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在经济全球化不断加强、非传统安全危机日益凸显、我国社会全面转型的大背景下,政府常态管理更加注重应急管理,并分级、分类地研究和制订了各种突发公共事件总体应急预案,以此回应频发的公共安全问题。但是,以公共政策为主的政府行为同样是造成公共安全问题的重要原因之一,这表明我国转型期的公共安  相似文献   

政策科学的一个基本问题是公共政策的价值取向选择,价值取向也是公共政策一个本质的规定性。公共企业政策是需要由政府所供给的一种重要公共产品。本文主要通过考察政府管理中的公共企业政策的价值取向选择问题来探讨社会主义市场经济条件下我国公共企业政策的价值准则及其理论依据,并在反思政策实践的基础上提出针对我国公共企业政策价值选择的对策。  相似文献   

公共政策过程,是指从社会问题转化为政策问题并进入政府政策议程开始,直至政策终结的整个政策生命周期.公共政策的价值目标能否有效实现,与公共政策过程中的权力配置密切相关.在公共政策过程中,为防止绝对权力的出现,必要的制衡机制往往被引入以确保公共权力的正确配置.然而,在现实的公共政策过程中,决策专权与执行滥权等权力错配现象在一些地方和部门非常严重,扭曲了公共政策的价值取向,背离了公共管理活动的公益性宗旨.因而,把公共政策过程权力错配现象纳入我国政治生态进行分析,并从多角度进行矫正,无论在理论上还是实践上都具有很大的必要性.  相似文献   

<正>县级政府在我国政府层级体系中具有独特的地位和价值,而这种地位和价值主要体现在县级政府执行公共政策的过程中。一、县级政府在公共政策执行中的角色定位1.公共政策精神的解读者公共政策是"公共组织为公共利益而采取的一系列  相似文献   

人们普遍认为公共部门领导是由公共组织授权其公共性和权威性,这决定了其不存在被评估的必要,而公共领导所应该具备的公共领导力在界定公共问题、制定公共政策、提高公共组织创造力上都具有不可忽视的影响作用。伴随着全球化浪潮和风险社会的来临,政府面临的环境日益复杂和严峻,对公共领导力也提出了新的要求和任务。本文对公共领导力及其构成要素进行分析和论述,对于新时期法治政府建设和大数据时代政府治理能力提高具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

林鹏  郭静 《决策与信息》2010,(7):145-145
公共政策在执行过程中存在的偏差现象,严重影响了政策目标的有效实现,妨碍政府公共管理职能的正常发挥。本文从公共政策执行的主体与客体两个方面,深入剖析了矫正公共政策执行偏差的方法与途径。  相似文献   

所谓“行政”,即在传统政治中,政府凭借对社会政治资源的垄断,扮演着绝对控制的角色。政府与公民的关系是纯粹的管理、被管理关系。公民社会生活的各个领域都被政府大包大揽。长期以来我国政府主要依靠政策和行政命令办事,因此,致使少数机关养成了衙门作风;更严重的是,政府行政能力衰减,公共政策无力应对大量社会诉求,无法裁决某些矛盾性的公共问题,导致出现一系列不和谐现象,例如发展的结构失衡、公共政策的偏颇、政治制度安排的缺失等。  相似文献   

当政府对公共利益进行分配的过程中违背了公平、公正等原则时,就会出现公共政策的伦理缺失问题。本文运用了社会主导伦理价值理念对公共政策伦理缺失现象进行分析,深入研究了在公共政策产生与发展中出现这些现象的原因,从而提出提高政策主体伦理水平等有效措施。  相似文献   

公共政策对于政府行政、公共管理、社会治理的重要作用不言而喻,其科学性关系到公共政策的有效执行,关系到政府行政目标和执政宗旨的全面实现。近年来,诸如罗平一周局长制、湖北省公安县的抽烟文件、贵州德江县的旅游文件、潍坊市寒亭区的卖房文件等短命公共政策案例屡见报端,严重损害了公共政策的严肃性和政府形象。如何避免短命公共政策的出现,维护和增进其社会公益,是一个重要的现实课题。  相似文献   

现代公共管理的目标是构建服务型政府,它在实践 层面的重要表现就是公民参与,公民广泛参与是服务型政府建设的前提和基础。我国公共管理建构中,探索公民参与的有效方式和途径,对于推进我国的“新”公共服务,重塑服务型政府有着极为深远的价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationship between globalization, the state, and public administration, with implications for developmental states. Using a political economy analysis, globalization is discussed as the latest dynamic change in the context of the continuity within the process of surplus accumulation by corporate capitalism at the global level, a phenomenon with far reaching implications for the modern state, governance, and public administration. First, the context of change and continuity is briefly discussed, followed by a presentation of several theoretical perspectives on, and meanings of, globalization as defined by different people from different disciplines. Then, the causes and consequences of globalization are discussed with implications for the state and public administration. Finally, a number of policy choices are suggested in response to globalization by developmental states, with another discussion on the changing character and role of the state under globalization with implications for the state and public administration worldwide.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact of a transformative political event—the reversion of sovereign authority—on the policy-making roles of public organizations and public administrators in Hong Kong. With the transfer of sovereignty, the environment of public administration in Hong Kong became increasingly politicized. Civil servants now encounter pressures and conflicting demands from Beijing, from pro-democracy forces, from the Chief Executive, from members of the Legislative Council, and from the business community. Although the public bureaucracy retains its policy-making preeminence, its authority no longer is unquestioned and unchecked. The Central Government exerts hidden influence. Members of the Legislative Council are striving to become respected players in the policy-formulation process. The Chief Executive aims to introduce means of ensuring heightened bureaucratic responsiveness. The result has been a fragmented and volatile political-administrative environment. In the ongoing transition from colonial to reunited polity, the Special Administrative Region's one government is composed of competing systems of governance superimposed uncomfortably and inconclusively upon one another. The most probable governance outcome, at least until the possible popular election of a Chief Executive and Legislative Council on a competitive political-party basis in 2007, is for fragmentation, role conflict, and interest-accommodation to continue to characterize the policy-making process in the SAR.  相似文献   

While the existing studies on globalization widely cover the realms of economy, politics, society, and culture, the discourse is hardly extended to the domain of public governance. Although there are studies on the globalization or cross-national convergence of contemporary neoliberal models of governance – that is, the New Public Management (NPM) model and its revisionist post-NPM alternatives – there is a relative lack of research on how the globalization phenomenon itself has been a major cause of the emergence of such a neoliberal public sector management. In explaining the main causes of these neoliberal reinventions, most scholars highlight issues like fiscal crisis, state failure, and public sector inefficiency. They rarely consider how the dominant actors of globalization may constitute a major force causing the recent neoliberal transformation of the state and market-led reinvention in state policies and management. This article explicates these linkages – between globalization, state formation, and public sector reform – with specific reference to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Planning theory and practice derived from corporate experience, management science and rational decision theory have had little influence on decision-making in the public sector. The political environment and organizational complexity of public decision making render conventional approaches to objective, rational, comprehensive planning of limited value in government agencies and in private corporations involved in public policy making. A more effective approach to strategic planning and management must be based on an understanding of the political dynamics through which policies are made. It must adopt a variety of styles directly related to major functions in the policy making process and use a variety of political intervention and influence techniques that facilitate the implementation of plans and policies.  相似文献   

As a result of government budgetary limits and rapid market growth, many public service systems—such as health care—are characterized by extensive customer wait times that have become a serious problem. This problem might be solved by allowing private firms to enter these markets, which would provide customers with a choice between a free (governmental) public service provider (SP) and a fee‐charging (or “toll”) private SP. In such a two‐tier service system, the two SPs are differentiated by service quality and cost efficiency. This study focuses on the competition and coordination issues for two‐tier service systems with customers who are sensitive to both service quality and delay. The free system attempts to maximize its expected total customer utility with limited capacity, whereas the toll system attempts to maximize its profit. Neither goal is aligned with the social welfare goal of the public service. To achieve the social welfare goal, the government plays a crucial role in coordinating the two‐tier service system via the budget, the tradeoff of social members' goals, and tax‐subsidy policies. Using a mixed duopoly game, we establish Nash equilibrium strategies and identify the conditions for the existence of the two‐tier service system. We employ several interesting and counter‐intuitive managerial insights generated by the model to show that the public service can be delivered more efficiently via customer choice and SP competition. In addition, we show that a relatively low tax‐subsidy rate can almost perfectly coordinate the two SPs to achieve most of the maximum possible benefit of the two‐tier service system.  相似文献   


The study of public organizations has withered over time in mainstream organization studies research, as scholars in the field have migrated to business schools. This is so even though government organizations are an important part of the universe of organizations—the largest organizations in the world are agencies of the U.S. government. At the same time, the study of public administration, once in the mainstream of organization studies, has moved into a ghetto, separate and unequal. Centered in business schools, mainstream organization research became isomorphic to its environment—coming to focus on performance issues, which are what firms care about. Since separation, the dominant current in public administration has become isomorphic with its environment. In this case, however, this meant the field moved backward from the central reformist concern of its founders with improving government performance, and developed instead a focus on managing constraints (i.e., avoiding bad things, such as corruption or misuse of power, from occurring) in a public organization environment. Insufficient concern about performance among public administration scholars is particularly unfortunate because over the past 15 years, there has occurred a significant growth of interest among practitioners in improving government performance. The origins and consequences of these developments are discussed, and a research agenda for organization studies research that takes the public sector seriously is proposed.  相似文献   

买忆媛  彭一林 《管理学报》2006,3(2):199-203
风险投资对促进创新活动具有重要作用,然而风险投资的健康发展需要政府公共政策的干预。为此从公共政策、风险投资与创新三者之间的关系入手,从创新的需求和供给角度建立模型,分别研究了创新产品市场和风险投资市场,并运用均衡分析方法研究了整个市场的均衡状态,根据社会效用最大化目标,分析政府最优公共政策组合及其对社会福利的影响。因此,这种最优政策工具组合可供政府制定相关政策时参考。  相似文献   

中国NGO的发展分析   总被引:96,自引:0,他引:96  
本文分三个方面 ,系统阐述了作者对中国NGO发展的基本观点。作者认为:NGO指的是不以营利为目的且具有正式的组织形式、属于非政府体系的社会组织 ,它们具有一定的自治性、志愿性、公益性或互益性。中国NGO作为转型时期过渡性的社会组织 ,在广义上包括如下形式:会员制公益性组织 ,运作型组织 (基金会 ) ,实体型社会服务机构 (民办非企业单位 ) ,互益型的经济性团体和社会性团体 ,大量未登记或转登记团体 ,以及转型中的事业单位和人民团体。这些被称为NGO的社会组织活跃在转型期中国的社会、经济、文化和政治生活的各个方面 ,特…  相似文献   

公共管理与中国发展——公共管理学科发展的回顾与前瞻   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从20世纪70年代末起在中国大地开始进行的历史性变革到现在已经超过20年了。在这场变革中 ,以经济学为代表的许多社会科学学科做出了重要的贡献。随着中国改革的深入与发展 ,随着改革重点从提高效率为主到效率与公平兼顾 ,从市场经济体制的建设向民主与法制社会的转变 ,越来越多的改革实践问题向中国的社会科学领域的学者 ,尤其是向公共管理领域的学者 ,提出了挑战。如果说经济学在中国前一时期的改革与发展中成为社会科学领域中的带头学科 ,那么中国未来的改革与发展则迫切要求公共管理加入到带头学科的行列之中。随着公共管理专业硕士 (MPA)学位教育在中国的开展 ,更多的人们开始了解公共管理这个学科领域在中国改革与发展中的重要地位与作用 ,开始关注这个学科的工作及成果。本刊自2002年第2期开始 ,创办“中国公共管理论坛”这个栏目 ,就是希望能够在中国公共管理领域的学者之间 ,在公共管理领域的学者和实践者之间 ,搭起一座桥梁 ,提供一个学术交流的园地 ,使公共管理不辱使命 ,承担起历史的重任 ,为中国进一步的改革与发展做出其应有的贡献。本栏目的创办得到了清华大学公共管理学院的大力支持 ,他们还专门为本期组织撰写了首篇文章 ,旨在理清国内外公共管理学科的历史发展脉络 ,对有关公共管理学  相似文献   

公共支出能否促进经济增长:中国的经验分析   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
政府公共支出对经济增长的效应问题一直在理论界颇有争议,对各国政府公共支出政策效应的实际考察也众说纷纭。作者认为,在公共支出过程中存在着大量的“调整成本”,这既包括与大规模的公共支出相伴随的安装和调配成本,也包括由于公共支出过程中的寻租和“非生产性寻利”行为而造成的社会福利损失。为了考察调整成本对公共支出效应的影响,本文对中国公共支出与经济增长展开了时间序列和横截面的经验分析。自1980年以来,中国财政收入与支出占GDP的比重下降、中央的财权相对于地方政府逐步削减、预算外支出比重不断上升、预算外支出主要由地方所控制等种种现象都表明,围绕公共支出的调整成本上升了,对经济增长带来了不容忽视的负面影响。  相似文献   

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