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陆杰华  厉丽 《城市观察》2021,72(2):138-145
城市群重大突发公共卫生事件的发生将会对相关区域的公共安全和经济社会的可持续发展带来严重危害.现阶段,由于我国城市群发展正处于起步上升阶段,在重大突发公共卫生事件应急管理上存在着诸多薄弱环节.本文在梳理我国城市重大突发公共卫生事件应急管理体系构建演变历程的基础上,着力分析现阶段城市群重大突发公共卫生事件应急管理体系面临的突出问题,并针对性提出5个政策性建议:建立健全跨域重大突发事件应急管理相关法律法规体系;建立集中统一高效的领导指挥体系;建立多线快速响应的城市群疾病预防监测体系;完善城市群重特大突发公共卫生事件应急保障机制;构建城市群重大突发公共卫生事件应急监测预警评估体制机制.  相似文献   

文宏  辛强 《城市观察》2021,73(3):5-15
重大突发公共事件通常会跨地区扩散,会对公众生命健康和经济社会秩序造成严重威胁,使得跨域应急协同显得尤为迫切和重要.粤港澳大湾区因其特殊的地理位置和国家战略定位,且随着社会要素流动性和城市群一体化的不断提高,原有的应急管理机制愈加与城市协同发展的理念不相符合.基于此背景,系统阐释粤港澳大湾区面临的突发公共事件的现状和特征,深入剖析其在应急协同治理机制运转中存在的问题和成因,探讨其在应急协同治理机制建设中的应然目标和建议.  相似文献   

近年来,高校频繁发生各类突发公共卫生事件,对学生身心健康和教学秩序带来很大的伤害。因此,做好突发公共卫生事件应急管理越发重要和紧迫。本文主要分析高校突发公共卫生事件应急管理中存在的问题,并为高校突发公共卫生事件应急管理提供一些建议。  相似文献   

2006年1月8日,国务院发布了《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》(以下简称总体预案)。这一预案是在非典、禽流感、矿难、地震、水污染、暴风雪等突发公共事件接连发生,我国政府努力构建全国应急预案体系的背景下出台的,是在认真总结我国历电经验和借鉴国外有益做法的基础上,经过集思广益、科学民主化的决策过程,按照依法行政的要求,并注重结合实践而形成的。总体预案的编制凝聚  相似文献   

随着目前的我国各地关于中小学校的各类安全事故频发,所以对于各大中小学校来说相应的建立突发事件的应急机制就显得非常有必要。本文着重对于公共事件的应急机制建立的相关问题展开讨论,并且对于问题的改善与都给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

林彬 《城市观察》2021,73(3):28-37
国家治理因其治理规模与负荷,存在组织效率下降的问题,而风险社会下灾害的衍生性和跨域性却明显增强,带来了突发公共事件应对中的跨区域沟通难题.其中,横向府际协同是提高应急协同效能的重点,横向府际应急协同的信息是如何流通的问题有待揭示.通过提出粤港澳大湾区激发府际信息流通的分析框架,厘清不同府际协同模式间的差异,并对粤港澳大湾区跨域联动实践进行考察,发现激发横向府际应急协同,需要构建统一指挥、上下联动、协议互助、会议协商的信息流通机制;粤港澳大湾区是"契约式协同",需中央引导、自主参与,核心是制定合作规则,通过平衡收益调动参与主动性.  相似文献   

《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》(以下简称《条例》)经国务院常务会议通过,自2003年5月12日起施行。《条例》明确规定了处理突发公共卫生事件的组织领导、遵循原则、预防和应急处理措施,明确了各级政府及有关部门、单位和个人在处理突发公共卫生事件中应承担的责任和义务,还明确了违反《条例》行为的法律责任。什么是突发公共卫生事件?突发公共卫生事件是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成社会公众健康严重损害的重大传染病疫情、群体性不明原因疾病、重大食物和职业中毒以及其它严重影响公众健康的事件。2003年4月8日,卫生部将传染性非典型肺炎列…  相似文献   

在网络时代,政务舆情逐渐成为民众表达对于政府社会治理能力看法和意见的重要渠道,地方政府作为面对突发公共危机事件时社会治理的“第一线”,其应急能力、舆情处置策略都面临着重大考验。本文基于文本情感分析的分析方法,通过对通化市地方政府面对突发公共危机事件舆情应对不力的原因进行深层分析,发现地方政府回应网络舆情时所面对的两个主要矛盾——社交媒体市场商业逻辑与公益逻辑的内在矛盾,以及公众关注现实问题解决的诉求与政府应急机制侧重点不同的矛盾,并提出有针对性的策略,为地方政府回应突发网络舆情提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

李豪 《公关世界》2008,(11):56-57
近年来,我国已处于突发公共事件高发时期。我国政府正面临着突发公共事件带来的严峻考验。突发公共事件带来的危机往往是巨大的,灾害性和破坏性往往是严重的,而政府建立和完善有效的预警机制,则可从源头上提高突发公共事件的预警管理和防御能力,提高执政能力、提高政府公信力。从近年来发生的一系列重大突发公共事件来看,我国一些地方政府大多采用“事后补救行为”,以较大的社会成本解决公共危机。  相似文献   

近年来,我国海上石油溢油、船舶和港口污染等突发性海洋环境污染事件频发,给人们的生产和生活带来严重的影响。故构建一个系统完整的突发性海洋环境污染事件应急管理机制显得尤为重要。通过分析我国目前应急管理机制中存在的问题,着重从应急管理机制的设计、运行和保障三个方面进行机制的构建,旨在对我国海洋环境给出具体可行性建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the emergency fund adequacy of a sample of 222 Asian Americans, using the 1992–1993 Consumer Expenditure Survey. The emergency fund level is measured by two ratios: quick emergency fund divided by three months' after-tax income, and comprehensive emergency fund divided by three months' after-tax income. For both measures, more Asian Americans are prepared for financial emergencies than non-Hispanic whites, African Americans, and Hispanics. Less than one-third, however, met the level recommended by financial planners and counselors. Earned income, home ownership, multiple earners, and education are positively associated with the emergency fund levels of Asian Americans. Older Asian Americans were found to be less prepared for financial emergencies than the young and middle-aged.  相似文献   

Homeless men represent the majority of homeless people. While federal funding priorities have shifted to permanent housing solutions, quality emergency shelters are vital in communities to help these men. To determine the best practices in emergency shelter delivery to homeless men based on top agency representatives’ opinions. Leaders from 21 emergency shelters that serve single men throughout the U.S.A. were interviewed about their facilities, their opinions on the best practices of emergency shelters, and barriers that single men face in exiting homelessness. The main goal of emergency shelters is to offer a welcoming environment. Emergency shelters try to offer a variety of services on-site, but find it difficult to offer medical and dental services at facilities with smaller budgets. Access to beds, showers, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, case management, and access to medical services are seen as vital to the success of the emergency shelter. These emergency shelters have many services in place to help the single male population. The most important services are ones that address the basic needs of human beings first: food, showers, beds, medical services, and storage. Mental health and breaking substance dependency are also priorities.  相似文献   


Objective: A Mental Health Task Force (MHTF) was implemented in 2016 by a collegiate-based emergency medical services (CBEMS) organization to (1) improve mental health emergency response and to (2) address concerns for the mental health of CBEMS providers. Participants: Skidmore College EMS is a Basic Life Support First Response service staffed by volunteer undergraduate students. Methods: In coordination with faculty and staff, students in the MHTF developed trainings, peer support structures, community events, policies, and informational resources. Results: Sixteen students joined the MHTF within 1 year. Over 35 Skidmore College EMS members received training on mental health emergency response, peer-support, and self-care. Debriefing programs, mindfulness-based events, shift-length limitations, and access to informational resources promoted the mental health of Skidmore College EMS members. Conclusions: Implementing an MHTF is an innovative, student-led approach to coupling education on emergency response with programming that supports the mental health of CBEMS providers.  相似文献   

High-profile media cases of sexual abuse may encourage disclosures of abuse from victims of unrelated assaults and also influence parental concerns, leading to increased emergency department visits. In the region of the study authors’ institution, there are two recent high-profile sexual abuse cases with media coverage: Earl Bradley, a Delaware pediatrician, and Jerry Sandusky, a Pennsylvania college football coach. This is a retrospective cohort study of children evaluated for sexual abuse at a pediatric emergency department. Patients were classified as either presenting during a media period or non-media period. The media periods were one-month periods immediately following breaking news reports, when the cases were highly publicized in the media. The non-media periods were the 12-month periods directly preceding the first reports. The median number of emergency department visits per month during a non-media period was 9 visits (interquartile range 6–10). There were 11 visits in the month following the Sandusky case and 13 visits following the Bradley case. There was no statistical difference in number of emergency department visits for sexual abuse between the periods (= .09). These finding have implications regarding use of resources in pediatric EDs after high-profile sexual abuse cases.  相似文献   

High-rise apartments bring unique challenges in emergency situations. To better understand the needs of apartment-dwelling seniors in emergency situations and potential sources of support available, a novel collaborative community development approach was used with seniors living in a naturally occurring retirement community (NORC) in London, Ontario, Canada (N = 2500; mean ± SD age = 79 ± 9.53 years). A surprising finding was a false sense of security, with seniors expecting that management would take care of all needs. This finding reinforces the critical need for better public messaging for seniors, as well as targeted emergency management plans for frailer older individuals living in the community.  相似文献   

Based on interviews and desk review this paper explores social work activities during the on-going armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine with regard to theoretical framework of a multidimensional ‘hybrid war’. The study defines the key groups of war-affected population and looks at a variety of interventions during different stages of the warfare (2014–2016). The paper argues that during the armed conflict Ukrainian social services and social workers have been unprepared to act in emergency situations and political conflicts. A number of structural and ethical complexities have been identified, including value conflicts. The paper suggests possible ways of ensuring social work responses to the emergency situations during warfare within the context of the newly developed professional social work.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of exposure to traditional and social media on protective behaviors during a public health emergency, mediated by situation awareness composed of perceived knowledge and perceived threat. Under the context of the worldwide spread of Ebola in 2014, a survey conducted in Hong Kong showed that, compared to exposure to social media regarding the emergency, exposure to traditional media produced a higher level of situation awareness, which further affected protective behaviors in a public health emergency. In addition, the effect of traditional media exposure on protective behaviors was significantly mediated by both perceived knowledge and perceived threat. However, the effect of social media exposure on protective behavior was only significantly mediated by perceived knowledge, but not by perceived threat.  相似文献   

Community emergency response has received researcher’s attention within the academic and professional risk management and communication community. Such studies help residents to be as safe as sound science, professional emergency management (including risk migration), and public communication can accomplish. Once designed and implemented, emergency response campaigns are monitored to determine what strategies work best to inform, alert and motivate vulnerable populations to make wise preventive (precrisis) emergency responses. Framed as such, this study reports data from a quasi-longitudinal analysis of community emergency management communication in one of the USA communities most at risk for chemical release/exposure. It probes the protective action decision-making motivational efficacy of a spokes-character named Wally Wise Guy. Previous research has demonstrated that knowledge of Wally and its protective response (including shelter-in-place) messaging is a strong predictor of community members’ preferred protective action and willingness to engage in such action once alerted to do so. This current study uses narrative theory, augmented by nudge theory, to further examine why Wally’s advice is useful in community emergency response. In specific, it asks whether Wally, a turtle spokes-character, nudges citizens to know and comply with emergency management advisories to shelter-in-place as notified.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the experiences of fifteen organizational leaders and staff members who were responsible for caring for adults and children with disabilities during a 2014 winter storm. This study integrates the literature bases of emergency management and organizational improvisation. In response to this severe unexpected winter weather event, organizational leaders and staff members demonstrated creativity and flexibility in addressing the needs of clients, students, and patients, including adults and children with disabilities. The study concludes with reflections about emergency planning and organizational improvisation, practical implications, and a call to action to learn from these events and provide additional training and resources to individuals who may be in similar situations in the future.  相似文献   

This study compared emergency preparedness of people with activity limitations, with limitations who use specialized equipment, and with mental health conditions with that of people without these disabilities. Results of chi-square analysis and logistic regression analysis showed that people with activity limitations and/or mental health conditions were significantly less prepared for emergencies than people who used specialized equipment or persons without disabilities. Having an activity limitation and/or severe mental health conditions, and being non-white, uncoupled, female, and below the poverty line increases the likelihood of not being prepared. Suggestions for increasing preparedness related to training and policy development were discussed.  相似文献   

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