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For paired comparison experiments involving pairs of multifactor options differing in a specified number of factors the problem of finding optimal designs is considered, when only main effects are to be estimated. It is presumed that the set of factors can be partitioned into two groups such that the number of levels is constant within each group. The optimal designs for this frequently encountered case are also optimal for the corresponding choice experiments under the hypothesis that the parameters in the multinomial logit model are equal to zero.  相似文献   

Conjoint choice experiments have become a powerful tool to explore individual preferences. The consistency of respondents' choices depends on the choice complexity. For example, it is easier to make a choice between two alternatives with few attributes than between five alternatives with several attributes. In the latter case it will be much harder to choose the preferred alternative which is reflected in a higher response error. Several authors have dealt with this choice complexity in the estimation stage but very little attention has been paid to set up designs that take this complexity into account. The core issue of this paper is to find out whether it is worthwhile to take this complexity into account in the design stage. We construct efficient semi-Bayesian D-optimal designs for the heteroscedastic conditional logit model which is used to model the across respondent variability that occurs due to the choice complexity. The degree of complexity is measured by the entropy, as suggested by Swait and Adamowicz (2001). The proposed designs are compared with a semi-Bayesian D-optimal design constructed without taking the complexity into account. The simulation study shows that it is much better to take the choice complexity into account when constructing conjoint choice experiments.  相似文献   

Within the context of choice experimental designs, most authors have proposed designs for the multinomial logit model under the assumption that only the main effects matter. Very little attention has been paid to designs for attribute interaction models. In this article, three types of Bayesian D-optimal designs for the multinomial logit model are studied: main-effects designs, interaction-effects designs, and composite designs. Simulation studies are used to show that in situations where a researcher is not sure whether or not attribute interaction effects are present, it is best to take into account interactions in the design stage. In particular, it is shown that a composite design constructed by including an interaction-effects model and a main-effects model in the design criterion is most robust against misspecification of the underlying model when it comes to making precise predictions.  相似文献   

Müller & Schmitt (1990) have considered the question of how to choose the number of doses for estimating the median effective dose (ED50) when a probit dose-response curve is correctly assumed. However, they restricted their investigation to designs with doses symmetrical about the true ED50. In this paper, we investigate how the conclusions of Müller & Schmitt may change as the dose designs become slightly asymmetric about the true ED50. In addition, we address the question of the robustness of the number of doses chosen for an incorrectly assumed logistic model, when the dose designs are asymmetric about the assumed ED50. The underlying true dose-response curves considered here include the probit, cubic logistic and Aranda- Ordaz asymmetric models. The simulation results show that, for various underlying true dose-response curves and the uniform design density with doses spaced asymmetrically around the assumed ED50, the choice of as many doses as possible is almost optimal. This agrees with the results obtained for a correctly assumed probit or logistic dose-response curve when the dose designs are symmetric or slightly asymmetric about the ED50.  相似文献   

The Bayesian design approach accounts for uncertainty of the parameter values on which optimal design depends, but Bayesian designs themselves depend on the choice of a prior distribution for the parameter values. This article investigates Bayesian D-optimal designs for two-parameter logistic models, using numerical search. We show three things: (1) a prior with large variance leads to a design that remains highly efficient under other priors, (2) uniform and normal priors lead to equally efficient designs, and (3) designs with four or five equidistant equally weighted design points are highly efficient relative to the Bayesian D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the sequential choice of design points in an approximately linear model. It is assumed that the fitted linear model is only approximately correct, in that the true response function contains a nonrandom, unknown term orthogonal to the fitted response. We also assume that the parameters are estimated by M-estimation. The goal is to choose the next design point in such a way as to minimize the resulting integrated squared bias of the estimated response, to order n-1. Explicit applications to analysis of variance and regression are given. In a simulation study the sequential designs compare favourably with some fixed-sample-size designs which are optimal for the true response to which the sequential designs must adapt.  相似文献   


In this article we establish the choice sets in the D-optimal design for a choice experiment for testing main effects and for testing main effects and two-factor interactions, when there are k attributes, each with two levels, for choice set size m. We also give a method to construct optimal and near-optimal designs with small numbers of choice sets.  相似文献   

For regression models with quantitative factors it is illustrated that the E-optimal design can be extremely inefficient in the sense that it degenerates to a design which takes all observations at only one point. This phenomenon is caused by the different size of the elements in the covariance matrix of the least-squares estimator for the unknown parameters. For these reasons we propose to replace the E-criterion by a corresponding standardized version. The advantage of this approach is demonstrated for the polynomial regression on a nonnegative interval, where the classical and standardized E-optimal designs can be found explicitly. The described phenomena are not restricted to the E-criterion but appear for nearly all optimality criteria proposed in the literature. Therefore standardization is recommended for optimal experimental design in regression models with quantitative factors. The optimal designs with respect to the new standardized criteria satisfy a similar invariance property as the famous D-optimal designs, which allows an easy calculation of standardized optimal designs on many linearly transformed design spaces.  相似文献   

A D-optimal minimax design criterion is proposed to construct two-level fractional factorial designs, which can be used to estimate a linear model with main effects and some specified interactions. D-optimal minimax designs are robust against model misspecification and have small biases if the linear model contains more interaction terms. When the D-optimal minimax criterion is compared with the D-optimal design criterion, we find that the D-optimal design criterion is quite robust against model misspecification. Lower and upper bounds derived for the loss functions of optimal designs can be used to estimate the efficiencies of any design and evaluate the effectiveness of a search algorithm. Four algorithms to search for optimal designs for any run size are discussed and compared through several examples. An annealing algorithm and a sequential algorithm are particularly effective to search for optimal designs.  相似文献   

In many fields of applications paired comparisons are used in which either full or partial profiles of the alternatives are presented. For this situation we introduce an appropriate model and derive optimal designs in the presence of interactions when all attributes have the same number of levels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the optimal size of the choice sets in generic choice experiments for asymmetric attributes when estimating main effects only. We give an upper bound for the determinant of the information matrix when estimating main effects and all two-factor interactions for binary attributes. We also derive the information matrix for a choice experiment in which the choice sets are of different sizes and use this to determine the optimal sizes for the choice sets.  相似文献   

In 1970 Davidson generalised the Bradley–Terry model to allow respondents to say that the two options presented in a choice task were equally attractive. In this paper we extend this idea to the MNL model with m options in each choice set and we show that the optimal designs for the MNL model are also optimal in this setting.  相似文献   

Optimal designs for a logistic regression model with over-dispersion introduced by a beta-binomial distribution are characterized. Designs are defined by a set of design points and design weights as usual but, in addition, the experimenter must also make a choice of a sub-sampling design specifying the distribution of observations on sample sizes. In an earlier work it has been shown that Ds-optimal sampling designs for estimation of the parameters of the beta-binomial distribution are supported on at most two design points. This admits a simplified approach using single sample sizes. Linear predictor values for Ds-optimal designs using a common sample size are tabulated for different levels of over-dispersion and choice of subsets of parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that product type designs are optimal in partially heteroscedastic multi-factor linear models. This result is applied to obtain locally D-optimal designs in multi-factor generalized linear models by means of a canonical transformation. As a consequence we can construct optimal designs for direct logistic response as well as for Bradley–Terry type paired comparison experiments.  相似文献   

In the common linear model with quantitative predictors we consider the problem of designing experiments for estimating the slope of the expected response in a regression. We discuss locally optimal designs, where the experimenter is only interested in the slope at a particular point, and standardized minimax optimal designs, which could be used if precise estimation of the slope over a given region is required. General results on the number of support points of locally optimal designs are derived if the regression functions form a Chebyshev system. For polynomial regression and Fourier regression models of arbitrary degree the optimal designs for estimating the slope of the regression are determined explicitly for many cases of practical interest.  相似文献   

In this paper we define a class of unbalanced designs, denoted by Ck,s,t, for estimating the components of variance in a k-stage nested random effects linear model. This class contains many of the designs proposed in the literature for nested components of variance models. We focus on the three-state model and discuss the determination of locally optimal designs within this class using a systematic computer search. For large sample sizes we show that approximate optimal designs may be obtained using a limit argument combined with numerical optimization. A comparison of our designs with previously published designs suggests that, in many cases, our designs result in substantial gains in efficiency.  相似文献   


In choice experiments the process of decision-making can be more complex than the proposed by the Multinomial Logit Model (MNL). In these scenarios, models such as the Nested Multinomial Logit Model (NMNL) are often employed to model a more complex decision-making. Understanding the decision-making process is important in some fields such as marketing. Achieving a precise estimation of the models is crucial to the understanding of this process. To do this, optimal experimental designs are required. To construct an optimal design, information matrix is key. A previous research by others has developed the expression for the information matrix of the two-level NMNL model with two nests: Alternatives nest (J alternatives) and No-Choice nest (1 alternative). In this paper, we developed the likelihood function for a two-stage NMNL model for M nests and we present the expression for the information matrix for 2 nests with any amount of alternatives in them. We also show alternative D-optimal designs for No-Choice scenarios with similar relative efficiency but with less complex alternatives which can help to obtain more reliable answers and one application of these designs.  相似文献   

Categorical data frequently arise in applications in the Social Sciences. In such applications, the class of log-linear models, based on either a Poisson or (product) multinomial response distribution, is a flexible model class for inference and prediction. In this paper we consider the Bayesian analysis of both Poisson and multinomial log-linear models. It is often convenient to model multinomial or product multinomial data as observations of independent Poisson variables. For multinomial data, Lindley (1964) [20] showed that this approach leads to valid Bayesian posterior inferences when the prior density for the Poisson cell means factorises in a particular way. We develop this result to provide a general framework for the analysis of multinomial or product multinomial data using a Poisson log-linear model. Valid finite population inferences are also available, which can be particularly important in modelling social data. We then focus particular attention on multivariate normal prior distributions for the log-linear model parameters. Here, an improper prior distribution for certain Poisson model parameters is required for valid multinomial analysis, and we derive conditions under which the resulting posterior distribution is proper. We also consider the construction of prior distributions across models, and for model parameters, when uncertainty exists about the appropriate form of the model. We present classes of Poisson and multinomial models, invariant under certain natural groups of permutations of the cells. We demonstrate that, if prior belief concerning the model parameters is also invariant, as is the case in a ‘reference’ analysis, then the choice of prior distribution is considerably restricted. The analysis of multivariate categorical data in the form of a contingency table is considered in detail. We illustrate the methods with two examples.  相似文献   

In a stated preference discrete choice experiment each subject is typically presented with several choice sets, and each choice set contains a number of alternatives. The alternatives are defined in terms of their name (brand) and their attributes at specified levels. The task for the subject is to choose from each choice set the alternative with highest utility for them. The multinomial is an appropriate distribution for the responses to each choice set since each subject chooses one alternative, and the multinomial logit is a common model. If the responses to the several choice sets are independent, the likelihood function is simply the product of multinomials. The most common and generally preferred method of estimating the parameters of the model is maximum likelihood (that is, selecting as estimates those values that maximize the likelihood function). If the assumption of within-subject independence to successive choice tasks is violated (it is almost surely violated), the likelihood function is incorrect and maximum likelihood estimation is inappropriate. The most serious errors involve the estimation of the variance-covariance matrix of the model parameter estimates, and the corresponding variances of market shares and changes in market shares.

In this paper we present an alternative method of estimation of the model parameter coefficients that incorporates a first-order within-subject covariance structure. The method involves the familiar log-odds transformation and application of the multivariate delta method. Estimation of the model coefficients after the transformation is a straightforward generalized least squares regression, and the corresponding improved estimate of the variance-covariance matrix is in closed form. Estimates of market share (and change in market share) follow from a second application of the multivariate delta method. The method and comparison with maximum likelihood estimation are illustrated with several simulated and actual data examples.

Advantages of the proposed method are: 1) it incorporates the within-subject covariance structure; 2) it is completely data driven; 3) it requires no additional model assumptions; 4) assuming asymptotic normality, it provides a simple procedure for computing confidence regions on market shares and changes in market shares; and 5) it produces results that are asymptotically equivalent to those produced by maximum likelihood when the data are independent.  相似文献   

We give a new characterization of Elfving's (1952) method for computing c-optimal designs in k dimensions which gives explicit formulae for the k unknown optimal weights and k unknown signs in Elfving's characterization. This eliminates the need to search over these parameters to compute c-optimal designs, and thus reduces the computational burden from solving a family of optimization problems to solving a single optimization problem for the optimal finite support set. We give two illustrative examples: a high dimensional polynomial regression model and a logistic regression model, the latter showing that the method can be used for locally optimal designs in nonlinear models as well.  相似文献   

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