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基于情绪劳动理论,建立多层线性模型,对股份制商业银行柜台服务人员的情绪劳动、情绪状态和员工工作退缩行为之间的关系进行实证研究,并探讨了性别对这一多层次内在关系的调节作用。研究结果表明,情绪劳动策略在个体内部以及个体之间存在差异,积极情绪状态能够调节浅层行为、深层行为和工作退缩行为之间的关系,并且这种调节作用存在性别差异;但消极情绪状态对情绪劳动和工作退缩行为不具备显著调节作用。  相似文献   

The product life cycle (PLC) has represented a central element of marketing theory for four decades. Following its development in the 1950s, and its subsequent popularization in the 1960s, it has remained a stable feature of marketing teaching; despite evidence of its limited applicability and the growing awareness, amongst leading academics at least, of its flawed nature. This paper critically re-examines its practical value in the light of the 20-year history of 929 brands spread across 150 fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) markets in the UK. The main conclusion is that the ‘life cycle’ of the brand leaders is indeed more stable, and much longer, than some of the previous work might have suggested; and that the PLC would have predicted. As a credible aid to marketing decisions the brand life cycle is, therefore, of little value in the majority of FMCG markets - and cannot justify its long-held position as a theory that has general practical applicability across the whole field of marketing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical review of the theoretical basis and empirical evidence for the popular practitioner idea that there are generational differences in work values. The concept of generations has a strong basis in sociological theory, but the academic empirical evidence for generational differences in work values is, at best, mixed. Many studies are unable to find the predicted differences in work values, and those that do often fail to distinguish between ‘generation’ and ‘age’ as possible drivers of such observed differences. In addition, the empirical literature is fraught with methodological limitations through the use of cross‐sectional research designs in most studies, confusion about the definition of a generation as opposed to a cohort, and a lack of consideration for differences in national context, gender and ethnicity. Given the multitude of problems inherent in the evidence on generational differences in work values, it is not clear what value the notion of generations has for practitioners, and this may suggest that the concept be ignored. Ultimately, it may not matter to practitioners whether differences in the values of different birth cohorts reflect true generational effects, provided one can reliably demonstrate that these differences do exist. However, at present this is not the case, and therefore significant research is required first to disentangle cohort and generational effects from those caused by age or period. The suggestion that different groups of employees have different values and preferences, based on both age and other factors such as gender, remains a useful idea for managers; but a convincing case for consideration of generation as an additional distinguishing factor has yet to be made.  相似文献   

协商理论方法的综述(上)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统地综述j协商理论与方法中的一些基本问题和研究状况,评述7相关文献,从几个方面提出协商理论与方法的发展趋势,特别指出效用偏好协商理论与方法和多目标协商理论与方法及其结合可能是协商理论与方法今后研究的主要领域,不完全信息问题是各种协商理论与方法研究的重要内容.全文分上下两篇.这里是上篇.  相似文献   

Earlier work with decision trees identified nonseparability as an obstacle to minimizing the conditional expected value, a measure of the risk of extreme events, by the well-known method of averaging out and folding back. This first of two companion papers addresses the conditional expected value that is defined as the expected outcome assuming the exceedance of a threshold β, where β is preselected by the decision maker. An approach is proposed to overcome the need to evaluate all policies in order to identify the optimal policy. The approach is based on the insight that the conditional expected value is separable into two constituent elements of risk and can thus be optimized along with other objectives, including the unconditional expected value of the outcome, by using a multiobjective decision tree. An example of sequential decision making for improving highway capacity is given.  相似文献   

Work motivation theories and research have tended to focus either on individual motivation, ignoring contextual influences of team processes on individuals, or on team motivation, ignoring individual differences within the team. Redressing these limited, single-level views of motivation, we delineate a theoretical multilevel model of motivated behavior in teams. First, we conceptualize motivational processes at both the individual and team levels, highlighting the functional similarities in these processes across levels of analysis. We then delineate a set of theoretical propositions regarding the cross-level interplay between individual and team motivation, and antecedents and outcomes of individual and team motivation. Finally, we discuss the implications of our theoretical model for future research and managerial practices.  相似文献   

以多元雇佣工作群体为研究对象,探讨了雇佣身份断层的内涵及状态;并依据扎根理论研究方法,通过访谈22名来自不同企业的11个多元雇佣工作群体的正式工和派遣工,探索了雇佣身份断层的激活因素.研究结果表明,激活雇佣身份断层的3个核心群体情境因素为人力资源政策差异、非正式员工的雇佣政策(包括雇佣期限和雇佣身份转换机制)和人际关系氛围.其中,人力资源政策差异和非正式员工的雇佣期限对雇佣身份断层有直接激活效应,雇佣身份转换机制和人际关系氛围则对两者的激活效应起到调节作用,并且上述直接和间接激活作用都通过雇佣身份这一社会类别的显著性中介得以实现.  相似文献   

Risk ranking offers a potentially powerful means for gathering public input to help set risk-management priorities. In most rankings conducted to date, the categories and attributes used to describe the risks have varied widely, the materials and procedures have not been designed to facilitate comparisons among risks on all important attributes, and the validity and reproducibility of the resulting rankings have not been assessed. To address these needs, a risk-ranking method was developed in which risk experts define and categorize the risks to be ranked, identify the relevant risk attributes, and characterize the risks in a set of standardized risk summary sheets, which are then used by lay or other groups in structured ranking exercises. To evaluate this method, a test bed involving 22 health and safety risks in a fictitious middle school was created. This article provides an overview of the risk-ranking method and describes the challenges faced in designing the middle school test bed. A companion article in this issue reports on the validity of the ranking procedures and the level of agreement among risk managers regarding ranking of risks and attributes.  相似文献   

沪市认购权证与其标的股票价格走势的Granger因果检验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘洋  庄新田 《管理学报》2006,3(6):697-702
运用G ranger因果检验的方法,检验沪市6只认购权证与其标的股票之间的因果关系。分析结果表明:在大样本条件下,认购权证与其标的股票之间存在单向的G ranger因果关系,权证的价格走势影响其标的股票的价格走势,说明从长期来看,认购权证发挥了其潜在的投资杠杆的作用,其价值发现与风险对冲功能在市场中得到实现;在小样本条件下,认购权证与其标的股票之间不存在显著的G ranger因果关系,表明短期内权证与其标的股票价格走势相互独立,市场中有可能存在对权证投机炒作,人为放大权证的投资风险,使权证背离其正常的投资价值。  相似文献   

Marris  Claire  Langford  Ian H.  O'Riordan  Timothy 《Risk analysis》1998,18(5):635-647
This paper seeks to compare two frameworks which have been proposed to explain risk perceptions, namely, cultural theory and the psychometric paradigm. A structured questionnaire which incorporated elements from both approaches was administered to 129 residents of Norwich, England. The qualitative risk characteristics generated by the psychometric paradigm explained a far greater proportion of the variance in risk perceptions than cultural biases, though it should be borne in mind that the qualitative characteristics refer directly to risks whereas cultural biases are much more distant variables. Correlations between cultural biases and risk perceptions were very low, but the key point was that each cultural bias was associated with concern about distinct types of risks and that the pattern of responses was compatible with that predicted by cultural theory. The cultural approach also provided indicators for underlying beliefs regarding trust and the environment; beliefs which were consistent within each world view but divergent between them. An important drawback, however, was that the psychometric questionnaire could only allocate 32% of the respondents unequivocally to one of the four cultural types. The rest of the sample expressed several cultural biases simultaneously, or none at all. Cultural biases are therefore probably best interpreted as four extreme world views, and a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies would generate better insights into who might defend these views in what circumstances, whether there are only four mutually exclusive world views or not, and how these views are related to patterns of social solidarity, and judgments on institutional trust.  相似文献   

高勇 《领导科学》2001,(23):22-22
改革的深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,繁荣了农村经济,活跃了农民的思想,在很大程度上推动了农村社会的进步,但同时也使农村基层党组织建设工作面临着一些新情况和新问题,迫切要求以江泽民同志"三个代表"重要思想为指导及时加以解决,实现理论创新与工作创新的互动发展.  相似文献   

The theory of continuous time games (Simon and Stinchcombe (1989), Bergin and MacLeod (1993)) shows that continuous time interactions can generate very different equilibrium behavior than conventional discrete time interactions. We introduce new laboratory methods that allow us to eliminate natural inertia in subjects' decisions in continuous time experiments, thereby satisfying critical premises of the theory and enabling a first‐time direct test. Applying these new methods to a simple timing game, we find strikingly large gaps in behavior between discrete and continuous time as the theory suggests. Reintroducing natural inertia into these games causes continuous time behavior to collapse to discrete time‐like levels in some settings as predicted by subgame perfect Nash equilibrium. However, contra this prediction, the strength of this effect is fundamentally shaped by the severity of inertia: behavior tends towards discrete time benchmarks as inertia grows large and perfectly continuous time benchmarks as it falls towards zero. We provide evidence that these results are due to changes in the nature of strategic uncertainty as inertia approaches the continuous limit.  相似文献   

今天,我们在这里召开座谈会,纪念<组工通讯>创刊30周年,温故知新、继往开来,是一件很有意义的事情.  相似文献   

This paper takes steps toward integrating firm theory in the spirit of Alchian and Demsetz (1972) and Grossman and Hart (1986), contract theory in the spirit of Holmstrom (1979), and general equilibrium theory in the spirit of Arrow and Debreu (1954) and McKenzie (1959). In the model presented here, the set of firms that form and the contractual arrangements that appear, the assignments of agents to firms, the prices faced by firms for inputs and outputs, and the incentives to agents are all determined endogenously at equilibrium. Agents choose consumption—but they also choose which firms to join, which roles to occupy in those firms, and which actions to take in those roles. Agents interact anonymously with the (large) market, but strategically within the (small) firms they join. The model accommodates moral hazard, adverse selection, signaling, and insurance. Equilibria may be Pareto ranked.  相似文献   

This paper explores why and how sexuality intertwines with gender in the organizational context of academic institutions. Drawing on insights from the work of psychoanalyst post‐structuralist feminists Luce Irigaray, Hélène Cixous and Julia Kristeva, we explore the institutionalized abjection of the real and imagined (woman's) body as the root cause of her relative exclusion from knowledge (creation) and her subordinate position in it. The project is analytical as well as political: it both unravels and opposes the ways gender is superimposed on sexuality and how we as academics might collude, legitimize and perpetuate and gendered sexualized (and therefore exclusionary) ways of organizing in/of society. The findings of an empirical study of a sample of women academics in management and business schools in England are discussed in the light of the proposed theory.  相似文献   

A radiological dispersion device (RDD) or "dirty" bomb is a conventional explosive wrapped in radiological material. Terrorists may use an RDD to disperse radioactive material across a populated area, causing casualties and/or economic damage. Nearly all risk assessment models for RDDs make unrealistic assumptions about public behavior in their health assessments, including assumptions that the public would stand outside in a single location indefinitely. In this article, we describe an approach for assessing the risks of RDD events incorporating both physical dispersion and behavioral response variables. The general approach is tested using the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study. Atmospheric models simulate an RDD attack and its likely fallout, while radiation exposure models assess fatal cancer risk. We model different geographical distributions of the population based on time of day. We evaluate aggregate health impacts for different public responses (i.e., sheltering-in-place, evacuating). We find that current RDD models in use can be improved with the integration of behavioral components. Using the results from the model, we show how risk varies across several behavioral and physical variables. We show that the best policy to recommend to the public depends on many different variables, such as the amount of trauma at ground zero, the capability of emergency responders to get trauma victims to local hospitals quickly and efficiently, how quickly evacuations can take place in the city, and the amount of shielding available for shelterers. Using a parametric analysis, we develop behaviorally realistic risk assessments, we identify variables that can affect an optimal risk reduction policy, and we find that decision making can be improved by evaluating the tradeoff between trauma and cancer fatalities for various RDD scenarios before they occur.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to illustrate how personal construct psychology and repertory grids (Kelly, 1955) can be used to produce cognitive maps, and to analyse psychological adjustment during the transition from university to employment. Cognitive maps are based on the principal component analysis of repertory grid data and provide a visual representation of the way in which the subjects see themselves in relation to other people, and in relation to their constructs. The cognitive maps produced by two graduates shortly after entry in employment and 6 months later are analysed and compared in order to identify trends of personal change. The case studies show that the analysis of the cognitive maps provides some valuable insights into the way in which graduates change their construction of themselves and of their work environment during the period of transition. The trends of change highlighted by the cognitive maps are discussed in the light of personal construct psychology concepts such as individuality, invalidation, fragmentation, and the mutual relationships between one's construction of oneself and one's construction of others.  相似文献   

Trust is an important factor in risk management. There is little agreement among researchers, however, on how trust in risk management should be studied. Based on a comprehensive review of the trust literature a "dual-mode model of social trust and confidence" is proposed. Trust and confidence are separate but, under some circumstances, interacting sources of cooperation. Trust is based on value similarity, and confidence is based on performance. According to our model, judging similarity between an observer's currently active values and the values attributed to others determines social trust. Thus, the basis for trust is a judgment that the person to be trusted would act as the trusting person would. Interpretation of the other's performance influences confidence. Both social trust and confidence have an impact on people's willingness to cooperate (e.g., accept electromagnetic fields or EMF in the neighborhood). The postulated model was tested in the applied context of EMF risks. Structural equation modeling procedures and data from a random sample of 1,313 Swiss citizens between 18 and 74 years old were used. Results indicated that after minor modifications the model explained the data very well. In the applied context of EMF risks, both trust and confidence had an impact on cooperation. Results suggest that the dual-mode model of social trust and confidence could be used as a common framework in the field of trust and risk management. Practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Public posting of employee performance data has been utilized in many work settings to affect a variety of work-related behaviors. Business applications of performance posting, including studies using goal setting and intangible incentives in combination with the performance posting interventions are reviewed. The review indicates that performance posting is an effective feedback intervention for improving employee performance. It was also found that many possible confounds such as training, instructions, self-recording, threats of dismtssal, and increases in social/coworker interaction may contribute to the overall positive effects of public posting on employee performance.  相似文献   

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