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In this paper we introduce a broad family of loss functions based on the concept of Bregman divergence. We deal with both Bayesian estimation and prediction problems and show that all Bayes solutions associated with loss functions belonging to the introduced family of losses satisfy the same equation. We further concentrate on the concept of robust Bayesian analysis and provide one equation that explicitly leads to robust Bayes solutions. The results are model-free and include many existing results in Bayesian and robust Bayesian contexts in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a design for a clinical trail that uses expert opinion to guide the selection of treatments for patients in a way intended to be more favorable than random selection. The problems of analyzing data from the design are discussed. Using real data from a trial of two agents for treating hypertension after open heart surgery, issues of how to display the data are considered, and the extent to which the design and analysis may be robust to elicitation error is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Bayesian analysis of a multiple-recapture census, different diffuse prior distributions can lead to markedly different inferences about the population size N. Through consideration of the Fisher information matrix it is shown that the number of captures in each sample typically provides little information about N. This suggests that if there is no prior information about capture probabilities, then knowledge of just the sample sizes and not the number of recaptures should leave the distribution of Nunchanged. A prior model that has this property is identified and the posterior distribution is examined. In particular, asymptotic estimates of the posterior mean and variance are derived. Differences between Bayesian and classical point and interval estimators are illustrated through examples.  相似文献   

Large databases of routinely collected data are a valuable source of information for detecting potential associations between drugs and adverse events (AE). A pharmacovigilance system starts with a scan of these databases for potential signals of drug-AE associations that will subsequently be examined by experts to aid in regulatory decision-making. The signal generation process faces some key challenges: (1) an enormous volume of drug-AE combinations need to be tested (i.e. the problem of multiple testing); (2) the results are not in a format that allows the incorporation of accumulated experience and knowledge for future signal generation; and (3) the signal generation process ignores information captured from other processes in the pharmacovigilance system and does not allow feedback. Bayesian methods have been developed for signal generation in pharmacovigilance, although the full potential of these methods has not been realised. For instance, Bayesian hierarchical models will allow the incorporation of established medical and epidemiological knowledge into the priors for each drug-AE combination. Moreover, the outputs from this analysis can be incorporated into decision-making tools to help in signal validation and posterior actions to be taken by the regulators and companies. We discuss in this paper the apparent advantage of the Bayesian methods used in safety signal generation and the similarities and differences between the two widely used Bayesian methods. We will also propose the use of Bayesian hierarchical models to address the three key challenges and discuss the reasons why Bayesian methodology still have not been fully utilised in pharmacovigilance activities.  相似文献   

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of complex models: a Bayesian approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary.  In many areas of science and technology, mathematical models are built to simulate complex real world phenomena. Such models are typically implemented in large computer programs and are also very complex, such that the way that the model responds to changes in its inputs is not transparent. Sensitivity analysis is concerned with understanding how changes in the model inputs influence the outputs. This may be motivated simply by a wish to understand the implications of a complex model but often arises because there is uncertainty about the true values of the inputs that should be used for a particular application. A broad range of measures have been advocated in the literature to quantify and describe the sensitivity of a model's output to variation in its inputs. In practice the most commonly used measures are those that are based on formulating uncertainty in the model inputs by a joint probability distribution and then analysing the induced uncertainty in outputs, an approach which is known as probabilistic sensitivity analysis. We present a Bayesian framework which unifies the various tools of prob- abilistic sensitivity analysis. The Bayesian approach is computationally highly efficient. It allows effective sensitivity analysis to be achieved by using far smaller numbers of model runs than standard Monte Carlo methods. Furthermore, all measures of interest may be computed from a single set of runs.  相似文献   

Studies of the behaviors of glaciers, ice sheets, and ice streams rely heavily on both observations and physical models. Data acquired via remote sensing provide critical information on geometry and movement of ice over large sections of Antarctica and Greenland. However, uncertainties are present in both the observations and the models. Hence, there is a need for combining these information sources in a fashion that incorporates uncertainty and quantifies its impact on conclusions. We present a hierarchical Bayesian approach to modeling ice-stream velocities incorporating physical models and observations regarding velocity, ice thickness, and surface elevation from the North East Ice Stream in Greenland. The Bayesian model leads to interesting issues in model assessment and computation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce Procrustes analysis in a Bayesian framework, by treating the classic Procrustes regression equation from a Bayesian perspective, while modeling shapes in two dimensions. The Bayesian approach allows us to compute point estimates and credible sets for the full Procrustes fit parameters. The methods are illustrated through an application to radar data from short-term weather forecasts (nowcasts), a very important problem in hydrology and meteorology.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a quarantine inspection model and examine its analysis from a Bayesian point of view. This model is a generalization of the one appearing in Decrouez and Robinson [Aust. N. Z. J. Stat., 54 (2012), pp. 281–299]. The context has to do with items approaching a border, some of which are randomly selected and inspected for contamination. A random sample of the items that pass this first inspection is submitted to a second inspection that is assumed to detect all contamination. Inference is sought with respect to the model parameters and also especially the proportion of items that pass through the border that are still contaminated. A hierarchical quarantine inspection model is also introduced and discussed. Three illustrative examples are given.  相似文献   

Summary Robust Bayesian analysis deals simultaneously with a class of possible prior distributions, instead of a single distribution. This paper concentrates on the surprising results that can be obtained when applying the theory to problems of testing precise hypotheses when the “objective” class of prior distributions is assumed. First, an example is given demonstrating the serious inadequacy of P-values for this problem. Next, it is shown how the approach can provide statistical quantification of Occam's Razor, the famous principle of science that advocates choice of the simpler of two hypothetical explanations of data. Finally, the theory is applied to multinomial testing. Research supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant DMS-8923071, and by NASA Contract NAS5-29285 for the hubble Space Telescope.  相似文献   

Comparative lifetime experiments are of particular importance in production processes when one wishes to determine the relative merits of several competing products with regard to their reliability. This paper confines itself to the data obtained by running a joint progressive Type-II censoring plan on samples in a combined manner. The problem of Bayesian predicting failure times of surviving units is discussed in details when parent populations are exponential. Two real data sets are analyzed in order to illustrate all the inferential procedures developed here. When destructive experiments under a censoring scheme finished, the researchers are usually interested to estimate remaining lifetimes of surviving units for sequel experiments. Findings of this paper are useful for these purposes specially when samples are non-homogeneous such as those taken from industrial storages.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a simulation and graphics-based model checking and model comparison methodology for the Bayesian analysis of contingency tables. We illustrate the approach by testing the hypotheses of independence and symmetry on complete and incomplete simulated tables.  相似文献   

Recently, mixture distribution becomes more and more popular in many scientific fields. Statistical computation and analysis of mixture models, however, are extremely complex due to the large number of parameters involved. Both EM algorithms for likelihood inference and MCMC procedures for Bayesian analysis have various difficulties in dealing with mixtures with unknown number of components. In this paper, we propose a direct sampling approach to the computation of Bayesian finite mixture models with varying number of components. This approach requires only the knowledge of the density function up to a multiplicative constant. It is easy to implement, numerically efficient and very practical in real applications. A simulation study shows that it performs quite satisfactorily on relatively high dimensional distributions. A well-known genetic data set is used to demonstrate the simplicity of this method and its power for the computation of high dimensional Bayesian mixture models.  相似文献   

For estimating an unknown parameter θ, we introduce and motivate the use of balanced loss functions of the form Lr, w, d0(q, d)=wr(d0, d)+ (1-w) r(q, d){L_{rho, omega, delta_0}(theta, delta)=omega rho(delta_0, delta)+ (1-omega) rho(theta, delta)}, as well as the weighted version q(q) Lr, w, d0(q, d){q(theta) L_{rho, omega, delta_0}(theta, delta)}, where ρ(θ, δ) is an arbitrary loss function, δ 0 is a chosen a priori “target” estimator of q, w ? [0,1){theta, omega in[0,1)}, and q(·) is a positive weight function. we develop Bayesian estimators under Lr, w, d0{L_{rho, omega, delta_0}} with ω > 0 by relating such estimators to Bayesian solutions under Lr, w, d0{L_{rho, omega, delta_0}} with ω = 0. Illustrations are given for various choices of ρ, such as absolute value, entropy, linex, and squared error type losses. Finally, under various robust Bayesian analysis criteria including posterior regret gamma-minimaxity, conditional gamma-minimaxity, and most stable, we establish explicit connections between optimal actions derived under balanced and unbalanced losses.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in the number of AIDS cases during the 1980s and the spread of the disease from the high-risk groups into the general population has created widespread concern. In particular, assessing the accuracy of the screening tests used to detect antibodies to the HIV (AIDS) virus in donated blood and determining the prevalance of the disease in the population are fundamental statistical problems. Because the prevalence of AIDS varies widely by geographic region and data on the number of infected blood donors are published regularly, Bayesian methods, which utilize prior results and update them as new data become available, are quite useful. In this paper we develop a Bayesian procedure for estimating the prevalence of a rare disease, the sensitivity and specificity of the screening tests, and the predictive value of a positive or negative screening test. We apply the procedure to data on blood donors in the United States and in Canada. Our results augment those described in Gastwirth (1987) using classical methods. Indeed, we show that the inclusion of sound prior knowledge into the statistical analysis does not yield sufficiently precise estimates of the predictive value of a positive test. Hence confirmatory testing is needed to obtain reliable estimates. The emphasis of the Bayesian predictive paradigm on prediction intervals for future data yields a valuable insight. We demonstrate that using them might have detected a decline in the specificity of the most frequently used screening test earlier than it apparently was.  相似文献   

This paper considers the Bayesian analysis of the multivariate normal distribution when its covariance matrix has a Wishart prior density under the assumption of a multivariate quadratic loss function. New flexible marginal posterior distributions of the mean μ and of the covariance matrix Σ are developed and univariate cases with graphical representations are given.  相似文献   

The Log-Gaussian Cox process is a commonly used model for the analysis of spatial point pattern data. Fitting this model is difficult because of its doubly stochastic property, that is, it is a hierarchical combination of a Poisson process at the first level and a Gaussian process at the second level. Various methods have been proposed to estimate such a process, including traditional likelihood-based approaches as well as Bayesian methods. We focus here on Bayesian methods and several approaches that have been considered for model fitting within this framework, including Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, the Integrated nested Laplace approximation, and Variational Bayes. We consider these approaches and make comparisons with respect to statistical and computational efficiency. These comparisons are made through several simulation studies as well as through two applications, the first examining ecological data and the second involving neuroimaging data.  相似文献   

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