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Cubic B-splines are used to estimate the nonparametric component of a semiparametric generalized linear model. A penalized log-likelihood ratio test statistic is constructed for the null hypothesis of the linearity of the nonparametric function. When the number of knots is fixed, its limiting null distribution is the distribution of a linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, each with one df. The smoothing parameter is determined by giving a specified value for its asymptotically expected value under the null hypothesis. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate its power performance; a real-life dataset is used to illustrate its practical use.  相似文献   

A sequence of empirical Bayes estimators is given for estimating a distribution function. It is shown that ‘i’ this sequence is asymptotically optimum relative to a Gamma process prior, ‘ii’ the overall expected loss approaches the minimum Bayes risk at a rate of n , and ‘iii’ the estimators form a sequence of proper distribution functions. Finally, the numerical example presented by Susarla and Van Ryzin ‘Ann. Statist., 6, 1978’ reworked by Phadia ‘Ann. Statist., 1, 1980, to appear’ has been analyzed and the results are compared to the numerical results by Phadia  相似文献   

A class of predictive densities is derived by weighting the observed samples in maximizing the log-likelihood function. This approach is effective in cases such as sample surveys or design of experiments, where the observed covariate follows a different distribution than that in the whole population. Under misspecification of the parametric model, the optimal choice of the weight function is asymptotically shown to be the ratio of the density function of the covariate in the population to that in the observations. This is the pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation of sample surveys. The optimality is defined by the expected Kullback–Leibler loss, and the optimal weight is obtained by considering the importance sampling identity. Under correct specification of the model, however, the ordinary maximum likelihood estimate (i.e. the uniform weight) is shown to be optimal asymptotically. For moderate sample size, the situation is in between the two extreme cases, and the weight function is selected by minimizing a variant of the information criterion derived as an estimate of the expected loss. The method is also applied to a weighted version of the Bayesian predictive density. Numerical examples as well as Monte-Carlo simulations are shown for polynomial regression. A connection with the robust parametric estimation is discussed.  相似文献   

We study the gambler’s ruin problem with a general distribution of the payoffs in each game. Assuming the expected value of the payoff distribution is negative, so that eventual ruin occurs with probability 1, we are interested in the distribution of the duration to ruin, also known as the first-passage time distribution. A generating function for this distribution is obtained. Exact expressions for the expected value and variance of this distribution, as well as asymptotic expressions for the case of large initial wealth, are derived.  相似文献   

A system of predictors for estimating a finite population variance is defined and shown to be asymptotically design-unbiased (ADU) and asymptotically design-consistent (ADC) under probability sampling. An asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) of a generalized regression-type predictor, generated from the system, is obtained. The suggested predictor attains the minimum expected variance of any design-unbiased estimator when the superpopulation model is correct. The generalized regression-type predictor and the predictor suggested by Mukhopadhyay (1990) are compared.  相似文献   

In the paper we consider the three characteristics of the efficient frontier. These characteristics are estimated by substituting the unknown parameters by the sample counterparts. Assuming that the asset returns follow a stationary Gaussian process it is shown that the estimated characteristics are asymptotically normally distributed. This result is used to determine the joint asymptotic distribution of the estimated portfolio return and the estimated portfolio variance in the case of the expected utility portfolio and the tangency portfolio, respectively.  相似文献   

The future aspects of old age security in the Federal Republic of Germany are considered primarily according to the criteria of demographic changes to be expected or presumed. The starting point of our simulations is a strongly declining birth rate which effects a drop in the population growth as well as different criteria concerning the age structure. It is shown that, apart from the demographic structure, the economic development is of decisive importance for old age security. By a model variant obtained by a broad spectrum of simulations, it is shown that an increase in the standard of living affecting all population groups (including pensioners) can be attained provided that the manpower potential is well utilized and the labor productivity is progressing satisfactorily. However, by no means can problems concerning strategies of distribution that are likely to appear be solved by a complete denial of the financing procedure by persons currently employed. The social security of the older persons who no longer are gainfully employed can be financed by the current national product. (author's)  相似文献   

In the x2-goodness-of-fit test the underlying null hypothesis usually involves unknown parameters. In this article we study the asymptotic distribution of the Pearson statistic when the unknown parameters are estimated by a moment type estimator based on the ungrouped data. As is expected the usual Pearson statistic is no longer asymptotically x2-distributed in this situation. We propose a statistic [Qcirc] which under certain regularity conditions is asymptotically x2-distributed. We also propose a statistic Q? for the goodness-of-fit test when the class boundaries are random. The asymptotic powers of [Qcirc] and [Qcirc]? tests are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary. The strength of statistical evidence is measured by the likelihood ratio. Two key performance properties of this measure are the probability of observing strong misleading evidence and the probability of observing weak evidence. For the likelihood function associated with a parametric statistical model, these probabilities have a simple large sample structure when the model is correct. Here we examine how that structure changes when the model fails. This leads to criteria for determining whether a given likelihood function is robust (continuing to perform satisfactorily when the model fails), and to a simple technique for adjusting both likelihoods and profile likelihoods to make them robust. We prove that the expected information in the robust adjusted likelihood cannot exceed the expected information in the likelihood function from a true model. We note that the robust adjusted likelihood is asymptotically fully efficient when the working model is correct, and we show that in some important examples this efficiency is retained even when the working model fails. In such cases the Bayes posterior probability distribution based on the adjusted likelihood is robust, remaining correct asymptotically even when the model for the observable random variable does not include the true distribution. Finally we note a link to standard frequentist methodology—in large samples the adjusted likelihood functions provide robust likelihood-based confidence intervals.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the design of accelerated life test (ALT) plans under progressive Type II interval censoring with random removals. Units’ lifetimes are assumed to follow a Weibull distribution, and the number of random removals at each inspection is assumed to follow a binomial distribution. The optimal ALT plans, which minimize the asymptotic variance of an estimated quantile at use condition, are determined. The expected duration of the test and the expected number of inspections on each stress level are calculated. A numerical study is conducted to investigate the properties of the derived ALT plans under different parameter values. For illustration purpose, a numerical example is also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of sequentially estimating the mean of a Poisson distribution under LINEX (linear exponential) loss function and fixed cost per observation within a Bayesian framework. An asymptotically pointwise optimal rule with a prior distribution is proposed and shown to be asymptotically optimal for arbitrary priors. The proposed asymptotically pointwise optimal rule is illustrated using a real data set.  相似文献   

Odile Pons 《Statistics》2013,47(4):273-293
A semi-Markov model with covariates is proposed for a multi-state process with a finite number of states such that the transition probabilities between the states and the distribution functions of the duration times between the occurrence of two states depend on a discrete covariate. The hazard rates for the time elapsed between two successive states depend on the covariate through a proportional hazards model involving a set of regression parameters, while the transition probabilities depend on the covariate in an unspecified way. We propose estimators for these parameters and for the cumulative hazard functions of the sojourn times. A difficulty comes from the fact that when a sojourn time in a state is right-censored, the next state is unknown. We prove that our estimators are consistent and asymptotically Gaussian under the model constraints.  相似文献   

When making inference on a normal distribution, one often seeks either a joint confidence region for the two parameters or a confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. A number of methods for constructing such confidence sets are available, but none of these methods guarantees a minimum-area confidence set. In this paper, we derive both a minimum-area joint confidence region for the two parameters and a minimum-area confidence band for the cumulative distribution function. The minimum-area joint confidence region is asymptotically equivalent to other confidence regions in the literature, but the minimum-area confidence band improves on existing confidence bands even asymptotically.  相似文献   

The theorem of Kagan et al. (1967), (Sankhya Ser. A. 27, 405) on the characterization of the normal law is extended to the characterization of a broad class of distribution shapes, also in the linear regression model, and the stability of this characterization is considered. The results enable, among others, to construct an asymptotically efficient estimator from a subclass of equivariant asymptotically linear estimators of θ.  相似文献   

The nonparametric component in a partially linear model is estimated by a linear combination of fixed-knot cubic B-splines with a second-order difference penalty on the adjacent B-spline coefficients. The resulting penalized least-squares estimator is used to construct two Wald-type spline-based test statistics for the null hypothesis of the linearity of the nonparametric function. When the number of knots is fixed, the first test statistic asymptotically has the distribution of a linear combination of independent chi-squared random variables, each with one degree of freedom, under the null hypothesis. The smoothing parameter is determined by specifying a value for the asymptotically expected value of the test statistic under the null hypothesis. When the number of knots is fixed and under the null hypothesis, the second test statistic asymptotically has a chi-squared distribution with K=q+2 degrees of freedom, where q is the number of knots used for estimation. The power performances of the two proposed tests are investigated via simulation experiments, and the practicality of the proposed methodology is illustrated using a real-life data set.  相似文献   

Abstract.  It is well known that Jeffreys' prior is asymptotically least favorable under the entropy risk, i.e. it asymptotically maximizes the mutual information between the sample and the parameter. However, in this paper we show that the prior that minimizes (subject to certain constraints) the mutual information between the sample and the parameter is natural conjugate when the model belongs to a natural exponential family. A conjugate prior can thus be regarded as maximally informative in the sense that it minimizes the weight of the observations on inferences about the parameter; in other words, the expected relative entropy between prior and posterior is minimized when a conjugate prior is used.  相似文献   

A distribution-free test for the equality of the coefficients of variation from k populations is obtained by using the squared ranks test for variances, as presented by Conover and Iman (1978) and Conover (1980), on the original observations divided by their respective expected values. Substitution of the sample mean in place of the expected value results in the test being only asymptotically distribution-free. Results of a simulation study evaluating the size of the test for various coefficient of variation values and probability distributions are presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate hypothesis testing in functional comparative calibration models. Wald type statistics are considered which are asymptotically distributed according to the chi-square distribution. The statistics are based on maximum likelihood, corrected score approach, and method of moment estimators of the model parameters, which are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Results of analytical and simulation studies seem to indicate that the Wald statistics based on the method of moment estimators and the corrected score estimators are, as expected, less efficient than the Wald type statistic based on the maximum likelihood estimators for small n. Wald statistic based on moment estimators are simpler to compute than the other Wald statistics tests and their performance improves significantly as n increases. Comparisons with an alternative F statistics proposed in the literature are also reported.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of determining asymptotically pointwise optimal and asymptotically optimal stopping times in the Bayesian inference. The sufficient conditions are given for a family of stopping times to be asymptotically pointwise optimal and asymptotically optimal with respect to a continuous time process. As an example a sequential estimation of the intensity of the Poisson process is considered. Under a gamma prior distribution, an asymptotically pointwise optimal and asymptotically optimal rule is given using a LINEX loss function and the cost c per unit time.  相似文献   

We show that the mean-model parameter is always orthogonal to the error distribution in generalized linear models. Thus, the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean-model parameter will be asymptotically efficient regardless of whether the error distribution is known completely, known up to a finite vector of parameters, or left completely unspecified, in which case the likelihood is taken to be an appropriate semiparametric likelihood. Moreover, the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean-model parameter will be asymptotically independent of the maximum likelihood estimator of the error distribution. This generalizes some well-known results for the special cases of normal, gamma, and multinomial regression models, and, perhaps more interestingly, suggests that asymptotically efficient estimation and inferences can always be obtained if the error distribution is non parametrically estimated along with the mean. In contrast, estimation and inferences using misspecified error distributions or variance functions are generally not efficient.  相似文献   

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