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Since the pioneering work by Koenker and Bassett [27], quantile regression models and its applications have become increasingly popular and important for research in many areas. In this paper, a random effects ordinal quantile regression model is proposed for analysis of longitudinal data with ordinal outcome of interest. An efficient Gibbs sampling algorithm was derived for fitting the model to the data based on a location-scale mixture representation of the skewed double-exponential distribution. The proposed approach is illustrated using simulated data and a real data example. This is the first work to discuss quantile regression for analysis of longitudinal data with ordinal outcome.  相似文献   


The varying-coefficient single-index model (VCSIM) is a very general and flexible tool for exploring the relationship between a response variable and a set of predictors. Popular special cases include single-index models and varying-coefficient models. In order to estimate the index-coefficient and the non parametric varying-coefficients in the VCSIM, we propose a two-stage composite quantile regression estimation procedure, which integrates the local linear smoothing method and the information of quantile regressions at a number of conditional quantiles of the response variable. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators for the index-coefficient and varying-coefficients when the error is heterogeneous. When compared with the existing mean-regression-based estimation method, our simulation results indicate that our proposed method has comparable performance for normal error and is more robust for error with outliers or heavy tail. We illustrate our methodologies with a real example.  相似文献   

Quantile regression methods have been used to estimate upper and lower quantile reference curves as the function of several covariates. In this article, it is demonstrated that the estimating equation of Zhou [A weighted quantile regression for randomly truncated data, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 55 (2011), pp. 554–566.] can be extended to analyse left-truncated and right-censored data. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators through simulation studies. The proposed estimator β?(q) is applied to the Veteran's Administration lung cancer data reported by Prentice [Exponential survival with censoring and explanatory variables, Biometrika 60 (1973), pp. 279–288].  相似文献   

In a medical study, patients have various stages of illness. After treatment the patient will be cured or the stage of illness will change. Since there are suitable evidences of a susceptible population by several levels, the authors combine a Self-Modeling ordinal model for the probability of occurrence of an event with a Cox regression for the time of occurrence of an event. We proposed the use of self-modeling ordinal longitudinal where the conditional cumulative probabilities for a category of an outcome have a relation with shape-invariant model. A simulation study is carried out for justification of the methodology. A schizophrenia illness data are analyzed based on our model to see whether the treatment affects the illness.  相似文献   

This study examines estimation and inference based on quantile regression for parametric nonlinear models with an integrated time series covariate. We first derive the limiting distribution of the nonlinear quantile regression estimator and then consider testing for parameter restrictions, when the regression function is specified as an asymptotically homogeneous function. We also study linear-in-parameter regression models when the regression function is given by integrable regression functions as well as asymptotically homogeneous regression functions. We, furthermore, propose a fully modified estimator to reduce the bias in the original estimator under a certain set of conditions. Finally, simulation studies show that the estimators behave well, especially when the regression error term has a fat-tailed distribution.  相似文献   

A new class of probability distributions, the so-called connected double truncated gamma distribution, is introduced. We show that using this class as the error distribution of a linear model leads to a generalized quantile regression model that combines desirable properties of both least-squares and quantile regression methods: robustness to outliers and differentiable loss function.  相似文献   

The check loss function is used to define quantile regression. In cross-validation, it is also employed as a validation function when the true distribution is unknown. However, our empirical study indicates that validation with the check loss often leads to overfitting the data. In this work, we suggest a modified or L2-adjusted check loss which rounds the sharp corner in the middle of check loss. This has the effect of guarding against overfitting to some extent. The adjustment is devised to shrink to zero as sample size grows. Through various simulation settings of linear and nonlinear regressions, the improvement due to modification of the check loss by quadratic adjustment is examined empirically.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose a variable selection method for quantile regression model in ultra-high dimensional longitudinal data called as the weighted adaptive robust lasso (WAR-Lasso) which is double-robustness. We derive the consistency and the model selection oracle property of WAR-Lasso. Simulation studies show the double-robustness of WAR-Lasso in both cases of heavy-tailed distribution of the errors and the heavy contaminations of the covariates. WAR-Lasso outperform other methods such as SCAD and etc. A real data analysis is carried out. It shows that WAR-Lasso tends to select fewer variables and the estimated coefficients are in line with economic significance.  相似文献   

Composite quantile regression (CQR) is motivated by the desire to have an estimator for linear regression models that avoids the breakdown of the least-squares estimator when the error variance is infinite, while having high relative efficiency even when the least-squares estimator is fully efficient. Here, we study two weighting schemes to further improve the efficiency of CQR, motivated by Jiang et al. [Oracle model selection for nonlinear models based on weighted composite quantile regression. Statist Sin. 2012;22:1479–1506]. In theory the two weighting schemes are asymptotically equivalent to each other and always result in more efficient estimators compared with CQR. Although the first weighting scheme is hard to implement, it sheds light on in what situations the improvement is expected to be large. A main contribution is to theoretically and empirically identify that standard CQR has good performance compared with weighted CQR only when the error density is logistic or close to logistic in shape, which was not noted in the literature.  相似文献   

One advantage of quantile regression, relative to the ordinary least-square (OLS) regression, is that the quantile regression estimates are more robust against outliers and non-normal errors in the response measurements. However, the relative efficiency of the quantile regression estimator with respect to the OLS estimator can be arbitrarily small. To overcome this problem, composite quantile regression methods have been proposed in the literature which are resistant to heavy-tailed errors or outliers in the response and at the same time are more efficient than the traditional single quantile-based quantile regression method. This paper studies the composite quantile regression from a Bayesian perspective. The advantage of the Bayesian hierarchical framework is that the weight of each component in the composite model can be treated as open parameter and automatically estimated through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling procedure. Moreover, the lasso regularization can be naturally incorporated into the model to perform variable selection. The performance of the proposed method over the single quantile-based method was demonstrated via extensive simulations and real data analysis.  相似文献   

Three regression models for ordinal data, those of Fienberg, McCullagh, and Anderson, are applied to an analysis of kidney function among transplant recipients. The conclusions arising from each model are presented and contrasted.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the use of Bayesian quantile regression for the analysis of proportion data. We also consider the case when the data present a zero-or-one inflation using a two-part model approach. For the latter scheme, we assume that the response variable is generated by a mixed discrete–continuous distribution with a point mass at zero or one. Quantile regression is then used to explain the conditional distribution of the continuous part between zero and one, while the mixture probability is also modelled as a function of the covariates. We check the performance of these models with two simulation studies. We illustrate the method with data about the proportion of households with access to electricity in Brazil.  相似文献   

Although quantile regression estimators are robust against low leverage observations with atypically large responses (Koenker & Bassett 1978), they can be seriously affected by a few points that deviate from the majority of the sample covariates. This problem can be alleviated by downweighting observations with high leverage. Unfortunately, when the covariates are not elliptically distributed, Mahalanobis distances may not be able to correctly identify atypical points. In this paper the authors discuss the use of weights based on a new leverage measure constructed using Rosenblatt's multivariate transformation which is able to reflect nonelliptical structures in the covariate space. The resulting weighted estimators are consistent, asymptotically normal, and have a bounded influence function. In addition, the authors also discuss a selection criterion for choosing the downweighting scheme. They illustrate their approach with child growth data from Finland. Finally, their simulation studies suggest that this methodology has good finite‐sample properties.  相似文献   

Quantile regression (QR) provides estimates of a range of conditional quantiles. This stands in contrast to traditional regression techniques, which focus on a single conditional mean function. Lee et al. [Regularization of case-specific parameters for robustness and efficiency. Statist Sci. 2012;27(3):350–372] proposed efficient QR by rounding the sharp corner of the loss. The main modification generally involves an asymmetric ?2 adjustment of the loss function around zero. We extend the idea of ?2 adjusted QR to linear heterogeneous models. The ?2 adjustment is constructed to diminish as sample size grows. Conditions to retain consistency properties are also provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose robust randomized quantile regression estimators for the mean and (condition) variance functions of the popular heteroskedastic non parametric regression model. Unlike classical approaches which consider quantile as a fixed quantity, our method treats quantile as a uniformly distributed random variable. Our proposed method can be employed to estimate the error distribution, which could significantly improve prediction results. An automatic bandwidth selection scheme will be discussed. Asymptotic properties and relative efficiencies of the proposed estimators are investigated. Our empirical results show that the proposed estimators work well even for random errors with infinite variances. Various numerical simulations and two real data examples are used to demonstrate our methodologies.  相似文献   

In this paper, a penalized weighted composite quantile regression estimation procedure is proposed to estimate unknown regression parameters and autoregression coefficients in the linear regression model with heavy-tailed autoregressive errors. Under some conditions, we show that the proposed estimator possesses the oracle properties. In addition, we introduce an iterative algorithm to achieve the proposed optimization problem, and use a data-driven method to choose the tuning parameters. Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed new estimation method is robust and works much better than the least squares based method when there are outliers in the dataset or the autoregressive error distribution follows heavy-tailed distributions. Moreover, the proposed estimator works comparably to the least squares based estimator when there are no outliers and the error is normal. Finally, we apply the proposed methodology to analyze the electricity demand dataset.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a fully Bayesian quantile inference using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for longitudinal data models with random effects. Under the assumption of error term subject to asymmetric Laplace distribution, we establish a hierarchical Bayesian model and obtain the posterior distribution of unknown parameters at τ-th level. We overcome the current computational limitations using two approaches. One is the general MCMC technique with Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and another is the Gibbs sampling from the full conditional distribution. These two methods outperform the traditional frequentist methods under a wide array of simulated data models and are flexible enough to easily accommodate changes in the number of random effects and in their assumed distribution. We apply the Gibbs sampling method to analyse a mouse growth data and some different conclusions from those in the literatures are obtained.  相似文献   

The authors discuss a general class of hierarchical ordinal regression models that includes both location and scale parameters, allows link functions to be selected adaptively as finite mixtures of normal cumulative distribution functions, and incorporates flexible correlation structures for the latent scale variables. Exploiting the well‐known correspondence between ordinal regression models and parametric ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves makes it possible to use a hierarchical ROC (HROC) analysis to study multilevel clustered data in diagnostic imaging studies. The authors present a Bayesian approach to model fitting using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and discuss HROC applications to the analysis of data from two diagnostic radiology studies involving multiple interpreters.  相似文献   

We propose a new algorithm for simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation for the single-index quantile regression (SIQR) model . The proposed algorithm, which is non iterative , consists of two steps. Step 1 performs an initial variable selection method. Step 2 uses the results of Step 1 to obtain better estimation of the conditional quantiles and , using them, to perform simultaneous variable selection and estimation of the parametric component of the SIQR model. It is shown that the initial variable selection method consistently estimates the relevant variables , and the estimated parametric component derived in Step 2 satisfies the oracle property.  相似文献   

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