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The objective of this article is to find out why immigrants intend to stay in or leave their initial destination. The insight into such factors could help develop policy measures to deal with potential out‐migration, especially from the regions that view international migration as a solution to their demographic and economic difficulties. The study uses multinomial logistic regression to estimate the strength of association between migrants' intention to move and immigration category, human capital, economic and social factors. The data come from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia. The findings show that different groups of migrants have different propensities to move or stay in their initial destination. Employer‐sponsored migrants are even less likely to intend to relocate than family class. Highly educated and skilled migrants tend to be more likely to express the intention to move or have doubts. Satisfactory employment has a positive impact on retention.  相似文献   

The Big Five personality factors were used as a framework for examining the expected personality characteristics of individuals who are alcohol-dependent. In an experimental study, participants used a measure of the Big Five personality factors to rate two individuals, each described with either signs of alcohol dependence or not. The ratings of the participants showed that they expected the alcohol-dependent versions of both individuals to be less agreeable and less conscientious. The participants expected the alcohol-dependent college student to be more extraverted and the alcohol-dependent lawyer-father to be more neurotic. The expected personality characteristics of the alcohol-dependent versions of the two described persons were very similar to the actual personality characteristics of alcohol-dependent individuals. The results were consistent with prior findings regarding narrow-band personality traits related to the Big Five. The results help explain prior findings about the social handicap of problem drinking with regard to making friends, dating, marriage, and working. The findings have potential use in alcohol-problem prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify which factors were the best predictors of sexist attitudes. To achieve this aim, two groups of variables were analysed. The first group consisted of variables relating to parenting styles and the division of housework. The second group consisted of personal factors related to prosocial behaviour and physical and verbal aggression. The sample was made up of 732 adolescents aged 12–14 from Valencia (Spain). The analysis was conducted separately for boys and girls. Correlation analyses and multiple linear regression analyses were conducted on each subsample. The results show that the division of housework and parenting styles were related to sexist attitudes. This connection was especially strong for the division of housework according to traditional gender roles, which was found to lead to hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes. The results also showed that prosocial and aggressive behaviours were correlated with sexist attitudes. The results varied by gender. The findings of this research have implications for the prevention of sexist attitudes.  相似文献   

以城镇基本公共服务均等化促进农业转移人口市民化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新型城镇化的核心是人的城镇化,人的城镇化主要是解决进城的农业转移人口能否顺利转变为城镇居民的问题,而实现这种转变的关键是能否享受均等化的基本公共服务。城镇基本公共服务不均等既表现在城镇社会的不同群体间,也表现在区域间。两者都会影响到农业转移人口的市民化过程。本文首先界定了城镇基本公共服务的内涵,并对其在群体间和区域间不均等的表现进行了考察,进而深入分析了不平等产生的原因,在此基础上提出了城镇基本公共服务均等化的实现路径。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the integration process with regard to an integration and voluntary re‐settlement project in a rural area in northern Sweden. The project was an attempt to use existing resources in the municipality to attract people with an immigrant background to move from segregated urban environments to a rural municipality. Potential settlers were also recruited abroad. The empirical data were based on eight group interviews with recently arrived immigrant families, and eleven individual interviews with people who played an active role in the project organisation. The results showed that the new families had been integrated into the community to the extent promised by the local authority. The process was facilitated by the resources provided by both parties, but it did not involve significant costs. The immigrants were motivated to move because they wanted a new lifestyle, while the local community was motivated to provide a supportive structure for the new inhabitants because of an awareness of the imminent demographic crisis facing the community due to depopulation. The integration process was strongly influenced by the implicit criteria on which the newcomers were recruited.  相似文献   

This paper proposes ten steps to make evaluations matter. The ten steps are a combination of the usual recommended practice such as developing program theory and implementing rigorous evaluation designs with a stronger focus on more unconventional steps including developing learning frameworks, exploring pathways of evaluation influence, and assessing spread and sustainability. Consideration of these steps can lead to a focused dialogue between program planners and evaluators and can result in more rigorously planned programs. The ten steps can also help in developing and implementing evaluation designs that have greater potential for policy and programmatic influence. The paper argues that there is a need to go beyond a formulaic approach to program evaluation design that often does not address the complexity of the programs. The complexity of the program will need to inform the design of the evaluation. The ten steps that are described in this paper are heavily informed by a Realist approach to evaluation. The Realist approach attempts to understand what is it about a program that makes it work.  相似文献   

This study is based on a sample of 1203 families in the city of Sholapur, conducted in 1955 using a cross-section analytical method based on income and family size, in relation to age of head of household. The nature of the life cycle is representational rather than statisitical. Nearly half the household heads were between ages 26-40; 10% were 15-25; and 40% were over 40. The average family size increased steadily and continuously from 3.9 members when the head was under 20, to 6.6 when the head was 55. The number of dependents at this age increased from 2.7 to 4.6. The average number of earners increased from 1.3 to 2. After age 55 the average family size declined from 6.6 to 5.4 for the 56-60 age group. Until the age of 40 the head of the family is usually the only earner. The son at age 20 begins to earn. At 55 the head may retire, but another son may take his place as an earner. The proportions of families with income below Rs. 500 decreased continuously from about 42%, when the family head was under 20; to 15% when he was between 26-40; rose to 25% between ages 46-50; and declined to 12% at ages 56-60. The proportion rose again to 32% over age 60. The proportion of families below Rs. 1000 decreased from 89% in the 0-20 age group to 41% in the 51-55 group, after which it rose to 64% in the over 60 group. The median income of the family increased continously from Rs. 591 when the head was under 20, and increased to the highest level of Rs. 1275 between ages 51-55.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the micro-genesis of a child’s appropriation of timing. The data consist of video observations from a primary classroom with a focus on one child (7 years old) participating in a musical activity. The results show that the teacher scaffolds the child in several steps: from establishing a platform for participation in the activity, via demonstration to explanation. The child goes from being uncoordinated with the teacher to being able to play in time with her. The meta-issue of how to represent developmental processes in research is discussed.  相似文献   

This study seeks to expand empirical knowledge of commitment to social work using a sample of 212 Norwegian students. The first aim is to investigate the development of students’ commitment to social work from the start of education (first year) to its end (third year). The second aim is to investigate how theoretical and relational knowledge contribute to commitment to social work. The third aim is to examine how compatibility between students’ abilities and the vocational demands of social work contribute to professional commitment. A paired samples t-test and an ordinary least squares regression were conducted to test the aims of the study. The results document that students experience weaker professional commitment at the end of education compared to the beginning. It also seems that theoretical and relational knowledge contribute to professional commitment. The findings also indicate that students whose abilities are compatible with the vocational demands of social work experience stronger professional commitment than those for whom a discrepancy exists.  相似文献   

As computer networking becomes increasingly important, it is crucial to examine how this technology is used by the older generation. The present inquiry considers the nature and meaning of elder participation in cyberspace and the degree to which computer-mediated communication increases the social capital of older adults. The study compares 10 elder computer participants and 10 nonparticipants by means of open-ended interviews. Three primary themes emerged from the interviews. The first concerns the different conceptions of old age held by the cyber-participants and the nonparticipants, and in particular, differing views on learning capacity in later life. The second is related to the varying conceptions of time in old age, and orientation to the past or to the future. The third theme relates to the way in which the elderly persons involved in the virtual world relate to their computer, attributing human qualities to this new addition to their social network.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to ground debates about the 'new economy' or 'e-society' in the practice of individuals and companies producing 'new media'. The uncontroversial starting point is to question the generalization in much theorizing, and the tendency to technological reductive accounts of social and economic change. The focus here is to point to the intellectual sources of much policy in this field. The authors present case study material of three very specific parts of the new media/digital content industries (film special effects, computer games and web design). The paper concludes that both technological reductive and agentic accounts have underplayed the continuing importance of the social and economic embeddedness of production, and of the situated co-constitution of technologies, people and places. The differences between industries associated with labour processes, labour markets, users and markets for goods are highlighted. These particularities begin to offer more robust accounts of location and organization.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the existing literature to generate guidelines for the role of occupational therapy in employment for persons with autism. Previous research about strengths and barriers to employment, and types of employment commonly offered to persons with autism are reviewed. The supported employment model is identified as the most productive approach for use with this population. The four approaches to the supported employment model and the best practice contributions of several innovative supported employment programs are discussed. The interdisciplinary team approach is best to assist persons with autism to gain employment and ensure success on the job. The role of the occupational therapist as a beneficial team member in assessment, job development, job placement and training, and supported employment is outlined.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of inflationary expectations executed in 1979–1980 are reported. The respondents form one “informed” and one “uninformed” group. The purpose of the study are: (1) to test standard hypotheses on the formation of inflationary expectations, (2) to study the term structure of those expectations, (3) to study their dispersion among individuals, (4) to investigate the uncertainty in the formation of expectations.The results suggest that the adaptive expectations formation model works best for the uninformed group, while the extrapolative model is more satisfactory for the informed group. The lagged rate of unemployment was found to be a significant explanatory variable as well. Long-run inflationary expectations turned out to be very similar to short-run predictions, although the dispersion among individuals was greater in the former case. The uninformed respondents also expressed expectations with a greater dispersion than the informed respondents. The standard deviation of the expectations was quite stable over the observation period. The proxy used for subjective uncertainty also indicates a high degree of stability.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to encourage ongoing and close exegetical study of sociology’s theoretical texts. Attention is drawn to two instances where Talcott Parsons’ theory project seems to be at odds with itself. Both are related to his “first major synthesis” The Structure of Social Action (1937). The first concerns Parsons’ opening discussion of Crane Brinton’s question “Who now reads Spencer?” Parsons’ discussion of Spencer is examined and then compared and contrasted with what he later wrote in the “Introduction” to the 1961 reprint of Spencer’s The Study of Sociology. The second concerns Parsons’ problematic view of his contribution to social theory’s “secondary literature” and how this relates to his claims about “convergence.” The article notes that Parsons was trying to identify what he believed to be a new norm for social theory. Sociological theory, he believed, would from henceforth have to be formulated in terms of this newly emerging normative frame of reference.  相似文献   

The historical relationship between the electoral college and controversial U.S. presidential elections, specifically with respect to conflict, is examined. The elections of 1800, 1824, 1860, 1876, 1888, 1968, and 2000 are examined. Aside from the 2000 election, there has been essentially no conflict in American history due to the electoral college. The constitutional structure and thinking behind the form of the electoral college is given, with emphasis on the federal aspects of the structure. The current movement to abolish the electoral college in favor of direct popular vote is depicted, along with the arguments against making that change. The conclusion is that we as a nation are far better off to retain the status quo than to make the called-for change.  相似文献   

The internationalization of labor is a prominent feature of the economy today, but is accompanied by adverse effects on operator health. In general, musculoskeletal diseases are the first to appear in this context. The open observations activity and interviews with operators and the hierarchy have been made to discover the organizational constraints. Other interviews were also conducted to account for the determinants of activity outside of work. The use of video has allowed the registration of work cycles, which helped to describe and quantify the postures and gestures to establish a possible link between musculoskeletal diseases and work activity. The collected data were processed using software Actogram Kronos. To understand the process of origin of these diseases, the analysis of the socioeconomic context is also essential because they in part determine the organization of certain companies. The objective of this paper was to discuss the activities of operators of blistering in both work and outside work. The goal is to determine the constraints presents in these two spheres of activity, that may increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases and to define their interaction.  相似文献   

The present article offers an account of Swedish integration policies in the post-war period. The theoretical purpose is to assess Christian Joppke’s hypothesis that recent trends of integration policy convergence have rendered the national model approach analytically useless. The analysis shows that Sweden deviates, in some important respects, from the European trend by not formulating demands that link integration achievements to immigrants’ access to fundamental rights. The conclusion is that the Swedish case does not support Joppke’s hypothesis, but rather indicates that path dependency of national models is a valid explanation to ongoing developments. It is argued that the Swedish exception should be understood as an expression of the persistent impact of a policy logic according to which integration requires that all citizens have equal and universal access to certain fundamental rights. The article builds on general comparisons with European policy developments and uses Denmark as a more specific reference point.  相似文献   

During prebaseline observations, three students diagnosed with autism were unable to make social initiations to another individual. The ability to make initiations would be considered a “pivotal response” in that it would allow an individual to come into contact with a wide variety of social reinforcement. A multiple-baseline design was implemented to measure the effects of a using a self-management package to teach the students to make social initiations. Two interventionists worked with each student to prompt and reinforce initiations. All students acquired social initiations during externally-determined reinforcement. The initiations were maintained when reinforcement changed from externally determined to a self-management system. The prompts to initiate and self-reinforce were faded over the course of the sessions. The use of self-management by the student led to less need for staff intervention. Implications from the literature are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether differentiating among types of intimate partner violence enhances the explanatory capacity of extant empirical models.The analysis uses national-level Canadian data to evaluate an alternative approach to operationalizing intimate partner violence, drawing upon Black's (1990) and Johnson's (1995) theoretical work. The main argument suggests that current efforts to explain intimate partner violence with victimization studies are inadequate because they typically do not measure key sociological variables. The failure to assess the contexts within which different types of violence occur further hinders explanatory efforts.The paper concludes with recommendations for innovative theoretical and methodological strategies to address these limitations.  相似文献   

The article is devoted to Jacob von Stählin, an important figure of the eighteenth-century Russian Culture. The contribution is an attempt to reconstruct his intellectual biography based on new archival researches. The role of Stählin from the 1735 to his death is provided, paying particular attention to his work as a poet and his contribution to the Academy of Sciences and the artistic activities.  相似文献   

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