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This paper investigates estimation of parameters in a combination of the multivariate linear model and growth curve model, called a generalized GMANOVA model. Making analogy between the outer product of data vectors and covariance yields an approach to directly do least squares to covariance. An outer product least squares estimator of covariance (COPLS estimator) is obtained and its distribution is presented if a normal assumption is imposed on the error matrix. Based on the COPLS estimator, two-stage generalized least squares estimators of the regression coefficients are derived. In addition, asymptotic normalities of these estimators are investigated. Simulation studies have shown that the COPLS estimator and two-stage GLS estimators are alternative competitors with more efficiency in the sense of sample mean, standard deviations and mean of the variance estimates to the existing ML estimator in finite samples. An example of application is also illustrated.  相似文献   

The present paper considers a family of ordinary ridge regression estimators in the linear regression model when the disturbances covariance matrix depends upon a few unknown parameters. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of the ridge regression estimator is developed and under the quadratic loss function its asymptotic risk is compared with that of the feasible GLS estimator.  相似文献   

This article considers the unconditional asymptotic covariance matrix of the least squares estimator in the linear regression model with stochastic explanatory variables. The asymptotic covariance matrix of the least squares estimator of regression parameters is evaluated relative to the standard asymptotic covariance matrix when the joint distribution of the dependent and explanatory variables is in the class of elliptically symmetric distributions. An empirical example using financial data is presented. Numerical examples and simulation experiments are given to illustrate the difference of the two asymptotic covariance matrices.  相似文献   

Neglecting heteroscedasticity of error terms may imply the wrong identification of a regression model (see appendix). Employment of (heteroscedasticity resistent) White's estimator of covariance matrix of estimates of regression coefficients may lead to the correct decision about the significance of individual explanatory variables under heteroscedasticity. However, White's estimator of covariance matrix was established for least squares (LS)-regression analysis (in the case when error terms are normally distributed, LS- and maximum likelihood (ML)-analysis coincide and hence then White's estimate of covariance matrix is available for ML-regression analysis, tool). To establish White's-type estimate for another estimator of regression coefficients requires Bahadur representation of the estimator in question, under heteroscedasticity of error terms. The derivation of Bahadur representation for other (robust) estimators requires some tools. As the key too proved to be a tight approximation of the empirical distribution function (d.f.) of residuals by the theoretical d.f. of the error terms of the regression model. We need the approximation to be uniform in the argument of d.f. as well as in regression coefficients. The present paper offers this approximation for the situation when the error terms are heteroscedastic.  相似文献   

The assumption that all random errors in the linear regression model share the same variance (homoskedasticity) is often violated in practice. The ordinary least squares estimator of the vector of regression parameters remains unbiased, consistent and asymptotically normal under unequal error variances. Many practitioners then choose to base their inferences on such an estimator. The usual practice is to couple it with an asymptotically valid estimation of its covariance matrix, and then carry out hypothesis tests that are valid under heteroskedasticity of unknown form. We use numerical integration methods to compute the exact null distributions of some quasi-t test statistics, and propose a new covariance matrix estimator. The numerical results favor testing inference based on the estimator we propose.  相似文献   

In this paper, the existence of the Uniformly Minimum Risk Equivariant (UMRE) estimator of parameters in SURE model under some quadratic losses and matrix losses is studied. The necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of the UMRE estimator of linearly estimable function vectors of regression coefficients under an affine group of transformations are obtained. It is proved that no UMRE estimator of the covariance matrix under any one of two affine groups of transformations exists.  相似文献   

Emmanuel Caron 《Statistics》2019,53(4):885-902
In this paper, we consider the usual linear regression model in the case where the error process is assumed strictly stationary. We use a result from Hannan (Central limit theorems for time series regression. Probab Theory Relat Fields. 1973;26(2):157–170), who proved a Central Limit Theorem for the usual least squares estimator under general conditions on the design and on the error process. Whatever the design satisfying Hannan's conditions, we define an estimator of the covariance matrix and we prove its consistency under very mild conditions. As an application, we show how to modify the usual tests on the linear model in this dependent context, in such a way that the type-I error rate remains asymptotically correct, and we illustrate the performance of this procedure through different sets of simulations.  相似文献   

The linear regression model is commonly used by practitioners to model the relationship between the variable of interest and a set of explanatory variables. The assumption that all error variances are the same (homoskedasticity) is oftentimes violated. Consistent regression standard errors can be computed using the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimator proposed by White (1980). Such standard errors, however, typically display nonnegligible systematic errors in finite samples, especially under leveraged data. Cribari-Neto et al. (2000) improved upon the White estimator by defining a sequence of bias-adjusted estimators with increasing accuracy. In this paper, we improve upon their main result by defining an alternative sequence of adjusted estimators whose biases vanish at a much faster rate. Hypothesis testing inference is also addressed. An empirical illustration is presented.  相似文献   

在数据随机缺失的分位数回归模型中,运用诱导光滑思想构造光滑的估计方程,得到了回归参数的诱导光滑估计及渐近协方差估计。接着证明了诱导光滑估计的渐近正态性质,并给出诱导光滑估计及其渐近协方差估计的算法。模拟研究表明新方法在有限样本中表现出色。  相似文献   

In this paper a new robust estimator, modified median estimator, is introduced and studied for the logistic regression model. This estimator is based on the median estimator considered in Hobza et al. [Robust median estimator in logistic regression. J Stat Plan Inference. 2008;138:3822–3840]. Its asymptotic distribution is obtained. Using the modified median estimator, we also consider a Wald-type test statistic for testing linear hypotheses in the logistic regression model and we obtain its asymptotic distribution under the assumption of random regressors. An extensive simulation study is presented in order to analyse the efficiency as well as the robustness of the modified median estimator and Wald-type test based on it.  相似文献   

We Consider the generalized multivariate linear model and assume the covariance matrix of the p x 1 vector of responses on a given individual can be represented in the general linear structure form described by Anderson (1973). The effects of the use of estimates of the parameters of the covariance matrix on the generalized least squares estimator of the regression coefficients and on the prediction of a portion of a future vector, when only the first portion of the vector has been observed, are investigated. Approximations are derived for the covariance matrix of the generalized least squares estimator and for the mean square error matrix of the usual predictor, for the practical case where estimated parameters are used.  相似文献   

The common principal components (CPC) model provides a way to model the population covariance matrices of several groups by assuming a common eigenvector structure. When appropriate, this model can provide covariance matrix estimators of which the elements have smaller standard errors than when using either the pooled covariance matrix or the per group unbiased sample covariance matrix estimators. In this article, a regularized CPC estimator under the assumption of a common (or partially common) eigenvector structure in the populations is proposed. After estimation of the common eigenvectors using the Flury–Gautschi (or other) algorithm, the off-diagonal elements of the nearly diagonalized covariance matrices are shrunk towards zero and multiplied with the orthogonal common eigenvector matrix to obtain the regularized CPC covariance matrix estimates. The optimal shrinkage intensity per group can be estimated using cross-validation. The efficiency of these estimators compared to the pooled and unbiased estimators is investigated in a Monte Carlo simulation study, and the regularized CPC estimator is applied to a real dataset to demonstrate the utility of the method.  相似文献   

A Gauss–Markov model is said to be singular if the covariance matrix of the observable random vector in the model is singular. In such a case, there exist some natural restrictions associated with the observable random vector and the unknown parameter vector in the model. In this paper, we derive through the matrix rank method a necessary and sufficient condition for a vector of parametric functions to be estimable, and necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear estimator to be unbiased in the singular Gauss–Markov model. In addition, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the ordinary least-square estimator (OLSE) and the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) under the model to satisfy the natural restrictions.   相似文献   

For a two variance component mixed linear model, it is shown that under suitable conditions there exists a nonlinear unbiased estimator that is better than a best linear unbiased estimator defined with respect to a given singular covariance matrix. It is also shown how this result applies to improving on intra-block estimators and on estimators like the unweighted means estimator in a random one-way model.  相似文献   

Application of ordinary least-squares regression to data sets which contain multiple measurements from individual sampling units produces an unbiased estimator of the parameters but a biased estimator of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates. The present work considers a random coefficient, linear model to deal with such data sets: this model permits many senses in which multiple measurements are taken from a sampling unit, not just when it is measured at several times. Three procedures to estimate the covariance matrix of the error term of the model are considered. Given these, three procedures to estimate the parameters of the model and their covariance matrix are considered; these are ordinary least-squares, generalized least-squares, and an adjusted ordinary least-squares procedure which produces an unbiased estimator of the covariance matrix of the parameters with small samples. These various procedures are compared in simulation studies using three examples from the biological literature. The possibility of testing hypotheses about the vector of parameters is also considered. It is found that all three procedures for regression estimation produce estimators of the parameters with bias of no practical consequence, Both generalized least-squares and adjusted ordinary least-squares generally produce estimators of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates with bias of no practical consequence, while ordinary least-squares produces a negatively biased estimator. Neither ordinary nor generalized least-squares provide satisfactory hypothesis tests of the vector of parameter estimates. It is concluded that adjusted ordinary least-squares, when applied with either of two of the procedures used to estimate the error coveriance matrix, shows promise for practical application with data sets of the nature considered here.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of estimating the covariance matrix of ordinary least squares estimates in a linear regression model when heteroskedasticity is suspected. We perform Monte Carlo simulation on the White estimator, which is commonly used in.

empirical research, and also on some alternatives based on different bootstrapping schemes. Our results reveal that the White estimator can be considerably biased when the sample size is not very large, that bias correction via bootstrap does not work well, and that the weighted bootstrap estimators tend to display smaller biases than the White estimator and its variants, under both homoskedasticity and heteroskedasticity. Our results also reveal that the presence of (potentially) influential observations in the design matrix plays an important role in the finite-sample performance of the heteroskedasticity-consistent estimators.  相似文献   

The Dirichlet-multinomial model is considered as a model for cluster sampling. The model assumes that the design's covariance matrix is a constant times the covariance under multinomial sampling. The use of this model requires estimating a parameter C, that measures the clustering effect. In this paper, a regression estimate for C is obtained. An approximate distribution of this estimator is obtained through the use of asymptotic techniques. A goodness of fit statistic for testing the fit of the Dirichlet Multinomial model is also obtained, based on those asymptotic techniques. These statistics provide a means of knowing when the data satisfy the model assumption. These results are used to analyze data concerning the authorship of Greek prose.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper considers a general class of random coefficient regression (RCR) models to represent pooled cross-sectional and time series data. A new method is given to estimate the covariance matrix of the error component in these RCR models. Also, the asymptotic and small sample properties of the estimated generalized least squares estimator of the regression coefficient vector are established. Procedures for testing a linear restriction on the mean vector of the random coefficients are derived. Finally, a test for non-randomness in the RCR model is devised, and the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is obtained.  相似文献   

This article generalizes the ordinary mixed estimator (OME) in theory, and obtains the estimator of the unknown regression parameters in singular linear models with stochastic linear restrictions: singular mixed estimator (SME). We also give some properties of SME obtained in this article, and prove that it is superior to unrestricted least squared estimator (LSE) in singular linear models in the sense of the covariance matrix and generalized mean square error (GMSE). After that, we also have a discussion about the two-stage estimator of SME. The result we give in this article could be regarded as generalizations of both OME and unrestricted LSE at the same time.  相似文献   

For the simple linear functional relationship model with replication, the asymptotic properties of the ordinary (OLS) and grouping least squares (GRLS) estimator of the slope are investi- gated under the assumption of normally distributed errors with unknown covariance matrix. The relative performance of the OLS and GRLS estimator is compared in terms of the asymptotic mean square error, and a set of critical parameters are identified for determining the dominance of one estimator over the other. It is also shown that the GRLS estimator is asymptoticallyequivalent to the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator under the given assumptions.  相似文献   

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