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当政府对公共利益进行分配的过程中违背了公平、公正等原则时,就会出现公共政策的伦理缺失问题。本文运用了社会主导伦理价值理念对公共政策伦理缺失现象进行分析,深入研究了在公共政策产生与发展中出现这些现象的原因,从而提出提高政策主体伦理水平等有效措施。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了功利主义产生的社会历史背景,其次扼要阐述了边沁与密尔的功利主义的形同之处,并从两个方面进行了阐述;再次,论述了边沁与密尔在功利主义方面的不同主张,主要从两个方面进行论述。最后,根据功利主义的一般原理,并结合功利主义产生的社会历史背景,用一种实践的,历史的方法对边沁与密尔关于功利主义的主张做了评述,力图重新解读功利主义这一有重要历史影响的理论。  相似文献   

谭鑫 《经营管理者》2013,(1):124-125
功利主义作为一种伦理道德规范,无论在资本主义市场经济还是社会主义市场经济的发展道路上都起到一定的积极作用。但是,由于它所倡导的核心价值理念是注重功效与实际利益,使它将行为的社会有益性和行为的道德性混淆,导致了社会道德问题的频发。本文将通过对功利主义思想的阐述,剖析它在我国近年来频频出现的道德危机中产生的负面影响,并且将其积极的价值观运用于对道德危机的治理,以期能从根本上挽救道德危机。  相似文献   

公民参与公共政策过程具有重要价值,它可以提升公共政策的科学性,民主性及执行力,但是当前我国公民参与公共政策的程度还比较低,一些问题还比较突出,本文对公共政策制定中公民参与发展与现状进行分析,在此基础上找出了公共政策制定中公民、参与存在的问题,并为其完善提出对策。  相似文献   

穆勒从功利(Utility)的定义开始,明确了边沁提出的"最大幸福原理"(Maximum Happiness),重新探讨功利主义和它的约束力,以及与正义之间的关系。功利主义中所追求的唯一目标就是幸福(Happiness),而且不是单纯的个人的利己主义。穆勒在《功利主义》中,围绕着"功利"构筑了一个关于幸福的逻辑整体,从三个层面展开:其一,功利主义的价值准则是追求最大多数人的最大幸福;其二,幸福是可得的;其三,幸福是作为一个整体而被欲求的,其他一切或是幸福的组成部分,或是达到幸福的手段。  相似文献   

随着市场经济体制的完善和政治民主化的发展,公共政策日益成为政府实施公共管理的主要手段,它既是政府公共管理活动的起点,又是政府履行各项职能的基础,贯穿政府管理活动的全过程。  相似文献   

郭婷 《决策与信息》2011,(10):56-57
公共政策过程中的公民参与是公民政治参与的重要内容和形式,是公共行政的精神实质和公民权利的具体体现。本文分析公民参与公共政策的背帚、存在的问题及原因并就解决我国公民政治参与存在的现实问题尝试提出了发展和完善我国公共政策制定中的公民参与的现实路径。  相似文献   

郭宁 《办公室业务》2013,(22):18+15
公民参与对于提高公共政策的质量进而实现良好的施行效果具有极其重要的作用。但不可否认的是在现实中公民参与公共政策面临许多困难和挑战,因此只有进一步明确这一问题的重要性,才能下大力度解决,进而真正地实现公共政策制定中的公民参与。  相似文献   

公共政策制定作为政策过程的首要阶段,对整个政策过程有着很大的影响,一项政策制定正确与否往往是其实施成败的前提。在我国,公共政策的制定直接影响到广大人民群众的利益,关系到政府工作的成败和国家民族的兴衰。提高我国公民在公共政策制定中的积极性,具有极其重要的价值功能。  相似文献   

公共政策执行是把公共政策从观念形态的分配方案转化为现实效果的动态过程。公共政策执行有效与否,事关政府的公信力,事关经济社会的全面发展和进步,事关社会主义民主和法制建设。在现在生活中,随着政策问题和政策环境的日益复杂、多变,公共政策执行的难度越来越大,政策执行中的问题日益突出,它严重影响到公共政策目标的实现,损害公共政策的权威性,甚至有损党和政府的形象,妨碍社会发展。  相似文献   

公共政策的公共利益取向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈惠平 《管理科学》2002,15(2):49-53
从正确认识公共利益出发,分析了政府利益及利益团体对实现公共利益的影响;然后结合公共政策的本质,提出坚持公共利益取向,就是坚持利益原则;最后结论是制定公共政策必须提倡公共精神,致力于追求公共利益.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - The purpose of this scoping review is to describe studies focusing on policy diffusion to elicit an overall picture of the research in this field. Although various...  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of how the Jordanian government has responded and continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. It utilizes the interpretive policy analysis approach through document analysis. The analysis showed that Jordan created social protection policies to assist people who lost their jobs or whose work was suspended due to the coronavirus. The economic policies build solidarity and facilitate the private sector’s recovery. The health care measures firmly applied included lockdown, wearing masks, and restrictions on gatherings and public events. Jordan uses hard power and imposes sanctions on any violation that threatens the lives of others.


Differences in preferences are important to explain variation in individuals' behavior. There is, however, no consensus on how to take these differences into account when evaluating policies. While prominent in the economic literature, the standard utilitarian criterion is controversial. According to some, interpersonal comparability of utilities involves value judgments with little objective basis. Others argue that social justice is primarily about the distribution of commodities assigned to individuals, rather than their subjective satisfaction or happiness. In this paper, we propose and axiomatically characterize a criterion, named opportunity‐equivalent utilitarian, that addresses these claims. First, our criterion ranks social alternatives on the basis of individuals' ordinal preferences. Second, it compares individuals based on the fairness of their assignments. Opportunity‐equivalent utilitarianism requires society to maximize the sum of specific indices of well‐being that are cardinal, interpersonally comparable, and represent each individual's preferences.  相似文献   

公共政策视角下的中国技术创新政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄丽华 《管理科学》2003,16(3):74-77
从历史上看,中国政府在制定科学技术政策以及后来的高技术政策上具有一条逻辑链条,作为公共政策重要组成部分的高技术政策,从制定的基础到决策机制都是依据当时国内、国际复杂的多维环境因素所决定的,由此而产生的相应的制度安排也是历史与现实共同作用的结果,国家技术创新战略是落实其高技术政策的核心内容之一,由技术创新战略构建的国家技术创新体系是技术政策与技术发展战略互动与协调的结果,并决定着国家公共政策的质量.  相似文献   

In any analysis of a decision problem involving public risks, ethical implications are introduced. In some cases, these ethical implications may be introduced simply because an analysis is being done. Additional ethical implications may be inherently part of the methodology being utilized or introduced into the specific analysis of the decision problem. In this paper, we investigate where and how ethical implications enter when using the methodology of decision analysis to examine problems involving public risks. We conclude that the methodology of decision analysis is sufficiently robust to allow for numerous different ethical viewpoints to be accounted for in any specific analysis. Stated alternatively, decision analyses of public risks can be conducted in a manner consistent with utilitarianism, deontological theories, libertarianism, egalitarianism, and so forth. However, any specific analysis has embedded within it numerous ethical implications. This suggests that the careful ethical scrutiny of analyses involving the methodology of decision analysis should be placed on the specific application and not on the methodology per se or on the fact that an analysis is undertaken.  相似文献   

Socio-economic development achievements in Bangladesh have been characterized as a development paradox. The policymaking process in Bangladesh is seen as the outcome of incentives created by patronage politics as opposed to the compulsion for the government to play an effective developmental role. A number of factors strongly affect the public policy formulation and implementation process—factors such as the assistance and extent of pressure and persuasion from international development partners, and the capacity to mobilize and manage resources. The political commitment at the highest level is found to be the most critical determinant element of policy formulation and implementation in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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