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This paper systematically studies the impact of fertility, mortality, initial age structure and rural-urban migration on population aging in rural and urban China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that urbanisation plays a crucial role in population aging in both rural and urban areas and its inf luence is closely linked to the age pattern of the migrants. One third of young rural population transformed into urban population during that period. The contribution of rural-urban migration to population aging in rural areas is 43.4 percent, which is higher than any inf luences from population’s natural changes, and is dominant in population aging in the countryside. Rural-urban migration contributes-118.0 percent to population aging in urban areas by reducing the proportion of aged population and its influence was only lower than that of the initial age structure. The impact of urbanisation on population aging in towns is relatively limited. Among factors from population’s natural changes, the inf luence of the initial age structure is higher than those from changes of mortality and fertility. The paper discusses the causes and developmental trends of impact of urbanisation on population aging between rural and urban areas, and addresses some policy recommendations to deal with socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

This article explores population long-term balanced development for national defense according to the strategic goals set at the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Three major issues are discussed. Firstly, the concept and connotation of the long-term equilibrium development of national defense population are defi ned, in which population long-term equilibrium is equal to population "longterm safety"including quality balance, quantity balance and population structure equilibrium. And "quantity equilibrium"needs to be considered in both absolute and relative terms. Secondly, the"non-equilibrium"situation of national defense population is examined from the perspective of quality and quantity. Thirdly, policy suggestions in promoting the national defense population equilibrium are proposed with regard to population regulation, human resource development and social security.  相似文献   

This paper calculates total population momentum,urban and rural population momentum and agespecific population momentum in China since 60 years.The main findings and conclusions are as follows:Firstly,the power of population momentum of the positive growth is disappearing rapidly;Secondly,the cities are in the turning point of population momentum from positive to the negative growth while China’ s population growth was wholly attributable to momentum in the rural areas;Thirdly,China’ s population momentum of positive growth mainly is due to substantial growth of the old.  相似文献   

On October 11,2012,Ministry of Public Health held a routine press conference.Kong Lingzhi,Deputy Director General of Bureau for Disease Control and Prevention of Ministry of Public Health introduced relevant work in elderly healthcare. Kong said the number of the aging population aged over 60 in China had reached 178 million by the end of 2010, accounting for 13.26%of the total population;and those aged over 65 had reached 119 million,accounting for 8.9%of the total population.China is the only nation in the world with more than 100 million old people. Characteristics of population aging in China are large population size,fast population growth and advanced age.Incidence and  相似文献   

"A large population" has long been the most prominent national condition of China. Whilepopulation research has been of 20 years in China, the relationship between population andmodernization attracts not much attention, and in the practical life, population issues are typically regarded as issues of population quantity which in turn are oversimplified as fertility issues. Hence, a misunderstanding is prevailing that "a large population" is the whole thing ofChina's population problems. This issue of "Population and Development Forum" attempts to open up views objectively toexamine the actual situation of "a large population in China", and to bring together the wisdom of different disciplines on population problems influencing the process of modermization.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The trend and characteristics of population aging in China The International Year of Senior Citizens was in 1999. Coincidentally,the Chinese population aged 60 and above exceeded 10 percent of the total population in February 20,1999  相似文献   

Do an increase in ageing in developed countries and "getting old before getting rich" in developing countries indicate that fluctuations in the population age structure have produced a qualitative change? What is a qualitative change and what is a quantitative change'? Here we propose a new concept of Shadow Population,then establish a new standard for evaluating population age structure,finally present a typical five stage population age structure type transition model. The model simulation shows that all world regions are still in the adult stage and that population ageing belongs to the category of quantitative change. However, sustained low fertility will lead to a qualitative change in the ageing population. The current pressure of population aging in the adult stage placed on the pension security system shows that this system is truly not retirement age and Long-term stability in a sustainable system,Gradually raising the replacement fertility is the key to solving the socioeconomic development dilemma presented by future population ageing in low fertility regions or cotlntries,but the latter is more urgent.  相似文献   

In the process of population ageing in China, rural population has an increasingly higher proportion of elderly than the cities;it has been widely cited as one of the characteristics of population ageing in China. This paper compared China with o~her countries and reveals that the phenomenon of higher elderly proportion in rural population than the urban is universal in the world. The research finding shows that the urban-rural inversion of population ageing will not last for a long time. With the socioeconomic development, large-scale rural-urban migration and urbanization will approach to the end;the proportion of the urban elderly will eventually exceed that in the rural. During this process, the transition of urban-rural difference of population ageing will experience four phases.  相似文献   

In line with the requirements of the National Population and Family Planning Commission to reform the existing population and family planning system,in recent years,Dalian has focused on realizing the public functions of the family planning system and the“people first”notion in order to set up a new population and family planning work mechanism.Thanks to their efforts,the population and family planning work in Dalian has made a great leap forward.  相似文献   

China will reach four peaks sometime in the near future in its total population, working-age population, elderly population and floating population, according to SFPC Minister Zhang Weiqing. Zhang made this remark at the second session of the fifth national congress of the China Family Planning Association held this December in Beijing. A number of constraints hinder the furtherdevelopment of China抯 population and family planning cause. These include: a low but unstable fertility …  相似文献   

China will witness the advent of three population peakings in the 2100s: working population, total population and aging population, according to the United Nations. The fifth census taken in 2000 showed that of the total population, the working-age group (15-64) took up 70.15%. This will be the first group to peak. By the 2030s, China’s total population will top 1.5 billion and peak at 1.6 billion by 2040s, according to a UN estimate made in 1998. China is also becoming the fastest-growin…  相似文献   

To protect the legal rights and interests of the floating population is an important goal for improving the floating population service and management. For years, the population and family planning system has vigerously promoted the protection of rights in a convenient way and provided free family planning services, and have achieved satisfactory results.  相似文献   

The increasing serious population aging is one of the challengeable problems attracting attentions of the international communities. "Active aging" theory provides another perspective in problemsolving for how to meet the challenge of population aging. By reviewing both the development of international active aging theories and practices and China's changes in population aging policies and practices, this article tries to analyze the aging problem in China in the political, economic, and cultural view to describe the realistic picture of China's aging and to find a proper road for China's active aging.  相似文献   

The relationship between population distribution and economic development has attracted much attention for a long time.Space consistency between population distribution and economic development in China was evaluated in different temporal and spatial scales using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods through constructing the Consistency of Population and Economy Index and Consistency Deviation Index since the reform and opening-up.The results showed that:At the county level,the degree of population agglomeration was higher than that of economy agglomeration from 2000 to2010.Population agglomeration showed obvious economic oriented characteristics,and the agglomeration of population and economy was steadily optimized.At the provincial level,space consistency between population distribution and economic development enhanced gradually during 2000~2010.And,the disparity of space consistency decreased due to the narrowing regional economic disparity.At the regional and national levels,the space consistency in eastern region was basically stable,the middle region kept the best record,the western region was in decline,while the northeast region showed a slight increasing trend.The nation space consistency showed a decreasing trend from 1978 to 2010.  相似文献   

The issue of health status and care for the elderly in urban and rural areas is becoming increasingly serious in the rapid context of population aging in China.The paper analyzed the health status of urban and rural elderly in China in the two-week morbidity rate,prevalence rate of chronic diseases, disability status,self-rated health and healthy life expectancy of the elderly using the data from the 2006 Sampling Survey on the Status of Urban/ Rural Aged Population in China,the Fourth National Health Service Survey and the 2006 Second China National Sample Survey on Disability,to explore the current provision of sources of care for the elderly and try to make some policy recommendations about to improve the health and care for the elderly population facing the crisis of population aging.  相似文献   

The main characters of today’s floating population have changed. Following the progress of urbanization,China is experiencing the greatest migration of floating population in history. By 2010,the floating population had reached 221 million,and the Post- 80s generation became the majority.How to promote social integration for the floating population turned to be an issue needed to be considered. On 28 Februaryist March,National Population and Family Planning Commission held the meeting of"strengthening and innovating in service ma-  相似文献   

The Robustness of China’s Migration and Heihe-Tengchong Line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Migration has been most active among three major population movements and affective to population distribution.However,this paper first finds that the pattern of China’s inter-provincial migration is robust since China’s reforming and opening based on the analysis on the distribution of inter-provincial migration scale,intensity and population flow.Therefore,the continual migration in the past 80 years,especially since China’s reforming and opening,has not changed the basic feature of China’s population distribution and has no effective influence on the robustness of Heihe-Tengchong Line.The basic pattern of China’s population distribution and Heihe-Tengchong Line mainly depend on the constant geographic position as shown in the First Nature Rule.Without any change of the First Nature Rule,China’s population distribution and Heihe-Tengchong Line remain highly stable,and the migration is unlikely to lose the robustness.  相似文献   

Exploration of Chinese paths of socialist construction and demographic transition paralleled each other from 1949 to 1978.Mortality rate decreased rapidly during the early 1950s as a result of the public health campaign,which initiated the process of demographic transition in China.Countering the problem of rapid population growth in 1950s,China put forward the theory and the concept of "realizing planned childbearing",and the Chinese model of demographic transition was brewing.Orientation of the Chinese path of demographic transition was reinforced in the 1960s in the context of intensifying contradiction between population and socio-economic development.Finally,China launched the demographic transition by vigorously implementing population control and family planning in the 1970s in the midst of "Cultural Revolution" when the rapidly increasing size of population exerted great pressure on economic development.The Chinese path of demographic transition is determined by the changing characteristics of the times and China’s special national conditions.  相似文献   

The process and characteristics of China’s population change are unique in the world. In the past 60 years,China has not only experienced the peaks and busts of the size o births, but also the radical fluctuation of the total number of deaths, and large population migration and movement Especially in the last 30 years after  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Current Situation and Prospect of Population Aging China has successfully realized the transformation of population reproduction pattern in a relatively short period; and the age structure of its population has changed accordingly, resulting in the  相似文献   

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