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“网络暴力”是网络技术风险与网下社会风险经由网络行为主体的交互行动而发生交叠,继而可能致使当事人的名誉权、隐私权等人格权益受损的一系列网络失范行为.它的产生,主要涉及网络技术发展、社会急剧转型及网民群体结构三个风险源:网络技术的风险特性是催生网络暴力的潜在根源;社会转型过程中风险的无序释放是催生网络暴力的现实动因;网民群体年轻化的结构特点和泛道德化的文化心理是催生网络暴力的重要因素.应对网络暴力的关键在于,通过建构以政府部门为主导、以社会力量为主体、网民自主参与的多元化治理结构,以减少各类风险发生交叠、共振的频率.  相似文献   

李学丽 《学术交流》2001,(6):117-120
21世纪,全世界将跨入网络化时代,网络不纯粹是一个技术概念,它还被融入了情感的内涵;正在影响和改变着人类的生存环境与生活方式,塑造新的世界图景;同时网络技术渗透着主体性.  相似文献   

高新技术产业人才风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展高新技术,人才是关键.本文以高新技术产业人才风险为分析对象,通过对高新技术企业的人才结构与机制、人才社会流动及其影响、人才风险及风险因素的探讨,结合我国现状,从人才短缺和流失风险入手,提出了发展人才市场,建立和完善培训网络;实行知识产权资本化,健全现代企业制度;改革社会保障制度,切实降低人才流动障碍;强化人才意识,树立"以人为本"的企业方针等我国高新技术产业人才风险的宏微观改善之对策.  相似文献   

自助旅游者对网络旅游信息的需求研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以北京自助旅游者为对象,通过问卷调查和访谈发现,由于社会特征和收入不同,自助旅游者对旅游目的地信息的需求有所差别,目前绝大多数网站提供的旅游目的地信息不能满足自助旅游者的需求。  相似文献   

网络伦理及其技术考量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨莉 《社科纵横》2005,20(4):68
网络伦理是信息伦理的组成部分,网络伦理的发展落后于网络安全技术的发展导致网络伦理存在巨大的真空,为网络犯罪和网络不道德现象留下了可乘之机,身份认证、网络社区伦理道德监管中心和网络诚信体系的建立将有助于规范网络伦理,促进网络伦理的健康发展。  相似文献   

郦晓 《东西南北》2011,(5):32-35
土豆VS优酷,中华英才VS智联招聘……这一系列“激战”的背后,都与同一个女人,风险投资商徐新相联系。  相似文献   

万生更 《社科纵横》2010,25(4):128-129,135
信息哲学将世界中的所有事物或现象具体归属为物质世界和信息世界,因此,人类的生活可分为物质生活和信息生活两部分。网络生活是不同于物质生活的信息生活,是主体在网络空间,借助于数字和符号的中介,进行的信息活动。网络生活的逻辑起点是信息认识,网络生活是对认识的虚拟而建构起来的一种信息生活。从信息认识发生的一般机制出发,探讨信息建构与网络行为的内在机理,提出实现网络生活优化的理路。  相似文献   

网络直播行业是随着互联网的快速发展而出现的新兴产业,它在丰富广大人民群众业余生活、带动就业、繁荣经济的同时,也出现了不容忽视的法律风险,包括:网络直播内容可能涉及色情暴力等违法犯罪内容,可能侵犯他人知识产权、肖像权和隐私权,也存在着严重的偷税漏税风险。网络直播行业要获得健康发展,避免如上法律风险,就必须完善相关立法、加强执法监督、明确网络直播平台的法律义务、提高网络直播行业人员的法治素养。  相似文献   

互联网的广泛普及所带来传播方式的革命性变革及舆论格局的深刻变化,业已成为扩大舆论宣传工作影响的新阵地和新平台。无疑,网络舆论已经成为社会舆论的重要组成部分,并深刻地影响到人们的思想观念和行为方式。然而,网络空间交织着良莠难分的社会思潮、网络信息更是真实性与虚假性并存,所以,必须坚持用社会主义核心价值体系引领多元网络思潮;同时,要加强对网络"意见领袖"的引导、加强网络谣言治理,如此方能营造健康的网络舆论氛围。其中,网络媒体工作者肩负着重要的职责和使命。  相似文献   

中巴经济走廊面临的风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚芸 《南亚研究》2015,(2):35-45
中国国家主席习近平访巴后,中巴经济走廊正式步入全面实施阶段。虽然中巴经济走廊发展前景向好,但值得注意的是,经济走廊仍面临一系列风险。政治上,巴基斯坦政局存在不稳定因素,且各政党还未真正就经济走廊路线达成共识;经济上,巴基斯坦产业基础薄弱,投资环境欠佳;安全上,巴基斯坦国内安全形势并不稳定,且瓜德尔港所在的俾路支省安全形势更令人担忧,另外中国新疆的安全形势也存在不稳定因素;最后,域外国家可能对经济走廊有所干扰。上述风险都可能阻碍经济走廊建设,需要中巴两国高度重视。  相似文献   

目前,食品安全正引起全社会的广泛关注,并将这一问题提到人类生存与发展的高度上来认识。不容否认,由于技术、制度、管理等方面的原因,我国社会确实存在着食品安全风险。为了有效规避风险,就必须实现食品安全理念的进化和转型,树立大食品安全理念。同时,在此基础上,进行食品安全监管理念和模式的彻底转换,淘汰传统的人治监管模式,引进制度规制模式,建立起信息开放、透明高效的食品安全监管体系。  相似文献   

Seat belts, child safety seats, and motorcycle helmets are not used all the time by all drivers, parents, or riders when they travel. Since the safety advantages of these types of equipment are well established, nonuse could be due to risk incompetence. This article starts instead with risk competence to see to what extent use can be attributed to the net benefits expected by individual motorists. Logit analysis of microdata from the Nationwide Personal Transportation Study shows that use is more likely with larger perceived net benefits for all three types of motorists. They are therefore risk competent enough to respond to changes in net benefits in ways and degrees that are qualitatively and ordinally correct.This research was supported in part by the Urban Institute and the Federal Highway Administration under contract DTFH-61-85-C-00107. Ted Miller, Urban Institute, was instrumental in facilitating the work, and Charles Calhoun, Urban Institute, ran the logits for child safety-seat use and motorcycle helmet use at the Bureau of Census. My colleagues Dan Black and John Garen helped estimate wages. For comments I am grateful to Alan Dillingham, John Graham, Richard Jensen, Kip Viscusi, an anonymous referee, and participants in the Applied Microeconomics Workshop at the University of Kentucky. Appreciation aside, none of the people or organizations mentioned are responsible for the results and views in this article. That responsibility falls on the author.  相似文献   

以博弈论为分析工具,文章建立了中央政府与地方政府的静态博弈支付矩阵,通过引入地方政府过度举债被中央政府监管发现后所付出的成本、地方政府债务风险被媒体曝光而导致公众的担忧等变量,在一定程度上解释了中央政府和地方政府在债务风险控制上达成一致的均衡条件;由于地方政府间在发展经济过程中存在竞争关系,因此文章考察了地方政府间举债发展的重复博弈模型,通过引入奖励变量,改变了地方政府过度举债的纳什均衡解。结论为中央政府严格监管与适当奖励的搭配使用可以把地方政府的债务风险规制在合理的水平。  相似文献   

The use of standardized tools to assess risk for children is mandatory in the child protection sector in Ontario. Factors that can be used specifically to assess the risk of lethality in exposure to domestic violence (DV) cases, however, are largely missing from these tools. Using data from an online survey of 138 child protection workers in Ontario, the current study examines practitioners' risk assessment and safety planning practices with DV cases. Findings provide an overview of the frequency of risk assessment and management strategies within various environmental contexts (e.g., urban and rural) and populations (e.g., indigenous and immigrants/refugees). According to the practitioners sampled, assessing and managing risk are frequently and consistently completed across the province, although specific strategies and challenges vary. Although mandatory provincial child protection tools are commonly used, some workers report using other specific DV risk assessment tools to complement their own measurement of risk and planning for safety. Respondents emphasized the importance of working collaboratively with families and professionals in other sectors to address risk. Implications for future research include exploring the barriers and challenges of using DV‐specific risk assessments in child protection and factors contributing to these challenges as identified by practising child protection workers.  相似文献   

How peer groups contribute to educational outcomes has long interested researchers. However, the possibility that peer groups dominated by either low- or high-achieving youth can have substantively different effects on achievement has been largely ignored. In this paper, we show that while being embedded in a high-achieving network of friends is not associated with increased own achievement, being embedded in a low-achieving network is associated with decreased own achievement. In additional analyses, we present evidence that these associations are at least in part due to influence, as opposed to only selection effects or shared environment. We also examine whether the structure of the network in which a student is embedded might affect their educational achievement. We show that achieving at higher levels positively predicts how centrally located a student is in their network, but being more centrally located does not predict concurrent achievement. This finding suggests that the behavior of individuals is affecting the formation of network structure and not the reverse.  相似文献   

付丽 《学习与探索》2005,(5):142-145
从媒介文化发展的视角看,网络出现泛娱乐文化倾向,张扬感官满足,悬置人文理性,忽略历史与社会意识,使网络文化缺少应有的理性深度、历史维度及超越精神。网络媒介技术以主体感官为主宰对象的功能偏失,使网络主体对技术效果尤其是感官满足效果产生依赖与迷恋,从而削弱了其文化反思能力、否定能力及超越能力。网络传媒强大的消费娱乐导向,集中体现了新媒介文化的商业化。网络泛娱乐倾向中的文化偏失提醒我们,网络文化亟须加强人文理性建设,走出娱乐至上的文化误区。  相似文献   

Spousal correlation in risk attitude is estimated using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel over the period 2004–2009. We apply the bivariate panel ordered probit model to the analysis of the simultaneous determination of the male’s and the female’s risk attitude, using the survey question about general willingness to take risk, provided on a 0–10 Likert-scale. The correlations between both the individual-specific effects of the two partners and the two within-individual errors are separately estimated, and found to be +0.285 and +0.310, respectively. We consider the former to be a key parameter, since its positive sign may be interpreted in terms of positive assortative mating on risk attitude: individuals tend to form partnerships with others having a similar risk attitude. We also find evidence that this correlation increases with years of marriage, suggesting either a form of spousal socialization or a selection process in which marriage breakdown is more likely in poorly matched couples.  相似文献   

We construct a model of rational choice under risk with biased risk judgement. On its basis, we argue that sometimes, a regulator aiming at maximising social welfare should affect the environment in such a way that it becomes ‘less safe’ in common perception. More specifically, we introduce a bias into each agent’s choice of optimal risk levels: consequently, in certain environments, agents choose a behaviour that realises higher risks than intended. Individuals incur a welfare loss through this bias. We show that by deteriorating the environment, the regulator can motivate individuals to choose behaviour that is less biased, and hence realises risk levels closer to what individuals intended. We formally investigate the conditions under which such a Beneficial Safety Decrease—i.e. a deteriorating intervention that has a positive welfare effect—exists. Finally, we discuss three applications of our model.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发展,原有的传统教学模式已经越来越不适应现代教学的发展,本研究从构造学习理论的特征出发,针对现有网络教学环境、课程内容及评价体系并与教学实践相结合,对学科课程网络教学模式进行了有益的探索与实践.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to develop new international banking integration indicators together with their components: openness and regularity (balance) of the bilateral bank flows. We define the Standard of Perfect Banking Integration (SPBI), which characterizes the scenario attainable when bank flows are not geographically biased, and cross-border asset trade is not affected by home bias. We assess the gap between a hypothetical scenario of geographic neutrality and the current level of banking integration, along with both of its components. The empirical application to the banking systems of 23 countries over the 2003–2009 period enables us to conclude that the level of banking integration has advanced rapidly over the last few years and, according to our indicators, is close to 45% as of 2009, i.e., we are not halfway to the SPBI. However, notable differences among countries are both persistent and growing, and the integration level achieved for each banking system differs when either assessed from the bank inflows or outflows perspective.  相似文献   

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