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Past research has consistently reported a higher rate of drug use before arrest among incarcerated inmates than that of the general population. However, there is a lack of either qualitative or quantitative research on this topic under the Chinese setting. Drawing upon survey data collected from 1,518 inmates in a Chinese province, this study attempts to fill in the research gap by assessing the connection between risk factors associated with pre-arrest use. Roughly a quarter of all inmates in the sample had the experience of drug use before arrest. Regression analysis suggested that impulsivity, volatile temper, and perceived prevalence of drug use in neighborhood were significantly related to drug use among inmates. Two control variables include offense type and stable job, were also found to be significant predictors of drug use. Implications for research and policy were highlighted in the end.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Ian Paylor, Department of Applied Social Science, Cartmel College, Lancaster University LA1 3HY, UK. E-mail: i.paylor1{at}lancaster.ac.uk Summary One of the many consequences of injecting drug use is the potentialrisk to infectious blood-borne viruses. There is evidence thatthe risk of contracting Hepatitis C (HCV) is greater than thatof HIV. Despite repeated warnings from a variety of sourcesand thousands of new infections among drug users each year andrising incidents of ‘'crack’ injecting, successivegovernments have failed to address a public health emergencyof immense proportions - the HCV epidemic. This article exploresthis issue and the implications it has for social work.  相似文献   

中国和西方国家的社会保障支出在预算表的凸现性、覆盖面、类别及比重、管理制度、支出质量、支出效率等方面存在差异。我国应在坚持“公平优先 ,兼顾效率”的原则下 ,建立多元化的社会保障支出体系 ,单独编制社会保障预算 ,提高社会保障效率。  相似文献   

韦正业  卢兆龙 《创新》2009,3(7):60-64
"鄂尔多斯模式"的丰富内涵和新鲜经验,是地方经济崛起的经典和样板,是西部崛起的典型和缩影。学习借鉴"鄂尔多斯模式",对于同样为西部地级市的百色全面贯彻落实科学发展观,实现经济社会又好又快发展,具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Joanne Neale, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD, UK. E-mail: jsn3{at}york.ac.uk Summary There has been no recent large-scale systematic UK investigationof differences between male and female drug users seeking treatment.Equally, there has been no debate within the social work fieldregarding how best to address any gender-specific needs of drug-usingclients. This is despite the fact that social workers frequentlywork with both drug-dependent individuals and members of theirfamilies. This paper examines differences between men and womenbeginning a new episode of drug treatment in Scotland and considerssome of the implications of the findings for social work practice.Data were collected from structured interviews conducted with1,033 individuals (715 males and 318 females) in a range oftreatment settings. Chi-square statistics were computed to investigatesex differences on key categorical variables relating to: (i)patterns of drug use; (ii) education, employment and income;(iii) offending behaviour; (iv) housing circumstances; (v) healthstatus; and (vi) personal relationships. Analyses identifiedmany differences between the men and women interviewed, butalso many common difficulties faced by respondents of both sexes.Additionally, the extensive range of problems and stressfullife circumstances encountered suggested that the lives of individualsseeking drug treatment were extremely heterogeneous. It is concludedthat social workers can employ a range of practical interventionsand theoretical approaches when working with both male and femaledrug-using clients.  相似文献   

章忠民 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):38-44
在社会历史的巨变中 ,西方哲学从近代哲学到现代哲学的发展经历了重大的转型。近代哲学因其固有的神学—形而上学—逻各斯中心论性质 ,不仅与当代社会发生了严重冲突 ,更是陷入逻各斯中心主义、基础主义、本质主义和神秘主义的困境而难以自拔 ,这在现代哲学的视界中便被冠以“传统形而上学”而遭到严厉的批判、解构。西方哲学的发展由意识哲学、认识型哲学转向语言哲学、实践型哲学 ,从而使得哲学由抽象的逻辑概念的阴影王国、思辨的精神世界朝向事物本身 ,返回到生活世界。对西方哲学的转型问题的正确理解和把握 ,不仅是我们深入研究西方哲学的重要前提 ,还可为西方哲学研究和马克思主义哲学研究注入活力  相似文献   

A case-finding study was carried out in 1992 to determine the prevalence of drug abuse in Sweden. Several authorities in 100 local communities and 59 police districts were selected to participate in the case-finding research. The number of heavy drug abusers was estimated to be 17,000. Heavy drug use is defined as "any intravenous use of drugs, regardless of substance, or any daily or near-daily use of drugs, regardless of the method of administration". The study was designed to make the results comparable to a similar study in 1979 in which the number found was 12,000. According to the studies, the number of heavy drug abusers increased by 5000 between 1979 and 1992. The age distribution shows that the recruitment of abusers has declined, especially among young people.  相似文献   

张晶 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):89-94
"物化"是中国美学中一个渊源有自又有深厚的中国哲学背景的范畴,对于中华民族的艺术创作和理论都有深刻的影响。"物化"与西方美学中的"移情"说有接近之处,却又有其不同的美学内涵;与中国美学中的"感物"、"感兴"等范畴有密切联系,但又并不等同。"物化"是指主体进入审美体验和审美创造的高峰时,在感觉和意识中与客体完全融合为一、无法分辨物我关系的至高境界。在中华传统艺术领域中,"物化"是诗词书法艺术家审美体验中物我两忘、而将主体的灵性和对象的物性化而为一的极致之境。  相似文献   

张一兵 《求是学刊》2003,30(2):19-26
在西方马克思主义哲学中,阿尔都塞是以科学方法论标识自己的哲学特征的.当他的这种准结构主义解释模型进入马克思主义哲学史研究领域时,的确给前苏东式思想史论以猛烈的冲击.其中令人耳目一新的观点,就是他对思想史目的论和起源论的批判.此外,阿尔都塞还对传统马克思哲学史研究中著名的"颠倒说"进行了反向审省.  相似文献   

以"服务学习"为指导,"老年社会工作"课程为平台,组成老年服务小组,对中国西部老人的生活现状、服务需求进行了有计划的诊断与实务,就西部服务学习模式进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

魏伟 《社会》2008,28(1):77-77
在西方学术语境中,都市运动(或称都市社会运动)代表了和主流社会运动研究截然不同的学术和理论传统。都市运动成为近年中国社会学研究领域的一个热点,但没有被置于一个系统的理论框架之中。本文从批判性地考察中国学者对“都市运动”这一术语的“借用”开始,然后对西方的都市运动研究的理论脉络进行梳理,突出揭示都市运动研究和主流社会运动在理论观点和研究旨趣方面的差异。文章认为,西方都市运动研究注重学者参与和立足社区的传统,对今天中国的实证研究具有启示意义。  相似文献   

西部民族地区农村是属于“老、少、边、穷”地区,这一地区的发展关系到我国社会的稳定、发展。本文分析了西部农村现存的主要社会问题,并阐述了社会工作在这一地区如何发挥其应有的社会功能。  相似文献   

我国身处世界两大毒源地包围之中,近年来已经从毒品犯罪的"受害国"发展到"受害国与输出国兼具"的毒品犯罪重灾区。传统的制毒和贩毒犯罪尚未得到有效控制,以化学方法提炼为主导的新型毒品犯罪接踵而至。文化变迁与亚文化传播诱发演艺圈涉毒违法和涉毒犯罪频发,并且在青少年群体中形成严重的负面"模仿"和"从众"心理效应。以犯罪学和心理学的视角透视毒品犯罪的社会诱因和心理动因,可以突破传统"堵源截流"的预防方法,为控制和减少毒品犯罪提供行之有效的对策:重视新型毒品犯罪理论研究和刑事立法工作,适时排除司法环节上的障碍;继续加强国际禁毒合作,有效遏制毒源向境内渗透;全面加强毒品犯罪的社会防控,将毒品犯罪扼杀在萌生状态。  相似文献   

赵燕玲 《学术交流》2002,(4):143-146
“中体西用”是中国最早的现代化理论,它指导了晚清的三次现代化运动,促进了中国早期现代化的进程。但是,“中体西用”也存在着一定的落后性和保守性,在一定程度上制约了早期现代化的深入。  相似文献   

美国波士顿儒家学者成中英在肯定中西哲学皆蕴含各具特色的人类文化慧命的生命意志关注与理性价值追求的基础上,怀着超越二元对立的心态,在价值层面进行中西哲学的整体性把握与关照。作为一位身迹中西的美国儒家学者,成中英通过对多元文明的当代审视,将文明的挑战作为催生地域性和普遍性接契的切入点,视文明对话为中西哲学传统整体性融会的实践路径,进而借助"东学西渐"的独特视域反思中国哲学的内在价值,旨在以本体诠释学的理论样态开启中西哲学互融互通的整体性审视,其理论意义不容小视。  相似文献   

As a normal part of the drug development process, U.S. pharmaceutical companies conduct many thousands of clinical trials each year. Only after a reasonable assurance of safety is made can the drug be given to patients who have the underlying medical condition that the drug is designed to treat. Patient welfare is assured by adhering to the Food and Drug Administration's interpretation of the "common rule" if the data will be used to support a licensing application. 21 CFR Part 50 sets forth the regulations along with the principles of informed consent and the use of institutional review boards (IRBs) that assure patients' rights are protected. Any potential conflict of interest on the part of a clinical investigator must be reported to the FDA. Pharmaceutical companies extensively monitor ongoing clinical trials for compliance with appropriate regulations. The recent revision of the Declaration of Helsinki governing placebo-controlled clinical trials may adversely impact drug development.  相似文献   

Universities, as with other workplaces, experience problems related to alcohol and other drug use by staff and students. There is little published information about the prevalence of these problems among students in the university setting in Australia as compared with the availability of information from the USA. Curtin University of Technology's experience with alcohol-related problems seems to be documented better than most other Australian institutions, and the available evidence indicates that the level of student alcohol consumption and reported alcohol-related problems is cause for concern. However, this is not to say that Curtin's problems may be any greater than those of any other Australian university with alcohol available on the premises. Many years of involvement in health promotion teaching and research, combined with identification of alcohol and drug related problems on campus, were thought to be the primary factors preceding the university's decision to begin the process of formulating comprehensive alcohol and other drug policy for staff and students. The absence of clear and consistent alcohol and other drug policy can lead to 1) undermining of the educational environment, 2) confusion about appropriate behaviour, 3) dealing with drug-related problems by inaction or arbitrary and inappropriate action. Alcohol and other drug policy has two main goals: problem reduction and better management of problems.  相似文献   

In 1973, New York's Governor Nelson Rockefeller responded to panic about soaring heroin use by renouncing his aggressive treatment programs and enacting the most punitive drug policy in the United States. His "Rockefeller Drug Laws" mandated sentences up to life in prison for selling any narcotics. These punishments, comparable to the penalties for murder, served as models for subsequent "War on Drugs" policies enacted across the nation.This article explores the ideological and political work accomplished by this high profile legislation—for policy makers, for members of the general public who clamored for "get tough" strategies, and for the drug users targeted by the statutes. The laws were a repudiation of liberal treatment programs and specialists' expertise, and provided a forum to remake the much-maligned welfare state into a stern, macho vehicle for establishing order in society. Increasingly punitive policies constricted the rights of drug users by rhetorically constructing "addicts" and "pushers" as outside of the polity and as the antithesis of full citizens. Therefore, the Rockefeller Drug Laws not only had devastating effects on drug offenders, but also were instrumental in the profound renegotiation of the state's role and responsibilities.  相似文献   

哲学探究方式的转变——从“追根究底”到“把底问破”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田海平 《求是学刊》2001,28(5):25-31
“爱智慧”是一种“追根究底”的哲学探究方式 ,它奠定了西方哲学形而上学的基本框架 ,在西方形而上学发展演进的历程中展开了一条“哲学之路”。这是一条伟大的哲学探索之路 ,却又是一条布满陷阱、充满迷途的运思之道。这种哲学爱智达到顶点 ,必然不满足于只是不停地更换“最终基础”或“最后根据”(“底”) ,一旦哲学的追问出现了把“底”问“破”的情况 ,这就意味着哲学爱智梦想的幻灭。哲学探究方式从“追根究底”到“把底问破”之转折 ,反映了西方思想以此种方式向人所生活的现实世界的转向。这种探究方式的转变标志着那种建造某种“通天塔”的哲学传统的幻灭。  相似文献   

曹鸿  严国荣  席平 《唐都学刊》2002,18(2):23-26
随着“西部大开发”战略的逐步实施 ,开发“新丝绸之路”经济带已被我国政府提上议事日程。面对这一机遇 ,深处内陆腹地、位居西部大开发桥头堡的西安市 ,应该通过与东部港口城市连云港合作建立“连云港西安港务区” ,参与到国际经贸的大潮中  相似文献   

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