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张学良 《科学发展》2016,(11):43-45
纽约、伦敦和东京在非核心功能疏解过程中不断整合城市发展空间,提升城市整体竞争力,积累了丰富的经验.从国际经验看,三级圈层结构应当成为上海城市功能疏解的基本模式.因此,应当基于上海各区及周边地区的基本条件,确定上海非核心功能疏解的方向,匹配上海疏解的非核心功能.  相似文献   

薄文广  周立群 《城市》2014,(5):8-11
正一、前言2013年,长三角地区以占中国2.1%的陆地面积、11.6%的人口、13.8%的固定资产投资创造了中国20.8%的GDP、31.9%的进出口总额和54.5%的外商投资,目前已经成为中国经济实力最强的区域。2008年《进一步推进长江三角洲地区改革开放和经济社会发展的指导意见》的出台更是使长三角区域一体化发展上升为国家发展战略,5年多来,长三角  相似文献   

孙可娜 《城市》2015,(3):10-13
一、京、津、冀三地产业特征与结构差异京津冀一体化协同发展作为国家战略,从2014年初开始启动。在国家的大力推动下,京、津、冀三地政府、各方专家及社会各界对此都给予了高度关注和充分论证,力求突破各方面的局限,在产业发展、大气治理和铁路交通等诸多领域共谋一体化发展大计。京、津、冀三地在优势互补、相融共济方面具有得天独厚的有利条件。北京和天津作为全国两大直辖城市,集聚着众多各类人才,科技优势显著,工业基础雄厚,金融、商贸、交通和物流等现代服务业体系完善。河北地域广阔,资源丰富,环绕京津,空间广阔,为京津产业转移提供了广阔空间,是京津发展的重要依托。然而,三地经济发展的不平衡和产业梯度的落差,在很大程度上成为实现京津冀一体化发展必须面对的现实问题。  相似文献   

王守智 《城市观察》2013,(6):153-162
目前我国的城镇化还存在着发展质量不高的问题,有必要学习、借鉴、消化和吸收国内外城镇化发展中的经验和教训,以实现从传统城镇化向集约、智能、绿色、低碳的新型城镇化转变。  相似文献   

纽约、伦敦、巴黎等国际大都市皆重视发挥文化在提升城市软实力中的作用,以文化赋能城市发展。对标顶级国际大都市,上海的城市软实力仍存在较大的提升空间,应深入践行人民城市重要理念,以提升文化软实力为重要抓手,将上海打造成令人心生向往、近悦远来的社会主义国际文化大都市。  相似文献   

沈杰 《科学发展》2016,(5):31-36
歌剧演出收入在上海目前演艺产业中所占的比例极低,歌剧还是一个有待开发的领域.一旦上海确立建设大歌剧院,就需要同步开展管理运行方式和相关产业链研究,积极宣传推广歌剧文化和培育歌剧表演人才,切实保障上海大歌剧院成为上海深度融入国际文化交流,带动市民艺术鉴赏水平整体提升的重要载体.  相似文献   

上海在建设四个中心和现代化国际大都市的过程中,城市功能不断提升、郊区新城建设已全面布局,中心城区正面临着诸多竞争压力和挑战,其功能及产业的转型升级和城市更新已迫在眉睫.全球城市不乏中心城区城市更新的成功典型,上海中心城区城市更新既要借鉴全球相关城市的有益经验,又要结合上海的实际情况,创造一条具有上海特色的中心城区城市更新之路.  相似文献   

育人是高等学校的根本任务,其本质是回答为谁培养人怎样培养人和培养怎样的人等问题。围绕着人才培养的目标,国内外高校均进行了有益的探索。通过比较研究,发现基本的经验是:制定和完善育人体系、丰富和拓展新的教学内容与形式、加强素质教育、充分发挥高校社团组织的作用。各高等学校在办学过程中更加关注育人,更加关注知识、能力、素质、人格的统一。  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈大都市阴影区的GIS界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大都市阴影区是由于中心城市及其周边区域因集聚、辐射作用的不同组合关系而形成的一种发展落差现象。本文介绍了大都市阴影区的形成和演化机制,并以京津冀都市圈为例,利用Huff模型、K-means聚类和空间自相关等方法划分了都市圈的影响圈层与范围,界定了2012年都市圈的"大都市阴影区",总结出了通过GIS的空间分析手段界定"阴影区"和"半阴影区"的方法。研究发现:利用GIS空间分析手段可以定量、直观地界定大都市阴影区和半阴影区;京津冀都市圈的大都市阴影区主要存在于以北京为中心的西北和西南两翼,京津冀自然本底条件和区位差异决定了人口和经济活动布局的空间不均衡性,国家实施区域不均衡发展战略导致人口和产业快速向京津等沿海地区集聚,政策、交通、经济要素和产业结构是造成京津冀都市圈阴影区形成的主要因素。提出大都市阴影区的消减对策应依据大都市区中心城市、外围区域和阴影区三者关系来制定。  相似文献   

陶希东 《城市观察》2021,72(2):85-95
伴随着经济全球化、市场化、网络化发展趋势,突破城市行政区划边界的大都市圈,已经成为我国新型城镇化和区域经济发展的战略选择.建立健全跨行政区管理体制,是我国推进大都市圈建设的一项紧迫性议题.中国大都市圈跨界治理模式的建构,不能照抄照搬西方模式,需要理性分析,要借鉴经验、吸取教训,探索形成发挥中国制度优势、符合中国国情的治理新模式.通过总结美国纽约大都市区治理模式的经验和教训,就我国如何推动大都市圈跨界治理改革提出相关策略.  相似文献   

The Maid, a Singapore-made horror film featuring a foreign domestic worker as its protagonist, was released in 2005 to very favourable reviews in the local press. The critical audience generally used the film to praise the development of the local film industry while ignoring the social commentary of the foreign domestic worker experience in Singapore. This paper aims to address this lack of commentary on the issues and circumstances surrounding foreign domestic service in The Maid. Doing so reveals a multilayered representation of order in Singapore based firmly on ethnicity and class, where the images of foreign maids are dramatised, reconstructed and consumed in various discursive forms by various social agents.  相似文献   

This is a report from a conference held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1991 on the economic aspects of labor mobility in Asia. The authors briefly describe selected papers given at the conference and outline conference topics. A list of participants is included. (SUMMARY IN FRE AND SPA)  相似文献   

汪泓 《科学发展》2012,(6):57-62
借鉴国际上主要国家(地区)物联网产业发展的推进战略及发展模式,结合上海实际情况,目前上海应该主要采取政府主导的发展模式,以技术发展的基本方向为依据,以推动服务提供商的应用服务创新为重点,确定物联网的基本商业模式,以商业模式整合物联网产业链,以市场创造带动新一轮技术升级和网络建设。政府应重视和调动民间的力量,提供引导机制,将推动物联网发展的政策重心适时转移到鼓励和支持服务提供商开拓应用市场和开发商业模式上来。  相似文献   

张浩 《科学发展》2012,(1):103-110
通过对北京、广东两省市城中村改造的成效、模式及经验的调研,着重总结两地经验对上海城中村改造工作的有益启示。同时,对上海城中村改造工作提出思考和建议:解放思想,着力破解城中村改造难题;从实际出发,创新相关支持政策;开展试点,做好政策储备;动态地调整上海土地利用总体规划。  相似文献   

World system theory posits that core nations control global production processes through their economic and political-military strength, while countries at the periphery remain technologically underdeveloped and operate from a position of dependency. Rapid changes such as population growth and rural encroachment have spurred environmental degradation in the intermediary semi-periphery countries. The effects of world system structure on national deforestation were investigated in a quantitative, cross-national analysis of data from 60 core, semi-peripheral, and peripheral countries. This analysis revealed that rural population growth has had a deleterious effect on forestation throughout the world system. However, the impact of general population growth has been negative only in non-core countries. As hypothesized, forest exports have resulted in ecologic devastation in the periphery of the world system, but have exerted a favorable effect for core countries where reforestation programs dominate. These findings suggest that population growth per se is not the critical factor in environmental degradation. Urged are further quantitative evaluations of the environmental impact of other international commodity trades.  相似文献   

This paper studies the use of ecological research information in urban planning focusing on Finland. Research questions addressed the importance and challenges of incorporating ecological information into the planning process, and ways to promote the use of ecological information. Fifteen key professionals from three representative development approval processes in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area were interviewed. The interviewed planners and ecologists considered ecological information important for identifying and preserving valuable urban nature and biodiversity, diminishing negative environmental impacts of construction and for enabling nature-related experiences and services for urban residents. The identified challenges for the use of the information included insufficiency, fragmented nature and lack of adequacy of information, as well as problems with the interpretation and presentation of information. In order to provide more comprehensive ecological information from urbanizing areas in Finland; there should be more coordinated efforts to produce research information that planners really need, ecologists should be more active in the process in providing ecological insights for plans, a proper and simple biodiversity valuation method should be developed, more research on the function on ecological corridors should be conducted, and biodiversity monitoring of implemented planning projects should be developed.  相似文献   


The growth and survival of urban trees and maintenance of urban forest canopy are important considerations in adaptation of urban regions to climate change, especially in relation to increasing frequency of extreme climatic events such as drought. However, urban forest growth and drought response may vary considerably within large urban landscapes across gradients in land use, urbanization, forest composition and structure, and environmental factors. We quantified urban forest growth and resilience and resistance to extreme drought in the greater Chicago metropolitan region based on patterns of annual basal area production from increment core analysis. We evaluated variation in growth and drought response in relation to a broad urban to rural gradient, land-use categories, local-scale environmental predictors, and forest community characteristics. Urban forest growth varied greatly among land-use classes and major genera. Plot-level variation in productivity was predicted most strongly (R2 = 0.53) by total plot-level basal area, canopy height, species composition, soil and ground-cover characteristics, and position within the urban-rural gradient. Urban forest growth was strongly related to regional meteorological drought. In periods of extreme drought conditions growth declined in the year of the drought (i.e., was not resistant to drought effects), but was highly resilient to drought in the subsequent 5 year period. Drought response did not vary consistently across land-use classes or among major genera, and site or community characteristics had little explanatory power in predicting drought response. Improved understanding of factors driving variation in urban forest growth and drought response could help inform adaptation-focused urban forest management strategies.


Trees provide important ecological services in cities, yet the vulnerability of the urban forest to massive tree losses from pest outbreaks could threaten those services, with unknown environmental consequences. The outbreak of emerald ash borer is an imminent threat to the ash population in North America. In the Minneapolis?CSaint Paul, Minnesota, metropolitan area, ash trees are present in 50?% of residential landscapes in Ramsey and Anoka Counties. We used a large survey of household activities, a tree inventory, a Household Flux Calculator accounting tool, and a set of annual evapotranspiration measurements, to quantify the current carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus storage in ash trees, the cycling of these elements, and the total evapotranspiration from ash trees in residential areas in the metropolitan region. Ash represented 6?% of the trees in residential areas and the removal of the entire ash population would correspondingly reduce net primary production and carbon sequestration by only a few percent and would have negligible effects on losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from residential landscapes. Similarly, the effects of ash loss on the hydrologic cycle would be minimal and would depend largely on management choices for the ground currently underneath ash tree canopies. Overall, the percentage change in biogeochemical and hydrological fluxes corresponded closely with the percent of the total urban tree population that was represented by ash, suggesting that areas with higher densities of ash would experience correspondingly larger effects. A hypothetical tree replacement scenario with similar broadleaf species was determined to be likely to re-establish the original biogeochemical and hydrological conditions once the replacement trees reach maturity.  相似文献   

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