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聂爱霞 《南方人口》2012,27(3):43-48
本文采用厦门市失业者登记信息数据库的数据,应用Cox比例风险回归模型分析失业保险对失业持续时间的影响,实证分析结果表明性别、失业前月工资收入、失业保险发放期限和失业保险发放标准会影响失业者失业持续时间。  相似文献   

失业者社会援助与再就业的选择--以湖北省武汉市为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
失业、下岗者是城市居民低保制度救助的主体。文章通过对武汉市失业者的调查研究发现,低保等社会援助对失业者再就业的影响既有正面激励、也有负面效应;失业者社会援助与再就业的主观意愿和实际选择也有相当距离。体现了受助者基于经济人的理性决策与作为社会人的社会责任认同之间的冲突,也成为今后“终止贫困”还是“终止依赖”社会援助政策选择和调整所必须考虑的因素。  相似文献   

中国城镇失业和非正规再就业的经验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
文章利用2002年的城镇住户调查数据和经济计量模型,对城镇户口劳动力的失业概率及其原因进行了经验分析,从中发现那些就职于经营不善的地方国有或集体企业,或者具有文化程度低、身体健康差、年龄偏大、女性等特征的人员,是城镇下岗失业大潮中的主要受害者,她们下岗失业的可能性明显大于其他人员。文章还对失业人员的非正式再就业机会及其影响因素进行了估计。  相似文献   

国有企业职工失业与再就业问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了当前我国国有企业职工失业的三大特征,即严重性、潜在性、结构性。阐述了国有企业职工失业与再就业的六对矛盾:劳动力增加过快与需求相对减少的矛盾;亏损企业失业与盈利企业安置再就业的矛盾;进城农村劳动力与国有企业职工再就业的矛盾;企业改革与职工再就业的矛盾;劳动体制改革与劳动力市场培育缓慢之间的矛盾;失业职工流入社会同社会保障滞后之间的矛盾。研究了影响国有企业失业职工再就业的社会障碍和失业职工自身的障碍,并提出了解决国有企业职工失业与再就业的对策  相似文献   

在劳动力市场中职业性别隔离水平是衡量男女平等的重要指标之一。本文基于2000年和2010年全国人口普查数据,分别从总体隔离、水平隔离与垂直隔离、性别类型职业等几个方面对中国劳动力市场上的职业性别隔离水平的发展趋势和现状进行估计和分析,并进一步比较不同行业和地区职业性别隔离水平的差异。研究发现2000年以来中国城镇地区的职业性别隔离总体水平下降趋势明显。职业间的性别分布变化显著,表现为一方面女性不断向管理层、技术层的职业领域扩张。虽然男性仍在"单位负责人"和"专业技术人员"等具有高权威和高声望的职业中具有明显优势,但是女性在这些职业中的从业比例大幅上升。后者表明提高女性受教育程度仍是降低职业性别隔离水平的重要途径;另一方面从农副业人员中解放出的女性主要向商业服务业人员转移,而男性则主要向产业工人转移。这一变化可能是由性别的自然禀赋差异所导致的社会分工不同,而并非受劳动力市场歧视的影响。职业内的性别隔离程度普遍下降,虽然"男性职业"近1/3,"女性职业"几乎不存在,但是女性在各个职业种类中的分布比例基本上均有不同程度的提高。我国各个省份的职业性别隔离水平差异较大,中部地区最低,东部地区整体偏高,而西部地区的职业隔离水平则呈现出两极分化。  相似文献   

我国的失业保险就其目标定位和运行状况看,基本还是一种“生活保障型”的失业保障制度,其“再就业导向”功能明显不足,甚至严重缺失,难以适应我国劳动力市场不断攀高的失业人口的压力。必须进行制度设计理念的转变和功能调整,按‘就业是最好的失业保险’原则,重构以促进失业者尽快就业和鼓励企业扩大雇佣、稳定就业为导向的“就业保险型”失业保障制度。  相似文献   

大学毕业生失业持续时间的性别差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用生存模型和奥克斯卡分解对大学毕业生失业持续时间进行了性别差异分析。结果表明:毕业生的失业持续时间存在显著的性别差异,女大学生要经历较长的失业持续时间才能够脱离失业。其原因在于,一是其个人人力资本因素和个人特征对尽快脱离失业没有显著正影响,二是存在严重的劳动力市场性别歧视。  相似文献   

文章以扩展传统的流动人口社会融合的静态研究视角,使用国家人口计生委2010年上半年流动人口动态监测调查数据,从男女农村流动人口工作搜寻时间的角度进一步比较农村流动人口融入流入地劳动力市场过程的性别差异及影响因素。文章采用持续时间模型,通过研究农村流动人口在流入地城市找工作所花费时间的影响因素,发现虽然在给定时间内,女性流动人口在流入地找到工作所花费的时间比男性要短,但女性找到高收入工作的概率要低于男性,而接受低收入工作的概率要大于男性,从而导致性别区隔的流动人口社会融入模式。  相似文献   

中国城镇劳动力提前退休行为的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章采用中国健康与营养调查数据,分析了2000年以来中国城镇劳动力的提前退休行为.结果表明,失业或下岗可能性越大的个体提前退休的可能性越高;失业可能性增加1个百分点,男性提前退休的概率增加约0.25个百分点,女性提前退休概率增加约0.32个百分点.另外,健康状况是女性提前退休的一个动因,但并不是男性提前退休的原因;对女性而言,子女进入劳动力市场后更有可能选择提前退休.文章指出当前养老保险在一定程度上承担了失业保险的功能,因此需要改革养老保险待遇的支付政策,同时加强失业保险的保障力度,完善就业保障政策.  相似文献   

外来务工人员自我雇佣决定机制的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用"中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查"(CLHLS)2005年的数据分析了外来务工人员自我雇佣决定机制的性别差异。研究结果表明,自我雇佣部门的收入要显著高于工资性部门,男性、女性从事自我雇佣比工资部门月收入水平分别高出795、890元;自我雇佣与工资部门的收入差距(拉力)是推动外来务工人员选择自我雇佣的重要因素,并且对男性的影响要大于女性;在其他部门找不到工作(推力)也是推动外来务工人员选择自我雇佣的因素,但影响不存在性别差异;家庭责任会同时影响男性和女性,但影响机理不同,女性是因为家庭尤其是儿童照料的责任选择自我雇佣,男性则是因为生活压力而选择自我雇佣。这些结论呼吁政府制定具有社会性别视角的劳动力市场公共政策。  相似文献   

This paper tries to explain why unemployment has such a severe effect on the subjective well-being of people. It is already known that unemployed have among the lowest levels of subjective well-being of all people. This paper explains and tests why this is so. The explanation is based on the social production function theory. This theory states that ultimately people strive for physical well-being and social approval. Because unemployment affect both physical well-being and social approval its effect is so large. We elaborate this explanation to account for the differences between men and women. Because men and women have different ways of achieveing social approval unemployment is more detremental for men than for women. We further analyze differences between single men and women and married men and women to test the explanation that is put forward. Using the European Social Survey held in 2004 the hypotheses are tested. We do find that having a job is one of the main factors affecting subjective well-being, that this effect is bigger for men than for women and that women profit from the jobs of their partners whereas men do not.  相似文献   

失业是市场经济条件下不可避免的社会风险。失业保险是解决失业所产生的不利因素的社会机制,对一国的社会保障和福利水平有重要的作用。本文通过建立误差修正模型,对我国失业保险支出与城镇失业率的相互关系进行研究。我国失业保险与城镇失业率之间存在着双向格兰杰因果关系,即失业保险支出的增加会导致城镇失业率的增加,城镇失业率的增加会引起失业保险支出的增加。另外,我国失业保险支出的变动对城镇失业率的影响是正激励与负激励并存。  相似文献   

In this paper I study how individual unemployment durations vary over the business cycle, using unemployment spells of a sample of Danish workers. A compositional, an outflow, and a residual calendar-time component are identified, and they all contribute to explaining the variations in unemployment duration. Based on the analysis it is concluded that long-term unemployment is a phenomenon that is associated with periods of high unemployment, but nothing should prevent the long-term unemployed finding jobs again as aggregate unemployment eventually starts falling. In particular, there is no evidence of negative duration dependence, not even at long durations, and not when aggregate unemployment is high. Received: 7 December 1998/Accepted: 24 August 1999  相似文献   

Young people of working age tend to be particularly prone to labor market inefficiencies that keep their wages excessively high and their employment excessively low. These inefficiencies are usually magnified through unemployment benefit systems. This paper examines how these problems can be tackled through “employment vouchers,” i.e. hiring subsidies or tax breaks for the unemployed. It examines how vouchers to the young unemployed should differ from those to the adult unemployed. The employment vouchers considered here reduce unemployment and impose no cost on the government, since they are financed by the induced fall in government expenditures on unemployment benefits. Among other things, we find that young workers should receive lower vouchers as displacement of the old rises and as deadweight from providing vouchers to the old increases.  相似文献   

Transitions from unemployment into temporary work are often succeeded by a transition from temporary into regular work. This paper investigates whether temporary work increases the transition rate to regular work. We use longitudinal survey data of individuals to estimate a multi-state duration model, applying the ‘timing of events’ approach. The data contain multiple spells in labour market states at the individual level. We analyse results using novel graphical representations, which unambiguously show that temporary jobs shorten the unemployment duration, although they do not increase the fraction of unemployed workers having regular work within a few years after entry into unemployment.  相似文献   

This work offers an explanation for the apparent contradiction between empirical work that finds a negative relationship between unemployment and fertility, and theoretical work that emphasizes the lower opportunity cost of childbearing while unemployed. I reconcile these perspectives by distinguishing between two forms of unemployment. The first form is structural unemployment, while the second form is cyclical unemployment, a less permanent component of unemployment that is linked to the economic cycle. I apply a cohort-based model to study both effects over the life cycle using panel data methods applied to a sample of developed countries. My results show that higher levels of structural unemployment decrease fertility, but that the effects of cyclical variations in unemployment depend to a large extent on the age at which they are experienced. Cyclical reductions in the unemployment level mostly result in increases in fertility rates. However, for some age groups, positive variations in the cyclical component of unemployment can also have a positive impact on fertility.  相似文献   

劳动力流动对城镇失业的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章探讨了家庭决策下农村劳动力流动对城镇失业的影响,认为劳动力回流会降低流入者的现存失业率进而拉低城镇总体失业率。基于2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,作者对城镇失业与其相关因素进行了回归分析。结果发现,就失业概率而言,农村流入人口远低于城镇居民;镇居民低于市居民;女性高于男性;年轻组远高于其他年龄组;受过高等教育的人口总体最低,但高校新近毕业生却较高。另外,区域发展模式影响其失业模式。失业水平在东北、武汉、重庆老工业基地出现了本地居民、农民工和总体均高的三高模式,在京、津、沪和珠三角地区出现了本地居民高、农民工低和总体居中的高低中模式,仅在国有、私营、和三资企业平衡发展的华东沿海地区出现了本地居民低、农民工低和总体低的三低模式。  相似文献   

张红 《西北人口》2007,28(1):58-62
本文主要从辽宁省基本社会特质入手,从制度的角度展开“新失业群体”存在的根源分析。主要是从东北老工业基地特有的三元劳动力市场分割的视角来分析“新失业群体”何以在辽宁省特别突出。即由于劳动力市场三元分割,使得“新失业群体”在不同劳动力市场之间的职业流动发生障碍,导致了“新失业群体”的失业。  相似文献   

This article addresses whether low educated men are displaced from their jobs by higher educated workers in the Netherlands in the period 1980–2004. In particular, we test whether structural or cyclical crowding out is predominant in the Dutch labor market. In order to do so, we try to explain the observed trends in education-specific transition rates to entry into first employment from education, exit from employment into unemployment or inactivity, and re-entry into employment from unemployment or inactivity for men by both business cycle effects (that is, changes in aggregate unemployment rates) and structural effects (that is, changes in labor supply–demand ratios for high educated). Discrete-time event history models are estimated using the OSA Labor Supply Panel 1985–2004. Retrospective information enables to study trends from 1980 onwards, so that structural effects can be distinguished from cyclical effects. The results show that structural crowding out exists at both the worker in- and outflow. First of all, it was observed that a growth in the oversupply of high educated increases the employment exit risk of low educated workers more so than that of higher educated ones. In addition, it was shown that an increase in the oversupply of high educated especially reduces the re-employment chances of low educated unemployed men. There is no evidence found for cyclical crowding out among low educated workers in the Dutch labor market.  相似文献   

Are certain groups of unemployed individuals hurt less by unemployment than others? This paper is an attempt to test the hypothesis that non-pecuniary costs of unemployment may vary between societies with different unemployment rates. Using cross-sectional data from the SALDRU93 survey, I show that households’ perceptions of life satisfaction are inversely related to household unemployment for South Africa as to be expected in richer countries. Reported well-being levels are shown to be associated negatively with others’ unemployment at the geographical cluster level for the employed. However, unemployment appears to hurt less for the household if unemployment rates in the local labour market are high.  相似文献   

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