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宋健  陶椰 《人口学刊》2012,(5):3-11
家庭生育数量会受到性别偏好的影响,但影响方向和作用机制还未达成共识。文章利用全国城市青年调查数据,对性别偏好和家庭生育数量之间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明,性别偏好并不等同于男孩偏好,其内容呈现出多元化特点;无性别偏好在城市已婚已育青年中所占比重最高。不同性别偏好对家庭生育数量的作用方向和强度有所差异:性别数量双偏好会显著提升家庭生育数量;与无性别偏好相比较,单性别偏好也会提升家庭生育数量,但女孩偏好对家庭生育数量的提升作用更强也更显著。  相似文献   

问题的提出及研究的目的由于传统文化在农民的意识中根深蒂固,而且性别偏好在农村显然比在城市显著,故研究者的眼光多放在农村。性别偏好是中国农民生育需求的核心所在,最难触动。以往这方面的研究虽然从原因、表现、后果、解决措施等几个方面来分析,但大体是侧重在其原因以及研究性别偏好和生育性别选择所产生的影响上。本文利用对湖北部分县市的调查资料,对妇女生育行为、男孩偏好进行深入分析以期加深对性别偏好和生育行为本身的研究,加深对观念,生育行为的动机、逻辑方面影响出生性别选择的认识。  相似文献   

国内以往对人们性别偏好的研究多集中于对"男孩偏好"的研究,而对性别偏好的其他类型关注很少,特别是对人们性别偏好的强度几乎没有涉及。运用国内298名大学生的问卷调查资料,结合美国、英国和德国的相关实证研究,对性别偏好的类型和强度进行中外比较研究后发现,与西方育龄妇女生育意愿相比,中国大学生总体上性别均衡偏好的比例更大,而无偏好的比例较小;中国大学生希望使用性别选择技术以达到生育理想性别孩子的比例相对更高。  相似文献   

三孩政策将人们的生育空间扩大至三个孩子,但以往的调查数据难以识别三孩政策的生育释放效应。基于第三期“湖北百县生育调查”,本文考察了城市青年的生育偏好、生育计划及其影响因素。分析发现:城市青年中具有二孩生育意愿的人群占比13.85%,具有三孩生育意愿的人群占比2.31%,一孩家庭的生育潜力和人口规模均高于二孩家庭。进一步研究发现,高社会经济地位家庭更想再生育一个孩子,尤其体现在三孩生育上;生育水平较高的地区往往具有良好的生育氛围,因此居民有再生育意愿的几率也越高;在不愿再生育的原因中,相当一部分城市青年主观认为已经达到理想的生育规模,而非受到客观因素限制。与以往的“男孩偏好”不同,城市青年群体中出现一种新的“女孩偏好”。在性别期望上,想再要女孩的意愿远强于想再要男孩的意愿。研究城市青年的生育偏好和生育计划对进一步完善生育支持政策体系具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

性别偏好与中国妇女生育行为   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
陈卫 《人口研究》2002,26(2):14-22
利用 1 997年中国人口与生殖健康调查数据 ,就性别偏好对妇女生育行为的影响进行了深入分析。结果表明 ,性别偏好对中国妇女在家庭组建、避孕使用、流产选择、生育间隔等方面具有重大影响 ,并用各种回归模型进行了检验。此外还对性别偏好对生育率的定量影响进行了估计。  相似文献   

杨博  杨雪燕 《西北人口》2011,(6):69-73,78
本研究根据神木县经济、社会发展以及政策调整,结合群众的生育观念调查和访谈,以出生人口性别比变动趋势分析生育性别偏好的发展和变化。研究发现,在经济、社会发展以及政策调整进程中,存在生育性别偏好的双向选择:一方面,男孩功能随着经济与社会发展出现减弱,促进了不再追求生育儿子的生育性别偏好正向选择;另一方面,在男孩偏好文化顽固的地区,经济社会发展与政策调整刺激了男孩偏好,加剧了偏好儿子的生育性别偏好逆向选择。研究有利于明确经济、社会以及政策对于生育性别偏好的影响,从而为进一步制定有效的性别失衡治理政策提供依据。  相似文献   

以往关于迁移流动对出生孩子性别比或性别偏好的研究至少有两个不足:一是很少将流迁人口与原居住地非流迁人口的生育行为和生育意愿进行比较;二是只考察了迁移流动对性别偏好方向的影响而没有考虑性别偏好的强度。本文设计了测量男孩偏好强度的男孩偏好强度指数,通过实地调查收集资料,并运用多元回归分析对调查资料进行分析,结果表明,在控制了主要迁移选择性变量后,流动经历能明显降低农村人口男孩偏好强度。研究结果支持适应假说。  相似文献   

中国的出生性别比偏高持续了三十年,婚姻挤压问题日益凸现,大规模的城乡人口流动则加剧了婚姻挤压问题及其社会影响的严重性与复杂性。受制度与非制度因素影响,农村流动人口在城市处于社会底层,易遭遇成婚困难、诱发相对剥夺感,可能对生育偏好产生重要影响。本文基于相对剥夺感视角,对2009年福建省X市外来农村流动人口调查数据的分析发现,婚姻挤压对农村流动人口的生育性别偏好的观念与行为均无显著影响,但相对剥夺感对生育性别偏好行为有显著影响。本研究有助于理解婚姻挤压与相对剥夺感对农村流动人口生育性别偏好演化的特殊作用,对国家调整生育政策、提高流动人口计生服务与管理、促进性别平等有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本研究以马-冯-陈模型为定性基础,认为一定人口的出生性别比并非固定不变,而是受到生育水平的影响。当无性别偏好时,生育水平主要通过改变不同孩次占出生人口比例的方式影响出生性别比;当有性别偏好时,生育水平既影响不同孩次占总出生人口的比例,又影响不同孩次的出生性别比,从而对总出生性别比产生影响。对于没有性别偏好和性别选择行为的人口,生育水平变化是引起出生性别比波动的主要原因。有性别选择行为时,生育水平变化对出生性别比的影响较小,性别选择行为是出生性别比异常的主要原因。监测以"曾生子女孩次和性别次序"为条件划分的人群,可以有效而便捷地判断出生性别比变化趋势。  相似文献   

性别偏好视角下的中国人口转变模式分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章基于传统的人口转变理论,从生育空间的三维性出发,提出了性别偏好视角下的中国人口转变模式。利用全国和分省的总和生育率及出生人口性别比数据进行验证,实证结果表明中国人口转变中存在带有性别偏好的人口转变模式:出生人口性别比伴随生育水平和性别偏好的动态变化而呈现出上升、高位徘徊的阶段特征和下降的趋势,这种变动趋势又因生育空间的区域差异呈现出4种区域类型。  相似文献   

Male preference in many Asian cultures results in discriminatory practices against females, including neglect and infanticide. This preference, together with the availability of prenatal sex determination and sex‐selective abortion, has led to an increase in sex ratios at birth in China, India, and South Korea. The resulting expected gender imbalances raise ethical, demographic, and social concerns. We analyzed birth statistics to see whether similar trends are apparent among births to foreign‐born mothers in England and Wales. Before 1990, sex ratios at birth were consistently nearly one point lower (104) for the three major Asian groups in Britain compared with mothers born in Western countries. This is inconsistent with previous suggestions that Asian populations have a higher “natural” sex ratio at birth. In the birth statistics since 1990, we find a four‐point increase in the sex ratio at birth for mothers born in India, attributable particularly to an increase at higher birth orders, mirroring findings reported for India. This suggests that sex‐selective abortion is occurring among mothers born in India and living in Britain. By contrast, no significant increase was observed for Pakistan‐born and Bangladesh‐born mothers, among whom male preference also exists. It seems that male preference in different cultures does not necessarily lead to sex‐selective abortion.  相似文献   

Provisional estimates from the 2001 census of India, which showed unusually high sex ratios for young children, have sparked renewed concern about the growing use of sex‐selective abortions to satisfy parental preferences for sons. According to the 1998–99 National Family Health Survey (NFHS‐2), in recent years the sex ratio at birth in India has been abnormally high (107–121 males per 100 females) in 16 of India's 26 states. Data from NFHS‐2 on abortions, sex ratios at birth, son preference, and the use of ultrasound and amniocentesis during pregnancy present compelling evidence of the extensive use of sex‐selective abortions, particularly in Gujarat, Haryana, and Punjab. The authors estimate that in the late 1990s more than 100,000 sex‐selective abortions of female fetuses were being performed annually in India. Recent efforts to expand and enforce government regulations against this practice may have some effect, but they are not likely to be completely successful without changes in the societal conditions that foster son preference.  相似文献   

庄渝霞 《南方人口》2006,21(1):41-50
目前学术界对出生性别比偏高原因的争论主要集中在出生婴儿性别次序先后与下一孩次性别关系以及计划生育政策和女婴存在漏报、瞒报的影响等三个方面,本文在对三大传统观点提出质疑的基础上,先从生物学、计划生育政策、医学技术三个方面,而后从性别偏好,最后从女性地位低这三级递进的层次,推演和探析出生性别比偏高的原因,从而明晰出生性别比偏高的终极原因在于女性地位低这一事实。并努力从女性地位、男性偏好以及出生性别比三者关系上构造出一个新的分析框架。  相似文献   

For years, sex ratios at birth kept rising in South Korea despite rapid development. We show that this was not an anomaly: underlying son preference fell with development, but the effect of son preference on sex ratios at birth rose until the mid‐1990s as a result of improved sex‐selection technology. Now South Korea leads Asia with a declining sex ratio at birth. We explore how son preference was affected by development and by public policy. Decomposition analysis indicates that development reduced son preference primarily through triggering normative changes across society—rather than just in individuals whose socioeconomic circumstances had changed. The cultural underpinnings of son preference in preindustrial Korea were unraveled by industrialization and urbanization even as public policies sought to uphold the patriarchal family system. Our results suggest that child sex ratios in China and India may decline before those countries reach South Korean levels of development, since the governments of both countries vigorously promote normative change to reduce son preference.  相似文献   

This article examines the recent rise in the sex ratio at birth in Vietnam and relates its emergence to kinship systems and ethnic composition using 2009 census micro-data. Presentation of the main socioeconomic and ethnic differentials in birth masculinity is followed by a review of the three intermediate factors leading to increases in the sex ratio at birth: prenatal technology, declining fertility, and gender bias. An indirect measurement of fertility behavior is used to demonstrate the close association between levels of the sex ratio at birth and the intensity of son preference. Data on household composition indicate that Vietnam is characterized by the co-existence of kinship patterns typical of East and Southeast Asia. Son preference in Vietnam is found to be related to the prevalence of more traditional patrilineal systems. The article concludes by considering the implications of the cultural dimensions of prenatal sex selection for policy responses and for the likely future change in the sex ratio at birth.  相似文献   

The Gwembe Study was launched in 1956 to monitor the responses of 57,000 Tonga-speakers from the Middle Zambezi Valley to involuntary relocation. Since then, periodic censuses and frequent field visits have generated a wide variety of information. This article examines the demography of four Gwembe Tonga villages from 1956 to 1991, a period characterized first by relocation, then prosperity, and finally by economic hardship. White nuptiality does not respond significantly to socio-economic trends, marital fertility falls sharply during relocation, rebounds with the onset of prosperity, and decreases slowly during the most recent decade of economic hardship. Mortality of the very young and old is also sensitive to such changes. There is striking excess male mortality in all periods, especially among male infants and in particular male twins. The sex ratio at ‘birth’ is 92. This abnormal sex ratio at birth may be the result of conscious sex preference favouring females.  相似文献   

在观察数据基础上,描述出生人口性别比周期性波动现象,并对其内在机理做出解释。研究发现,出生人口性别比的周期性波动是一个普遍规律,其波动周期与生育间隔相关。正常情况下,周期成分对出生人口性别比的变化影响较小并且稳定。中国出生人口性别比的周期成分明显大于其他国家,这与中国强烈的性别偏好有关。周期成分不是影响中国出生人口性别比的主要因素,性别选择行为是出生人口性别比失衡的主要原因。在实际工作中应该尊重出生人口性别比周期性波动的客观规律,关注出生人口性别比的中长期变化趋势。中国出生人口性别比的"拐点"已经出现,在继续加强综合治理工作的条件下,出生人口性别比将进入下降过程。  相似文献   

中国出生性别比升高的孩次性别递进过程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
应用孩次性别递进分析方法,使用1990年和2000年全国人口普查原始抽样数据和2005年1%人口抽样调查原始抽样数据,对我国出生性别比变化情况进行分析,并就1990年以来出生性别比升高的内在机制进行深入探讨。研究发现,从20世纪80年代初开始已经显示了生育性别干预的特征,2000年以来纯女户生育性别比升高到190以上,纯男户生育性别比下降到90以下。2005年纯女户的偏男倾向依然非常明显,生育第一孩的性别比也表现出明显的人为干预现象。正是由于对生育第一孩的性别比的直接干预,才促使了出生性别比持续升高和高孩次生育性别比及高孩次生育率的下降。  相似文献   

本文利用空间统计学方法对五普和六普出生性别比的时空演变与影响因素进行了分析。结果发现:十年中我国出生性别比的空间集聚特征更加明显;计生政策、公共卫生水平、经济因素对性别偏好的影响显著,城镇化水平的影响不显著,教育、公共服务水平对性别比的影响有待深入研究。  相似文献   

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