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西藏女性获评“十佳全国优秀科技工作者”;最具影响力商业女强人董明珠全球排名第五;世界第三例“三冻”试管婴儿在武汉成功孕育;章子怡获封亚洲最杰出女演员;  相似文献   

2011年11月8日,由全国妇联中国妇女发展基金会主办,中国女性智慧基金办公室、财智丽实业(上海)有限公司、学习型中国杂志承办,北京德善医药科技有限公司和三修堂生物科技发展有限公司等赞助的第二届“康乃尔”中国女性智慧公益论坛在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行。  相似文献   

党的十八届五中全会提出的新发展理念,成为当前和今后一个时期,我国女性发展的科学指南.以新发展理念为指导,不断增进女性发展的内生动力、科学方法、正确方向、显示路径以及前进目标.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展和综合国力的不断增强,科学技术越来越成为影响我国整体实力和世界影响力的关键因素。因此,加强对于我国科技发展的重视程度,不断促进我国科技发展至关重要。在我国科技发展的过程中,核心文化因素是非常重要的影响因素,在很大程度上决定了我国科技发展的程度,进而决定了我国综合实力的发展水平。因此,本研究便是从这个角度出发,对影响中国科技发展的核心文化因素进行简单的介绍和探讨,并将进一步说明核心文化因素对于我们的影响与启示。  相似文献   

在我国历史的长河的很长一段时间中,女性始终处于附属的地位。在回族的历史发展中,男性居于主导地位同样也占据了很长的时间。回族历史中男女双方的婚姻有一个思想沿边的过程。对于回族女性的婚姻观进行研究,有助于我们更好的了解回族女性,推动回族女性解放事业的发展。因此回族女性的婚姻观进行研究是很有必要的。  相似文献   

近年来,女性期刊发展迅猛,被人们称为“期刊业的宠儿”,目前我国规模较大经营成功的期刊多为女性期刊,每年新增期刊数量最多的也是女性期刊。本文就我国女性期刊的发展历史做了细致的概括,通过市场调查的方式,分别针对普通读者和期刊销售商设计了调查表,深入分析女性期刊的市场现状,并结合调查结果,分析了女性期刊未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

图书馆女性馆员的生存现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性馆员是图书馆事业发展的中坚力量,在馆员数量上占绝大多数,在图书馆工作中发挥着重要的作用,但由于受多方面因素的影响,女性馆员的地位、发展前途和经济收入与其职业不相对称。因此,应该采取多方面的措施,开展女性馆员继续教育的工作,促进女性馆员的职业发展。  相似文献   

本文首先从发展的历程和环境、产业形态与整体实力以及产业政策三个方面,对发达国家城市科技服务业发展的现状和动因作简要的总结;之后从发展现状、产业形态、地区分布等几个方面简述我国城市科技服务业发展概况;最后分析我国城市科技服务业存在的问题以及发达国家城市科技服务业发展对我国城市科技服务业发展的启示。  相似文献   

现代女性扮演着双重社会角色,她们既承担着工作的压力,也承担着大部分家庭负担。据智联招聘职场调查显示,77.6%的女性表示渴望事业与家庭之间的平衡,但62%的女性生活中工作占用的时间超过50%。伴随着女性在职场中承担越来越重要的角色,女性也将获得更为广阔的职业发展空间。  相似文献   

在网络游戏亚文化中,女性逐渐成为我国游戏市场重要的消费群体。以女性玩家为目标受众群体,设计、研发和运营的女性向游戏受到了女性消费市场的欢迎。目前国产女性向游戏的发展可以划分为起步阶段与成熟阶段,通过对多个具有代表性的游戏进行文本分析,研究从外形、性格、能力、社会身份四个维度归纳出不同阶段下国产女性向游戏所塑造的女性角色的总体特征。研究发现,随着国产女性向游戏的发展,其女性角色形象塑造呈现出从单一化、刻板化转向多元化、立体化的进步趋势,丰富和重构了以往游戏中的女性角色形象,对父权话语与男权文化提出了反抗。然而,现阶段女性向游戏对男性凝视和传统女性刻板印象的解构是初步且不完整的,它是对男权文化主导下的性别二元对立模式的一种协商式抵抗。  相似文献   

A review of studies of managed medical care demonstration programs for high-risk populations shows that, though there have been many such programs, they appear to have limited effects. Programs have often been characterized by conceptual inconsistency, about the nature of managed care, and limited goals, related mostly to cost savings. Program evaluations have often been methodologically weak. Insofar as the managed care programs have affected costs, medical care utilization patterns, or quality, the effects have been limited to subsets of the high-risk populations studied. Though managed care programs may have the same kinds of benefits for high-risk populations as they do for general working populations, they also entail substantial risk. Inferences from general to high-risk populations should be made cautiously and demonstration programs should be implemented only with careful attention to ethical, legal, and medical concerns.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents in Sierra Leone have suffered through a decade of catastrophic violence and dislocation resulting from a brutal civil war. Many have been forced to flee their villages and have found refuge in United Nations refugee camps in neighboring countries. These children have witnessed the torture, maiming, and murder of family, friends, and neighbors. Some have been forced to carry arms or to serve as domestic and sexual servants to predatory rebel combatants. All have confronted enormous hardship and loss. This paper identifies three coping strategies employed by adolescents in a large refugee camp. Implications for professional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着农村男性劳动力向城市转移,留守妇女成为农村生产的中坚力量。富有智慧的农村妇女组织起了合作社,将分散的劳动力集中起来,通过统一采购种植养殖原料、统—技术操作,统—生产、经营和销售,实现了合力增收、抱团致富的梦想!  相似文献   

This article engages debates about migrant integration by analyzing political trust and satisfaction in 24 European countries. The evidence suggests that first-generation migrants have the most positive attitudes, while native-origin and second-generation migrant-origin individuals have similar political trust and satisfaction scores. To explain these outcomes, I focus on the importance of subjective integration factors related to the stages of migration. I claim that first-generation migrants, who have gone through the disruptive process of changing countries, will have lower expectations and be more likely to have positive evaluations of the host society. In comparison, native-origin and second-generation migrant-origin individuals have been raised in the same society and are likely to share perspectives toward that society’s political institutions.  相似文献   

自从1957年第一个叙利亚库尔德政党建立以来,库尔德政党经过多次分化、重组和联盟,一直是叙利亚库尔德运动的主导力量。作为叙利亚库尔德人的代表,库尔德政党提出了维护库尔德人政治文化权利、承认库尔德人少数民族地位、给予库尔德民族一定程度自治等不同层面的政治要求。尽管长期以来受到政府的压制,而且-9当前叙利亚国内的反对派在民族问题上也存在分歧,但库尔德政党始终坚持要实现自己的政治要求。  相似文献   

当今时代,科技迅猛发展,文化与科技的融合日益紧密。原本非遗传承给人们最直观的感觉是“老”和“旧”,但在科技手段的赋能之下,不少非遗秒变成为新风尚。为了让年轻人更多地了解非遗文化,一些非遗项目采用科技手法赋予传统技艺新国潮的内核,使其表达、记录和传播的方式更为现代和多元。  相似文献   


The anti-immigration measures and xenophobic sentiments that have spread since the eruption of the financial crisis in 2008 have been significantly detrimental for immigrant survivors of intimate partner violence in the U.S. given that employment opportunities have declined, exploitative work conditions have worsened, immigration controls have increased, and nonprofit service provision have been under stress. Based on interviews with service providers across the nation, participant observation of networks of advocates of immigrant survivors, and an analysis of debates around the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, I present how these dire circumstances have been disadvantageous for immigrants and the movement to end violence against women. In theoretical terms, my research contributes to the body of literature of critical migration studies by linking such perspective with a feminist of color analysis of gender violence and pointing to the persistent strength of interrelated systems and practices of oppression and marginalization of Latin American immigrants and Latino/as in the U.S.  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in fertility-related behavior are examined in a community-based probability sample of 706 Mexican-American and 317 non-Hispanic white females aged 13 through 19 years. Mexican-Americans are more likely than whites to have had a live birth, but are no more likely to have been pregnant and are less likely to have had sexual intercourse. Sexually experienced Mexican-Americans, however, are twice as likely as whites to have been pregnant. Among those ever pregnant, Mexican-Americans are more likely to have had a live birth, while whites are more likely to have had an abortion. Ethnic differences remain strong when socioeconomic status and indicators of social instability are controlled statistically, lending more support to the "minority status" hypothesis than to the "characteristics" hypothesis concerning the fertility-related behavior of minority group members.  相似文献   

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