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蒋伟 《现代交际》2010,(3):33-33
本文主要通过对维扬江都潘氏族谱、江都戴氏族谱等六部族谱中宗族作用资料的收集,通过对祭田资料的整理,归纳出这一时期宗族所产生主要作用是祭祀以维持宗族和睦,从而看出宗族这一特定历史产物在近代所发挥的社会功效。  相似文献   

乡村干部是我国最广泛也是最贴近群众的干部群体,由于农村社会强烈的宗族社会色彩,乡村干部也具有很强的宗族家长色彩。乡村干部的这一色彩对于弥补我国基层管理体制不足,维护乡村社会稳定等方面起着重要作用,但也引起农村基层选举腐败和宗族械斗等消极现象。深入研究农村干部的宗族家长色彩,对于解决"三农问题"和推进当下的廉政建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

华南的村治与宗族——一个功能主义的分析路径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1978年改革开放之后,宗族组织在全国各地快速复兴,而且,随着1990年代以后村民自治的发展,农村基层民主组织与宗族组织之间的互动已成为村庄治理过程中不可回避的课题。在这个背景下,本文试图回答下面三个问题:(1)宗族组织在中国复兴的原因何在?(2)在当代中国的农村社区,宗族组织的存在,如何影响村庄民主的发展?(3)在一个村庄社区内,宗族与民主之间的互动类型,会导致什么样的治理绩效差异?实证分析的结果发现:(1)在华南农村,宗族组织的兴起,是在正式组织功能缺失的情况下,村民对于公共物品需求的一个替代性组织选择。(2)从表面上看,宗族组织并不会影响民主在形式上的推广;但是,宗族组织一旦发展之后,会限制基层民主的实质内涵。(3)宗族与民主在公共物品提供方面,并没有本质的差异。但是只有同时存在宗族与民主的村庄,才具有更高的治理绩效。  相似文献   

徽州,在古代乃至近现代历史上,在中国的大地一直是一个传说,在中国五千年的历史上大放着异彩,现在的学者一直潜心研究徽州的历史,形成了颇具特色的"徽学","随着学者研究的深入,越来越多样化,并各具特色。徽州的教育,一直以来是徽学研究的重要内容,徽州的教育或多或少的影响着现在教育的发展,徽州教育有其精华也其糟粕,有其积极影响,也有其消极影响,以下主要探求徽州宗族教育对于我们现在教育的启示。  相似文献   

中国宗族研究:从社会人类学到社会历史学的转向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一直以来,学术界对中国宗族研究有两种不同的取向。在革命话语的影响下,宗族被当作落后的意识形态和社会组织加以批判;而人类学家弗里德曼则以功能主义为方法总结出以"祀产"为核心的中国宗族运作模式。历史学家科大卫等结合历史学和社会人类学的研究取径,提出"入住权"的概念和"宗族是一种文化资源和控产机构"等论断,显示出超越功能主义的具有整体历史视野的宗族研究学术路径,是从中国历史发展演变逻辑出发的历史人类学宗族研究的一种成功实践。  相似文献   

宗族的再思考——一种人类学的比较视野   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
非洲的宗族理论在 2 0世纪中期对整个西方人类学的研究曾经起到范式的作用 ,影响了包括中国在内的诸多非西方社会中的宗族研究。① 在这些研究中 ,宗族被当作一个研究框架来把握整体社会。但作为一个盛极一时的研究范式 ,所遭到的批评也最为沉重。宗族理论以血缘关系推导出来的亲属制度为基础 ,在民族志研究中建构了一个个由继嗣群体组成的非西方社会。当作为基础的血缘关系遭到地缘关系的颠覆时 ,宗族理论几乎到了可以放弃的地步 (Kuper,1 982 :71 - 95 )。共居一地产生的地缘关系成了新的理论思考的基础 ,原本以宗族理论为核心的亲属制度…  相似文献   

近日,来自英国北安普敦大学商学院、首都经贸大学劳动经济学院的学者以及本土社会企业代表,在京举办了“中国社会企业发展的机遇和挑战”论坛。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出中国传统社会的宗族形态及其内涵 ,因社会经济条件和文化背景差别 ,在不同时期和不同地区呈现出许多差异。在福建、广东、香港、澳门等地区广泛存在的宗族组织 ,是该地区独特的文化和历史过程的产物。宗族发展历史中的文化过程 ,蕴涵着社会变迁的重要信息。从意识形态的角度来考虑的话 ,作为组织严密、结构完整、制度完善的中国宗族组织 ,到本世纪 5 0年代可以说已划上了句号。但这种制度化宗族的消失并不意味着基于血缘和文化机制的宗族关系的解体。这种关系即使是在运动频繁的 5 0到 70年代 ,也并没有为轰轰烈烈的革命运动…  相似文献   

村庄民主及其影响因素:一项基于400个村庄的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
村庄基层民主在中国的发展已经近30年,在对这一领域的诸多讨论中,有一个问题仍未得到令人满意的回答:村庄民主在不同地区之间的差异,其背后的影响因素是什么?本文试图使用一个全国性的大样本来定量化地考察各方面因素对村庄民主的影响。本文不仅讨论经济因素,同时也将组织因素与政治因素纳入模型进行定量分析。实证结果显示:(1)从经济因素来看,人均村民收入并不会影响村庄民主;而人均集体收入却呈现一个显著的曲线效果;本地非农经济的发展会促进村庄民主。(2)中国乡土社会的本土性组织资源对于村庄民主的发展具有不可忽略的重要作用:宗族组织的存在会有效地促进村庄民主的发展;村民之间互助程度高的村庄社区也有利于村庄民主。(3)政治因素对村庄民主的效果在本文并未得到证明。  相似文献   

本期特稿的内容与“中国学论坛”有关。一讲到“中国学”(China Studies),就会讲到它的另一个更学术化的英译名Sinology。20多年前我研读英国社会人类学家莫里斯·弗里德曼的名著《中国的宗族与社会》(Chinese Lineage and Society)时就注意过这个词,并且还知道可以译成“汉学”(不是中国学术史上与“宋学”相对的那个老气横秋的“汉学”,含义广  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue provide important, new insight into the evolutionary roots of expressive behavior. Across the three articles, a strong argument is made for behavioral mimicry, expressivity, and laughter providing adaptive value to ancestral humans that is still reflected in our modern world. The place of an evolutionary analysis in the development of a broader functional approach to nonverbal communication is described and discussed. Each article proposes specific dynamics through which expressive behaviors predispose receivers to respond in a manner benefitting the sender. The mediating mechanisms advanced in the articles are examined more closely and modifications in the proposed processes are considered.  相似文献   

AIDS education, prevention strategies, and support services for gay and bisexual Latinos have traditionally been inadequate, even though surveillance data demonstrate that the risk of contracting AIDS is two and one-half times greater for gay or bisexual Latino men than for their white counterparts. Language, culture, disproportionate poverty, and different definitions of gay or bisexual identity in Latino communities must be considered when addressing AIDS issues among Latino groups in the United States. It should not be assumed that outreach, education and prevention programs which may be appropriate for whites or African Americans will be appropriate for Latinos. This article offers a theoretical framework for developing a culturally-sensitive AIDS prevention program for gay and bisexual Latino men.  相似文献   

Elder abuse exists in Japan. Not only is recognition of the problem inadequate, but there are few systematic efforts to deal with it. This paper describes a small-scale survey that explored the conflictual relationship between wives and mothers-in-law. Since the end of World War II, the positions of the wife and that of the mother-in-law have been reversed, resulting in a weaker position for the latter. This change from the traditional relationship may be a source of elder abuse.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):275-295
In this multiply-authored account, five academicians discuss the connections between their work as clinicians and their clinical qualitative research. Each saw connections between practice and research, and each in her or his own domain of interest has found that practice informs research and research informs practice. This article also introduces three major types of qualitative clinical family research: conversational analysis, recursive frame analysis, and hermeneutic phenomenology.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):15-50
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(3-4):161-170
Aspects of management and succession in any business can be analysed as though they involved intergenerational family relationships, whether in fact or by metaphor. Summaries are provided of research on management of offspring and intergenerational succession in business families and then extended metaphorically to managament and succession when the people involved are not relatives. Metaphoric analysis leads to a discussion of family of origin intrusions into work situations and the issues involved in succession when a successor and person succeeded are markedly different in age.  相似文献   

Women and HIV:     
Women constitute one of the fastest growing groups of people infected with HIV. Women have always been affected by HIV as informal or formal caregivers. Despite this, HIV services and education have been directed almost exclusively towards men. Given that women comprise half of the workforce, the change in the face of the epidemic requires a reexamination of the EAP professional's approach to AIDS education and services. This article delineates HTV-related issues specific to women and their impact on the functions of the EAP. Suggestions are made for targeting AIDS workplace education and prevention to women. The implications of women's issues on early identification, counseling, and referral by EAP professionals are also explored. Consideration is given to the cultural and socioeconomic diversity of women affected by HIV.  相似文献   

Housing is conceptualized as a source of positive or negative status. Some environmentally related indicators of status are generated to open new lines of inquiry. The social class limits of new housing as a Source of accorded status are discussed.  相似文献   

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