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黎冲森 《经理人》2012,(7):64-67
被称为“西征冠军”的广东新宝电器股份有限公司位于珠三角家电重镇顺德,始创于1995年。新宝专注于全球小家电市场,是中国电热水壶、咖啡壶、搅拌机、多士炉等小家电的最大出口商,全球电热水壶市场连续多年占有率第一。2011年,新宝营收约8亿美元,其中欧洲、美洲市场所占份额各为40%。  相似文献   

基于路径依赖理论的中小型水电厂战略转型的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当前,针对我国水电厂战略转型的相关理论体系仍不够成熟,不能很好的解决水电厂在制定发展战略规划时与国家电力改革方向的匹配问题,故本文将尝试通过"路径依赖"理论,将其运用于当前国有中小型水电厂可持续发展战略的路径选择中,并建立了相应的战略转型路径选择模型,该模型通过正负双反馈系统,增强水电厂与集团公司的交互合作,以增强水电厂对外部环境的适应性和主动性,从根本上实现企业的战略转型。该模型在某企业得到了部分应用并取得较好效果,期望对同行其他企业能有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

数字化转型可以帮助国有企业进行业务创新、产品创新和技术创新,推动企业转型升级,适应市场需求的变化。国有企业在进行数字化转型时,需要明确数字化转型的战略目标,分析当前业务和市场情况,进而确定数字化转型的战略选择。国有企业数字化转型的实施路径主要包括建立数字化转型团队和领导机构,制定数字化转型路线图和时间表,加强数字化技术基础设施建设,以及重视组织文化和人才培养等,从而从实践角度来推动国有企业数字化转型实施并实现可持续发展。基于此,文章主要分析国有企业数字化转型的战略选择,具体介绍国有企业数字化转型的实施路径,以供参考。  相似文献   

黎冲森 《经理人》2014,(5):44-49
新宝三度冲击IPO,终于在2014年1月成为顺德首家以小家电为主营业务的上市公司。从开始准备到成功上市,前后历经约10年时间,饱尝其中酸甜苦辣滋味的曾展晖感叹说:"上市这条路太难了!每天战战兢兢,担心销售规模和整体盈利能力下降。"整个冲关过程最主要的阻力和问题是:外界认为代工是落后的产业,质疑其产业发展前景。  相似文献   

谢企华 《管理学报》2004,1(3):249-254
战略供应链作为一种基于"竞合"理念、强调分工合作的准市场组织,有别于市场交易型的传统供应链及内部交易型的一体化供应链,追求企业间的战略协同,专注于核心竞争力的纵向整合,具有协同、快速、差异化的功能特征,已经成为企业竞争的新焦点.通过对市场竞争机制下的战略供应链的形成机理、内涵及特点的分析,对照中国产业特别是钢铁供应链组织现状,探讨企业通过构建战略供应链形成持续竞争优势的必要性以及基于战略层面上的相关策略.强调指出,我国企业应发挥自身优势,树立竞合理念,加快系统创新,构建战略供应链,谋求长远的持续竞争优势.  相似文献   

伴随着高等教育大众化时代的快速到来,新建本科院校发展迅猛,已成为中国高校承担大众化教育任务的主体力量,但也不可避免地存在生存与发展的问题和困境。本文分析了新建本科院校的主要特征以及转型发展面临的困境,从战略层面给予了走出困境,科学发展的对策性思考。  相似文献   

我国科技发展的突出问题和转型升级战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要解决我国科技发展中的创新结构不合理、产出结构不合理、科技发展不平衡等突出问题,必须用科学发展观统领科技工作,制定和实施国家研发战略、国家科技振兴产业战略、国家技术转移战略,促进科技发展转型升级。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,中小产险公司业务发展比较困难,尤其是战略发展型业务更为落后。面对车险等传统业务经营不太乐观的状况,努力把战略发展型业务做好,已成为一些中小产险公司另辟途径,谋求业务增长点和利润空间的一个战略手段。  相似文献   

在近几年经济持续下行的背景下,金融业务改革逐步深化,城商行的净利差持续收窄,银行之间甚至打起了“息差保卫战”。过往粗放式追求规模增长的经营模式已不可持续,大力发展财富管理业务便成为了城商行战略转型过程中的必然选择。当前城商行战略转型背景下的财富管理业务发展还存在着一系列的问题,严重制约了城商行的发展。本文通过具体论述城商行战略转型背景下的财富管理业务发展存在的问题,并根据实际情况提出城商行战略转型背景下的财富管理业务发展途径,以此增强城商行提升自身综合竞争实力,更好地顺应行业发展的趋势。  相似文献   

一、我国科技发展的阶段性特征 经过30年的改革开放,我国科技发展已经处于新的历史起点,呈现出一系列新的阶段性特征。概括地说,主要有三点。  相似文献   

汇改后不同市态下汇市与股市溢出效应的异化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文按照上证综合指数的走势将2005年7月22日至2008年10月28日的整个样本区间划分为牛市和熊市两个样本子区间,采用样本子区间内的兴业银行人民币综合汇率指数和上证综合指数对数收益率的日数据,通过VAR(p)-BVGJR-GARCH(1,1)-BEKK模型实证分析了2005年汇改后不同市态下中国汇市和股市间溢出效应的异化现象.结果显示,汇改后,牛市和熊市中的中国汇市与股市间溢出效应存在着显著差异.牛市时期,汇市和股市的条件方差对自身负冲击都具有非对称性,两市场间不存在均值溢出效应,但存在显著的双向波动溢出效应,且一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击都存在非对称效应.而熊市时期,只有汇市的条件方差对自身负冲击具有非对称性,汇市股市间只存在股市对汇市单向的均值和波动溢出效应,且一个市场的条件方差对另一市场负冲击均不存在非对称效应.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, grocery retailing has undergone a tremendous transformation which was driven mainly by changing consumer characteristics. In order to accommodate these changes, the industry has responded in three ways. The most important of these is the introduction of new technology, particularly efficient consumer response (ECR). The second change has to do with innovations in product and/or service offerings. The final transformation is the organisational restructuring and the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions in the industry at both the manufacturer and retailer levels. The implications of these transformations on the marketing mix, productivity and manufacturer-retailer relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Product development and market penetration strategy rely on dependable forecasts. Market segmentation is necessary for finding profitable niches. The paper describes macro- forecasts in the maritime sector divided by nine ship types. Balance between supply and demand is calculated with dynamic models. Demand for transportation depends on the development of world trade. Supply of transportation capacity depends on present fleet size, future contracting, scrapping and productivity.  相似文献   

基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尝试研究近年来我国房地产价格不断剧烈波动背后的市场机制.通过构建包含投资效用、二手市场、预期、政策冲击等因素的动态模型,揭示动态的房地产市场机制.研究结果表明,短视预期效应会加剧房价波动,而理性预期却是房价的自动调节器.一旦房地产市场中短视预期效应大于理性预期效应,房价暴涨或暴跌的"棘轮效应"则无法在短期内逆转.这可能...  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being given to the possible consequences which might follow from the exhaustion of the world's natural resources. Countering the pessimistic conclusions of such institutions as the Club of Rome, economists such as Wilfred Beckerman have emphasized the importance of substitution, pointing to many examples where a shortage of one raw material has led to the discovery or development of alternative materials, e.g. artificial for natural rubber, aluminium for copper.Substitution usually occurs through normal market mechanisms, i.e. changes in relative prices. However in some circumstances the market mechanism may be inhibited by a variety of factors, so that its operation requires to be supplemented by an outside agency. This article explores this possibility in relation to the paper making industry, which provides a particularly interesting example owing to the existence of a well established market in waste paper, the main substitute for the major natural resource, woodpulp.A brief indication is given of the relative importance of waste paper and an outline of the structure of the U.K. market; the conditions under which greater utilization of waste paper might occur are then considered taking a sideways look at the influence of the individual. In the final section the various implications for the role of the state are summarized.  相似文献   

Stock market efficiency is a crucial concept when forecasting of future stock price behaviour is discussed. In the literature, a distinction is made between three potential levels of efficiency. Under a weak form of efficiency, information on historical price movements is of no value for predicting the future price development. Similarly, a semi-strong form of efficiency holds that no publicly available information can be successfully used in the prediction of prices. And finally, a strong form of efficiency means that the share prices fully reflect all relevant information including data not yet publicly available. Stock market efficiency has been extensively studied in different countries. On a thin security market, like in the Helsinki Stock Exchange, many anomalies and deviations from market efficiency have been obtained. This paper aims to contribute to that discussion. It is shown in the paper that both the monthly and quarterly stock market prices (the general stock market index) can be adequately forecasted using either univariate time-series analysis or multivariate econometric modelling. The univariate ARIMA-models seem to be slightly outperformed by the econometric models. It is further shown that the forecasting accuracy of the models can be improved when time-series and econometric forecasts are combined into a composite forecast. The empirical results obtained indicate an absence of efficiency on the Finnish security market.  相似文献   

This study assesses the risk/return profile of three market timing strategies namely traditional, bull and bear timing under different market conditions on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.The results indicate that market timing does lead to a lower variability of returns than a buy-and-hold strategy. On a risk-adjusted basis the required forecasting ability necessary to outperform the market is lower than previously thought. Under bearish conditions a random guess is expected to yield returns above the risk-adjusted market return regardless of the timing strategy employed.  相似文献   

证券现货市场和期货市场的微观结构是不相同的,在考虑交易成本和卖空限制条件下研究了拥有特定证券信息的知情交易者在这两个市场中的交易策略,以及相应的做市商和未知情策略交易者的交易策略.通过上述研究比较了现货市场与期货市场微观结构的不同.  相似文献   

This article investigates changes in graduate recruitment strategies brought about by the Single European Market (SEM) in a sample of UK-based organisations, and compares them with approaches being adopted in France.French and British managers were surveyed on many aspects of graduate recruitment for the SEM, and both groups saw the likely impact of the SEM as significant. But there were differences by nationality: French companies were more active in recruiting graduates from other countries and their managers were more likely to believe that new skills, knowledge and attitudes would be required in the European graduates of the future. The results of this study have a number of implications for educational policy-makers as well as employers.  相似文献   

In a recent article in this journal, Livesey and Barcena supplied an interesting but necessarily superficial analysis of the market for waste paper. Their essential conclusion was that, faced with future shortages, and hence increased prices of wood pulp, the paper and board industry would be forced to rely more heavily on secondary fibre. In turn, they felt that ‘in order to ensure an adequate supply of waste paper, governments may need to exert a greater degree of influence over the market than they do at present’.This paper seeks to provide a more rigorous analysis of the ‘waste paper problem’ in terms of future demand and fluctuations in that demand. It also corrects some misconceptions in the paper by Livesey and Barcena as to the likely sources of future supply and the economics of securing those supplies.  相似文献   

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