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IPoetrywasthehighestformofspirituallifeoftheTangdynasty(618-907).TheanecdotesconcerningthepoetLiBai'sbohemianlifedevotedtopoetryandwine,combinedwithhiscontemptforauthority,wellillustratetheesteemaccordedpoetsintheTangperiod.DuFuinhispoem"YinzhongBaxiange"(SongoftheEightWine-drinkingImmortals)wroteofhimself:EvenwhentheEmperorsummonedhimforboating,hedeclined,Declaringhispreferenceforaboutofwine!Tangcaizizhuan(StoriesofTalentedScholarsoftheTangDynasty)recordshowthepoetLiBaiduringadrinkin…  相似文献   

古榆真的很老了, 树干上满是风雨的斑驳,断裂的枝干像伤口,却已不再有疼痛。如果能见到这古榆的横断面,查一查它的年轮,你能数到360多个数字的排行……  相似文献   

IThepublicatio11ofBaiXia11yol1g-s"ForeverYinXueyan-'inDa1IgdtiinBeijinginl979appearstobethefirsttimethatliterarycirclesinChinapropertooknoticeoftl1efilctthatduringChina's3Oyearsofrevolution,aparallelandcomplexworldofIitel-aturehaddevelopedoutsidcthen1ainl…  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to financial conflicts of interest (COIs) in bioscience research. Yet to date, surprisingly little attention has focused on other COIs that arise in supervisor--student relations. We examine a spectrum of related situations, ranging from standard graduate supervision through to dual relationships sometimes found in research with commercial potential. We illustrate some of the less-obvious factors that can bias supervisory judgment, and situate financial COI along a spectrum of forces that are deserving of recognition. We conclude by providing two sets of recommendations: one for individual supervisors, and the other for institutions and policy-makers.  相似文献   

This article explores the relation between economic liberalization, regulation and welfare. It asks how the state regulates, delays or prevents service disconnection due to debt and arrears, and what this kind of policy implies regarding the use of regulation as a form of social policy. This is done through a comparative study of the electricity and water sectors in Israel after liberalization. It finds that after initial economic reform, both sectors saw a growth in regulation intended to compensate for the social effects of reform, in what may be termed the ‘regulatory welfare state’. However, this form of social protection has been residual and incoherent. The article argues that trying to separate economic reform from its social consequences is unrealistic and may lead to adverse social and economic results. Second, findings raise concerns regarding the potential of the regulatory welfare state to deliver effective and fair social policy.  相似文献   

Toddlers' helping has been interpreted as early evidence of cooperation and altruism. We consider whether this important social activity might, instead, be due to toddlers' interest in participating in the activity of others, and we illustrate this possibility with diary observations of infants' social and communicative development. This alternative view of toddlers' helping as one manifestation of a more‐general tendency for social engagement requires a different approach to the explanation of this aspect of social development. We argue for a relational developmental systems account of the emergence and further development of infants' social and emotional engagement leading to toddlers' helping.  相似文献   

In order to know more about currentmedical health service conditions, the ProjectGroup of Medical Health Security and Fund-raising in Rural China set up by the Develop-ment Research Center under the State Coun-cil organized a large-scale field investigationin 2004. The investigation did not utilize ran-dom samples, but can still reflect to a verygreat extent the actual medical health condi-tions at present in the rural areas.1. Medical health institutions arestill backward in rural areas(…  相似文献   

肯尼迪政府上台后调整美国的南亚政策,在提供大量援助的同时,怂恿尼赫鲁政府在中印边界采取军事冒险政策。在1962年中印边界冲突时期,美国认为这场冲突能够改变印度的不结盟政策,能在南亚建立针对中国的“联合防御体系”。尽管美印为对付中国进行合作,但美国的战略目标并没有实现。由于英国的坚持,西方未向印度提供长期军事援助。美国还试图利用这一危机加深中苏分裂,但该方针与其南亚政策目标存在矛盾。肯尼迪政府此后在南亚地区的战略影响有所下降。  相似文献   

Book covers and illustrations by Lu Xunand his artist contemporaries constitute notonly an archive of graphic design for newliterature, but also a new literature art formin themselves. The Hodge-Podge Series is aclassic example of the transition of new lit-  相似文献   

The End of the Welfare State?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper critically examines claims of a new consensus on welfare and the end of the welfare state. We first review the concept of welfare consensus, concentrating on the idea of welfare pluralism, in particular the relatively neglected distinction between national minimum (base) and extension ladder (superstructure). We then examine these concepts in the 1990s under Conservative and New Labour governments. Important changes to welfare pluralism are noted. There have been changes in the character of means-tests, with the national minimum replaced by a series of residual minima, which represent fundamental changes to structural incentives governing the social division of welfare and work. The line between state and non-state provision has been blurred and there have been moves to achieve universalism in the private sector. It is possible to tentatively classify Labour's principles and fledgling policies into three categories: essential continuity with the Conservatives, reversing Conservative policies and extending Conservative policies. However, it is difficult to detect the degree of consensus because a new flexible language is beginning to pervade social policy, with the result that the welfare state is being redefined, notably in areas of full employment, citizenship and conditionality. It is possible to detect, in our terms, moves towards turning Beveridge inside out and from the Marshall towards the Beveridge welfare state. It is clear that the welfare state is being redefined, but reports of its death have been much exaggerated.  相似文献   

SincethereformandopeningupinChinatherehavebeenmajorchangesintheclassandstratificationstructureandinterestdistribution.Suchchangeshaveraisedmanyquestions.IsthesocietyPolarized?Isthereanewbourgeoisclass?Doesamiddleclassalreadyexist?Howshoulda"well-offmass"b…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.ThePrincipleofEnlightenmentandExistentialismasAnAvant-gardeLiteraryTrendTheavant-gardeandavant-gardeliteraturehavebeenlongandwidelytalkedaboutbycriticsasaphenomenoninpoetryandfictionwritingincontemporaryChina.Idonotmeantofollowothercriticsinstudyingindividualschools,groupsorphenomena,butwillexaminetheseandotherrelatedphenomenaasaninterrelated,interdependentandcross-transformingunity,atrendtowardnoveltyandchangethatexiststhroughouttheprofoundhistoricaltransformationofliteratureinconte…  相似文献   

IThe Class Monitor (Banzhuren ) marked a new era in Chineseliterature, and is significant as the first indicator of the intellectualawakening of writers as the creative subject. As the nation denounced the"Gang of Four" who plotted to seize the highest authority, writersreflected in their works of fiction that the worst disaster was the loss ofindividuality and creativity. This sober, reasonable judgement madefiction appear to shine with rationality amidst the emotional upheavals ofthe time.…  相似文献   

One of the major contradictions con- fronting Chinese rural areas today is the con- stant increase in farmers' individual needs and the equally rapid growth in their public needs on the one hand, and on the other the double shortage of private and public goods. As a low-income group, individual farmers bear too much of the burden of supplying public goods and have to put their limited funds into the production of public goods. As a result, not only have they not solved the problem of shortage of public goods,  相似文献   

Chencun is a traditional agricultural natural village situated in southern Hubei Province. Domestic contradictions in this village are of the following main types: in extended families, contradictions caused by household division, support payments for parents and disputes surrounding marriage issues; in nuclear families, daily quarrels between husband and wife.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Hong Kong is now at the crossroads of its journey towards social policy development. While economic development still seems to be the unwavering objective of the Hong Kong government, the demand for democracy and social development can no longer be ignored because of a strong civil society fostered by economic success. The current state of affairs provides a window of opportunity for the Hong Kong government to strengthen its legitimacy through the development of social policy and to promote social harmony through inclusivity in social welfare. The findings from the present empirical survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia‐Pacific Studies (HKIAPS) in 2010 demonstrate that Hong Kong people identified social harmony as the main direction for social development, closely followed by economic development, and democracy and freedom. Respondents who chose social harmony as the main goal of social development were more likely to take a step back and find common ground when fighting for their own rights or the rights of society. This paper concludes that these findings reflect the crucial importance of taking social harmony into consideration in the social policy development process.  相似文献   

Aninternationalsymposiumon"ReflectionsontheHistoryofChineseLiterature"washeldfrom13to15October1995inHongKongandhostedbytheDepartmentofHumanities,HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology.AmongthosewhoattendedthesymposiumwerescholarsfromthemainlandofChina,t…  相似文献   

I.The"Roots-seeking"TideandChine8eMythicalIma9eryAfterthe"culturalrevolution,"theliteratureofthel98Osaddresseditselftotheirnportantquestionofremolding"nativeimagery,"whichwasdirectlyrelatedtoestablishingthesubjectivityofthecontemporaryego,andthereforeclos…  相似文献   

钱谷融先生在20世纪五十年代撰文指出,高尔基建议把文学叫做“人学”,于是认为最早提出“文学是人学”命题的是高尔基;进入21世纪后,钱先生又说,“文学是人学”的发明权应归属于泰纳。本文认为:事实上,高尔基未曾提出过“文学是人学”的建议,泰纳也没有作过“文学是人学”的完整表达。不过,尽管如此,钱谷融先生在20世纪五十年代的政治与文学生态中,能提出“文学是人学”的命题,并阐释文学的“人性”品格,这既需要勇气,也需要才情,更具有非凡的意义。因此,在后来半个多世纪的文学创作和研究中,这一提法产生了极其巨大的积极影响和作用。不过,也应该看到,“文学是人学”这一命题缺乏其自圆其说的学理性依据,尤其站在新的世纪,以更高的标准对这一命题进行审视,其存在的局限性也是较为明显的,这就是:人是文学描写的中心,而不是文学描写对象的全部;人是评价文学的一个尺度,并不是评价文学的唯一尺度。文学还应遵循文学自身的特殊规律  相似文献   

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