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乡村文化的发展与振兴是乡村振兴战略的灵魂所在,应充分认识乡村文化振兴的价值意蕴。乡村文化振兴是乡村振兴的题中应有之意,是消除农民精神贫困的必然要求,也是推动城乡文化平衡发展的有力举措。一些地区乡村文化发展生动力不足的,公共文化设施建设滞后,人民文化生活空心化现象严重;因此,要针对现实问题创新解决措施:鼓励发展具有本土特色的文化创意设计,注重乡村公共文化设施建设,传承并创造性发展乡村优秀文化,可保障乡村文化建设有效实施,全面推进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

党的十九大明确提出乡村振兴战略要按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的总体要求实施,而乡风文明是乡村振兴的保障。今年全国两会期间,习近平总书记提出要推动乡村文化振兴。推动乡村文化振兴,就需要对乡村文化进行传承与创新,充分认识乡村文化在乡村振兴中的重要意义,明确乡村文化存在的问题以及传承与创新乡村文化需要遵循的基本原则,进而寻求解决措施。  相似文献   

政策输入、代际整合与乡村振兴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在农民工"返乡潮"背景下,农村青年返乡妇女在推动乡村振兴上发挥重要作用。对农村青年返乡妇女的研究发现,农村青年返乡妇女一方面得益于国家政策输入到农村的实践,她们在教育、就业及个体权利等方面得到了全面保障;另一方面通过代际资源整合使农村青年返乡妇女在产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴和组织振兴中的作用日益凸显,已成为推动乡村振兴的重要力量。这一现象并不是乡村振兴进程中某一特定影响因素推动的结果,而是在国家政策输入、代际资源整合中农村家庭从传统向现代化变迁的结果。  相似文献   

为厘清乡村文化振兴与乡村振兴之间的关系,提升乡村振兴与乡村历史文化振兴的并轨发展,并形成有效、可靠的循环发展体系,刺激乡村形成更加立体的发展体系,以乡村文化振兴对于乡村振兴的意义为基点,以当前乡村文化振兴构成要素为着力点,探究基于乡村振兴的乡村文化振兴路径,望对该领域发展注入鲜明的动力.  相似文献   

仇悦萍 《现代交际》2012,(12):21+20
党的十七届五中全会提出,文化是一个民族的精神和灵魂,是国家发展和民族振兴的强大力量.要推动文化大发展大繁荣、提升国家文化软实力,推进文化创新,增强文化发展活力,繁荣发展文化事业和文化产业,推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业.本文将围绕文化创意产业对经济的作用,结合吉林地区经济发展状况,以文化创意产业促进传统产业跃升发展方面进行论述.  相似文献   

<正>乡村振兴战略是2017年10月习总书记在十九大报告中做出的重要战略举措。其中在2018年2月国家发改委编制的《乡村振兴战略规划(2018—2022年)》中明确提出了要保护利用乡村传统文化、重塑乡村文化生态、发展乡村特色文化产业,集中体现了在乡村振兴战略中文化振兴的重要性,其中民间文学是乡村文化振兴的重要组成部分。民间文学是民众在生活文化和生活世界里传承、传播、共享的口头传统和语辞艺术。鲁迅先生对民间文学有颇高的评价,“乡民的本领并不亚于大文豪”,因为无数优秀的民间文学作品都是乡民世代相传的宝贵文化资源,是建立中华民族文化自信,实现乡村振兴战略的重要途径。  相似文献   

2021年是较为特殊的一年,不仅是"十四五"的开端,还是全面推进乡村振兴的关键年。我国正处于脱贫工作的关键时期,而乡村振兴战略作为长期战略部署仍处于起步阶段。在脱贫工作的基础上,采取科学、有效的方式,加强与乡村振兴战略的融合,不仅能够加快农村的发展步伐,还可以对我国"两个一百年"目标的奋斗提供支持。  相似文献   

阅读能够助力乡村文化振兴、乡村教育振兴和乡村产业发展。通过调查乡村阅读现状发现,目前我国的乡村阅读普遍不足,其原因主要是政府对乡村阅读推广工作的重视程度不够、基层文化部门的服务和宣传不足、乡村居民阅读需求和积极性较低。为了推动乡村阅读以助力乡村振兴,政府应建立长效的阅读推广保障机制,基层文化部门应将乡村阅读活动常态化开展,乡村图书馆则应创新读者服务模式,借助区域联盟寻求乡村阅读推广合作,发挥志愿者作用,定期开展乡村阅读问卷调查,加强乡村网络建设及数字阅读推广。  相似文献   

汪海娟 《职业》2011,(24):153-154
今年发布的十二五规划首次用一个大观点来陈述文化在民族发展中的重要作用:"文化是一个民族的精神和灵魂,是国家发展和民族振兴的强大力量,必须坚持社会主义先进文化前进方向,弘扬中华文化,建设和谐文化,发展文化事业和文化产业,满足人民群众不断增长的精神文化需求,充分发挥文化引导社会、教育人民、推动发展的功能,建设中华民族共有精神家园,增强民族凝聚力和创造力。”职业教育担负着全民族新兴产业工人和高级蓝领的教育责任,也应该担负起弘扬民族文化的社会责任和民族责任。  相似文献   

<正>一、引言乡村振兴战略打开了我国乡村地区发展的新局面,由“乡村向城镇单向转移”逐步向“城镇乡村协调发展”转型。2021年中央一号文件《中共中央国务院关于全面推进乡村振兴加快农业农村现代化的意见》中指出继续把公共基础设施建设的重点放在农村,建立城乡公共资源均衡配置机制,  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine children’s education financing alternatives among households in rural China. Data on education financing was from a household survey conducted in three poverty villages in Guizhou, China. The difference in financing education by households was verified through non-parametric testing. Findings show that private savings is dominant in financing education of children in school. Formal loans are almost absent even in the highest wealth group examined. The findings implied that the extension of financial services to children’s education could motivate parents to send their children for more education, increase disposable income of rural households by reducing precautionary savings, and provide better-educated labors in rural China.  相似文献   

China launched a pension program for rural residents in 2009, now covering more than 300 million Chinese. This program offers a unique setting for studying the ageing population, given the rapidity of China’s population ageing, traditions of filial piety and co-residence, decreasing number of children, and dearth of formal social security, at a relatively low income level. This paper examines whether receipt of the old-age pension payment equips elderly parents and their adult children to live apart and whether parents substitute children’s time involved in instrumental support to them with service consumption. Employing a regression discontinuity design to a primary longitudinal survey conducted in Guizhou province of China, this paper overcomes challenges in the literature that households eligible for pension payment might be systematically different from ineligible households and that it is difficult to separate the effect of pension from that of age or cohort heterogeneity. Around the pension eligibility age cut-off, results reveal large and significant reduction in intergenerational co-residence of the extended family and increase in service consumption among elderly parents.  相似文献   


This article juxtaposes two photographic projects to illustrate ways of perceiving everyday space in contemporary China: on the one hand, ‘Silvermine Project’ (2009–2013), by French collector and editor Thomas Sauvin, recycles a vast collection of abandoned film negatives from the 1980s to the early 2000s, and subsequently ‘curates’ these amateur images into the frame of a quasi-ethnographic approach. On the other hand, Hong Kong photographer Dustin Shum’s ‘Themeless Parks’ (2008) presents a series images of public parks in Chinese cities and towns. The two projects propose different readings of the ‘postsocialist’ condition in contemporary China. While the domestic shots curated by Sauvin actively mobilise individual and national identities in private and public spaces, Shum’s compositions of shape, colour and architectural density reveal a highly orchestrated ‘China’ that pre-empts the emergence of an individual identity. This paper analyses the textual articulations of individuality, space, and temporality in the two projects.  相似文献   

湘西苗族鼓舞作为第一批国家级非物质文化遗产项目,具有悠久的历史,凝聚了苗族人民的智慧,具有独特的艺术形式与无穷的魅力。  相似文献   

Yuan Gong 《Cultural Studies》2020,34(3):442-465

This essay explores European football’s cross-cultural appeals in China by focusing on Chinese fans’ active readings of this globalized cultural text. Using analytical tools from both sport sociology and transnational reception studies, I understand Chinese urban middle-class supporters as a reflexive audience whose meaning-making of European football is contextualized in their local urban experience. The in-depth interviewing reveals that these fans’ interpretations of their favourite European football teams as symbols of ‘collective cooperation’ and ‘beautiful football’ produce critical reflections on the discourses of ‘competitive individualism’ and ‘utilitarian commercialism’ which are part of the rising ideology during China’s neoliberal reform. Through the comparison among European football, Chinese football, and popular ‘national’ sports in China, the participants further contest the prevalence of these discourses in China’s broader economic and social arrangements over which they are engaged in constant material struggles. I further discuss how the transnational consumption of European football offers the Chinese urban middle-class a symbolic space to project their reflexivity on the reforming process.  相似文献   

The Internet has potential as a tool for propagation of minority cultures and identities. As China is a multi-ethnic, multilingual society, people of varying cultural backgrounds and across the Chinese diaspora may be found participating in Chinese language sites. However, little attention has been paid to the separate online activity among any of China’s 55 officially recognized ethnic minority groups, such as the Uyghurs, especially in their native languages. In this paper, we consider in what ways digital media such as interactive online community forums (UY: munbar) may be used by one ethnic group, Uyghurs, as a means of mobilizing their community to preserve their culture and support their community. As the majority ethnic group within a region of China noted as among China’s most politically sensitive, Uyghur use of computer-mediated communication provides a rich source of study.  相似文献   

党的十九届四中全会提出,构建基层社会治理新格局。2019年11月,全国妇联主席沈跃跃在上海市调研时强调,要围绕中心服务大局,充分发挥妇联组织在基层社会治理中的积极作用。在基层,各地各级妇联组织扎根到妇女群众中,带动妇女姐妹一起做妇女工作,亮点纷呈。全面把握十九届四中全会对妇女工作提出的新要求新任务,不断加强基层妇联组织建设、提高基层队伍能力、活跃基层工作、强化基层服务,各地妇联正与广大妇女姐妹一起,为构建基层社会治理新格局作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

一支铅笔、一个书包、一句暖心的话语、一份用心的陪伴,就能为留守儿童和困境儿童带去关爰与温暖。由全国妇联、教育部等部门联合开展的“把爱带回家”双百万结对寒假特别行动,把爰的阳光洒进了孩子们心间。  相似文献   

This article studies the Miao classification as an example to examine the minzu shibie project initiated by the Chinese Communist Party after 1949. The Miao classification that originates with the minzu shibie project can be defined as a process of miaoicization; however, it is not a unified Miao group (as projected by the classification team) that has emerged but rather one dominant Miao subgroup that defines the official Miao category in contemporary China. At the moment the most dominant Miao subgroup is the Hmu group in Southeast Guizhou. The overemphasis of Hmu sub-culture to represent all the Miao of China is related to the fact that over the last decades many important leaders in Guizhou have been Hmu. While all Hmu are sinicized to a certain extent, it seems that the Hmu at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale are most likely to be sinicized and to amalgamate with the Han majority.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork in China and Italy, this article examines the affective dimension of middle-class Chinese students’ youxue (travel and study) practices in Italy. With the liberalization of state policy in China’s self-funded study abroad market and the proliferation of educational intermediaries, youxue has become a special type of educational consumption that caters to the middle-class Chinese family’s desire for transnational mobility and cosmopolitan life styles. The blurring of the line between travel and study points to the open-ended and multi-linear nature of transnational student mobility. However, due to the limitations and pitfalls in international education policies in both the sending and the receiving countries, Chinese students’ youxue experiences in Italy are marked by notable contradictions between mobility and immobility, hopes and frustrations, self-appreciation and self-reproach.  相似文献   

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