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In this paper, we consider the single-machine scheduling problems with the effects of learning and deterioration. By the effects of learning and deterioration, we mean that job processing times are defined by functions of their starting times and positions in the sequence. It is shown that even with the introduction of learning effect and deteriorating jobs to job processing times, single-machine makespan and sum of completion times (square) minimization problems remain polynomially solvable, respectively. But for the following objective functions: the weighted sum of completion times and the maximum lateness, this paper proves that the WSPT rule and the EDD rule can construct the optimal sequence under some special cases, respectively.  相似文献   


We study single machine scheduling problems with general truncated sum-of-actual-processing-time-based learning effect. In the general truncated learning model, the actual processing time of a job is affected by the sum of actual processing times of previous jobs and by a job-dependent truncation parameter. We show that the single machine problems to minimize makespan and to minimize the sum of weighted completion times are both at least ordinary NP-hard and the single machine problem to minimize maximum lateness is strongly NP-hard. We then show polynomial solvable cases and approximation algorithms for these problems. Computational experiments are also conducted to show the effectiveness of our approximation algorithms.


This paper addresses a batch delivery single-machine scheduling problem in which jobs have an assignable common due window. Each job will incur an early (tardy) penalty if it is early (tardy) with respect to the common due window under a given schedule. There is no capacity limit on each delivery batch, and the cost per batch delivery is fixed and independent of the number of jobs in the batch. The objective is to find the optimal size and location of the window, the optimal dispatch date for each job, as well as an optimal job sequence to minimize a cost function based on earliness, tardiness, holding time, window location, window size, and batch delivery. We show that the problem can be optimally solved in O(n8)O(n8) time by a dynamic programming algorithm under a reasonable assumption on the relationships among the cost parameters. A computational experiment is also conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. We also show that some special cases of the problem can be optimally solved by lower order algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a single-machine problem with the learning effect and release times where the objective is to minimize the makespan. A branch-and-bound algorithm incorporating with several dominance properties and lower bounds is developed to derive the optimal solution. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to obtain a near-optimal solution. The computational experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 36 jobs, and the average error percentage of the proposed heuristic is less than 0.11%.  相似文献   


Motivated by behavioural and psychological phenomena that occur in human operators, we study single-machine multitasking scheduling with job efficiency promotion. In traditional multitasking scheduling, the primary task is assumed to be interrupted by every waiting task. In this paper we take into account job efficiency promotion that helps reduce the actual interruption time. We propose two functions to model job efficiency promotion based on the job positions in a given schedule. The objective is to minimize the makespan, total completion time, and total absolute difference in completion times. We show that the problem is polynomially solvable for each objective. We also provide efficient solutions for some special cases.


This article studies a single-machine scheduling with deteriorating jobs and aging effects under an optional maintenance activity. We assume that after maintenance activity, the machine will revert to its initial condition and the aging effects will start anew. Moreover, due to the restriction of budget of maintenance, the limitation of the maintenance frequency on the machine is assumed to be known in advance. The optional maintenance activity of this study means that the starting time of the maintenance activity is unknown in advance. It can be scheduled immediately after the processing of any job that has been completed. Therefore, the planner must to make decision on whether or when to schedule the maintenance activity during the scheduling horizon to optimal the performance measures. The objective is to minimize the makespan. We first show that the addressed problem is NP-hard in the strong sense. Then a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the proposed problem is presented.  相似文献   

Scheduling with general truncated job-dependent learning effect and resource-dependent processing times is studied on a single machine. It is assumed that the job processing time is a function of the amount of resource allocated to the job, the general job-dependent learning effect and the job-dependent control parameter. For each version of the problem that differs in terms of the objective functions and the processing time functions, the optimal resource allocation is provided. Polynomial time algorithms are also developed to find the optimal schedule of several versions of the problem.  相似文献   

This paper considers a single-machine scheduling with a position-dependent aging effect described by a power function under maintenance activities and variable maintenance duration considerations simultaneously. We examine two models of the maintenance duration in this study. The objective is to find jointly the optimal maintenance frequency, the optimal maintenance positions, and the optimal job sequences to minimize the makespan of all jobs. We provided polynomial time solution algorithms for all the studied problems.  相似文献   


The main theme of this paper is improving project schedules by integrating the scheduling of project jobs and labour resources. An ILP model is presented of the integrated project operations and personnel scheduling problem with multiple labour categories. Traditionally, this problem is solved in two steps: first, operations are scheduled by solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem; then, labour categories are scheduled by solving the personnel days-off scheduling problem. The proposed model combines the two stages into an integrated problem, which is solved in one step. Using 48 test problems, the two methods were compared in terms of total cost, labour cost and scheduling efficiency. The results clearly indicate that the integrated model outperforms the traditional two-step method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the single-machine scheduling problem with production and rejection costs to minimize the maximum earliness. If a job is accepted, then this job must be processed on the machine and a corresponding production cost needs be paid. If the job is rejected, then a corresponding rejection cost has to be paid. The objective is to minimize the sum of the maximum earliness of the accepted jobs, the total production cost of the accepted jobs and the total rejection cost of the rejected jobs. We show that this problem is equivalent to a single-machine scheduling problem to minimize the maximum earliness with two distinct rejection modes. In the latter problem, rejection cost might be negative in the rejection-award mode which is different from the traditional rejection-penalty mode in the previous literatures. We show that both of two problems are NP-hard in the ordinary sense and then provide two pseudo-polynomial-time algorithms to solve them. Finally, we also show that three special cases can be solved in polynomial time.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient tabu search algorithm is prepared for solving the single-machine mean tardiness problem. The proposed implementation of the tabu search approach suggests simple techniques for generating neighbourhoods of a given sequence and a combined scheme for intensification and diversification. The tabu search method is shown to produce results very close to the optimal solution using randomly generated problems with varying degrees of difficulty.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of incorporating both learning and forgetting effects into discrete timevarying demand lot-sizing models to determine lot sizes. Forgetting is retrogression in learning which causes a loss of labour productivity due to breaks between intermittent production runs. Formulae are derived for calculating the production cost required to produce the first unit of each successive lot over a finite planning horizon. An optimal lotsizing model and three heuristic models are developed by extending the existing models without learning and forgetting considerations. Numerical examples and computational experience indicate that larger lot sizes are needed when the phenomenon of learning and forgetting exists. Several important conclusions are drawn from a comparison of the three heuristic solutions with the optimal solution, and suggestions for future research and for lot-size users to choose an appropriate lot-sizing technique are made.  相似文献   

AIn this paper, a genetic algorithm model for scheduling manufacturing resources is developed for the case when there is only one process plan available per job, hence there is no routeing flexibility. The scheduling objectives considered are minimizing the makespan and mean flow time. Genetic algorithms design issues are discussed and the working of the employed genetic operators is explained in detail. Parameters for the genetic algorithms used for single process plan scheduling SPPS problems are set through extensive experimentation. Finally, the genetic algorithms approach is compared with several other approaches in terms of optimality of solution and computAuthors: ing time. It was observed that in most cases the genetic algorithms approach performed better than other approaches both in terms of finding an optimal or near optimal solution as well as computing time.  相似文献   

本文首次从独立董事连锁的声誉效应和学习效应视角,运用匹配(1:1 Pairing)+双重差分(DID)法研究独立董事连锁对企业内部控制质量的影响机理。研究发现:在声誉效应视角,独立董事连锁能显著提高企业的内部控制质量,且兼任公司家数较多的连锁独立董事对内部控制质量的提高作用更明显;在学习效应视角,独立董事连锁能显著提高其董事会出席率,且该种效应主要出现在高学历的连锁独立董事身上。此外,本研究首次发现了独立董事连锁对企业内部控制质量的传导机制,即通过提高连锁独立董事的董事会出席率进而提升了企业的内部控制质量。本文的结果表明,我国监管部门和上市公司应当重视独立董事连锁的作用,这对公司治理与内部控制相关政策的制定具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   


We consider a single-machine scheduling problem such that the due dates are assigned to each job depending on its order, and the lengths of the intervals between consecutive due dates are identical. The objective is to minimize the total penalty for the earliness and tardiness of each job. The early penalty proportionally increases according to the earliness amount, while the tardy penalty increases according to the step function. We show that the problem is strongly NP-hard, and furthermore, polynomially solvable if the two types of processing times exist.


The relative worst order ratio is a measure for the quality of online algorithms. Unlike the competitive ratio, it compares algorithms directly without involving an optimal offline algorithm. The measure has been successfully applied to problems like paging and bin packing. In this paper, we apply it to machine scheduling. We show that for preemptive scheduling, the measure separates multiple pairs of algorithms which have the same competitive ratios; with the relative worst order ratio, the algorithm which is “intuitively better” is also provably better. Moreover, we show one such example for non-preemptive scheduling.  相似文献   

This paper investigates cyclical inventory replenishment for a company's regional distribution center that supplies, distributes, and manages inventory of carbon dioxide (CO2)(CO2) at over 900 separate customer sites in Indiana. The company previously experienced high labor costs with excessive overtime and maintained a regular back-log of customers experiencing stockouts. To address these issues we implemented a three-phase heuristic for the cyclical inventory routing problem encountered at one of the company's distribution centers. This heuristic determines regular routes for each of three available delivery vehicles over a 12-day delivery horizon while improving four primary performance measures: delivery labor cost, stockouts, delivery regularity, and driver–customer familiarity. It does so by first determining three sets of cities (one for each delivery vehicle) that must be delivered to each day based on customer requirements. Second, the heuristic assigns the remaining customers in other cities to one of the three “backbone routes” determined in phase 1. And third, it balances customer deliveries on each daily route over the schedule horizon. Through our methodology, we were able to significantly reduce overtime, driving time, and labor costs while improving customer service.  相似文献   

This paper addresses no-wait or no-idle flow shop scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs, i.e., jobs whose processing times are an increasing function of their starting time. A simple linear deterioration function is assumed and some dominating relationships between machines can be satisfied. It is shown that for the problems to minimize makespan or weighted sum of completion time, polynomial algorithms still exist, although these problems are more complicated than the classical ones. When the objective is to minimize maximum lateness or maximum tardiness, the solutions of a classical version may not hold.  相似文献   

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