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Childhood sexual abuse is associated with high-risk sexual behavior in men who have sex with men. This study examined psychological and behavioral correlates of HIV risk behavior associated with childhood sexual abuse in a sample of men who have sex with men. Men attending a large gay pride event (N = 647) completed anonymous surveys that assessed demographic characteristics, childhood sexual abuse history, symptoms of dissociation and trauma-related anxiety, borderline personality characteristics, substance use, and sexual risk behavior. Results indicated that men who have a history of childhood sexual abuse were more likely to: engage in high-risk sexual behavior (i.e., unprotected receptive anal intercourse), trade sex for money or drugs, report being HIV positive, and experience non-sexual relationship violence. Results of this study extend previous research to show that men who have sex with men and who have a history of child sexual abuse are more likely to be at high risk for HIV infection.  相似文献   

Through a meta‐literature review, this paper examines the changing contours of Chinese sociology of homosexuality in contemporary China. It unfolds the different theoretical orientations and methodologies that construct the modern male homosexual subject under major socio‐economic and political changes. Chinese sociology of homosexuality started in the reform era and has been dominated by Western knowledge production and the political ideology of the communist party‐state. Fused with the bio‐medical model and the state's modernization project in the 1980s–1990s, the sociological study adopted a functionalist and positivistic approach with survey‐based methodology in the main which focused on the etiology of homosexuality. A new transnational knowledge production of sociology of homosexuality has formed since the 2000s which has shifted towards a constructivist/ post‐structuralist approach and reflexive qualitative methodology. The new sociological study examines the rise of male (as well as female) homosexual identity in China, questions the hetero/homosexual binary and discusses how an individual makes sense of homosexual identity to form same‐sex intimate relationships. By tracing the epistemology of homosexuality in contemporary China, this paper rethinks the dominance of the Western construction and the role of the state in shaping the knowledge of homosexuality and proposes alternative spaces for theorizing Chinese sexual identities, desires and practices.  相似文献   

The authors asked college students to rate the importance of a list of barriers to reporting rape and sexual assault among male and female victims. The authors' findings indicate that barriers prevalent 30 years ago, prior to efforts by the rape reform movement, continue to be considered important among college men and women. The barriers rated as the most important were (1) shame, guilt, embarrassment, not wanting friends and family to know; (2) concerns about confidentiality; and (3) fear of not being believed. Both genders perceived a fear of being judged as gay as an important barrier for male victims of sexual assault or rape and fear of retaliation by the perpetrator to be an important barrier for female victims.  相似文献   

Conclusion The family therapist is an active, involved therapist. He must be emotionally lithe and resilient, prepared to deal with, or deal out, the unexpected. His challenge is to learn to use his own impulses and reactions in a way that the family can use to understand themselves better. He makes use also of any people and resources in the family's environment which might be of help to them. There are some basic techniques and orienting principles available to the family therapist, and it is these which it has been the task of this paper to set forth. Beyond these, the responsibility rests with each family therapist to comprehend himself and his place in his own family, and then to use his creativity to transform what he knows and what he feels into a form which can be used by the families he treats in their development.  相似文献   

This essay reviews efforts to alter sexual orientation using behavioral, psychodynamic, hormonal, pharmaceutical and surgical methods. The essay also examines various justifications offered for such therapy and shows how these have changed as a pathological interpretation of homoeroticism has been abandoned. While such therapy was once justified in language of psychopathology, some current justifications for conversion therapy now treat the matter of therapy as a matter of personal choice and do not invoke the language of pathology at all. That a formal medical rejection of a psychopathological categorization of homoeroticism has not altogether eliminated efforts to redirect sexual orientation suggests that it is ultimately a moral and not medical devaluation of homoeroticism that at bottom drives continuing efforts to control and redirect sexual orientation.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of number of lifetime sex partners on sexual behaviors, sexual attitudes, and sexual satisfaction for never‐married college women and men. An anonymous questionnaire was administered in select classes at a midwestern state university. One‐partner group (one sex partner) women, in comparison to few‐partner (two to five sex partners) and many‐partner (six or more sex partners) group women, were more likely to have been older at first intercourse and to report psychological sexual satisfaction, mastur‐batory guilt, and commitment and love as conditions for sexual intercourse. For men, one‐partner group respondents were also more likely than few‐partner and many‐partner group respondents to report older age at first intercourse, masturbatory guilt, and commitment and love as conditions for sexual intercourse. In an era in which early sexual fulfillment clashes with concerns over unsafe sexual practices, these data provide insights into the influence of multiple partner experience on the sexual behavior patterns of young adults.  相似文献   

We assessed core gender identity, sexual orientation, and recalled childhood gender role behavior in 16 women and 9 men with CAH and in 15 unaffected female and 10 unaffected male relatives, all between the ages of 18 and 44 years. Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) recalled significantly more male-typical play behavior as children than did unaffected women, whereas men with and without CAH did not differ. Women with CAH also reported significantly less satisfaction with the female sex of assignment and less heterosexual interest than did unaffected women. Again, men with CAH did not differ significantly from unaffected men in these respects. Our results for women with CAH are consistent with numerous prior reports indicating that girls with CAH show increased male-typical play behavior. They also support the hypotheses that these women show reduced heterosexual interest and reduced satisfaction with the female sex of assignment. Our results for males are consistent with most prior reports that boys with CAH do not show a general alteration in childhood play behavior. In addition, they provide initial evidence that core gender identity and sexual orientation are unaffected in men with CAH. Finally, among women with CAH, we found that recalled male-typical play in childhood correlated with reduced satisfaction with the female gender and reduced heterosexual interest in adulthood. Although prospective studies are needed, these results suggest that those girls with CAH who show the greatest alterations in childhood play behavior may be the most likely to develop a bisexual or homosexual orientation as adults and to be dissatisfied with the female sex of assignment.  相似文献   

Mass incarceration of young Black men has a significant impact on their network composition and stability that, in turn, may have major implications for health and well-being. A sub-group of young Black men with criminal justice involvement (CJI) identify as gay, bisexual or are non-identified men who have sex with men (hereafter MSM). This paper focuses on the potential effects of CJI on the composition of Black MSM social and sexual networks, their stability over time, and concomitant health and social outcomes. We use data from the UConnect study, a population-based cohort of young Black MSM 16–29 years of age (n = 618) selected using respondent-driven sampling in Chicago from 2013 to 2016. Both confidant and sexual network name generators and interpreters were administered at 9-month intervals over three waves of data collection. Ego and dyadic-level data were collected on behaviors prevalent among MSM and including factors associated with network CJI, network stability, and health outcomes. Generalized Structural Equation Models (GSEM) were utilized to determine the relationship between CJI network composition, network stability and behaviors prevalent among young Black MSM and their networks. In the UConnect cohort, 46% had at least once been detained, arrested or spent time in jail or prison. In addition, 20% of participants reported incident CJI over the study period. Respondents with a history of CJI were significantly more likely to have CJI homophily in their confidant and sexual networks. Multivariate analyses demonstrate that the association between one’s history of CJI, housing instability and drug use is partially explained by one’s network CJI. In addition, a higher prevalence of network CJI is associated with increased turnover in the confidant network, and this network instability is also related to important health and social outcomes. This analysis describes the networks of criminal justice involved men among a representative sample of young Black MSM and demonstrates the relationship between CJI network homophily, network stability and their impact on several key health and social outcomes relevant to this population.  相似文献   

Review of Economics of the Household - The paper investigates the effects of Russia’s 2007 ‘Maternal Capital Law’, a non-cash subsidy awarded to mothers with the birth of their...  相似文献   

This article focuses on gay male couples as they exist within friendship networks of other gay men. By comparing homosexual men who are part of a gay community with those who are less integrated into a gay community, we attempt to show that the sexual liaisons of the former are more “marriage-like.” Gays committed to a community of other homosexual men were found to live more often with their lovers, be more sexually faithful to their lovers, and to have more emotionally intimate relationships. Also, they were found more likely to associate with other gay couples. Commitment to a gay community was not found to be associated with length of a liaison, and it seemed that when respondents defined emotional intimacy in terms of sexual exclusiveness there may have been a tendency for disruption of relationships. The gay community validates the sexual liaisons of gay men in the same way that the heterosexual world validates the pairings of heterosexuals and transforms their subinstitutional sexual liaisons into the institution of marriage.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in male-perpetrated adult sexual assault experiences among women of various sexual orientations using a large urban convenience sample (N = 1,022). Results showed many similarities in disclosure to others, perceived helpfulness, and attributions of blame, but there were also differences by sexual orientation. Heterosexual women were more likely to experience completed sexual assault than lesbian or bisexual women. Lesbians were more likely to be assaulted by relatives than bisexual or heterosexual women. Finally, bisexual women disclosed the assault to the greatest number of formal support sources, were most likely to tell a romantic partner about the assault, received the fewest positive social reactions overall, and had higher posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology.  相似文献   

The Sexual Inhibition and Sexual Excitation Scales (SIS/SES) measure the propensity for sexual inhibition and excitation in men. According to the theoretical model underlying the SIS/SES, sexual response and associated behavior depend on dual control mechanisms in the brain involving the balance of excitatory and inhibitory systems which impinge on sexual response. Previous research with the SIS/SES has indicated one higher-order excitatory factor and two higher-order inhibitory factors affecting sexual response. The present study analyzed the item structure and the psychometric properties of the instrument in a population based sample of Finnish male twins (N = 1,289), and, including 37 out of 45 items of the original scales, estimated the heritability of and the environmental influences on the excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. The twin correlations and the structural equation modeling suggested modest heritability for both inhibitory mechanisms. Sexual excitation, in contrast, was not influenced by genetic effects and similarities between twins for this mechanism seemed to be caused by the common environment of the twins.  相似文献   

Although many studies document differences by sexual orientation in earnings and other labor-market outcomes, little is known about differences in self-employment. Our study contributes to both the self-employment literature and sexual-orientation literature by analyzing differences in self-employment rates and earnings by sexual orientation. Gay men are less likely to be self-employed than married men, whereas lesbians are equally likely to be self-employed as married women. We find that gay men earn less than married men. We do find, however, that for those gay men who are self-employed, there is little evidence of a further earnings penalty, at least among full-time workers. Lesbians earn at least as much as married women, but receive no further earnings premium—or penalty—by being self-employed, again among full-time workers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of unwanted sexual activity among 949 college women who completed a history form for routine gynecological care at the health center of a private university. Included on the form were standard questions regarding gynecological and menstrual history, methods of contraception, sexual history, sexual dissatisfaction, and feelings of depression. In addition, the question "Have you ever experienced unwanted sexual activity?" was asked. Of the women sampled, 6.7% responded to this question affirmatively, far fewer than report such activity in anonymous surveys. These women were significantly more likely than their peers to be sexually active and to report having had abortions and pregnancies to term or having experienced sexual dissatisfaction and depression. Results highlight the tendency of victims of sexual violence to underreport their experiences and point to the importance of inquiry into unwanted sexual activity in campus primary care settings.  相似文献   

Social capital is integral to an individual’s ability to access various resources embedded in social and familial networks that are important in academic access and future success. The types and dynamics of social relationships created by men and women are thought to generate different forms of social capital with factors such as acculturation resulting in differences in intercultural networks and potential resource access. However, the factors that contribute to the development of social capital require further investigation. The current study examines the relationship between acculturation, family role commitment, and various social network characteristics associated with social capital among Mexican-American college-enrolled men (= 119) and women (= 196). Several multiple regressions were conducted. Findings indicate that acculturation and family role commitment relate differently to social-capital-network characteristics among Mexican-American men and women. For women, marital commitment was consistently related to social-capital-network characteristics whereas acculturation factors seemed to be more salient among men. Overall, study variables accounted for a larger portion of the variance for social-capital-network characteristics across analyses for men than women indicating that other factors may be at play in generating social capital for women.  相似文献   

Many authors have questioned the preparedness of family therapists to deal with sexual minority clients. Even though the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) has called for the integration of sexual orientation into the curriculum of marriage and family therapy training programs, the subject continues to be marginalized. The purpose of this article is to encourage trainers to examine their programs' curricula for evidence of heterosexist bias and introduce ways that they might integrate issues related to same-sex affectional and sexual orientations into their programs via the classroom and the clinic.  相似文献   


Objectives: This study examined the prevalence and mental health correlates of transactional sexual activity (sex for compensation) in a university sample. Methods: A 156-item anonymous survey was distributed via random email generation to 9,449 university students. Results: The prevalence of transactional sex was 2.1%. Respondents who had sold sex (n?=?30) reported significantly higher rates of risky sexual behavior and mental health problems than those who had not sold sex (n?=?1,405). Conclusions: Transactional sex in our sample of university students was associated with a range of impulsive or compulsive behaviors that may affect students’ health and well-being.  相似文献   

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