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The convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation in the exponential family are studied in this paper. We first develop an approach for obtaining the lower bound of empirical Bayes estimators. As an application of the approach, we demonstrate that O(n−1) is the lower bound rate for priors with bounded compact support. Second, we construct an empirical Bayes estimator using kernel sequence method and show that it has a rate of convergence of O(n−1(lnn)8). This upper bound rate is much faster compared to the earlier results published in the literature under the same assumption.  相似文献   

A nest with parameters (r,k,λ)→(r′,k′,λ′) is a BIBD on (b,v,r,k,λ) where each block has a distinguished sublock of cardinality k, the sublocks forming a (b,v,r,k,λ)-design.These designs are ‘nested’ in the sense of W.T. Federer (1972), who recommended the use of these designs for the sequential addition of periods in marketing experiments in order to retain Youden design properties as rows are added. Note that for a Youden design, the b columns and v treatments are in an SBIBD arrangement with parameters v=b, k=r, and λ.  相似文献   

Bayesian and empirical Bayesian decision rules are exhibited for the interval estimation of the parameter 0 of a Uniform (0,θ) distribution. The estimate ?,δ>resulting in the interval [?,?+δ]suffers loss given by L(?,δ>,θ)=1-[?≦e≦?+δ]+c1((?-θ)2+(?+δ?θ)2))+c2δ. The solution is presented for prior distributions G which have bounded support, no point masses,∫θ?mdG(θ)<∞ and for some integer m. An example is presented involving a particular parametric form for G and rates of risk convergence in the empirical Bayes problem for this example are calculated.  相似文献   

We investigate an empirical Bayes testing problem in a positive exponential family having pdf f{x/θ)=c(θ)u(x) exp(?x/θ), x>0, θ>0. It is assumed that θ is in some known compact interval [C1, C2]. The value C1 is used in the construction of the proposed empirical Bayes test δ* n. The asymptotic optimality and rate of convergence of its associated Bayes risk is studied. It is shown that under the assumption that θ is in [C1, C2] δ* n is asymptotically optimal at a rate of convergence of order O(n?1/n n). Also, δ* n is robust in the sense that δ* n still possesses the asymptotic optimality even the assumption that "C1≦θ≦C2 may not hold.  相似文献   

This paper obtains the convergence rates of the empirical Bayes estimators of parameters in the multi-parameter exponential families. The rates can approximate to 0(n=1) arbitrarily. The paper presents the multivariate orthogonal polynomials which are continuous on the total space Rp.  相似文献   

Let π1…, πk denote k(≥ 2) populations with unknown means μ1 , …, μk and variances σ1 2 , …, σk 2 , respectively and let πo denote the control population having mean μo and variance σo 2 . It is assumed that these populations are normally distributed with correlation matrix {ρij}. The goal is to select a subset, of populations of π1 , …, πk which contains all the populations with means larger than or equal to the mean of the control one. Procedures are given for selecting such a subset so that the probability that all the populations with means larger than or equal to the mean of the control one are included in the selected subset is at least equal to a predetermined value P?(l/k < P? < 1). The goal treated here is a first step screening procedure that allows the experimenter to choose a subset and withhold judgement about which one has the largest mean. Then, if the one with the largest mean is desired it can be chosen from the selected subset on the basis of cost and other considerations. Percentage points are also included.  相似文献   

Let X= (X1,…, Xk)’ be a k-variate (k ≥ 2) normal random vector with unknown population mean vector μ = (μ1 ,…, μk)’ and covariance matrix Σ of order k and let μ[1] ≤ … ≤ μ[k] be the ordered values of the μ ’ s. No prior knowledge of the pairing of the μ[i] with the Xj. (or μ[i] with the σj 2) is assumed for any i and j (1 ≤ i, j ≤ k). Based on a random sample of N independent vector observations on X, this paper considers both upper and lower (one-sided) and two-sided 100γ% (0 < γ < 1) confidence intervals for μ[k] and μ[1], the largest and the smallest mean, respectively, when Σ is known and when Σ is equal to σ2R with common unknown variance σ2 > 0 and correlation matrix R known, respectively. An optimum two-sided confidence interval via finding the shortest length from this class is also considered. Necessary tables and computer program to actually apply these procedures are provided.  相似文献   

The situation where k populations are partitioned into one inferior group and one superior group is considered. The statistical problem is to select a random size subset of superior populations while trying to avoid including any inferior populations. A selection procedure is assumed to satisfy the condition that the probability of selecting at least one superior population is bounded below by P1<1. The performance of a procedure is measured by the probability of including an inferior population.The asymptotic performance, as k→∞ of Gupta's traditional maximum type procedure ψG is considered in the location-model. For normally distributed populations, ψG turns out to be asymptotically optimal, provided the size of the inferior group does not become infinitely larger than the size of the superior group.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the procedures of Dudewicz and Dalal ( 1975 ), and the modifications suggested by Rinott ( 1978 ), for selecting the largest mean from k normal populations with unknown variances. We look at the case k = 2 in detail, because there is an optimal allocation scheme here. We do not really allocate the total number of samples into two groups, but we estimate this optimal sample size, as well, so as to guarantee the probability of correct selection (written as P(CS)) at least P?, 1/2 < P? < 1 . We prove that the procedure of Rinott is “asymptotically in-efficient” (to be defined below) in the sense of Chow and Robbins ( 1965 ) for any k  2. Next, we propose two-stage procedures having all the properties of Rinott's procedure, together with the property of “asymptotic efficiency” - which is highly desirable.  相似文献   

This article considers an empirical Bayes testing problem for the guarantee lifetime in the two-parameter exponential distributions with non identical components. We study a method of constructing empirical Bayes tests under a class of unknown prior distributions for the sequence of the component testing problems. The asymptotic optimality of the sequence of empirical Bayes tests is studied. Under certain regularity conditions on the prior distributions, it is shown that the sequence of the constructed empirical Bayes tests is asymptotically optimal, and the associated sequence of regrets converges to zero at a rate O(n? 1 + 1/[2(r + α) + 1]) for some integer r ? 0 and 0 ? α ? 1 depending on the unknown prior distributions, where n is the number of past data available when the (n + 1)st component testing problem is considered.  相似文献   

The problem of simultaneously selecting two non-empty subsets, SLand SU, of k populations which contain the lower extreme population (LEP) and the upper extreme population (UEP), respectively, is considered. Unknown parameters θ1,…,θkcharacterize the populations π1,…,πkand the populations associated with θ[1]=min θi. and θ[k]= max θi. are called the LEP and the UEP, respectively. It is assumed that the underlying distributions possess the monotone likelihood ratio property and that the prior distribution of θ= (θ1,…,θk) is exchangeable. The Bayes rule with respect to a general loss function is obtained. Bayes rule with respect to a semi-additive and non-negative loss function is also determined and it is shown that it is minimax and admissible. When the selected subsets are required to be disjoint, it shown that the Bayes rule with respect to a specific loss function can be obtained by comparing certain computable integrals, Application to normal distributions with unknown means θ1,…,θkand a common known variance is also considered.  相似文献   

Sharp rates of convergence of histogram estimates of the marginal density of a linear process are obtained. Histograms can achieve optimal rates of convergence (n−1 log n)1·3 under general conditions. The assumptions involved are easily verifiable. Histograms appear to be very good estimators from the point of view of uniform convergence.  相似文献   

Consider that we have a collection of k populations π1, π2…,πk. The quality of the ith population is characterized by a real parameter θi and the population is to be designated as superior or inferior depending on how much the θi differs from θmax = max{θ1, θ2,…,θk}. From the set {π1, π2,…,πk}, we wish to select the subset of superior populations. In this paper we devise rules of selection which have the property that their selected set excludes all the inferior populations with probability at least 1?α, where a is a specified number.  相似文献   

Impartial trimming procedures with respect to general ‘penalty’ functions, Φ, have been recently introduced in Cuesta-Albertos et al. (1997. Ann. Statist. 25, 553–576) in the (generalized) k-means framework. Under regularity assumptions, for real-valued samples, we obtain the asymptotic normality both of the impartial trimmed k-mean estimator (Φ(x)=x2) and of the impartial trimmed k-median estimator (Φ(x)=x).In spite of the additional complexity coming from the several groups setting, the empirical quantile methodology used in Butler (1982. Ann. Statist. 10, 197–204) for the LTS estimator (and subsequently in Tableman (1994. Statist. Probab. Lett. 19, 387–398) for the LTAD estimator) also works in our framework. Besides their relevance for the robust estimation of quantizers, our results open the possibility of considering asymptotic distribution-free tolerance regions, constituted by unions of intervals, for predicting a future observation, generalizing the idea in Butler (1982).  相似文献   

Consider k( ? 2) normal populations with unknown means μ1, …, μk, and a common known variance σ2. Let μ[1] ? ??? ? μ[k] denote the ordered μi.The populations associated with the t(1 ? t ? k ? 1) largest means are called the t best populations. Hsu and Panchapakesan (2004) proposed and investigated a procedure RHPfor selecting a non empty subset of the k populations whose size is at most m(1 ? m ? k ? t) so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whenever μ[k ? t + 1] ? μ[k ? t] ? δ*, where P*?and?δ* are specified in advance of the experiment. This probability requirement is known as the indifference-zone probability requirement. In the present article, we investigate the same procedure RHP for the same goal as before but when k ? t < m ? k ? 1 so that at least one of the t best populations is included in the selected subset with a minimum guaranteed probability P* whatever be the configuration of the unknown μi. The probability requirement in this latter case is termed the subset selection probability requirement. Santner (1976) proposed and investigated a different procedure (RS) based on samples of size n from each of the populations, considering both cases, 1 ? m ? k ? t and k ? t < m ? k. The special case of t = 1 was earlier studied by Gupta and Santner (1973) and Hsu and Panchapakesan (2002) for their respective procedures.  相似文献   

The goal of the indifference zone formulation of selection (Bechhofer, 1954) consists of selecting the t best variants out of k variants with a probability of at least 1 − β if the parameter difference between the t ‘good’ variants and the kt ‘bad’ variants is not less than Δ. A review of generalized selection goals not using this difference condition is presented. Within some general classes of distributions, the suitable experimental designs for all these selection goals are identical. Similar results are described for the problem of selecting the best variant in comparison with a control, or standard.  相似文献   

Robbins (1956) in his original paper on empirical Bayes methods suggested a method of estimating a binomial success probability. We give explicit bounds for the empirical Bayes risk of natural variants of the Robbins estimator that show convergence to an optimal risk at O(n?12) rate. Bounds that yield the same convergence rate are also obtained in the related compound estimation problem.  相似文献   

Let be k independent populations having the same known quantile of order p (0 p 1) and let F(x)=F(x/i) be the absolutely continuous cumulative distribution function of the ith population indexed by the scale parameter 1, i = 1,…, k. We propose subset selection procedures based on two-sample U-statistics for selecting a subset of k populations containing the one associated with the smallest scale parameter. These procedures are compared with the subset selection procedures based on two-sample linear rank statistics given by Gill & Mehta (1989) in the sense of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency, with interesting results.  相似文献   

In an empirical Bayes decision problem, a simple class of estimators is constructed that dominate the James-Stein

estimator, A prior distribution A is placed on a restricted (normal) class G of priors to produce a Bayes empirical Bayes estimator, The Bayes empirical Bayes estimator is smooth, admissible, and asymptotically optimal. For certain A rate of convergence to minimum Bayes risk is 0(n-1)uniformly on G. The results of a Monte Carlo study are presented to demonstrate the favorable risk bebhavior of the Bayes estimator In comparison with other competitors including the James-Stein estimator.  相似文献   

Bose and Clatworthy (1955) showed that the parameters of a two-class balanced incomplete block design with λ1=1,λ2=0 and satisfying r <k can be expressed in terms of just three parameters r,k,t. Later Bose (1963) showed that such a design is a partial geometry (r,k,t). Bose, Shrikhande and Singhi (1976) have defined partial geometric designs (r,k,t,c), which reduce to partial geometries when c=0. In this note we prove that any two class partially balanced (PBIB) design with r <k, is a partial geometric design for suitably chosen r,k,t,c and express the parameters of the PBIB design in terms of r,k,t,c and λ2. We also show that such PBIB designs belong to the class of special partially balanced designs (SPBIB) studied by Bridges and Shrikhande (1974).  相似文献   

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