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Wuhan University graduates are filling many useful and productive roles in society. Shown here is the university president, Tao Delin (Front 8th R.).  相似文献   

March 8 is International Women's Day,the day when women around the world come together to reflect on their struggle for equality.The day is of special significance to Women of China,so,for the March issue,we focus on an issue that is important to all women:Work.Everybody wants a rewarding career,  相似文献   

The gray building complex, hidden among the trees east of Wangfujing Street—the busiest shopping area in Beijing—is the place where China's two most famous and highest level medical research and teaching institutions are located. Established in 1917, the Beijing Union Medical College is the only key college of the eight-year system in the country. Nearly all of its graduates hold a doctorate degree. The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences was established in 1956 and is the only comprehensive medical scientific research center in China, which merges scientific research, medical treatment and education into an organic whole.  相似文献   

TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, along with the wave of re-education of young graduates, an 18-year-old Shanghai girl went alone to: kettle at Tongzi Township, Guichi County, Anhui Province. Twenty-five years later, she became vice mayor of Hefei, capital of Anhui Province. She is also a member of a democratic party among the municipal officials. Zhu Weifang arrived at the remote Tongzi Township from Shanghai in 1969.  相似文献   

ON January 8, 1996, China Women's News carded this incredible news on the front page: at the second graduate supply-demand meetings held by the national personnel market, 27 of 42 state organizations, said either that they would not employ female graduates, or would restrict the numbers. This news drew strong responses from the public. In September, 1995, the UN Fourth World Conference on Women with "equality, development and peace" as its theme was held in Beijing. At the Conference, Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, solemnly announced that gender equality is a basic national policy of China. And the government recently promulgated a platform called The Program for the Development of Chinese Women. The female graduates expressed  相似文献   

Complaint Office Established On March 24, 1995 the complaint office to guarantee women's rights and interests was established in Langao County, Shaanxi Province. Its purpose is to protect women whose legal rights and interests are violated.  相似文献   

In March, there is an important day that concerns all women throughout the world: March 8, International Women's Day. The day commemorates women's struggle for peace, equality and development. On this day, Chinese women also reflect on their gains over the years, and plan future movements. The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), the largest non-governmental women's organization in China, has, in the past year, made great efforts in  相似文献   

Red Army Woman Huang Haiyun Tells a Story about the Long March红军女战士黄海云讲述长征的故事Huang Haiyun,86,is a veteran of theLong March and,before this year's ArmyDay(August 1),the Red Army woman.now healthily living in Guangzhou City,told her story to the media.grasslands.“she continued.At that time.Huang Haiyun was a nurse in charge oflooking after the wounded.However,under extremely difficult circumstances theRed Army was short of not only medicine  相似文献   

It is my pleasure to be here in Hong Kong at the Beijing + 15 Forum of Status of Women amid the elegance and charm of China's Pearl of the Orient, and to have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the women of Hong Kong their good works. As this year marks the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, it is an apt date indeed for the Hong Kong Federation of Women to hold this forum. One hundred years ago, the Second International Socialist Women's Conference designated March 8 International Women's Day. Since then, March 8 has been a festival for women around the world.  相似文献   

Li Huanying may be 101,but she is just as committed-and active,even though she doesn't travel as much-in efforts to prevent and treat leprosy.She for decades has been devoted to treating those once discriminated against by society,and she has consistently shared her leprosy research and therapies with the world.In March,the All-China Womens Federation(ACWF)named Li a National March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter,one of the country's top honors for outstanding women,in recognition of her decades-long work.  相似文献   

Li Huanying may be 101,but she is just as committed-and active,even though she doesn't travel as much-in efforts to prevent and treat leprosy.She for decades has been devoted to treating those once discriminated against by society,and she has consistently shared her leprosy research and therapies with the world.In March,the All-China Womens Federation(ACWF)named Li a National March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter,one of the country's top honors for outstanding women,in recognition of her decades-long work.  相似文献   

Earth Hour is an initiative that encourages people,all over the world, to turn off their lights and other electricity consuming devices on the last Saturday of March, every year, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm.  相似文献   

TIMES have changed. Now rather than seeking a good husband, women find solace in good careers and self-reliance, according to a recent Beijing University survey. A 1995 questionnaire of women graduates of Beijing University indicated that more than half the graduates believe women work in order to gain self-reliance in person and economy; 36 percent of these students agreed that women work in order to show their power, make a contribution to society and realize their own value. The survey of 1,254 people was conducted by Beijing University's "Women's Issues Research Center."  相似文献   

In October 1994, another excavation site of the Qin terra-cotta figures of warriors and horses near Qin Shi Huang's Tomb at the foot of Lishan, Lintong, Shaanxi Province was formally open to the public. This is the third vault that was excavated from March 1994 after the excavation of the No.1 and No.2 vaults 20 years ago.  相似文献   

WULINGYUAN is a beautiful scenic spot in the mountain areas of west Hunan Province. The director general of UNESCO, Mr. Mayor made a special trip from its general headquarters in Paris to the Great Hall of People in Beijing on March 28, 1993, and issued a certificate putting Wulingyuan in the Book of the Natural  相似文献   

Asunny day in March, 1995. At a panel discussion during the Third Session of the Eighth National People's Congress, a dignified woman deputy was composedly voicing her views about the Education Law that would be passed. This is Ye Shuhua, the renowned astronomer and one of the Ten Outstanding Chinese Women of 1995. Ye Shuhua is 68 years old this year. Her life and career was closely connected with an era of changes and setbacks, but she has achieved remarkable success. Her success shows us the truth in the saying  相似文献   

March 8th is International Women's Day. This day is an ideal opportunity to reflect on the progress made to advance women's equality, to assess the challenges facing women in contemporary society and to consider future steps to enhance the status of women and, of course, to celebrate the gains made in these areas. During this commemoration, the All-China Women's Federation will honor Chinese women who have made outstanding achievements. The honorees set an example, inspiring women to utilize their full potential for the good of society and to realize their own value  相似文献   

Awakening of Insects The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.Awakening of Insects,the third sola term,is from March 5-20 this year.During this period,you may feel a rise in temperature,and notice the increased rainfall.The name of the solar term-Awake ning of In sects-refers to the fact that animals,which hibernate during winter,are awakened by spring thunder,and that everything on earth is returning,to life.Farmers in most regions of China begin plowing fields during Awakening of Insects.  相似文献   

When March comes with its spring breezes, it is the time for many minority nationalities that inhabit southwestern China to hold their traditional festivities. There are two aims for these activities: to pray for a good harvest, to increase vigor fot production before the spring sowing and to develop commercial trade to improve life. These activities are usually occassions for young people to date and enjoy themselves.  相似文献   

IN March, 1994, Liu Ji, Vice Minister of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission (SPCSC) announced the "National Fitness Program" on behalf of Chinese government at the World Sports-for-All Congress in Uruguay. Almost all the participants thought it important to carry out the program in a country with a population of 1.2 billion. It not only helps improve Chinese people's health but also the world's average standard of health. The "National Fitness Program" is an overall, century-spanning, systematic project, which is snowballing. In 1994, the SPCSC issued the One-Two-One Project of the  相似文献   

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