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据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,在北京市西城区的文昌胡同深处,一间小小的、不起眼的、甚至杂草丛生,可以说有点破败的房子,刚刚卖出了相当于20公斤黄金的价格。这处仅仅11.4平米的房产,卖出了530万元人民币的天价,每平米房价达到46万元人民币。卖出如此高价的原因,就因为它是北京最著名的小学之一实验二小的学区房。46万的单价,也创造了北京最贵学区房的记录。  相似文献   

宋臻 《职业》2016,(4):18-19
奥地利是一个仅有八百万人口的小国家,处于欧洲的中心;也是当今世界最富裕的国家之一,人们的生活质量名列世界第四,其经济的发展得益于优质的职业教育.奥地利驻华大使艾琳娜女士曾介绍说,在奥地利有一种独特的制度,那就是在义务教育结束以后,你可能并不一定去上大学,而是去一个特殊的学校,这个特殊的学校能够帮助你学习某一种特殊的技能.  相似文献   

时代在变。开放的社会.快节奏的工作.数字化的生存.工作与生存环境的改变.使人们更多了彼此接近的机会。寻求理解与渴望渲泄,盼望着能交上桃花好运便也成了一些人藏匿在心底的美梦。当情感在婚姻与道德的夹缝中游离的时候.有的人在频繁的交友,联谊、网络和娱乐等等各种机会和场合还真的就和那“桃花女神”不期而遇美梦成真了。可人们期待的桃花运到底是什么?不乏有交了桃花好运的——一位出租车司机朋友曾非常得意地告诉过我.他说一天晚上他将一位女士拉到了目的地.可是那女士就是不下车.说是要请他吃饭。司机有点手足无措,可那女士坚持要请并说只要他肯答应.她会给司机一定的报酬.以赔偿司机的时间损失。司机何乐而不为?吃饭过程中2人海阔天空聊得很融洽.原来那女士的丈夫去国外工作已半年多了.女士寂寞难耐.看着司机英  相似文献   

相比人造的七大奇迹的巧夺天工,自然界锻造出的地貌美景显得更加大气磅礴。从我国的赤水丹霞地貌到美国的波纹岩,再到至今形成机理仍然是迷的撒哈拉之眼,无不让我们感叹自然造物主的鬼斧神工。  相似文献   

陈建明 《安家》2006,(7):130-133
社区商业作为商业的一个组成部分,在中国长期以来一直处于一个少人关心的地位,一直是以自发性的零散商业形式为主进行发展,属于比较落后的商业形式.但实际上其对城市商业的发展和结构的优化起着重要的作用.在市场竞争中,尽管比起超市、百货、购物中心等商业形态有诸多的劣势,但也有其核心的竞争力--便利性和多样性.这样的核心竞争力决定了其商业功能的亲和力.  相似文献   

杨大威 《安家》2006,(10):252-255
九月的最后一个周末,秋高气爽,阳光怡人,距今已有800多年历史的香山公园今天迎来了一批特殊的客人,安家传媒机构联合香邑山项目在西贵香山宝地举办了游香山寻宝藏活动. 平日里坐在办公室日理万机的地产界精英们也放下繁忙的工作齐聚即将翠红处处的香山,参加安家·香邑山今天举办的寻宝活动.香山饭店是今天活动的始发点,体贴的健康体测,刺激的寻宝,舒心的缆车赏景,诱人的自助餐会,还有丰厚的奖品,一切都从这里开始.  相似文献   

倪元锦 《安家》2006,(6):217-222
前言 顾虑-- "商品房"一词,是近十年国家逐步取消单位分房制度的过程中悄然兴起的.而"开发商"也曾一度被认为"不是暴发户,就是和上面的人有点关系".因为只有这样,才能拿到地. 作为一项大手笔的、甚至是倾注购房者未来一辈子辛勤劳动的投资,商品房的品质、价格以及同样作为商品的房子的售后服务是否如广告宣传般理想等一系列问题,长久以来一直备受关注.  相似文献   

1960年的夏天,26岁的珍·古道尔(Jane Goodall)与母亲一起到达东非坦噶尼喀湖岸,研究当地的黑猩猩种群。尽管对于一位女性来说,到非洲森林里的野生动物世界去冒险是骇人听闻的,但这次旅行对珍·古道尔却有着不同寻常的意义——为了实现孩提时代的梦想。珍在坦桑尼亚获得的成绩超出了任何人的想象。  相似文献   

王林生 《城市》2015,(2):75-79
现代化的进程,是一个不断探索的进程.在城市现代化过程中,支撑城市发展的各种要素随着城市社会经济实践的变化,其功能和地位亦相应调整.从1949年至今的60多年中,北京的城市状貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,而基于政治和经济等不同方面的发展需要,文化在城市发展中充当的角色、展示的形式、发挥的作用也发生着相应变化.在北京实现现代化的进程中,文化的命运大致经历了一个由中心向边缘“抛离”的过程,但在当前又呈现出“回归”中心的趋势.  相似文献   

一部电影《红樱桃》,让人们了解到上世纪三四十年代,一批中国共产党领导人的孩子在前苏联国际儿童院度过的一段鲜为人知的不寻常的经历。他们中有毛泽东的孩子毛岸英、毛岸青;刘少奇的孩子刘允斌、刘爱琴;朱德的孩子朱敏;林伯渠、张闻天的孩子;烈士向警予的孩子蔡博、蔡妮;罗亦农之子罗西北等。如今,这群当年一同前往苏联的中国孩子中,只剩下了三名幸存者。  相似文献   

Political intervention is deeply etched in the history and theory of Cultural Studies. The vehicle of intervention is typically understood as textual and the measure of success as ‘has it changed the world?’ This graphic and textual essay argues for and enacts thinking of and practising intervention more innovatively and more modestly: as equally extra-textual, and as a site for experimentation in the folds among theory, practice, and the quotidian. The author’s original black and white charcoal and pastel images are paired with text to explore the potential for an articulation of the visual and the textual to engage, convey, actualize, and produce concepts and insights of Cultural Studies. In evocative images and accessible language it enacts a new mode of engaging the theory and practice of Cultural Studies, specifically engaging concepts of articulation and assemblage, movement and things, questions of identity, the importance of affect, the power of transformation, youth cultures and resistance, The Black Lives Matter movement and matters of race, the struggles of women, the challenge of overcoming culturally engendered hatred of difference, and the difficulties of negotiating change in the precarious circumstances of contemporary culture.  相似文献   

The special double issue at hand offers Cultural Studies engagements with extractivism and the myriad of conflicts, struggles and other processes and phenomena that have risen together with the on-going intensification and expansion of extractivist industries and exploitation. In this article, we examine the political and epistemological stakes of these engagements, and introduce the different perspectives from which the notions of extractivism and extraction are approached within this issue. We argue that as a conceptual framework loaded with political meaning and potential, and able to address the on-going moment of dwindling resources, environmental degradation and heightened social and economic inequality, extractivism and studies of extraction are crucial for the discipline’s efforts to engage contemporary culture politically, and to examine on-going processes of exploitation and subjectification through specific context and cases. Many of the articles included in this issue expand understandings of extraction, and present a broad range of methods and analytical frameworks through which different forms of ‘extractivism’ and its consequences might be examined, deciphered and discussed within Cultural Studies. And yet, what emerges out of these efforts eventually, is the ultimate centrality of the war between climate and capital for contemporary politics of globalization.  相似文献   

上海城乡二元结构的深层次问题突出表现为:城乡居民收入差距仍然明显,促进农民增收的难度加大;郊区人口持续导入,对公共服务和社会管理的要求提高;农村土地和产权制度改革滞后,深化改革的条件尚不成熟;郊区城市化进程加速,管理体制和管理模式亟待转变;新城和小城镇等城乡统筹载体建设有待加强。上海城乡统筹发展要牢牢把握公共服务均等化、发展成果共享化、发展权利平等化内涵,坚持以城带乡、城乡一体、互动发展,以推进新型城市化战略为主攻方向,以加强城乡规划一体化为前提,以加快新城开发建设为突破口,以土地管理、集体产权、社会管理制度改革为支撑,以基本公共服务均等化为着力点,大力推进工业向园区集中、居住向社区集中、农业向规模经营集中,努力实现优化农村土地资源配置方式、优化城乡资源要素流动方式、优化城乡统筹发展方式,推进城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

传统影像建构出大学生的消费者、服务者、普通人形象,却在悠远的宏大叙事向日常生活实践的转向、新媒介、城市空间等面向中被当代大学生解构和重构。这三个面向统合在青年亚文化中。并为大学生进行自身形象的视觉建构提供了技术和思想准备。政治话语与娱乐诉求的分离、日常生活审美化的趋势与商品利益的幕后操纵所形成的合力,询唤着当代大学生的时尚表现者和身体抵抗者形象的视觉建构:时尚的区分与整合功能使大学生实现自我认同和社会归属,同时内生抵抗主流意识形态的力量而建构身体抵抗者形象。抵抗的实质其实是大学生与媒介和商品合谋,当代大学生的视觉建构与大众媒介的商业利益相互邀约、彼此验证,携手建构出媒介暗自得意、大学生自觉另类、社会秩序和谐稳定的"整体的生活方式"。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,青年文化发展出现服从与反思、解放与迷茫、理性与矛盾勾勒的变迁图景,也反映出新时代青年文化的发展趋向。新时代的青年文化景观既具有青年文化的预见性与超越性、进取性和建构性、理想性和生活性等共性特征,又突出表现为雅俗共赏、进退有度、家国兼顾的时代特性。新时代,应注重从个人追求与社会理想的统一、独立思想与过硬本领的统一、青春热情与社会担当的统一几方面入手,突出政治引领、思想引领、责任引领在青年文化引导上的关键作用,推动青年文化持续向前发展。  相似文献   

徐珺 《科学发展》2013,(6):82-89
近年来,上海科技创新体系总体呈现良好发展态势。但现阶段仍然存在着科技成果转化率低、科技成果转化供需双方两头冷的现象。究其原因,地区科技服务业发展相对滞后是一个重要原因。总体来看,上海虽已初步形成了科技创新服务体系,但科技服务能力的疲软仍是阻碍创新型城市和创新型国家的建设的短板。上海应逐步调整科技服务业的发展路径,将科技服务业列入现代服务业的主要产业来培育,进一步优化科技服务业市场化运作环境,有效激发其活力,从而提升上海城市综合服务功能和自主创新能力。  相似文献   

Drawing from stories told by migrant women in Hong Kong, this article builds on previous studies of ‘left‐behind children’ and calls for greater attention to the spectrum of sorts of absent children and to the formation of queer or less normative forms of migratory families. Taking a two‐pronged approach, I present an on‐the‐ground ethnographic and affective approach through several vignettes, and consider key elements of a more mid‐range and distanced ‘global assemblage’ approach to the institutions and expert knowledge that shape the experiences and practices of migrant mothers, migratory families, and the spectrum of absent children. This article posits that one's biological children, perhaps the most familial of kin, can become familiar or even unfamiliar strangers through contemporary processes, technologies and practices of migration and separation, and that the process of migration makes and unmakes conventional and unconventional sorts of families. While affective and assemblage approaches are independently valuable, combined they offer richer understandings of the complex interplay of factors – at various levels – that shape normative and queer families and different types of children's absences.  相似文献   

The paper explores the mutuality of values, claims and social relations in the process of social change. Values are not separable from social relations but are embedded in the shaping and reshaping of social difference and interdependence. The paper focuses on developments around the turn of the twentieth century, and analyses changes in the relative social positioning of children and adults, and women and men, shifting patterns of interdependence, and linked values and ideas about difference. The reconfiguring of generational and gender relations was integral to the first fertility decline, to transformation in family life and societal divisions of labour, and to the embedding of particular values and claims regarding gendered difference, identities and gender appropriate roles. Analysis of these developments reveals the mutuality of 'cultural' and 'material' processes and holds lessons for interpreting social change today.  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen significant growth and change in the character of the interactions between working-class households and financial markets. Individuals and households are bearing more and more of the risks that were once managed by governments and employers, and financial markets have developed a vast range of products to facilitate that risk transfer. This has put households at the centre of financial innovation, requiring the extension of regulation and consumer protection into a whole new suite of financial products and a project of financial literacy and advice. Along with this financial development and its associated regulatory demands has come a new cultural project of capital seeking to normalize the expanded integration of individuals and households into capital's frontiers of accumulation. The project invites and invokes new forms of subjectivity (and subjugation) on the part of households. The developmental project required of state regulatory regimes is increasingly articulating not just a discourse of financial literacy but subordination to the individualism and discipline implicit in financial calculation. Contrary to its conception as spontaneous and individualist, this is an intentional and universalizing project of producing and managing labour's financial risks. In the collective self-management of these risks, the household is now not just a site of risk absorption; it is a major source of investment products (and, therefore, at the frontier of accumulation). Increasingly also, in the name of financial stability, households – not just those reliant on state support – are becoming subjects of surveillance and administration in their internal financial functioning. It is these dual aspects of households as both consumers and producers of financial claims that give materiality to conceptual and historical claims about the financialization of everyday life.  相似文献   

As with all practice knowledges, family therapy theory sits in a complicated relationship to practice. This paper offers a set of reflections exploring challenges of teaching and learning theory for, and about, practice in family therapy. The importance of teaching particular frameworks of practice sits in tension and balance with the importance of the common factors of therapeutic change, and the inseparability of the use of self and the use of particular practice knowledge. Passion and commitment to particular ways of working is held in balance with the need for flexibility and the freedom to think independently. Discipline and focus is balanced with creativity and the room for integration. A number of balancing practices are identified in the art and craft of teaching, and the contextual issue of power and vulnerability in the teaching and learning relationship is acknowledged. Finally, the three ‘Rs’ in teaching and learning family therapy practice theory are drawn out – reflection, the recursiveness of theory and practice, and the reflexivity of self in relation to context and knowledge.  相似文献   

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