order to assist in the process of modernizing services and increasing life opportunities for the people they support. It is argued that it is not possible to understand the full consequences of adopting either theoretical position without an adequate understanding of the other. Examples are given of the implications of this for advocacy services, day opportunities, rural communities, transition and staff training.  相似文献   

Employment for people with learning difficulties is considered key to their social inclusion. This contradicts the perceived un-employability of people with learning difficulties that has been part of their social identities throughout their history hitherto. The national rate of employment for people with learning difficulties remains extremely low and has barely changed in the 20?years between 1990 and 2010. This paper investigates links between learning disabilities and employment, drawing on interview-based research. It analyses the quality of experience of the minority in employment to consider whether employment can serve the inclusive purpose expected of it.  相似文献   

The emergence of web 2.0 technologies led to optimistic predictions that social media (SM) might alter traditional gendered patterns of member participation in trade unions. Greene, Hogan, and Grieco and others suggested that the forms of communication and engagement these technologies offered to unions and their members had the potential to foster gender inclusion and contribute to union diversity, arguably central to effective representation. This article reports on a survey of union members’ experiences with and perceptions of their union's SM services, to identify whether there is a gendered dimension to members’ use. The findings indicate that for most union members regardless of gender, more traditional communication channels such as face‐to‐face contact and email remain the preferred means of communication. However, the findings also show that women are just as likely as men, if not more so, to engage with union SM. Given that historically, women largely participated less in union activities than their male counterparts, this broad parity of use by women supports the conclusion that SM has substantial potential to improve women's participation in unions.  相似文献   

Traditional teaching runs directly counter to the natural learning process, which is a dynamic, socially conscious process whereby students learn by doing. This educational philosophy and practice is also predicated on serving the community. In the course of helping to build one's community, essential academic and personal skills are developed. This chapter provides examples of a high school program in Boston that uses community action project-based learning as a tool to create a better community. Through this process, students learn about finding and using their power to make change happen for them and their communities.  相似文献   

In today's climate of increased emphasis on measuring achievement through high-stakes testing, academic subjects are too often divorced from the social context in which they are taught. We know that learning is a social process. In fact, many educators and other youth development practitioners recognize that social, emotional, and ethical development cannot be ignored in the name of better academic preparation, especially in the face of data showing that students are more disengaged than ever before. Social and emotional learning (SEL) offers educators and other youth development personnel a framework for addressing students' social and emotional needs in systematic way. SEL is the process of acquiring the skills to recognize and manage emotions, develop caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations effectively. Research has shown that SEL has an impact on every aspect of children's development: their health, ethical development, citizenship, academic learning, and motivation to achieve. This chapter profiles one school in Illinois that has been implementing SEL programming for a number of years. The authors provide evidence of the impact of SEL on school climate, student behavior, and attitudes. Ultimately the authors see this as fostering the kind of understanding of the larger world that leads young people to make ethical choices. They propose that the lessons learned are applicable to a wide variety of settings, including other schools, after-school programs, and summer camps.  相似文献   

Social work programmes internationally have taken diverse approaches to research training in their curricula. This paper presents an Australian case study of engaging undergraduate social work students in research using experience-based learning. The case study explores the potential of experience-based learning to assist in overcoming the ‘anxiety’, students are observed to report in relation to research training and education. The social work programme at the University of Newcastle, Australia has embraced an experience-based learning model since 1991. Despite a research active and engaged staff and a commitment to research-informed pedagogy, educators continue to observe students as indifferent and reluctant to engage in research training. To address this, work-integrated learning was strengthened in the research course to enable students to design, develop and deliver practice-relevant research in partnership with local support services. Preliminary evaluation of the course highlights both potential and the pitfalls of experience-based learning approaches to research training. While found to enhance research engagement and demystify its role in practice, experience-based learning was associated with significant resource and time imposts. These findings suggest cautious consideration of structure and scope is essential for experience-based learning to be a feasible approach to research training at the undergraduate level.  相似文献   

We present our design of a digital service supporting social inclusion among immigrant women in an ethnically and socially diverse neighbourhood of a small Finnish town. The aim is to explore experiences and perceptions as well as potential barriers and challenges for using the web-based service. The case study is framed as design research having a strong user-centred design approach. We describe the design process and present the results of a mixed-method evaluation. The results are scrutinized from the perspectives of experience design. The analysis reveals a potential to facilitate social inclusion through the fulfilment of needs related to relatedness, autonomy, competence, pleasure and stimulations as well as popularity. However, some challenges in the interface design and communication of the security and purpose of the site were identified in the study. Significant differences were also found between immigrant women and local people regarding the need for this digital service.  相似文献   

There has an outpouring of energy and creativity into ways of using information and communications technologies (ICT) and the information society (IS) to create inclusion, as an opportunity to tackle, reduce and even prevent social exclusion. This article is based on examining over 40 projects which constitute positive examples of applications of new technologies, by public authorities, private agencies and community groups, to reduce the disadvantage experienced by the more excluded groups in our society.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between a region's cultural inclusion and its residents’ social trust. Based on the individual-level survey data from China, we find a positive correlation between cultural inclusion and average levels of social trust at the city level. When instrumenting culture inclusion using government spending on the construction of culture and fixed assets, we find a consistent positive correlation between cultural inclusion and social trust. We also find that higher levels of cultural inclusion are positively correlated with the happiness and optimistic social attitudes of residents and are negatively correlated with the probability of misperception and conflicts.  相似文献   

Queer individuals are at a heightened vulnerability to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). However, social supports for IPV survivors are often designed for cisgender and heterosexual individuals. Guided by a queer theoretical lens, this study uses interview data from seven service providers purposefully sampled through queer-serving organizations to explore how professionals can better serve queer survivors. A phenomenological analysis of the data suggests the use of three broad practice approaches: diversity, inclusion, and social justice. First, practitioners and staff discussed how they incorporated diversity by representing their clients’ backgrounds and histories. Second, they described inclusion through creating affirming spaces that recognize the unique needs of queer survivors. Last, they offered strategies related to social justice, such as implementing anti-oppressive frameworks, empowering clients beyond service provision, and being/creating advocates for social change. Together, these approaches and related strategies suggest ways to provide responsive practice for queer IPV survivors.  相似文献   

Tourism, although a relevant part of the modern lifestyle in economically more developed countries, is even in these countries not accessible to all, with particular barriers existing for persons with disabilities. These barriers are not only physical, but also internal, cultural and social. Tourism and leisure have revealed many benefits for individuals with a disability, enhancing personal development, quality of life, recovery and contribution to social inclusion. This article discusses the potential of tourism for people with disability and presents the results of an exploratory study undertaken in Portugal aiming at a better understanding of this market and its profile, desires and constraints experienced when participating in holidays and leisure activities. This information should contribute to the debate on the potential contributions of tourism to improving social inclusion of persons with disability, while simultaneously permitting tourism providers to better integrate this group in their clientele.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from an online survey of practitioners working in the homelessness sector in Australia, that explored practitioner perspectives of policy and service delivery to people with impaired decision-making capacity who experience chronic homelessness. This paper identifies from the research that unrealistic, inflexible and conditional policy, program and service responses from both the public and community sectors restrict positive outcomes for people with impaired decision-making capacity who are chronically homeless. These are significantly affected by sectoral silos whereby service types could not coordinate to facilitate adequate support. Supportive practices constructed of unconditional, flexible and wrap around support are needed along with “no exclusion” eligibility criteria for access to services. New approaches are needed in developing policy and delivering human services to people with impaired decision-making capacity that redress chronic homelessness, and enhance the prosperity of social inclusion for this vulnerable group of people.  相似文献   

The government are consulting on the introduction of legislation to give professionals powers to enter the homes of ‘vulnerable adults’ where abuse is suspected and remove the ‘victim’ without their consent . This article considers the consequences of such legislation for the ‘intimate citizenship’ of people with learning difficulties who have capacity to consent to sexual relationships. Proposals of the consultation are considered in terms of their practical relevance, finding that changes can be made with better guidance, resources, policy implementation and a sound evidence base for adult protection. A case is made that proposals contravene human rights, mental capacity laws and the ethos of personalisation, increasing the focus on risk in practice. An ecological model of vulnerability is supported, which offers an approach that can prevent sexual abuse through empowerment without the need for new legislation.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider three arguments for the inclusion of the concept of posterity within social system boundaries: (1) as a survival strategy, (2) as a response to an ethic of compassion, and (3) to develop a more nearly complete social system concept. In conclusion, suggestions for achieving the goal of including posterity within the social system are reviewed.  相似文献   

The shift from segregated facilities to community settings did not automatically lead to social inclusion for people with an intellectual disability (ID). Policies are increasingly decentralized but little is known about the factors that are important to realize social inclusion in the neighbourhood. This literature study identifies five domains barriers and facilitators for social inclusion in the neighbourhood: individual characteristics, informal network, professional care, neighbourhood characteristics, and government policies. The findings suggest that social inclusion in the neighbourhood is a dynamic process that shows a series of complex interactions between environmental factors and personal characteristics to provide opportunities for people with an ID. It is recommended to include the perspectives of people with an ID and other neighbourhood residents in future research on social inclusion. Specific attention is needed for the role of neighbourhood social capital in achieving social inclusion in the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The debate about the forms of increasing social exclusion in the developed western industrialized nations is the starting-point of this paper. This is followed by a discussion of the possible and likely consequences of social exclusion for social work theory and practice. It is suggested that on the social-theoretical basis of Luhmanns Systems Theory, social work can be investigated as the practice of averting exclusion, facilitating inclusion, and the management of exclusion in functionally differentiated societies. Against this background it is argued that social work as a form of secondary protection, both theoretically and practically, has to be related to the modes of inclusion and exclusion of social systems and organizations. In order to provide a theoretical clarification of the social tasks and opportunities of social work it is therefore necessary to conduct a precise analysis of the structures, forms, and processes of social inclusion and exclusion. At present it seems likely that, because of general societal developments, the increasing extent of exclusion and the intensification of exclusionary effects will lead to a situation in which social work will be restricted to the function of the management of exclusion.  相似文献   

Internationally there is a need for social workers to be prepared to work with refugees and displaced persons. In many countries including the UK it may be difficult to ensure this is included in basic professional courses, especially if these are based on traditional disciplines, or if curriculum content is already overloaded. An approach to learning is described which is problem-led, and based on self-directed small group study, through which teaching and learning about work with refugees has successfully been included at a British school of social work.  相似文献   

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