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Central question of this article: Is there a measurable correlation between health-oriented management culture in SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and business success? Healthy management culture has a direct impact on the colleagues health and motivation, as well as on the healthy development and on the healthy results of business. On a practical example this connection between healthy colleagues, healthy business and healthy results becomes clear and quantitative demonstrable. The article is based on the research, “Basics for healthy management culture and business success” of Badura and Greiner (University of Bielefeld), on behalf of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW.  相似文献   

The definition of intercultural coaching depends as well on expectations and objectives of the clients as on underlying concepts of culture. To detect the required competencies of the coach we differentiate between coaching as intercultural learning, coaching in inter- and multicultural contexts and transcultural coaching. Taken these perspectives in mind, culture is and cultures are immanent dimensions in all coaching processes. Hence, in a globalized world of hybrid cultures and individuals the coach needs to use culture(s) as reflexive resource for any kind of coaching process and session.  相似文献   

May coaching be leadership? An analysis of literature on the term coaching. An analysis of the German-speaking literature about coaching shows for what the term Coaching or rather the title coach is used in actual publications dealing with the leading manager as a coach. It becomes apparent, that coaching is not seen as a specialized advisory profession. Instead the term is used as an alternative expression for leadership vocabulary as management style or managerial functions. The elaboration of terms and concepts concludes, that semantically it is meant leadership when it comes to the concept of the coaching manager. To be an exception, the management by systemic approach forms a brand-new perspective about organizations. However, to give respects to the German-speaking coaching community there should be a difference between leadership and coaching as well as notions and titles should be used more accurate among professional management coaches.  相似文献   

This paper discusses conflicts in teams working in the public administration. It starts with a definition of conflicts and the discussion of special terms and conditions, which determine conflicts within the public administration. As such conditions, the shortage of resources, the high degree of specialisation of the employees and the low degree of fluctuation are examined. Finally, a case study is described.  相似文献   

Medium-Sized companies usually have a specific organizational structure and corporate culture. This has implications for Human Resource Management, which is less systematized in medium-sized companies in comparison to larger organizations. What does ?medium-sized business“ mean and who is meant with that? Which typical values form its culture? What are the specific conditions for coaching in medium-sized businesses? Does a coach need special qualifications for this sector? This paper attempts to answer these questions and stays close to the everyday business of medium-sized companies. Concrete Examples will explain specific topics and coaching solutions for medium-sized businesses.  相似文献   

Does coaching need a philosphically substantiated ethics? On the foundation of a systemic value oriented imperative for coachingThe general claim that coaches have to take responsibility for their clients is in contrast to the low interest in scientific discussion about ethics in coaching. One of the reasons for that seems to be the fact that this discussion is dominated by systemic thinking and its conviction that ethical aspects should be discussed as matter of contingency. From a philosophical point of view we can realize that this statement contains many ethical implications. Concerning a further development of coaching theory the author discusses these implications with regard to philosophical concepts of Kant, Habermas, Prange, Heidegger, Bauman and the Dalai Lama leading to the suggestion that systemic thinking should be more based on value orientation. On this theoretical grounds an ethical coaching imperative can be formulated with regard to the “categorical imperative” of Kant.  相似文献   

The article describes a form of group coaching for female physicians during their medical specialty training. The basic approach of the coaching is solution and resource oriented and it comprises five sessions. Participants from different departments are given the opportunity to discuss aspects of their recent working experiences under professional guidance. Participants are therefore able to determine the topics to be discussed by themselves. Interest in the offer of coaching was very high and participants who completed the five sessions rated it very positively. The positive feedback allows us to conclude that as few as five coaching sessions can have a positive impact and can be of support for this target group.  相似文献   

How coaching is accepted in a traditional technological service-companyFor the present article four leading managers (two women, two men) of a big technological service-company were asked about their experiences with coaching. Their individual accounts are interpreted on the back-ground of the concrete changes in structure and culture of the company. The report gives an impression about the fact, how coaching is accepted in a more traditionally labelled, mainly hierarchically organized and male-dominated structure. There are some points of special interest for the implementation of coaching in that kind of organization structure.  相似文献   

<正>一、前言随着市场化的进程逐步加快,企业培训部门正为着如何提高企业员工培训效果、增强员工专业技能而绞尽脑汁。在看似合理且全面的培训系统之下,为什么员工的培训考核成绩并不理想?员工上岗之后的工作绩效始终难以提高?下面将以某外资金融机构(以下简称F公司)对其销售团队的"On Job Coaching"实践为例,从Coaching的过程和效果两个层面来对以上问题进行初步地分析和解释。  相似文献   

The author presents a concept for introducing a coaching programme in a non-university research institute with the aim to strengthen scientific excellence. The paper analyzes requirements for coaching that result from characteristics of scientific work and derives steps for implementation. The results are: (1) There is a tension between individual career objectives and short time organizational goals related to external research funding and commissioned research; (2) coaching should be introduced primarily as individual career coaching; (3) an important challenge exists in sensitizing leading scientists to address this tension between individual career objectives and organizational goals more actively. The paper discusses the relationship between individual consulting and more general organizational goals in science coaching.  相似文献   

There is only poor research and psychological orientated application of spirituality in the field of coaching in Germany. Addressing the sacred in coaching or counseling is a kind of taboo in Germany. We need to define the term of spirituality and we have to find ways how spirituality could be integrated even in coaching training and coaching practice—not in a popular way but in way that is psychological orientated and evidence based. There is a lot of research that shows clear benefits of integrating a spiritual perspective in psychotherapy and medicine. Could we assume the same benefits for coaching clients?  相似文献   

Coaching — orientation on performance and expectations of managersThe author discusses the up to now controversial question what managers are thinking about coaching. The inquiry, developed in the Free University of Amsterdam, asks also for the expectations on coaching. The author finds out, that issues of leading take priority and that not only crises and conflicts are reasons to ask for a coaching, but also desires to improve the personal performance.  相似文献   

“Internal Coaching” addresses a broad spectrum of in-house counseling. Coaching is thereby portrayed less as a profession in its own right, rather as a function which individuals with very different roles can offer and employ. Personnel directors, top managers and special internal advisors present insights into their advisory functions within companies. It becomes clear that coaching as an internal function has become an integral part of the firms. Thus this book is equally relevant for internal and external coaches. Exposure to and analysis of coaching skills from various service points of view can create greater awareness of one’s own role and strengthen professional cooperation.  相似文献   

Coaching as an instrument of staff development is becoming increasingly popular. The different coaching concepts comprehend praxeological and methodological orientations, and their metatheoretical base often remains largely unreflected. This paper situates coaching as a distinct profession with a stand-alone approach within the sciences. In the sense that coaching processes transcend conflicts and presented topics on underlying needs attributed to significant connection points to the theories Johan Galtung and the “capability approach” resulting in the tradition of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum. This is preceded by a meta-theoretical localization of the process of a praxeology of coaching.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on coaching and similar types of consulting in the field of personnel development. First the author discusses the current debate concerning personnel development; finally she describes the special goals, target-groups and issues of coaching, clinical supervision, mediation, mentoring and outplacement-consulting within the field of personnel development.  相似文献   

The author discusses the question, if Coaching is more process consultation or more expert counselling. At first she explains the concept of Edgar Schein with its background. After this she describes the process of coaching with its special sequences of process consultation or expert consultation. Finally, the consequences for coaching education are discussed.  相似文献   

Coaching with double-top: In which cases mediation is to be integrated?The author discusses coaching in a special management setting, the double-top. She shows, that this double-top is usual in several organizational milieus, but that this involves a considerable potential of conflicts on the individual, interactional and systemic level. Therefore, many double-tops consult a coach. If the conflicts have reached a higher level of escalation, the coach should use concepts of mediation beyond the traditional forms of consulting.  相似文献   

In the past years professional consulting practice spread into the universities and reached all institutional levels and status groups. Above all coaching found a large acceptance. The article undertakes the attempt of a critical overview and analyzes the change of roles and responsibilities at the universities regarding both: the consulting practice and institutional changes through this practice. The consulting authority in the field of the university and quality standards must be developed and a quality discourse must be continued.  相似文献   

Mediation and coaching — A comparisonMediation and coaching — two terms which have generally gained familiarity in the last decade. Nevertheless, it is still mostly experts who know what is inherent in these concepts. This comparative analysis will therefore first explore and compare the origin and development of mediation and coaching. With reference to the relevant literature, the methods and strategies of these two forms of intervention will subsequently be presented. After discussing these topics, the paper will examine the personal prerequisites, i.e. the competencies, knowledge and skills that should be required of a mediator and coach. The author hypothesises that the highest degree of correspondence and congruency found in the comparison will be in regards to these prerequisites.  相似文献   

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