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For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Agresti (1988) introduced a model having the structure of uniform association plus a main-diagonal parameter. This paper extends that model. The extended model has the structure of uniform association plus two-diagonals-parameter, and it is a special case of the quasi-uniform association model introduced by Goodman (1979). The Danish occupational mobility table data are analyzed using the models introduced here.  相似文献   

Using local kappa coefficients, we develop a method to assess the agreement between two discrete survival times that are measured on the same subject by different raters or methods. We model the marginal distributions for the two event times and local kappa coefficients in terms of covariates. An estimating equation is used for modeling the marginal distributions and a pseudo-likelihood procedure is used to estimate the parameters in the kappa model. The performance of the estimation procedure is examined through simulations. The proposed method can be extended to multivariate discrete survival distributions.  相似文献   

Cohen's kappa statistic is the conventional method that is used widely in measuring agreement between two responses when they are categorical. In this article, we develop a fixed-effects modeling of Cohen's kappa for bivariate multinomial data which reduces to Cohen's kappa under certain conditions and hence can be considered as a generalization of the conventional Cohen's kappa. Also, this method can easily be adapted as a generalization of Cohen's weighted kappa. Properties of the proposed method are provided. Large sample performance is investigated through bootstrap simulation studies followed by two illustrative examples.  相似文献   

Models are formulated for describing associations among ordinal variables in multidimensional tables.Uniform association and uniform interaction models occur as special cases in which equal-interval scores are assigned to levels of the variables.The models described are extensions of ones proposed by Goodman (1979).  相似文献   

A log linear multivariate paired comparison model for ties is proposed in which the cell probabilities under independence are those given by Davidson (1970). Altham's (1970) generalized measure of association (iv) is used to compare the association structure between two models, one having full, the other having reduced association structure. Based on the model with reduced association structure, the analysis of data from a consumer preference experiment is presented.  相似文献   


Both philosophically and in practice, statistics is dominated by frequentist and Bayesian thinking. Under those paradigms, our courses and textbooks talk about the accuracy with which true model parameters are estimated or the posterior probability that they lie in a given set. In nonparametric problems, they talk about convergence to the true function (density, regression, etc.) or the probability that the true function lies in a given set. But the usual paradigms' focus on learning the true model and parameters can distract the analyst from another important task: discovering whether there are many sets of models and parameters that describe the data reasonably well. When we discover many good models we can see in what ways they agree. Points of agreement give us more confidence in our inferences, but points of disagreement give us less. Further, the usual paradigms’ focus seduces us into judging and adopting procedures according to how well they learn the true values. An alternative is to judge models and parameter values, not procedures, and judge them by how well they describe data, not how close they come to the truth. The latter is especially appealing in problems without a true model.  相似文献   

Kappa and B assess agreement between two observers independently classifying N units into k categories. We study their behavior under zero cells in the contingency table and unbalanced asymmetric marginal distributions. Zero cells arise when a cross-classification is never endorsed by both observers; biased marginal distributions occur when some categories are preferred differently between the observers. Simulations studied the distributions of the unweighted and weighted statistics for k=4, under fixed proportions of diagonal agreement and different patterns off-diagonal, with various sample sizes, and under various zero cell count scenarios. Marginal distributions were first uniform and homogeneous, and then unbalanced asymmetric distributions. Results for unweighted kappa and B statistics were comparable to work of Muñoz and Bangdiwala, even with zero cells. A slight increased variation was observed as the sample size decreased. Weighted statistics did show greater variation as the number of zero cells increased, with weighted kappa increasing substantially more than weighted B. Under biased marginal distributions, weighted kappa with Cicchetti weights were higher than with squared weights. Both statistics for observer agreement behaved well under zero cells. The weighted B was less variable than the weighted kappa under similar circumstances and different weights. In general, B's performance and graphical interpretation make it preferable to kappa under the studied scenarios.  相似文献   

The authors describe a model‐based kappa statistic for binary classifications which is interpretable in the same manner as Scott's pi and Cohen's kappa, yet does not suffer from the same flaws. They compare this statistic with the data‐driven and population‐based forms of Scott's pi in a population‐based setting where many raters and subjects are involved, and inference regarding the underlying diagnostic procedure is of interest. The authors show that Cohen's kappa and Scott's pi seriously underestimate agreement between experts classifying subjects for a rare disease; in contrast, the new statistic is robust to changes in prevalence. The performance of the three statistics is illustrated with simulations and prostate cancer data.  相似文献   

部分线性模型是一类非常重要的半参数回归模型,由于它既含有参数部分又含有非参数部分,与常规的线性模型相比具有更强的适应性和解释能力。文章研究带有局部平稳协变量的固定效应部分线性面板数据模型的统计推断。首先提出一个两阶段估计方法得到模型中未知参数和非参数函数的估计,并证明估计量的渐近性质,然后运用不变原理构造出非参数函数的一致置信带,最后通过数值模拟研究和实例分析验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   


An information framework is proposed for studying uncertainty and disagreement of economic forecasters. This framework builds upon the mixture model of combining density forecasts through a systematic application of the information theory. The framework encompasses the measures used in the literature and leads to their generalizations. The focal measure is the Jensen–Shannon divergence of the mixture which admits Kullback–Leibler and mutual information representations. Illustrations include exploring the dynamics of the individual and aggregate uncertainty about the US inflation rate using the survey of professional forecasters (SPF). We show that the normalized entropy index corrects some of the distortions caused by changes of the design of the SPF over time. Bayesian hierarchical models are used to examine the association of the inflation uncertainty with the anticipated inflation and the dispersion of point forecasts. Implementation of the information framework based on the variance and Dirichlet model for capturing uncertainty about the probability distribution of the economic variable are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Familial binary data occur in a wide range of scientific investigations. Numerous measures of association have been proposed in the literature for the study of intra-family dependence of the binary variables. These measures include correlations, odd ratios, kappa statistics, and relative risks. We study the permissible ranges of these measures of association such that a joint distribution exists for the familial binary variables. Our results are useful for developing efficient estimation methods for the measures of association.  相似文献   

It is often of interest to measure the agreement between a number of raters when an outcome is nominal or ordinal. The kappa statistic is used as a measure of agreement. The statistic is highly sensitive to the distribution of the marginal totals and can produce unreliable results. Other statistics such as the proportion of concordance, maximum attainable kappa and prevalence and bias adjusted kappa should be considered to indicate how well the kappa statistic represents agreement in the data. Each kappa should be considered and interpreted based on the context of the data being analysed. Copyright © 2014 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The kappa coefficient is a widely used measure for assessing agreement on a nominal scale. Weighted kappa is an extension of Cohen's kappa that is commonly used for measuring agreement on an ordinal scale. In this article, it is shown that weighted kappa can be computed as a function of unweighted kappas. The latter coefficients are kappa coefficients that correspond to smaller contingency tables that are obtained by merging categories.  相似文献   

The joint models for longitudinal data and time-to-event data have recently received numerous attention in clinical and epidemiologic studies. Our interest is in modeling the relationship between event time outcomes and internal time-dependent covariates. In practice, the longitudinal responses often show non linear and fluctuated curves. Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to use penalized splines with a truncated polynomial basis to parameterize the non linear longitudinal process. Then, the linear mixed-effects model is applied to subject-specific curves and to control the smoothing. The association between the dropout process and longitudinal outcomes is modeled through a proportional hazard model. Two types of baseline risk functions are considered, namely a Gompertz distribution and a piecewise constant model. The resulting models are referred to as penalized spline joint models; an extension of the standard joint models. The expectation conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm is applied to estimate the parameters in the proposed models. To validate the proposed algorithm, extensive simulation studies were implemented followed by a case study. In summary, the penalized spline joint models provide a new approach for joint models that have improved the existing standard joint models.  相似文献   

Cohen’s kappa, a special case of the weighted kappa, is a chance‐corrected index used extensively to quantify inter‐rater agreement in validation and reliability studies. In this paper, it is shown that in inter‐rater agreement for 2 × 2 tables, for two raters having the same number of opposite ratings, the weighted kappa, Cohen’s kappa, Peirce, Yule, Maxwell and Pilliner and Fleiss indices are identical. This implies that the weights in the weighted kappa are less important under such assumptions. Equivalently, it is shown that for two partitions of the same data set, resulting from two clustering algorithms having the same number of clusters with equal cluster sizes, these similarity indices are identical. Hence, an important characterisation is formulated relating equal numbers of clusters with the same cluster sizes to the presence/absence of a trait in a reliability study. Two numerical examples that exemplify the implication of this relationship are presented.  相似文献   

We set out IDR as a loglinear-model-based Moran's I test for Poisson count data that resembles the Moran's I residual test for Gaussian data. We evaluate its type I and type II error probabilities via simulations, and demonstrate its utility via a case study. When population sizes are heterogeneous, IDR is effective in detecting local clusters by local association terms with an acceptable type I error probability. When used in conjunction with local spatial association terms in loglinear models, IDR can also indicate the existence of first-order global cluster that can hardly be removed by local spatial association terms. In this situation, IDR should not be directly applied for local cluster detection. In the case study of St. Louis homicides, we bridge loglinear model methods for parameter estimation to exploratory data analysis, so that a uniform association term can be defined with spatially varied contributions among spatial neighbors. The method makes use of exploratory tools such as Moran's I scatter plots and residual plots to evaluate the magnitude of deviance residuals, and it is effective to model the shape, the elevation and the magnitude of a local cluster in the model-based test.  相似文献   

Sensitivity and specificity are classic parameters to assess the performance of a binary diagnostic test. Another useful parameter to measure the performance of a binary test is the weighted kappa coefficient, which is a measure of the classificatory agreement between the binary test and the gold standard. Various confidence intervals are proposed for the weighted kappa coefficient when the binary test and the gold standard are applied to all of the patients in a random sample. The results have been applied to the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

Independent censoring is commonly assumed in survival analysis. However, it may be questionable when censoring is related to event time. We model the event and censoring time marginally through accelerated failure time models, and model their association by a known copula. An iteration algorithm is proposed to estimate the regression parameters. Simulation results show the improvement of the proposed method compared to the naive method under independent censoring. Sensitivity analysis gives the evidences that the proposed method can obtain reasonable estimates even when the forms of copula are misspecified. We illustrate its application by analyzing prostate cancer data.  相似文献   

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