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关于上海松江区发展家庭农场的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾海英 《科学发展》2013,(12):56-62
上海松江区改革农村土地管理制度,规范农村承包地流转,创新农业经营主体,培育、发展家庭农场,取得了明显成效。松江家庭农场经营模式为上海乃至全国发展家庭农场提供的启示是:顺应形势发展,为家庭农场成长创造良好的外部环境;培养职业农民,为家庭农场发展提供坚实的人力保障;加强扶持服务,为家庭农场发展提供有力的政策支持。推广松江家庭农场模式,要注意把握好3方面的问题,即:家庭农场经营规模"度"的问题;土地如何"流转"的问题;政策措施"扶持"的问题。  相似文献   

通过剖析上海农业经营形式的现状及问题,重点结合区县的探索和实践,围绕发展家庭农场和专业合作社两种新型经营方式,提出加快转变上海农业经营方式的对策建议。  相似文献   

正自2013年中央一号文件首次提出发展"家庭农场",尤其是十八届二三中全会《决定》再次提山鼓励发展家庭农场后,国内各地和广大农民对探索发展家庭农场的热情高涨,成都市也于2014年3月正式出台《关于加快推进家庭农场发展的指导意见》。为促进家庭农场健康发展,近期笔者到龙泉驿区、都江堰市、蒲江县、金堂县等地,与农业、统筹、国土资源、工商等部门和不同类型的家庭农场丰进行探讨,并实地考察了遛鸡哥家庭农  相似文献   

关于发展家庭农场的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方志权 《科学发展》2013,(12):63-71
家庭农场与种养大户、农民合作社、农业产业化龙头企业都是农业经营主体,但这些经营主体功能不同、各有优势,它们是互补关系,而非取代关系。上海市松江区和吉林省延边州的家庭农场在我国具有典型意义。松江区、延边州为了避免在工业化、城镇化快速推进过程中,可能出现农业被边缘化、农地粗放经营等问题,探索发展了家庭农场。目前,各地发展家庭农场的积极性很高,但认识上还存在一些误区,这些认识如得不到及时澄清,可能使家庭农场培育偏离健康发展的轨道。  相似文献   

发展家庭农场是提高农业集约化经营水平的重要途径,由于刚刚起步,家庭农场的培育发展需要一个循序渐进的过程。中央鼓励有条件的地方率先建立家庭农场注册登记制度,明确家庭农场认定标准、登记办法,制定专门的财政、税收、用地、金融、保险等扶持政策。  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2014,(5):60-68
上海深化农村改革应着力发展现代农业经营的"三类主体":家庭农场、农民合作社和农业企业;着力保障农民的"三项权利":农民的土地承包经营权、农村集体经济组织成员权利和农民宅基地用益物权;着力盘活农村的"三块土地":农村承包土地、农民宅基地和农村集体建设用地;着力完善涉农的"三项制度":农产品价格形成制度、农业支持保护制度和土地征收制度;着力提升农村公共服务的"三项水平":农村义务教育水平、农村社会保障水平和农村医疗服务水平。  相似文献   

近年来,随着家庭农场等新型农业经营主体的不断涌现和发展,引起了国内外的广泛关注。农业生产目标从保量逐渐转变为增效,要求农业生产方式从依靠资源消耗的粗放模式转变为依靠技术进步的集约模式,而一家一户的分散经营制度显然与此相悖。通过对Z省L市宝岭家庭农场深入调研,了解到农业欠发达地区农村家庭农场成本高,收益少;宣传引导不到位,市场范围难以拓宽;防治疫病压力大;农产品加工与贮藏技术欠缺。今后要在政府层面和农场层面探讨培育新型农业经营主体的现实路径。  相似文献   

贾东亮:创办农场书写职业生涯新辉煌他把自己10多万元的复员费投入到创业中,经过十四年的发展,当年的200多亩荒山变成了产值超3000万元的生态农场。他自己获得了全国劳模、全国优秀复员退伍军人等许多荣誉称号,并作为创业者的代表参加了党的十八大。点评:复员转业,是军人职业生涯的转折点,他放着大城市好单位不去,只身来到山区创办农场。面对重重困难,他选择了坚持。从传统农业到三高农业到现代农业,再到观光农业、休闲农业,他用激情和责任书写着职业生涯的新篇章。  相似文献   

中共中央、国务院近日印发了《关于加快发展现代农业进一步增强农村发展活力的若干意见》.文件要求稳定农村土地承包关系.抓紧研究现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变的具体实现形式,完善相关法律制度.坚持依法自愿有偿原则,引导农村土地承包经营权有序流转,鼓励和支持承包土地向专业大户、家庭农场、农民合作社流转,发展多种形式的适度规模经营.结合农田基本建设,鼓励农民采取互利互换方式,解决承包地块细碎化问题.土地流转不得搞强迫命令,确保不损害农民权益、不改变土地用途、不破坏农业综合生产能力.探索建立严格的工商企业租赁农户承包耕地(林地、草原)准入和监管制度.规范土地流转程序,逐步健全县乡村三级服务网络,强化信息沟通、政策咨询、合同签订、价格评估等流转服务.加强农村土地承包经营纠纷调解仲裁体系建设.深化国有农垦管理体制改革,扩大国有农场办社会职能改革试点.  相似文献   

刘景奎,原是黑龙江省绥化地区五营乡的农民,听说农垦系统建三江那边鼓励农民承包大片土地,发展家庭农场,2005年,他和妻子带上11岁的孩子,举家搬迁到浓江农场第五作业区.他的这种身份不属于农场正式职工,因此被称为“代耕农”.  相似文献   

In the twenty‐first century, a small percentage of U.S. children have ties to family‐based agriculture. Yet with the rise of the modern farming movement that emphasizes local and family‐based production, new spaces may exist for involving children and youth in farming. This article focuses on the social value of children to family‐based agriculture in the contemporary era. Drawing on a qualitative study of families that farm in the capital region of New York—an epicenter for the modern food movement—we consider why families farm, how they involve children in their farms, and how they understand children's contributions. Interviews with 76 adult members of 50 families show children to be central to families' goals; they often rationalize farming as a lifestyle choice undertaken for the benefit of their children. Families also actively involve their own children—and other people's children—in their farms. By documenting the way families talk about children and farming, we shed light on the logic used to incorporate children into modern productive enterprises. The centrality of children, we argue, helps explain the success of the modern food movement and the persistence of family‐based agriculture despite conditions that make it economically difficult to accomplish.  相似文献   

Family farms represent a huge portion of agriculture in the United States today. These family farms may struggle to balance both family relationships and business concerns, which can cause conflict among members. Some of this conflict may be derived from the independent, self-reliant nature of family farmers. These characteristics may influence how family farm members are able to deal with conflict, and how they choose to communicate during conflict interactions. This project used intragroup conflict theory and family communication patterns to explore the impact of everyday conflict on job satisfaction, communication satisfaction, and profitability in family farm businesses. Survey data were collected from family farm members (= 204). The results of structural equation modeling showed conversation and conformity orientation significantly predicted relational, process, and status conflict in the model, yet only status conflict significantly predicted communication satisfaction. These findings suggested family farm members struggle with communication, which influences status conflict experiences and communication satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》2005,21(3):335-347
One of the main indicators of industrialisation in agriculture has been the increase in farm sizes as farms are amalgamated to form larger, more economically efficient units. While the processes of farm amalgamation are relatively well understood, the processes by which large farms may be dispersed are less well understood. In particular, while multiple succession is relatively common in other European countries, in the UK the Common Law rule of primogeniture has meant that multiple succession as a means of land dispersal has rarely been considered. This study uses a sample of 154 historically large farms in the South East of England and traces multiple succession over the last 40 years, making observations on possible impacts on average farm size and the social processes by which farms are divided. Almost one-third of the farms were found to have divided through multiple succession between 1960 and 1999. While the farms surveyed in this study were large and thus theoretically more likely to be able to divide, there was no substantial evidence to support farm size as a limiting factor, suggesting that multiple succession as a process may be more widespread than previously thought. This has consequences for our current understanding of the concentration of agriculture in the UK.  相似文献   

In the United States, for various reasons, fewer farm families rely solely on their farming operations for their livelihoods. As the structure of agriculture changes and farm families adjust their livelihood strategies, do the discourses around gender relations in households also change? This article analyzes the portrayal of women's roles in farming households by drawing on interviews with Kansas field crop farmers, primarily regarding their land‐use decisions, but also inquiring about their farms and communities. The article addresses the following question: How do farmers' discourses compare to Brandth's (2002a) categorizations of three dominant discourses in the literature on gender in European family farming—the discourse of the family farm, the discourse of masculinization, and the discourse of detraditionalization and diversity? While Brandth finds the discourse of the family farm prevalent in the literature, overall, the discourse apparent from 30 farmer interviews is more characteristic of detraditionalization and diversity. Although men are primarily the principal operators in farming, overall, women were not portrayed simply as helpers. Rather, their roles are depicted as diverse and important to farm operations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1996,12(3):285-295
This paper offers an empirical test of a middle-order theorisation of business change on family labour farms. The concept of ‘paths of farm business development’ is examined in the northern Pennines of England using discriminant analysis and 34 variables drawn from the published literature on the dynamics of the family farm. Farm indebtedness is shown to be the dominant variable discriminating between farms in the different pathways, although the exact role of farm debt varies between pathways. Farm families selecting the alternative farm enterprise (AFE) pathway can be divided between those that display ‘accumulation’ (principal AFE) and ‘survival’ (marginal AFE) behaviours. The findings are contextualised to the U.K. and an era of historically high interest rates and farm indebtedness.  相似文献   

Farming is still primarily a family concern in Australia. Having a farm successor in place is important as it is associated with the likelihood of the current farmer adapting to external conditions and hence may have long-term implications for the structure and profitability of agriculture. We used current and historical surveys across a number of irrigation districts in the southern Murray-Darling Basin to study the changing nature of farm succession. Irrigation farms with (and without) a named successor have decreased over time, while uncertainty about succession has increased rapidly. There was strong evidence that the identification of a successor is positively associated with the current and future management of farms. Those with no successor in place are more likely to go into a period of stagnation (such as selling land, not adopting efficient irrigation infrastructure and not increasing irrigated area). One key finding is that increasing uncertainty about succession among irrigated farmers in recent years has been influenced by issues surrounding water security in the Murray-Darling Basin.  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1998,14(3):341-356
The theme of this paper is the family farm and the problems of defining it. The approach taken is to recognize the difference between theoretical definitional practices of sociologists and anthropologists, on the one hand, and everyday definitional practices of family farmers on the other. The former focus upon observable behaviour and/or quantitative measures that are used to construct an analytical concept with precise boundaries; the latter are not interested in defining the boundaries of the concept of the family farm but in understanding the nature and operations of their family farms so that they can reproduce them in their everyday activities. They attend to what is most central and ideal to the family farm and this is the basis of their concept of the family farm. Through an ethnographic account of hill sheep farms in the Scottish borderlands, the paper argues that the essence of family farms is a consubstantial relation between family and farm such that the distinct existence and form of both partake of or become united in a common substance that is transmitted over generations. The analysis highlights the economic and social interdependence of family and farm, the process by which the farm becomes embodied through family labour, the strategies adopted by the family to ensure the transfer of the farm to the following generation, and the use of a genetic metaphor to transpose a legal relation between family and farm into a consubstantial one.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of nonfarm development on dairy farm survival in New York's highly developed lower Hudson Valley is analyzed. The major hypothesis is that significant losses of dairy farms during this period are the result of urban development pressures. Contrary to this hypothesis, however, the bivariate and multivariate analyses of data from a mail survey of all commercial dairy operators in Dutchess County as of 1984 and industry survivors, exiters, and new entrants through 1990 demonstrate that nonfarm development has a negligible effect on dairy farm survival; rather, survival is significantly affected by age of operator and by family disruption. Thus, demographic and family process factors are found to be more powerful determinants of dairy farm survival in this particular metropolitan context.  相似文献   

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