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A supersaturated design (SSD) is a design whose run size is not enough for estimating all main effects. Such a design is commonly used in screening experiments to screen active effects based on the effect sparsity principle. Traditional approaches, such as the ordinary stepwise regression and the best subset variable selection, may not be appropriate in this situation. In this article, a new variable selection method is proposed based on the idea of staged dimensionality reduction. Simulations and several real data studies indicate that the newly proposed method is more effective than the existing data analysis methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the application of group screening methods for analyzing data using E(fNOD)-optimal mixed-level supersaturated designs possessing the equal occurrence property. Supersaturated designs are a large class of factorial designs which can be used for screening out the important factors from a large set of potentially active variables. The huge advantage of these designs is that they reduce the experimental cost drastically, but their critical disadvantage is the high degree of confounding among factorial effects. Based on the idea of the group screening methods, the f factors are sub-divided into g “group-factors”. The “group-factors” are then studied using the penalized likelihood statistical analysis methods at a factorial design with orthogonal or near-orthogonal columns. All factors in groups found to have a large effect are then studied in a second stage of experiments. A comparison of the Type I and Type II error rates of various estimation methods via simulation experiments is performed. The results are presented in tables and discussion follows.  相似文献   

Bradley (1958) proposed a very simple procedure for constructing latin square designs to counterbalance the immediate sequential effect for an even number of treatments. When the number of treatments is odd, balance in a single latin square is not possible. In the present note we have developed an analogous method for the construction of such designs which may be used for an even or odd number of treatments. A proof has also been offered to assure the general validity of the procedure.  相似文献   

A lower bound for the Es2 value of an arbitrary supersaturated design is derived. A general method for constructing supersaturated designs is proposed and shown to produce designs with n runs and m = k(n — 1) factors that achieve the lower bound for Es2 and are thus optimal with respect to the Es2 criterion. Within the class of designs given by the construction method, further discrimination can be made by minimizing the pairwise correlations and using the generalized D and A criteria proposed by Wu (1993). Efficient designs of 12, 16, 20 and 24 runs are constructed by following this approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the outlier detection and robust variable selection problem in the linear regression model. The penalized weighted least absolute deviation (PWLAD) regression estimation method and the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) are combined to simultaneously achieve outlier detection, and robust variable selection. An iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed optimization problem. Monte Carlo studies are evaluated the finite-sample performance of the proposed methods. The results indicate that the finite sample performance of the proposed methods performs better than that of the existing methods when there are leverage points or outliers in the response variable or explanatory variables. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze two real datasets.  相似文献   

The identification of active effects in supersaturated designs (SSDs) constitutes a problem of considerable interest to both scientists and engineers. The complicated structure of the design matrix renders the analysis of such designs a complicated issue. Although several methods have been proposed so far, a solution to the problem beyond one or two active factors seems to be inadequate. This article presents a heuristic approach for analyzing SSDs using the cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM) under a sure independence screening approach. Simulations are used to investigate the performance of the method comparing the proposed method with other well-known methods from the literature. The results establish the powerfulness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Two series of PBIB designs, one with three associate classes and theother with four associate classes ars developed. Efficiency factors for two designs are computed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new estimation method for binary quantile regression and variable selection which can be implemented by an iteratively reweighted least square approach. In contrast to existing approaches, this method is computationally simple, guaranteed to converge to a unique solution and implemented with standard software packages. We demonstrate our methods using Monte-Carlo experiments and then we apply the proposed method to the widely used work trip mode choice dataset. The results indicate that the proposed estimators work well in finite samples.  相似文献   

The statistical methods for variable selection and prediction could be challenging when missing covariates exist. Although multiple imputation (MI) is a universally accepted technique for solving missing data problem, how to combine the MI results for variable selection is not quite clear, because different imputations may result in different selections. The widely applied variable selection methods include the sparse partial least-squares (SPLS) method and the penalized least-squares method, e.g. the elastic net (ENet) method. In this paper, we propose an MI-based weighted elastic net (MI-WENet) method that is based on stacked MI data and a weighting scheme for each observation in the stacked data set. In the MI-WENet method, MI accounts for sampling and imputation uncertainty for missing values, and the weight accounts for the observed information. Extensive numerical simulations are carried out to compare the proposed MI-WENet method with the other competing alternatives, such as the SPLS and ENet. In addition, we applied the MI-WENet method to examine the predictor variables for the endothelial function that can be characterized by median effective dose (ED50) and maximum effect (Emax) in an ex-vivo phenylephrine-induced extension and acetylcholine-induced relaxation experiment.  相似文献   

Selecting an appropriate structure for a linear mixed model serves as an appealing problem in a number of applications such as in the modelling of longitudinal or clustered data. In this paper, we propose a variable selection procedure for simultaneously selecting and estimating the fixed and random effects. More specifically, a profile log-likelihood function, along with an adaptive penalty, is utilized for sparse selection. The Newton-Raphson optimization algorithm is performed to complete the parameter estimation. By jointly selecting the fixed and random effects, the proposed approach increases selection accuracy compared with two-stage procedures, and the usage of the profile log-likelihood can improve computational efficiency in one-stage procedures. We prove that the proposed procedure enjoys the model selection consistency. A simulation study and a real data application are conducted for demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Optimality properties of multiway block designs are deduced from the general results of J. Kiefer's approximate-design theory. In the model with additive effects these optimality properties solely depend on the two-dimensional marginals of the designs. Uniform designs, and designs whose two-dimensional marginals are products of the one-dimensional marginals, are shown to be optimal. Approximate Youden designs are introduced for the case when the support sets of the two-dimensional marginals are prescribed in advance. They are optimal in a relatively small class of competing designs only.  相似文献   

This paper contains an application of the asymptotic expansion of a pFp() function to a problem encountered in econometrics. In particular we consider an approximation of the distribution function of the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) identifiability test statistic using the method of moments. An expression for the Sth order asymptotic approximation of the moments of the LIML identifiability test statistic is derived and tabulated. The exact distribution function of the test statistic is approximated by a member of the class of F (variance ratio) distribution functions having the same first two integer moments. Some tabulations of the approximating distribution function are included.  相似文献   

This paper considers variable and factor selection in factor analysis. We treat the factor loadings for each observable variable as a group, and introduce a weighted sparse group lasso penalty to the complete log-likelihood. The proposal simultaneously selects observable variables and latent factors of a factor analysis model in a data-driven fashion; it produces a more flexible and sparse factor loading structure than existing methods. For parameter estimation, we derive an expectation-maximization algorithm that optimizes the penalized log-likelihood. The tuning parameters of the procedure are selected by a likelihood cross-validation criterion that yields satisfactory results in various simulation settings. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method can better identify the possibly sparse structure of the true factor loading matrix with higher estimation accuracy than existing methods. A real data example is also presented to demonstrate its performance in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper we focus on the problem of supersaturated (fewer runs than factors) screening experiments. We consider two major types of designs which have been proposed in this situ¬ation: random balance and two-stage group screening. We discuss the relative merits and demerits of each strategy. In addition, we compare the performance of these strategies by means of a case study in which 100 factors are screened in 20,42,62, and 84 runs.  相似文献   

Supersaturated designs (SSDs) are useful in examining many factors with a restricted number of experimental units. Many analysis methods have been proposed to analyse data from SSDs, with some methods performing better than others when data are normally distributed. It is possible that data sets violate assumptions of standard analysis methods used to analyse data from SSDs, and to date the performance of these analysis methods have not been evaluated using nonnormally distributed data sets. We conducted a simulation study with normally and nonnormally distributed data sets to compare the identification rates, power and coverage of the true models using a permutation test, the stepwise procedure and the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) method. Results showed that at the level of significance α=0.01, the identification rates of the true models of the three methods were comparable; however at α=0.05, both the permutation test and stepwise procedures had considerably lower identification rates than SCAD. For most cases, the three methods produced high power and coverage. The experimentwise error rates (EER) were close to the nominal level (11.36%) for the stepwise method, while they were somewhat higher for the permutation test. The EER for the SCAD method were extremely high (84–87%) for the normal and t-distributions, as well as for data with outlier.  相似文献   

A-optimal and mv optimal repeated measurments designs for comparing serveral test treatments with a control are considered. the models considered are basically of two types: without preperides and the cirular model. It is shown known that some known strongly balanced uniform repeated measurements designs can be modified to obtain optimal designs for this problem. Some other methods of finding optimal designs are also given.  相似文献   

The DEDICOM model is a model to analyze square tables describing asymmetric relationships among n entities. Its importance in the asymmetric multidimensional scaling literature is due to the fact that several authors showed a large class of models to be simply a constrained version of DEDICOM. A typical example is the Generalized GIPSCAL proposed by Kiers & Takane. In this paper we present a new algorithm capable to fit, in the least squares sense, any DEDICOM constrained model.  相似文献   

Optimality of experimental designs for spatially correlated observations is investigated.come two dimensional correlation structures are discussed and an attempt has been made to find optimal or nearly optimal design for each sitution.The solution lend to designs similar to that used for repeated measurements.The relative efficiency of the proposed designs in comparison to randomized latin square designs is tabulated for some cases.  相似文献   

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