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张案樵1948年参加革命,1958年支援边疆建设,由青岛来到内蒙古,1990年离休,时任内蒙古纺织科学研究所所长、高级工程师。 离休后的张景樵,仍坚持学习,关注国家的发展变化,在思想上、行动上与党和政府保持高度一致。  相似文献   

<正>像参天大树,为我遮风挡雨——这就是父亲,这就是母亲,这就是家。不幸的人,父母已远走,满怀的爱无处投递;幸运的人,父母健在,羊羔跪乳,乌鸦反哺。在"情感"版组推出"我的父亲母亲"名人专栏,邀请各领域名家、名人,以他们饱蘸激情的笔触,书写感人至深的父母情。如果你也有与父亲母亲难以忘怀的情感故事,欢迎来信来电,与大家分享至爱天伦。  相似文献   

颖子 《女性天地》2012,(10):24-26
因为文化、生活习惯等差异,法国儿媳赛琳娜在怀孕期间常和中国婆婆肖福平产生分歧。当犟媳妇遇到倔婆婆时,看中国婆婆如何打造快乐家庭。法国儿媳怀孕了,如何稳胎很头疼2011年8月,我的法国儿媳赛琳娜发现自己怀孕了,这对我们全家来说是件天大的喜事。我和老伴已是60多岁的人,早就盼着抱孙子。前些年,儿子盛兵一直在法国留学、工作,2009年底他才带赛琳娜回国,第二年10月两人结婚,婚后一直和我们住在长沙。  相似文献   

一众所周知,美国前总统里根曾受老年痴呆症(阿尔茨海默症)的折磨。在与老年痴呆症苦苦抗争10年后,他卧病在床,神志极不清醒,已经无法说话和自己进食,记忆力退化严重,甚至连自己的家人也辨认不出。全球每4秒就会有一位老人成为"痴呆"。老年性痴呆是一种中枢神经系统变性病,起病隐袭,病程呈慢性进行性。  相似文献   

为躲避炎热的夏天,今年6月30日晚,长沙71岁的退休教师邵凯丽和老伴彭沅以及其他6名亲朋组成的"避暑团"小分队乘坐火车先期抵达山东威海。随后几天,"避暑团"其他32名成员陆续分批抵达。之后的两个月,他们在威海东发老年公寓度过,待到天气转凉再一起返回长沙老家,而冬天来临前,他们还会结伴到海南过冬。  相似文献   

徐炯权 《老年人》2011,(4):14-16
他们因挑战青年女高音歌唱家龚琳娜演唱"神曲"《忐忑》而一炮蹿红,还能把各种经典老歌演唱成别有韵味的"忐忑"版。他们拥有全国上万粉丝,并频频被邀请上电视表演,成为媒体争相采访的对象。  相似文献   

生活在繁华的都市,当你经过一天的疲惫工作后,你需要一个让你身心放松的惬意空间。如果家是承载现代人身体与精神休憩的温馨居所,那么社区就是一个包容许多家庭温暖的大港湾。让生活在同一个社区里的人都感到快乐,是快乐社区的基本要求,但要真正做到这一点却很难,因为这不仅需要强大的产品硬件支持,更需要细致体贴的服务配合。在这方面,早安北京就是一个完美的典范,近日记者探访了这个150万平米的快乐社区,下面就从6个方面为大家揭秘早安北京的快乐绝招吧。  相似文献   

有过性经历的人,尤其是已婚者都会有同感:男女双方相处一至两年后,各种不协调的音符就会相继出现。对此,不管解决的方法怎样,有一点可以肯定,即爱情持续的热度和新鲜感,不能始终如一以一种方式存在和继续,爱情需要不断添加激情。那么,如何重新点燃两个人激情的火花,不致于使我们心目中理想、完美的"性"福被岁月磨平呢?对此,除了有必要建立一种健康、快乐的性观念外,对"性爱工程"实施一番改造,会给您的生活注入一股甘甜,增加些许新鲜。  相似文献   

依江宁 《职业》2014,(25):48-49
一个从大学毕业才两年的90后团队,看到了上班族踢球难找场子和球队的烦恼,顺势开发出一款帮助业余球员约球场的APP。凭借敏锐的眼光,小团队同样可以玩出大市场。短短一年多的时间内,他们就拿到了上百万的天使资金,并且签下深圳、广州等地的300多家球场,约球场的在线人数超过60万人,订场销售额达到上千万元。山穷水尽之处,自有灵感在深圳大学读书时,邱秋学的是文科专业,但他最大的爱好却是踢球和编程。大三的时候,  相似文献   

繁华都市里,许多邻里间的关系疏远而淡漠。然而在广州花都区天景花园,邻里之间用拼菜来应对城市冷漠症,他们拼出了和谐,拼出了美好,拼来了温暖与温隋!  相似文献   


The paper describes three related California family support program initiatives representing field experiments in program development and policy related to reducing adverse outcomes for vulnerable families through replicating known “best practices” models. The ways in which the three initiatives were affected by the context of implementation are used to demonstrate the difficulty both of identifying the “best” program models and the need for leadership at all levels in order to develop programs and policies, which achieve the intended effects.  相似文献   

This paper revisits core family support messages for social work practice in working with children and families, linking to findings from high-profile child protection cases in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Drawing on a comparative study where these identified practice messages were explored through the lens of testimony of family support workers in the UK and Ireland, these core messages are examined. Operating with hard-to-engage children and parents, we hear how families and family support worker colleagues now view the core functions of child and family work across both jurisdictions (Ireland and England). The authors argue that by naming a more detailed set of practices that are deemed as most useful by families, based on the benefits and challenges of intensive family support work, key messages arise that have major resonance for social work and multiagency practice into the future. A basic message from this study is that valuable lessons on engagement and intervention with families can be drawn for professionals by examining the practice elements of this group of paraprofessionals in the child and family arena. This paper adds to debates on the role of support and intervention in social work and family support work.  相似文献   

张浩 《科学发展》2012,(1):103-110
通过对北京、广东两省市城中村改造的成效、模式及经验的调研,着重总结两地经验对上海城中村改造工作的有益启示。同时,对上海城中村改造工作提出思考和建议:解放思想,着力破解城中村改造难题;从实际出发,创新相关支持政策;开展试点,做好政策储备;动态地调整上海土地利用总体规划。  相似文献   

This study examines the psychometric properties of a new self-report instrument to measure organisational connectedness (The Four-Dimensional Connectedness Scale; 4DCS) in two volunteer samples: state emergency service volunteers and volunteer ambulance workers. Confirmatory factor analyses in both studies supported the proposed four-factor structure of the 4DCS (other workers, recipients, task and values). In addition, confirmatory factor analyses showed that connectedness, commitment and engagement were separate constructs??a three-factor model with a Connectedness factor, a Commitment factor and an Engagement factor fitted best to the data. Moreover, hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that connectedness and engagement each shared unique variance with job satisfaction and intention to continue. The results confirm the factorial, discriminant and predictive validity of connectedness relative to engagement and commitment. It is concluded that the 4DCS has acceptable psychometric properties and that the instrument can be used to study volunteer wellbeing.  相似文献   

Despite a landmark High Court judgement in the area of child sexual abuse allegations (M and M, 1988), a major concern in such cases seems to be the fear that mothers use false accusations against fathers as ‘weapons’ in custody and contact cases. This paper seeks to examine the validity of such views as they apply to Western Australia. In particular, it examines the belief that false accusations are rampant; the questionable nature of ‘parental alienation syndrome’, the belief that young children's accounts of abuse lack credibility, and the ignoring of the effect of abuse itself on the nature of a child's testimony. The paper argues that the principle of ‘protection of the child's best interests’ should not necessarily be equated with the child having access, even supervised access, with a parent previously accused of having abused the child.  相似文献   

Questions are emerging regarding the usefulness and efficiency of the present ad hoc and haphazard manner of providing short courses in family therapy. This paper reports on the responses of 105 participants in different types of short seminar-workshops to a mailed, evaluation questionnaire. The characteristics of those attending, their expectations, reported satisfaction and changes in practice following attendance are explored. Felt needs for further training are also reported. Suggestions are made to consumers, organisers and leaders of courses and to all interested in family therapy training regarding possible future directions in short, informal course provision. The need for more detailed study to test out these suggestions and other issues raised is highlighted.  相似文献   

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