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明明 《当代老年》2011,(12):49-49,55
1、身子只有丈二高,满身长节不长毛,下身穿着绿绸裤,头戴珍珠红绒帽。2、你说奇怪不奇怪,头顶长出胡子来,解开衣衫肴一霸,金珠银珠揣满怀。  相似文献   

陈果 《中外书摘》2014,(8):50-51
2014年1月9日星期四晴一亿元港币,这是震后第三日,“中国首善”邵逸夫为芦山地震灾区捐出的款额。三天前,叱咤娱乐圈半个多世纪的邵逸夫驾鹤西游。“企业家的最高境界是慈善家”,同他充满传奇的一生那样,邵逸夫生前留下的这一句话,这些天来被人们一次次提起,并作为对他最好但绝不会是最后的缅怀与致敬。  相似文献   

正来到村里我习惯叫她93妹,学新闻,有理想。她是1993年生人,瘦长瘦长的身子,小巧精致的五官,长发飘飘笑容浅浅,长裙背包帆布鞋,是那种校园里随处可见的邻家小妹妹。生在一座慢节奏的城,长在一个呵护备至的家,即将毕业的时候收获了爱,一个年长的男友,给了她选择留在北京的最好理由。  相似文献   

2011年8月7日,12位来自河北唐县、平山和藁城的孩子,身着统一的亮橙色上衣,—脸兴奋地出现在北京天安门广场。在这支特殊的队伍当中一名外国中年男子格外引人注目,他名叫John Alvamz,是这些孩子的“头”。2005年,来自美国的John和妻子Belinda在河北唐县的庄头村度过中国传统的春节,被朴实、宁静的乡村氛围所打动,便决定留下来支援村里的青少年教育。  相似文献   

生育孩子对于一个健康男人而言,本是再正常不过的事,但是他却连连受挫。愤然将妻子告上法庭后,他其实只想说一句话:无奈:漂亮爱人不肯怀孕在朋友和同事的眼里,杜丛超幸福得简直过了头,用一个哥们儿的话说“好工作、好收入、好老婆,天底下的好事都让这小子占了”。最让哥们儿羡慕的是,杜丛超在而立之年还能娶到像沈梦箩那样娇小可人、容貌甜美的妻子。  相似文献   

宫铃 《中外书摘》2011,(1):84-85
曾经接受《新京报》专访时,我说“北京是一个农村氛围的城市”。这篇报道引来潮水般的挞伐,都说,“你这个台湾女人凭什么污蔑北京?”我很是意外,不理解农村怎么就“污蔑”了。后来我才知道,原来,农村这个概念,两岸大不同。  相似文献   

山西省武乡县蟠龙镇砖壁村的李克斌、关先芳夫妇做梦都没有想到,5月30日这天,自己的农家小院会迎来一位特殊的客人——山西省委书记袁纯清。在这之前,李克斌只在电视新闻中看到过省委书记的形象。  相似文献   

<正>15岁的儿子身高1.75米,遗传了我和他爸的优点,长相非常俊俏。加上我们给他买的衣服都很时尚,他在学校回头率很高。前不久他在学校论坛上被选为"校草",这下自我感觉更好了。他开始热切关注时尚,天天琢磨着怎么穿衣搭配,剪个头发都还挑地方。我们让他以学业为重,儿子竟然说:"大家都说我长得像黄晓明,天生就是要当明星的!当明星不用学习,  相似文献   

她是一名博士生。她去美国深造,但却没进校门,而是踏踏实实地在农场当了半年的农民。  相似文献   

贾大衍 《老年人》2006,(6):17-17
传说古罗马有位皇帝,常派人观察第二天就要被送上竞技场与猛兽空手搏斗的死刑犯,看他们在等死的前一夜有怎样的表现。如果发现有呼呼大睡者,便在第二天将其释放,再训练成军中猛将。见微知著,人的胆略、胸怀、气度、德操,是可以从细微处看出来的。处变不惊、临危不惧、遇事不慌,  相似文献   

大学生“村官”研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学生“村官”问题是近年来党和政府、社会及学界非常关注的热点问题。学界对这一问题已经开始了积极的探索,并有了初步的研究成果,但目前尚处于研究的初级阶段。在对这些成果进行系统总结的基础上,简要评析总体研究现状,并指出当前亟待进行深入研究的问题,以期为进一步的研究及相关政策的制定提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

张义琼是贵州省三都水族自治县一位土生土长的苗族妇女。经过多年潜p学习积累,她研发出了独一无二的蜡染不脱色技术,并申请了国家专利。她还创办了贵州亘蓝母图民族布艺蜡染开发有限公司,带动5000多户农民种植蓝靛,帮助周边妇女姐妹通过蜡染这一技之长,创造属于自己的幸福生活。  相似文献   

解决目前大学生村官存在的问题特别是出路问题,不仅关系到政策的贯策落实,也关系到大学生村官本人的前途与发展,文章在探索当前大学生发展面临的困境基础上,提出解决对策.  相似文献   

Economies of scale and increased mobility have led to the closure of many village facilities. Most residents do not rely on locally available facilities anymore for their primary function. However, facilities are also meeting places. A decline in facilities may therefore negatively influence residents' social place attachment. This article examines which facilities impact residents' social place attachment. It also explores whether different facilities impact the social place attachment of different groups of residents differently. In our analyses, we make a distinction between rural areas near and away from urban areas. Based on structural equation modeling, we conclude that in rural areas, both near and away from cities, cafés and supermarkets may well matter for residents' social attachment. In contrast to common expectations, community centers, primary schools, and sports facilities were not shown to enhance social place attachment. Considering the increasing self‐reliance of local communities, these findings raise doubts about the use of public services to revitalize local communities.  相似文献   

促进农村生源大学生就业的对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于大学生就业难的状况存在多年,作为大学生中的相对弱势的群体——农村生源大学生就业更困难。在社会主义新农村建设背景下,在新农村建设人才短缺和大学生就业难并存的态势下,通过转变就业观念、制度创新和人才资源的有效配置等探索,引导鼓励农村生源大学生参与新农村建设,到农村去就业创业,赢取人生。这既是促进就业的现实选择,也是加快新农村建设的重要举措,对大学生和农村来说是双赢的。  相似文献   

In the present century, the advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) are changing the various components of human life. The changes in the ICTs have brought a positive impact in the process of public service delivery and socio-economic structure of communities. In India, e-Governance applications in the recent past have demonstrated their positive impact in minimizing the processing costs, increase transparency and support economic development by income generating ventures, increase in agricultural production, and improvements in health and education sectors, all of which promote the overall quality of life of rural people. This paper reviews the e-Governance initiative called the Warana Wired Village Project in the rural areas of Maharashtra, India. It evaluates the contribution of Warana Project in providing the transactional services for the rural people with the benefit of time and cost savings in obtaining the public services with efficiency and effectiveness and it also examines changes in agricultural productivity and improved quality of life due to the ICT services.
Venkatamallu ThadaboinaEmail:

为了深入贯彻落实习近平总书记2021年2月3日至5日在贵州考察调研时的重要讲话精神,支持少数民族和民族地区发展特色优势产业,传承发展民族传统文化,弘扬工匠精神,助力乡村振兴,进一步激发广大妇女创新创造活力,培育妇女手工人才,搭建资源对接平台,推动妇女手工高质量发展,2021年6月-12月,全国妇联与工业和信息化部、文化和旅游部、乡村振兴局、贵州省人民政府共同举办了第二届中国妇女手工创新创业大赛。  相似文献   

Land grabbing in relation to boom-crop production or nature conservation triggers displacement and dispossession of local communities as well as rural resistance often culminating in violent conflicts over land. In Indonesia, company-initiated oil palm production on debatable territories also stimulates migration into these contested rural areas by individual farmers who seek to become part of the boom-crop economy. Based on discussions on land grabbing and land rights this article deals with the appropriation of land by independent migrant farmers and their role as another new party in conflicts over land. The role of rural migrants in land conflicts in Jambi Province, Sumatra is shown through two case studies. The case studies highlight the importance of customary local elites and their strategic employment of social identity and political authority to facilitate land seekers’ access to contested land. The local elites transcend conceptual boundaries to generate a profitable counter-business with a set of individual stakeholders and brokers who profit from the dispossession of the masses. The case studies reveal that the migrants’ presence is essential to rural resistance and a contested resource of economic and political benefit to various stakeholders at the same time.  相似文献   

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