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当代社区的两种空间:地域与社会网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈福平  黎熙元 《社会》2008,28(5):41-57
在西方社区理论的发展过程中,存在着 “社区失落论”、“社区继存论”和“社区解放论”三种不同观点。而这三种观点的核心实际上是讨论了社区的地域与社会网络的关系问题,更进一步说,是讨论地域性的亲密关系如何发生变迁的。本文试图从当代社区的实际形态出发,通过对三种观点的补充和发展,对于社区的两种空间——地域与社会网络之间的内在关系进行阐释,从而提出一个实现其二者如何在社区空间内实现系统性互动的理论框架。  相似文献   

张威 《社会工作》2016,(5):43-64
从理论角度分析专业性社会工作督导的特征、功能和要求之后,本文以成都市锦江区华仁社会工作发展中心的小组督导为例,通过案例分析和效果分析,探讨专业性社会工作督导对助人者自我成长的推动作用。分析结果显示:专业性社会工作督导推动助人者自我成长的核心功能体现在三方面,一是技术支持;二是能力建设;三是心理支持。助人者技术和技巧的提高基于能力建设之上,而能力建设又基于心理困惑的澄清和内心能量的释放。因此督导最核心的功能是心理支持和能力建设,即促使助人者自我认识、自我思考和自我成长;督导不仅是一种二级助人、二级咨询,亦是一种重要的质量管理和人才培养措施;成功有效的督导基于督导者、被督导者以及双方关系和互动过程三个因素。  相似文献   

关于本位与过程建构:将中国理念植入国际关系理论(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
30年来兴起的的西方国际关系理论三大主流学派——结构现实主义、新自由制度主义和结构建构主义——有一个共同的缺失,这就是忽视对国际体系过程和国际社会中复杂关系的研究。本文针对这一重要缺失,借鉴主流建构主义,将“过程”和“关系”这两个中国文化中的重要理念植入国际关系理论,提出一个过程建构主义的理论模式。论文将过程定义为运动中的关系,论证了过程的自在性、过程动力和过程在国际关系中的作用。过程的核心是关系。如果说西方个体本位的社会性质的核心理念是“理性”,那么中国社会文化的一个根本理念则是“关系”。将这个理念挖掘出来并进行概念化处理,依此确立过程建构主义“关系本位”的基本假定。同时,过程建构主义还认为,国际社会中的关系网络确定国家身份并孕化国际权力。过程建构主义是体系层次的进化理论,将分析重点置于国家之间的互动实践,强调过程的自在性以及对国际规范、国家身份和认同的建构作用。  相似文献   

尉建文 《社会》2008,28(6):60-70
本文采用“网络闭合”和“结构洞”两种社会资本的理论视角,提出“信任”和“网络位置”是企业社会资本的最主要特征的观点,并从组织和群体两个层面及企业内部和外部两个部分对企业的社会资本测量进行了分析。在本文所提出的企业社会资本测量的分析框架中,在组织层面上,将企业看作是网络中的节点,关注企业的正式关系以及网络结构特征;在群体层面上,将企业社会资本看作是企业“班底”的内部信任程度以及在他们在人际关系网络中的位置。  相似文献   

社会流动与流动者的关系网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张云武 《社会》2009,29(1):122-141
本研究通过对厦门市流入者的关系网络的实证考察,主要的发现是:农村出身者的网络总量以及邻居、同乡关系的量大于城市出身者,但是网络持续性较弱;流动距离对同乡关系产生正向影响;在关系网络的量以及同质性方面,到达阶层较低的流动者大于或强于到达阶层较高的流动者;流入年数对亲戚关系以及网络持续性、职业同质性产生正向影响;教育年数的增加可以促进同事、同学、朋友关系的形成,并导致网络选择性、扩大性增强,网络持续性减弱;政治身份的向上流动可以导致网络总量以及邻居、同学、同乡关系增多,并导致网络同质性增强。这些发现说明,国外学者的先行理论在中国社会的应用具有一定的局限性。作者认为,这是由在漫长的农业社会中形成的血缘、地缘意识被深深内化,以及城乡社会结构的差异、社会流动的特性、人口城市化与生活城市化的不一致性等中国社会独特的社会历史文化所导致的。  相似文献   

社会网络分析作为一种应用很强的社会学研究方法,从社会互动层面上来考察人际活动。社会生态系统理论则是从社会活动主体的角度来考察网络生态的作用。NGO、NPO和第三部门在社会决策的地位也越来越被人们所重视。因此把社会网络和社会生态两种理论相结合来共同探讨社会组织的活动,这对于研究社会组织有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

自雇过程的社会网络分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文彬  赵延东 《社会》2012,32(3):78-97
本文基于2009年八城市调查数据,分析自雇者的社会网络及效用。分析重点包括自雇者群体构成特征、获得资金与生意过程中对社会网络使用情况和“生意联系网”对经营绩效的影响。研究发现,自雇者在中国市场化进程中扮演着重要角色。自雇者的社会网络与受雇者相比具有一定的特殊性;社会网络对自雇者创业资金与创业生意获得的作用具有差异性;自雇经营中形成了特殊的自雇生意联系网,并对自雇者经营绩效产生积极影响。  相似文献   

谷向伟  杨林 《社科纵横》2010,25(7):140-142
本文以言语行为理论为框架,分析了2008、2009年的十大网络流行语,发现它们不仅具有关注热点、神秘搞怪、传播速度快和派生能力强的特点,而且具有社会评判、广告营销、社会传播的功能.网络流行语和社会流行语相互渗透,相互影响,对人们生活的影响愈来愈广泛、深刻.从网络流行语,一定程度上可以管窥人们当前语境中的话语交际世态.  相似文献   

求职过程的宏观-微观分析:多层次模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁玉成 《社会》2012,32(3):55-77
本文针对中国大城市不断市场化过程中社会资本对求职过程的影响进行了研究。笔者从新制度主义的宏观与微观的联接理论出发,使用内生互动模型作为实证分析工具,揭示了市场制度的发育具有强化市场行动主体的偏好,即市场化程度、市场不确定性和市场规范性等三个市场化制度的重要特征的发育,均具有增加个体收入的效应,证明宏观制度的演进与诱导微观个体的制度偏好具有亲和性。本文同时证明了边燕杰提出的网络作用空间的“倒U模式”假设。  相似文献   

小组工作的互动模式以系统理论和场域理论为基础,同时受到互动和沟通理论的影响,主要关注小组成员(子系统)和小组环境以及社会环境(整体系统)之间的关系,而不是小组成员个人本身,希望通过个人、小组和社会系统之间的开放和相互影响达到增强成员个人和社会功能的目的。  相似文献   

Using conflict narratives reported by adolescents in grade 7 (mean age = 13.4 years), this study investigated the interactional properties and developmental functions of four types of aggressive behaviors: social aggression, direct relational aggression, physical aggression, and verbal aggression. A total of 475 participants from the Carolina Longitudinal Study ( Cairns & Cairns, 1994 ) were included. Results showed that the majority of conflict interactions involved more than a dyad. The use of social aggression (e.g., concealed social attack) was associated with more individuals involved in the conflict. Social aggression was primarily reported as an initiating behavior for interpersonal conflicts, while direct relational aggression was a responding behavior. Medium to high levels of reciprocity were found for physical, verbal, and direct relational aggression, whereas a low level of reciprocity was reported for social aggression. School authorities were most likely to intervene in physical aggression. The use of social aggression was associated with higher network centrality among adolescents. Developmental maladjustment in late adolescence and early adulthood was primarily predicted by physical aggression.  相似文献   


This article compares the attitudes of social workers and business employees regarding the community involvement of businesses and the role of social workers in this involvement. The study, based on a structured questionnaire, was conducted in Israel and consisted of 316 participants from two cohorts: social workers and business employees. The principal findings show that social workers are more inclined than business employees to recommend that social workers increase their involvement in business social responsibility (BSR); business employees are more likely than social workers to advocate that the latter assume managerial functions; both groups support a low level of influence for social workers on decision-making processes and a role of exchange of knowledge rather than full partnership. The discussion addresses the implications of the findings for increasing social workers' involvement in BSR and cooperation with the business sector.  相似文献   

《Social Development》2018,27(1):201-220
We present a new framework to conceptualize normative variation in attachment network structure and use the framework to predict romantic attachment formation and attachment insecurity. Young adults (N = 2,055) completed the Attachment Network Questionnaire and were classified into one of four network types based on two comparisons: (a) between their primary and secondary figure, and (b) between their secondary and tertiary figure. Each comparison was coded as Similar (S) or Different (D), resulting in the following distribution across four network types: (a) 40% D:D—diversified; (b) 32% D:S—monotropic; (c) 19% S:D—joint principal; and (d) 9% S:S—distributed. Romantic duration predicted a developmental sequence of network structure consistent with infant attachment formation. Findings also indicated that the nonhierarchical network, distributed type, was associated with insecure attachment representations. Results suggest that attachment networks exhibit greater structural diversity than is commonly assumed and that the new framework is useful for understanding developmental and social outcomes.  相似文献   

马丹 《社会》2015,35(3):168-192
本研究以2008年和2009年在北京市、上海市和广东省进行的“中国家庭追踪调查”的数据为基础,运用多层线性模型和协方差模型探讨了社会网络对生活满意度的影响程度。研究表明,拜年网中朋友的比例、邻里互动频率和非正式社会参与都对生活满意度有积极影响,生活满意度与拜年网规模之间则呈现出“∩”型的相关关系。协方差分析结果表明,社会网络规模的扩大、朋友比例的上升和非正式社会参与频率的增加都有助于提高个人的生活满意度,但邻里互动频率的变化对个人生活满意度的提升作用还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Self-categorization theorists (Oakes, Haslam & Turner, 1994) have shown that stereotypes are not rigid and fixed, and that they vary to reflect variations in the comparative context within which they are formed. In this paper we investigate stereotype variability in a sample of 6/7-year-old children. Participants describe a specific outgroup, and then describe the ingroup (that is 'boys' or 'girls', depending on the sex of the participant). There are two conditions: in condition one the outgroup is represented by adult 'men', if participants are boys, or by adult 'women', if participants are girls. In condition two the outgroup is represented by 'girls', if participants are boys, or by 'boys', if participants are girls. Results show that stereotypical traits attributed to the ingroup change significantly with changes in the frame of reference.  相似文献   


This article explores how social workers deal with the ambiguity that arises from their ability to transform the private needs of individuals into issues of public concern. It is argued that the current shift towards joined-up working, which is epitomized by the creation of interorganizational networks, could encourage new opportunities for social work. These horizontal and nonhierarchical forms of cooperation serve as platforms for debate to ensure regular discussions about the causes of and potential solutions to complex societal problems. This article relies on a case-study of bottom-up networks in two Belgian cities where social workers from various policy fields voluntarily joined forces to look after hard-to-reach groups of homeless people. The primary data were obtained from document analysis, semi-structured interviews with network participants, and direct observations of network meetings. These data were analyzed by conducting a directed content analysis. The examination shows that the joint creation of welfare services leads to substantial debates among social workers about the criteria which homeless people must meet in order to be provided with welfare services and primary care. The paper shows that despite being aware of differing viewpoints by their engagement in such debates, social workers are reluctant to challenge the dominant conceptualizations underlying their own day-to-day practices, and that this impacts on the potential to induce local policymakers to take further action with regard to reducing homelessness.  相似文献   

帅满 《社会》2016,36(5):36-63
以田园茶叶公司为例,本文运用集因素论和互动论优势于一体的圈子理论分析集体离职事件。研究表明,在以领导为核心的圈子中的网络结构位置决定了员工的去留、职级,集体离职源于组织中圈子内信任关系的受损、溃败所导致的圈子解散和替换。本文提出了五个研究推论:第一,职务结构和圈子关系的重合或分离会影响离职;第二,领导的圈外人最可能离职;第三,与小领导不和的大领导班底不会离职且会晋升;第四,圈间“桥”缺失会导致集体离职;第五,组织变革中的“幸存者”是大领导班底或圈间“桥”。本文有三个研究贡献:为离职研究提供了圈子理论的分析视角,拓展了圈子理论的解释范围;圈间“桥”关系协调作用的研究发现具有理论和现实的双重意义;有助于辨析圈间“桥”和结构洞概念。  相似文献   

Voluntary social insurance (VSI), a type of social insurance organized by the Government, allows participants, who work in the informal sector with unstable jobs and income, to choose the premium and payment methods in accordance with their income for their retirement plan. The rate of Vietnamese laborers participating in VSI is low. This study aims to examine the current situation of VSI participation of laborers, as well as their perception of VSI visibility and assessment of VSI policies and utilization. Results from survey with 293 laborers, including 144 VSI participants and 149 VSI non‐participants, and semi‐structured interviews with 60 stakeholders in two districts in Northern Vietnam show the lack of awareness of VSI existence among non‐VSI participants, and limited knowledge of VSI policies among VSI participants. Although participants endorsed beneficiaries and premium in the retirement plan, they were concerned about the long 20‐year premium payment duration in the situation of unstable jobs and income, and the lack of other benefits, for example, maternity leave and unemployment benefit. Results recommend better propagandas, distributed documents, and educational sessions on VSI policies on mass and social media, as well as at VSI conferences and their workplace.  相似文献   

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