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In large-scale genomics experiments involving thousands of statistical tests, such as association scans and microarray expression experiments, a key question is: Which of the L tests represent true associations (TAs)? The traditional way to control false findings is via individual adjustments. In the presence of multiple TAs, p-value combination methods offer certain advantages. Both Fisher's and Lancaster's combination methods use an inverse gamma transformation. We identify the relation of the shape parameter of that distribution to the implicit threshold value; p-values below that threshold are favored by the inverse gamma method (GM). We explore this feature to improve power over Fisher's method when L is large and the number of TAs is moderate. However, the improvement in power provided by combination methods is at the expense of a weaker claim made upon rejection of the null hypothesis - that there are some TAs among the L tests. Thus, GM remains a global test. To allow a stronger claim about a subset of p-values that is smaller than L, we investigate two methods with an explicit truncation: the rank truncated product method (RTP) that combines the first K-ordered p-values, and the truncated product method (TPM) that combines p-values that are smaller than a specified threshold. We conclude that TPM allows claims to be made about subsets of p-values, while the claim of the RTP is, like GM, more appropriately about all L tests. GM gives somewhat higher power than TPM, RTP, Fisher, and Simes methods across a range of simulations.  相似文献   

Let X1,…,Xn be an exchangeable sequence of binary trials arranged on a circle with possible values “1” (success) or “0” (failure). In an exchangeable sequence, the joint distribution of X1,X2,…,Xn is invariant under the permutation of its arguments. For the circular sequence, general expressions for the joint distributions of run statistics based on the joint distribution of success and failure run lengths are obtained. As a special case, we present our results for Bernoulli trials. The results presented consist of combinatorial terms and therefore provide easier calculations. For illustration purposes, some numerical examples are given and the reliability of the circular combined k-out-of-n:G and consecutive kc-out-of-n:G system under stress–strength setup is evaluated.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a 2n-dimensional elliptically contoured random vector (XT,YT)T=(X1,…,Xn,Y1,…,Yn)T, we derive the exact joint distribution of linear combinations of concomitants of order statistics arising from X. Specifically, we establish a mixture representation for the distribution of the rth concomitant order statistic, and also for the joint distribution of the rth order statistic and its concomitant. We show that these distributions are indeed mixtures of multivariate unified skew-elliptical distributions. The two most important special cases of multivariate normal and multivariate t distributions are then discussed in detail. Finally, an application of the established results in an inferential problem is outlined.  相似文献   

For a fixed point θ0 and a positive value c0, this paper studies the problem of testing the hypotheses H0:|θθ0|≤c0 against H1:|θθ0|>c0 for the normal mean parameter θ using the empirical Bayes approach. With the accumulated past data, a monotone empirical Bayes test is constructed by mimicking the behavior of a monotone Bayes test. Such an empirical Bayes test is shown to be asymptotically optimal and its regret converges to zero at a rate (lnn)2.5/n where n is the number of past data available, when the current testing problem is considered. A simulation study is also given, and the results show that the proposed empirical Bayes procedure has good performance for small to moderately large sample sizes. Our proposed method can be applied for testing close to a control problem or testing the therapeutic equivalence of one standard treatment compared to another in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Let Xl,…,Xn be normally and independently distributed with means θl,…,θnand a cornmorl variance. Thus there are n observations and n+i unknwon parameters. A test of the null hypothesis that, the θi's are all zero and the alternative that the vector (θl,…,θn) lies in a convex cone with its vertex a.t the origin is connsidered in this paper. It is shown that under a mild condition the likelihood ratio test is possible. The ordinary one sided t - test belongs to the class of tests considered in this paper. The hypothesis of equality of means against the simple order alternative can be tested in certain cases .  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the odds of success (or failure) or the probability of success (or failure) at the ith trial varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing i=1,2,…. Introducing the notion of a geometric sequence of trials as a sequence of Bernoulli trials, with constant probability, that is terminated with the occurrence of the first success, a useful stochastic model is constructed. Specifically, consider a sequence of independent geometric sequences of trials and assume that the probability of success at the jth geometric sequence varies (increases or decreases) geometrically with rate (proportion) q, for increasing j=1,2,…. On both models, let Xn be the number of successes up the nth trial and Tk (or Wk) be the number of trials (or failures) until the occurrence of the kth success. The distributions of these random variables turned out to be q-analogues of the binomial and Pascal (or negative binomial) distributions. The distributions of Xn, for n→∞n, and the distributions of Wk, for k→∞k, can be approximated by a q  -Poisson distribution. Also, as k→0k0, a zero truncated negative q  -binomial distribution Uk=Wk|Wk>0Uk=Wk|Wk>0 can be approximated by a q-logarithmic distribution. These discrete q-distributions and their applications are reviewed, with critical comments and additions. Finally, consider a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials and assume that the probability of success (or failure) is a product of two sequences of probabilities with one of these sequences depending only the number of trials and the other depending only on the number of successes (or failures). The q-distributions of the number Xn of successes up to the nth trial and the number Tk of trials until the occurrence of the kth success are similarly reviewed.  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be random variables symmetric about θ from a common unknown distribution Fθ(x) =F(x–θ). To test the null hypothesis H0:θ= 0 against the alternative H1:θ > 0, permutation tests can be used at the cost of computational difficulties. This paper investigates alternative tests that are computationally simpler, notably some bootstrap tests which are compared with permutation tests. Of these the symmetrical bootstrap-f test competes very favourably with the permutation test in terms of Bahadur asymptotic efficiency, so it is a very attractive alternative.  相似文献   

Let Nn={1,2,…,n}. We sample with replacement from the set Nn assuming that each element has probability 1/n of being drawn. Let Mn be the waiting time determined by certain stoping rules in the coupon collector's problem. We investigate models for the asymptotic behavior of the excesses of Mn over the high thresholds.  相似文献   

The classical unconditional exact p-value test can be used to compare two multinomial distributions with small samples. This general hypothesis requires parameter estimation under the null which makes the test severely conservative. Similar property has been observed for Fisher's exact test with Barnard and Boschloo providing distinct adjustments that produce more powerful testing approaches. In this study, we develop a novel adjustment for the conservativeness of the unconditional multinomial exact p-value test that produces nominal type I error rate and increased power in comparison to all alternative approaches. We used a large simulation study to empirically estimate the 5th percentiles of the distributions of the p-values of the exact test over a range of scenarios and implemented a regression model to predict the values for two-sample multinomial settings. Our results show that the new test is uniformly more powerful than Fisher's, Barnard's, and Boschloo's tests with gains in power as large as several hundred percent in certain scenarios. Lastly, we provide a real-life data example where the unadjusted unconditional exact test wrongly fails to reject the null hypothesis and the corrected unconditional exact test rejects the null appropriately.  相似文献   

Over the years many researchers have dealt with testing the hypotheses of symmetry in univariate and multivariate distributions in the parametric and nonparametric setup. In a multivariate setup, there are several formulations of symmetry, for example, symmetry about an axis, joint symmetry, marginal symmetry, radial symmetry, symmetry about a known point, spherical symmetry, and elliptical symmetry among others. In this paper, for the bivariate case, we formulate a concept of symmetry about a straight line passing through the origin in a plane and accordingly develop a simple nonparametric test for testing the hypothesis of symmetry about a straight line. The proposed test is based on a measure of deviance between observed counts of bivariate samples in suitably defined pairs of sets. The exact null distribution and non-null distribution, for specified classes of alternatives, of the test statistics are obtained. The null distribution is tabulated for sample size from n=5 up to n=30. The null mean, null variance and the asymptotic null distributions of the proposed test statistics are also obtained. The empirical power of the proposed test is evaluated by simulating samples from the suitable class of bivariate distributions. The empirical findings suggest that the test performs reasonably well against various classes of asymmetric bivariate distributions. Further, it is advocated that the basic idea developed in this work can be easily adopted to test the hypotheses of exchangeability of bivariate random variables and also bivariate symmetry about a given axis which have been considered by several authors in the past.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of testing the null hypothesis H0 that a random sample of size n is from a distribution with the completely specified continuous cumulative distribution function Fn(x). Kolmogorov-type tests for H0 are based on the statistics C+ n = Sup[Fn(x)?F0(x)] and C? n=Sup[F0(x)?Fn(x)], where Fn(x) is an empirical distribution function. Let F(x) be the true cumulative distribution function, and consider the ordered alternative H1: F(x)≥F0(x) for all x and with strict inequality for some x. Although it is natural to reject H0 and accept H1 if C + n is large, this article shows that a test that is superior in some ways rejects F0 and accepts H1 if Cmdash n is small. Properties of the two tests are compared based on theoretical results and simulated results.  相似文献   

Exact unconditional tests for comparing two binomial probabilities are generally more powerful than conditional tests like Fisher's exact test. Their power can be further increased by the Berger and Boos confidence interval method, where a p-value is found by restricting the common binomial probability under H 0 to a 1?γ confidence interval. We studied the average test power for the exact unconditional z-pooled test for a wide range of cases with balanced and unbalanced sample sizes, and significance levels 0.05 and 0.01. The detailed results are available online on the web. Among the values 10?3, 10?4, …, 10?10, the value γ=10?4 gave the highest power, or close to the highest power, in all the cases we looked at, and can be given as a general recommendation as an optimal γ.  相似文献   

Consider the canonical-form MANOVA setup with X: n × p = (+ E, Xi ni × p, i = 1, 2, 3, Mi: ni × p, i = 1, 2, n1 + n2 + n3) p, where E is a normally distributed error matrix with mean zero and dispersion In (> 0 (positive definite). Assume (in contrast with the usual case) that M1i is normal with mean zero and dispersion In1) and M22 is either fixed or random normal with mean zero and different dispersion matrix In2 (being unknown. It is also assumed that M1 E, and M2 (if random) are all independent. For testing H0) = 0 versus H1: (> 0, it is shown that when either n2 = 0 or M2 is fixed if n2 > 0, the trace test of Pillai (1955) is uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) if min(n1, p)= 1 and locally best invariant (LBI) if min(n1 p) > 1 underthe action of the full linear group Gl (p). When p > 1, the LBI test is also derived under a somewhat smaller group GT(p) of p × p lower triangular matrices with positive diagonal elements. However, such results do not hold if n2 > 0 and M2 is random. The null, nonnull, and optimality robustness of Pillai's trace test under Gl(p) for suitable deviations from normality is pointed out.  相似文献   

We extend the discussion of Qin and Zhang's [1997. A goodness of fit test for logistic regression models base on case–control data. Biometrika 84, 609–618] goodness-of-fit test of logistic regression under case–control data to continuation ratio logistic regression (CRLR) models. We first showed that the retrospective CRLR model, which is valid for case–control data (the null hypothesis H0)H0), is equivalent to an I  -sample semiparametric model. Then under H0H0, we find the semiparametric profile empirical likelihood estimators of distributions of the covariate conditioning on each response category and use them to define a Kolmogorov–Smirnov type test for assessing the global fit of CRLR models under case–control data. Unlike prospective CRLR models, retrospective CRLR models cannot be partitioned to a series of retrospective binary logistic regression models studied by Qin and Zhang [1997. A goodness of fit test for logistic regression models base on case–control data. Biometrika 84, 609–618].  相似文献   

Theorerms are proved for the maxima and minima of IIRi!/IICj!/T!IIyij ! over r× c contingcncy tables Y=(yij) with row sums R1,…,Rr, column sums C1,…,Cc, and grand total T. These results are imlplemented into the network algorithm of Mehta and Patel (1983) for computing the P-value of Fisher's exact test for unordered r×c contingency tables. The decrease in the amount of computing time can be substantial when the column sums are very different.  相似文献   

The Blum et al. (Ann. Math. Statist. 32 (1961) 485) test of bivariate independence, an asymptotic equivalent of Hoeffding's (Ann. Math. Statist. 19 (1948) 546) test, is consistent against all dependence alternatives. A concise tabulation of a well-considered approximation for the asymptotic percentiles of its null distribution is given in Blum et al. and a more complete selection of Monte Carlo percentiles, for samples of size 5 and larger, appears in Mudholkar and Wilding (J. Roy. Statist. Soc. 52 (2003) 1). However, neither tabulation is adequate for estimating p-values of the test. In this note we use a moment based analogue of the classical Wilson–Hilferty transformation to obtain two transformations of type Tn=(nBn)hn. The transformations Tn are then used to construct and compare a Gaussian and a scaled chi-square approximation for the null distribution of nBn. Both approximations have excellent accuracy, but the Gaussian approximation is more convenient because of its portability.  相似文献   

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