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武春友  吴荻 《管理学报》2009,6(8):1066-1071
通过对产业集群生态化内涵的探讨,提出了产业集群生态化的发展模式,并结合山东新汶产业集群的实践,印证了该发展模式能够有效推动区域经济的可持续发展,以期为产业集群的转型提供借鉴.  相似文献   

通过构建循环经济产业系统结构,建立了资源循环利用的分室模型及其动态方程系统;定义了测量资源循环利用效率的循环倍数及其计算公式.模拟结果显示资源循环利用不仅能够实现自然资源的数量积累,提高资源循环利用效率,还能够通过产业创新优化循环经济产业系统结构,降低对自然环境的废物排放.本文所研究的循环经济产业系统的分室模型方法还可以用来检测区域经济系统,国民经济系统或生态产业园区等资源循环利用效率和环境排放程度.  相似文献   

Complexity leadership in bureaucratic forms of organizing: A meso model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We consider Complexity Leadership Theory [Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. The Leadership Quarterly.] in contexts of bureaucratic forms of organizing to describe how adaptive dynamics can work in combination with administrative functions to generate emergence and change in organizations. Complexity leadership approaches are consistent with the central assertion of the meso argument that leadership is multi-level, processual, contextual, and interactive. In this paper we focus on the adaptive function, an interactive process between adaptive leadership (an agentic behavior) and complexity dynamics (non-agentic social dynamics) that generates emergent outcomes (e.g., innovation, learning, adaptability) for the firm. Propositions regarding the actions of complexity leadership in bureaucratic forms of organizing are offered.  相似文献   

基于区域集聚的产业价值共享模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济和技术的不断发展,传统的关于区域产业集聚的产业共享观点存在的产业背景发生了巨大的变化.本文拟对区域集聚的产业价值共享问题研究,提出区域产业集聚是基于区域产业能力的一种产业能动选择,塑造产业竞争优势是产业能动选择的新的发展目标,产业价值共享是培育产业核心能力的内在要求,而优势产业和产业优势要素是区域产业选择和产业价值共享的目标,并为二次产业提供基础和依据,构建了基于区域集聚的产业价值共享模型.  相似文献   

Michele Salvati 《LABOUR》1989,3(1):41-72
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this paper is to test the Regulation Theory (la Théorie de la Régulation) ‘ on a subject — the long cycle of rigidity/flexibility in labour markets and industrial relations we have experienced between the late sixties and now — that should be one of the central concerns of such a theory, being linked to one of its basic concepts: the Rapport Salarial. Does the theory of regulation help us (more than rival theoretical frameworks do) in explaining why we underwent a rigidity/flexibility cycle? And in explaining why this cycle took such different forms in different countries? In order to achieve this purpose, the author first distinguishes several meanings, or dimensions, or rigidity/flexibility (money and real wage, numerical, functional, intensive, dualistic, geographical) and goes to some length in analysing why comparisons in this field between national industrial relations systems and labour market arrangements are rather difficult to perform. Having done that, the author argues that regulation theory is of little help in understanding our diachronic question — why we went through a flexibility cycle — because such a theory does not make any strong bet on the causes of change in the institutional arrangements of labour markets and industrial relations. On the synchronic question — why the forms of the cycle have been so different cross-nationally — the conclusion is that Regulation Theory can be useful as a focusing device, as an ideal-type, but that a lot of nationally-specific materials have to be added in order to obtain adequate answers. The paper ends up with a methodological discussion on the statute of regulation theory. It is argued that it is neither theory nor history: it is a series of ideal-types of system-integration, connected by ex-post, historical linkages.  相似文献   

The industrial engineer is caught between the Industrial Revolution and the Information Revolution. He is confronted with choosing between pragmatic improvements in productivity and efficiency of a single operation and the opportunistic modelling and reshaping of the networked 'virtual enterprise' and 'extended enterprise' to become more competitive in a global marketplace. The different extreme of the industrial engineering timeline is depicted in Diagram 1. It implies that the two societies industrial and information might have conflicting characteristics which require careful repositioning of the industrial engineer to ensure that the benefits that can be obtained from the two societies are maximized. The development of industrial engineering is presented. An evaluation of the nature of the much publicized information revolution and its impact on society is made. The trend of industrial engineering research based on publications in four journals and the Internet is reported. From these results the similarities and differences of the two revolutions and the characteristics of the two societies are compared. The authors identify some opportunities and some threats for the industrial engineer and conclude that a combined approach is applicable and necessary. The industrial engineer cannot afford to ignore the key concepts of either of the two societies.  相似文献   

We consider a linguistically diversified society and examine the notion of language disenfranchisement when some individuals are denied the full access to documents and political process in their native tongues. To calculate the disenfranchisement indices we use the Dyen percentage cognate matrix of linguistic distances between Indo‐European languages and apply survey and population data on language proficiency in the European Union. We then determine optimal sets of official languages that depend on society's sensitivity against disenfranchisement and comprehensiveness of the chosen language regime. We also discuss the language situation in the European Union after its last enlargement. (JEL: D70, O52, Z13)  相似文献   

Theory indicates that since Germany’s 2001 Tax Reform Act non-qualified shareholders have strongly preferred share repurchases over dividends, even though qualified or corporate shareholders are typically expected to be indifferent between the two. By contrast, prior to the reform most shareholders preferred dividends. As payout policies may be driven by taxes but also by factors arising from asymmetric information of agents and principals, this raises the question whether payout decisions are driven by ownership structure, i.e., members of the management board or other influential shareholders such as blockholders. Kaserer et al. (Z Betriebswirtschaft 82, 2012) investigate the impact of insider shareholding on payout policy. Their study sheds light on the mechanisms behind corporate payout policies and provides important new insights into the influence that insiders’ actions have on payout policies. The authors leave issues like the impact of voting power and of dominant shareholder groups more or less untreated, hence preparing the floor for a whole series of interesting future empirical studies.  相似文献   

This paper responds to recent calls to bridge strategy and organization research by combining Strategy-as-Practice and Neo-Institutional Theory through re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor. We problematize the notion of strategic actor at the field level, and rely on insights from management and organization studies and sociology to advance a theoretical framework that conceptualizes organizations as social actors at the field level. We demonstrate our theoretical framework by drawing on corporate social responsibility rating agencies. We see corporate social responsibility rating agencies as supra-individual, social actors that are predisposed to assume an active role in defining and revisiting structural parameters within the society through their purposeful, meaningful actions and interactions. Our main contribution is to the development of the Strategy-as-Practice literature, achieved by re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor at the field level. This contribution responds to the micro-isolationism critique, and proposes a new focus for Strategy-as Practice research.  相似文献   

从批判性和建设性的视角看“管理学在中国”   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
韩巍 《管理学报》2008,5(2):161-168,176
主要围绕《管理学报》"学术讨论"栏目的系列文章展开讨论:首先检讨了"和谐管理理论"存在的问题,同时也肯定了其"规范学术"的研究进程;接着针对"东方管理学"、"和合管理理论"的相关表述,分析论证了这2种理论比较明显的"意识形态"倾向,以及缺乏"直面管理实践"经验基础的不足,指出学术界应该审慎对待类似的中国管理理论建构;最后,就如何强化中国管理研究提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Advanced gene editing techniques such as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR)/Cas have increased the pace of developments in the field of industrial biotechnology. Such techniques imply new possibilities when working with living organisms, possibly leading to uncertain risks. In the Netherlands, current policy fails to address these uncertain risks because risk classification is determined process-wise (i.e., genetically modified organism [GMO] and non-GMO), there is a strong focus on quantifiable risks, and the linearity within current governance (science–policy–society) hinders iterative communication between stakeholders, leaving limited room to anticipate uncertainties at an early stage of development. A suggested concept to overcome these shortcomings is the Safe-by-Design (SbD) approach, which, theoretically, allows stakeholders to iteratively incorporate safety measures throughout a technology's development process, creating a dynamic environment for the anticipation of uncertain risks. Although this concept originates from chemical engineering and is already widely applied in nanotechnology, for the field of biotechnology, there is no agreed upon definition yet. To explore the possibilities of SbD for future governance of biotechnology, we should gain insight in how various stakeholders perceive notions of risk, safety, and inherent safety, and what this implies for the applicability of SbD for risk governance concerning industrial biotechnology. Our empirical research reveals three main themes: (1) diverging expectations with regard to safety and risks, and to establish an acceptable level of risk; (2) different applications of SbD and inherent safety, namely, product- and process-wise; and (3) unclarity in allocating responsibilities to stakeholders in the development process of a biotechnology and within society.  相似文献   


The paper gives an overview of major scientific approaches to inter-enterprise relationships. A distinction is made between approaches that focus on business process integration (Supply Chain Management, Costing approaches), approaches that focus on organizational collaboration (Transaction Cost Theory, Agency Theory), and approaches that focus on the business environment (Strategic Management, Network Theory, Resource Dependency Theory). Although these approaches are different with regard to their perspectives on collaboration, variables and methods, the paper shows that they are complementary tools in the analysis and design of inter-enterprise relationships.  相似文献   

Petter Wulff 《Risk analysis》1991,11(2):249-253
Many would tend to characterize modern society as steeped in complexity. This complexity is seen by a number of professional people to imply risk-taking--or risk-making--on a high level. "A single mistake may give consequences of quite different proportions from earlier times," as one critic puts it. This hypothesis of increasing risks on a high level--of worst things getting worse--has been tested on fires in Sweden. Fire has always been a powerfully upsetting agent to the social fabric. Today industrial fires dominate the picture economically. The cost of industrial fires is about three times the cost of residential fires in Sweden. It is of interest to note that the damage cost of the worst fires (as measured in insurance payments) does not form an increasing part of overall fire damage costs, as one would expect from the above hypothesis. Whether the hypothesis holds with regard to indirect costs due to production stand-still is more uncertain. We can conclude that the potential of complexity to create large abnormal occurrences may have been somewhat prematurely announced--at least with regard to fires in Sweden.  相似文献   

区域经济发展核心是产业结构优化升级和资源的优化配置。在全球经济结构亟待优化升级和要素资源呈现不同层次紧缺的大背景下,如何合理配置和引导区域资源配置,优化产业发展方向,确定包括新兴产业在内的产业发展战略,是每一个地区新形势下面临的重要问题。一方面,在经济全球化和零边际成本趋势驱动下,区域产业发展不再局限于区域内部资源禀赋,资源流动性加强,区域产业发展的选择更加广泛和灵活;另一方面,资源日益短缺和经济快速发展推动了劳动力成本和资本成本上升,产业的生产要素配置也随之变化。基于厂商理论,将区域作为市场经济中的生产主体,在考虑区域交易成本和生产要素成本的基础上,构建区域产业边界模型和产业的最佳要素配置结构模型,开创了资源和商品全球化趋势下的产业升级战略的研究范式,探索了成本约束下的产业生产要素优化配置模式,为经济新常态下的区域产业升级战略和资源配置研究提供理论指引,为区域制定个性化的产业发展战略提供实践依据,同时对零边际成本社会趋势下的产业格局进行了初步的探索。研究得出:产业边界能够在一定程度下反映区域产业长期演化趋势,在完全市场经济下产业边界是产业发展的最优规模;区域产业的要素配置格局取决于产...  相似文献   

Most social change in the past 50 years in the U.K. has been associated with the relatively slow maturing of a highly industrialized society. There are now clear signs that Britain is entering an ‘age of discontinuity’ and that, increasingly, social change will reflect transition from an industrialized to a post-industrial stage of development. This transition will inevitably involve a transfer of power in society, away from the industrial organization and on to other institutions—the state itself, organized labour, consumer organizations and various pressure groups. In the context of such changes it becomes more and more imperative that business organizations should take social factors into account in decision making and that managers should acquire new knowledge and techniques to enable them to contribute to this process. The role of the management educator should be to heighten social awareness among managers, to stimulate a need for knowledge of the social environment and of social change, to indicate where and how such knowledge can be acquired, and to help managers develop skills and techniques of analysis and decision-making appropriate to social data.  相似文献   

The evolution of post-industrial society is resulting in a `knowledgeeconomy. The changes involve `knowledge workers' in contrast to `manualworkers' of the past industrial economy. The quantity and quality of knowledgeworkers will determine success in national borderless competition. Althoughthe United State's recent prosperity and near perfect employment rate areexemplary, the technology leading to this success has been developed andshared by traditional industrial powers, i.e., Japan and France, and mid-techpowers such as South Korea.This paper examines methods by which South Korea incorporates Americanapplications of the knowledge economy into its system. The interdisciplinaryapproach includes sociological, linguistic, educational, and ethical elements.Suggested methods include double loop sharing, knowledge management withelectronic support systems, professional journals, and professionalinternational conferences. This paper offers a brief history and synopsis ofcurrent developments in knowledge-based systems, and suggests South Korean andAmerican applications. Recommendations also include the emphasis on Englishas the primary language to improve Korean communication among government,industry, and academic entities.  相似文献   

代祺  梁樑 《管理学报》2011,8(4):544-551
通过引入企业道德感知变量,并在整合最优唤醒理论、加工流畅模型、归因理论和两因素理论的基础上,深入剖析了单、双面信息广告重复效应的差异。研究结果表明:双面信息广告比单面信息广告加工更困难,但消费者对其广告正确回忆率更高,广告反应也更积极。单面信息广告的重复效应呈现先增后减的倒U趋势,而双面信息广告的重复效应呈单调递增趋势,疲劳效应延迟出现。消费者对企业道德感知的差异在很大程度上决定了单、双面信息广告重复效应的差异。  相似文献   

在新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情对我国电力市场造成巨大冲击的宏观背景下,为进一步提升我国供电企业营销服务资源配置效能,最大化撬动供电企业的综合效益,笔者开展了我国工业电力用户价值画像模型研究。本文对电力用户价值进行了分析和定义,从安全稳定价值(S)、经济效益价值(E)、契约信用价值(C)与有序用电价值(O)四个维度,构建了我国工业电力用户价值评级SECO指标模型,并集成智能算法中的RST(粗糙集理论)与数据挖掘技术中的PAM(围绕中心点切割聚类算法),构造了一种半监督自动化用户价值识别、预测与特征展示模型,模型包括基于RST的指标体系设计、基于Gower相异度系数与PAM的用户价值评级,以及基于用户画像的价值特征展示三大模块。其中,为增强聚类分析结果的科学性与可靠性,采用霍普金斯统计量进行聚类趋势判断,利用间隔统计量输出理论最佳聚类数目,运用轮廓系数评估模型效果与识别误判样本。以我国南方电网公司下属某供电企业电力用户数据进行模型测试与应用研究,得到具有较高解释性与区分度的用户细分方案,表明本模型是一套可行有效的用户价值评级与特征可视化工具。  相似文献   

数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)与博弈论之间关系密切.传统DEA模型忽略了决策单元(Decision Making Units,DMUs)之间的竞合关系,对权重的限制过于宽松,难以合理评价DMU效率值.为此,将博弈论方法引入至DEA模型,开展DEA的博弈研究,既是对DEA理论的重大发展,也将极大拓宽博弈论的应用研究.本文分三个阶段对现有的DEA博弈研究进行述评:(1)DEA的博弈论解释;(2)DEA Game模型及其应用;(3)DEA效率博弈;在深入分析重点模型基础上,总结其发展脉络,促进DEA理论与实践的发展.  相似文献   

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