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校园一卡通系统是数字化校园基础工程的重要组成部分,旨在为广大师生员工的教学、科研和生活提供方便、快捷的电子化服务,从根本上实现"一卡在手.走遍校园"的设想.校园一卡通系统是以软件集成为主、硬件集成为辅的综合信息集成系统,与学校其它业务管理信息系统紧密结合,组成的重要信息采集网络,为学校提供实时可靠的信息来源和决策依据.  相似文献   

<正>一、征集对象海内外文化机构、美术院校、书画院、画廊、拍卖公司、艺术品收藏品及文化用品生产经营单位、艺术家个人,旅游文化企业等。二、广告形式1、艺术活动发布消息、征集作品;2、各类艺术展览宣传、介绍;3、艺术院校及各类培训班招生;  相似文献   

教育的计算机化和远程教育被称为虚拟大学:没有单纯的物理意义上的校园,由电子网络连接的包括电子邮箱、布告栏、视频会议和电子资源的共享环境.本文研究虚拟大学对自由、正义、隐私等价值观可能产生的影响,并研究在尊重和提升基本的社会价值观方面,如何发展和管理虚拟大学和高等教育.  相似文献   

这里有点像电影《凤凰琴》中的学校,3个教室,5个老师,62个学生分成三个年级(隔年一招生),铁炉子放在每个教室的中间,尽量让它的热量均匀地散发给每一个孩子。校园中除了教室的那排小白房,有三个较高的“建筑物”,一个被风雨侵蚀得裂纹纵  相似文献   

我国伟大的教育家蔡元培先生说过:“要知道明天的社会,先看看今日之校园。”当今中国正处在改革开放的大好时机,恢复高校招生以来,校园里流水似的学生换了一茬又一茬。目前在校的大学生与以前大学生的政治思想、社会阅历、学习态度、行为规范等方面都发生了较大的变化...  相似文献   

电话咨询是高校招生宣传工作的一种重要的方式。本文就开展电话咨询服务的条件、运作方式以及如何开展此业务等方面都作了分析。  相似文献   

正一、征集对象海内外文化机构、美术院校、书画院、画廊、拍卖公司、艺术品收藏品及文化用品生产经营单位、艺术家个人、旅游文化企业等。二、广告形式1、艺术活动发布消息、征集作品;2、各类艺术展览宣传、介绍;3、艺术院校及各类培训班招生;4、艺术家个人作品展示及推介;  相似文献   

正一、征集对象海内外文化机构、美术院校、书画院、画廊、拍卖公司、艺术品收藏品及文化用品生产经营单位、艺术家个人、旅游文化企业等。二、广告形式1、艺术活动发布消息、征集作品;2、各类艺术展览宣传、介绍;3、艺术院校及各类培训班招生;4、艺术家个人作品展示及推介;  相似文献   

一、征集对象海内外文化机构、美术院校、书画院、画廊、拍卖公司、艺术品收藏品及文化用品生产经营单位、艺术家个人,旅游文化企业等。二、广告形式1、艺术活动发布消息、征集作品;2、各类艺术展览宣传、介绍;3、艺术院校及各类培训班招生;4、艺术家个人作品展示及推介:5、艺术品、收藏礼品等企业单位产品推广。  相似文献   

正一、征集对象海内外文化机构、美术院校、书画院、画廊、拍卖公司、艺术品收藏品及文化用品生产经营单位、艺术家个人、旅游文化企业等。二、广告形式1、艺术活动发布消息、征集作品;2、各类艺术展览宣传、介绍;3、艺术院校及各类培训班招生;4、艺术家个人作品展示及推介;5、艺术品、收藏礼品等企业单位产品推广。  相似文献   

当前校园文化建设的任务是高素养文化公民的培育以及中华文化传统的传承和创新。校园文化包含相互交融的四个子系统:校园文化价值系统、校园文化体制系统、校园文化传媒系统和校园文化符号系统。校园文化的特征表现为特、精、传。校园文化建设的目标应以非强制而令人愉快的方式濡染学子的文化心灵,使他们养成始终不渝地向往人生更高境界的文化自觉习惯。  相似文献   

大学生学习活动质量是指大学生在大学学习生活中,对旨在获取知识经验和促进自身发展的各种学习活动的参与和努力程度,具体包括与图书馆、 计算机及信息技术、 课程学习、 生师相处经验等相关的学习活动.通过对北京市属高校大学生的抽样调查发现:大学生学习活动质量的个体差异较大,且在不同学习活动类型上也有所差异,在与课程学习、 计算机及信息技术相关学习活动中的质量较高,在与图书馆、 生师相处经验相关学习活动中的质量较低;大学生学习活动质量在年级、 生源地、 是否独生子女维度上有显著差异,在性别上无显著差异,在各变量内部,低年级、 农村生源和非独生子女学生的学习活动质量相对较低.鉴于此,当前北京市属高校的教育综合改革应以营造支持性的校园文化环境为导向,在强化校园硬件资源建设的同时,注重学校教育制度建设以及学生良好校园人际关系的构建,促进大学生学习活动质量的提升.  相似文献   

钱耕耘 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):120-124
大学校园文化是实现文化强国战略的基础性工程,建设大学校园文化必须推进社会主义核心价值体系进校园,树立以人为本、全面发展的理念,注重培养和塑造大学精神,创造良好的教学和科研与校园文化"两促进"机制,利用网络资源开拓校园文化建设的新领域;要开展丰富多彩、健康有益的校园文化活动,营造特点突出、个性鲜明的生态环境,以便更好地把文化强国战略落到实处。  相似文献   

高校信息文化建设的着力点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈祖权 《创新》2009,3(7):92-93
校园信息文化是学校信息化建设过程中所创造并使用的物质财富和精神财富的总和,其建设是一个综合工程,不仅要建立开放共享的信息文化网络平台,有效开发并科学利用教育信息资源,还要加强师生的信息素养教育,对校园信息活动实行人性化管理。  相似文献   

乔潮 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):67-69
儒家文化重视"礼","礼"是一种高尚的道德情操,是修身治国之本。创建文明校园,更要传承中华美德,从日常行为规范做起,营造"文雅序活"的校园文化。以科学发展观为指导,把社会主义核心价值体系融入学校的各项工作中,用社会主义荣辱观统领文明校园建设。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined academic researchers' understandings or attitudes toward conflict of interest policies even though these understandings and attitudes represent a crucial component of both compliance and educational efforts. This study reports the results of a large-scale, cross-sectional survey of research faculty at the nine campuses of the University of California regarding their understandings of and attitudes toward campus conflict of interest policies. We gathered information on their general assessments of investigators with financial ties to industry sponsors and reactions to the process of implementing conflict of interest policies at their respective campuses. We surveyed 1,971 faculty members from the nine-campus University of California system and had 779 responses (39% response rate). The sampled faculty were in the ten departments with the most number of financial disclosures at each campus. We utilized the WebSurveyor software to create a secure, online, 21-item survey. Our study reveals faculty with complex, sometimes contradictory, feelings about academic-industry relationships and highlights perceived gaps in policy and process. Most respondents were concerned about unlimited financial relationships, but a sizable number also viewed campus policies as irrelevant. Some expressed considerable anger over the process of policy implementation, rejecting the policies on the basis of professional and individual self-determination and moral integrity. Our study suggests the need for renewed efforts to encourage awareness of the relevance of conflict of interest policies for all faculty, new efforts to increase understanding of the situational nature of conflicts of interest, and reexamination of the processes of policy implementation at the campus level.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined academic researchers' understandings of or attitudes toward conflict of interest policies even though these understandings and attitudes represent a crucial component of both compliance and educational efforts. This study reports the results of a large-scale, cross-sectional survey of research faculty at the nine campuses of the University of California regarding their understandings of and attitudes toward campus conflict of interest policies. We gathered information on their general assessments of investigators with financial ties to industry sponsors and reactions to the process of implementing conflict of interest policies at their respective campuses. We surveyed 1,971 faculty members from the nine-campus University of California system and had 779 responses (39% response rate). The sampled faculty were in the ten departments with the most number of financial disclosures at each campus. We utilized the WebSurveyor software to create a secure, online, 21-item survey. Our study reveals faculty with complex, sometimes contradictory, feelings about academic-industry relationships and highlights perceived gaps in policy and process. Most respondents were concerned about unlimited financial relationships, but a sizable number also viewed campus policies as irrelevant. Some expressed considerable anger over the process of policy implementation, rejecting the policies on the basis of professional and individual self-determination and moral integrity. Our study suggests the need for renewed efforts to encourage awareness of the relevance of conflict of interest policies for all faculty, new efforts to increase understanding of the situational nature of conflicts of interest, and a reexamination of the processes of policy implementation at the campus level.  相似文献   

关于校园文化建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄英 《学术交流》2004,(11):149-151
学校教育与校园文化建设相辅相成。科学地构建校园文化体系,推进校园文化建设,应坚持普遍性与特殊性、继承性与创建性、主体性与主导性相统一的原则。要充分利用载体,规范文化行为,设计文化情境,引导学生自觉地参与文化创造活动。实现校园文化建设的目标,提高教师整体素质是关键,运行机制是手段,加强管理是保证。  相似文献   

我国学校体育场馆对外开放现有立法主要面临校园安全问题、经费资助问题、组织管理问题、重视态度问题等障碍。我国学校体育场馆对外开放立法应当建立政府保险赔偿制度、完善突发事件预警机制、规范政府经费资助制度、健全职能部门协调机制。  相似文献   

Contemporary society is beset with subtle racial tensions. Modern racism is a form of racism often found in modern, politically correct America. In this form of racism, racist beliefs are often expressed only indirectly. In the present paper, race differences in attitudes about and perceptions of racism were examined through the use of a survey. Results showed several differences in the way Blacks and Whites perceive race relations on a university campus. This information helps to gain insight into the causes of modern racial tensions. The results also suggest strategies to reduce racism on college campuses.  相似文献   

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